Selenium Training In Pune With Placements | Certification Course
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Selenium Course in Pune

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Live Instructor LED Online Training

Learn from Certified Experts

  • Selenium Through Hands-on Training
  • There Are Both Basic and Advanced Selenium Courses
  • Lifetime Access to the Student Portal and Course Materials
  • Trained Over 12,402+ Students and Recruited 350+ Prospects
  • Taught by a Certified Selenium Expert With Over 9+ Years of Experience
  • Next Selenium Training Batch to Begin This Week – Enroll Your Name Now!



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Upcoming Batches


Weekdays Regular

08:00 AM & 10:00 AM Batches

(Class 1Hr - 1:30Hrs) / Per Session


Weekdays Regular

08:00 AM & 10:00 AM Batches

(Class 1Hr - 1:30Hrs) / Per Session


Weekend Regular

(10:00 AM - 01:30 PM)

(Class 3hr - 3:30Hrs) / Per Session


Weekend Fasttrack

(09:00 AM - 02:00 PM)

(Class 4:30Hr - 5:00Hrs) / Per Session

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Have Cracked Their Dream Job in Top MNC Companies

Learn the Resourceful Selenium Training

  • Our comprehensive Selenium training curriculum covers all aspects of the area, from automation to cloud integration, and provides students with the necessary skills for success in the business.
  • Hands-on exercises, real-world projects, and industry case studies provide vital practical experience, successfully preparing students for today's changing employment markets.
  • Our specialized Placement Support Team leads interview preparation workshops, ensuring that students are well-prepared to demonstrate their talents and pursue exciting employment prospects.
  • In this training students will get in-depth knowledge of Selenium disciplines such as test automation, performance testing, and web application testing, allowing them to specialize in their areas of interest.
  • Our curriculum, developed in partnership with industry specialists, is constantly updated to reflect current trends, ensuring that students get practical skills that are in great demand in the business.
  • Graduates of the Selenium training can follow a variety of professional routes, including Selenium automation engineer, test automation specialist, and quality assurance engineer, which opens up interesting opportunities in the industry.
  • To keep up with developing industry standards, look at advanced approaches like as infrastructure automation, continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD), and containerization.
  • Classroom Batch Training
  • One To One Training
  • Online Training
  • Customized Training
  • Enroll Now

Course Objectives

Selenium certification verifies your knowledge of automated testing with Selenium WebDriver and associated technologies. It exhibits your ability to build and execute Selenium test scripts, run automated tests, and analyze test results.
Learning Selenium allows you to automate web testing operations, which increases productivity and reduces manual labor. It improves your skill set, making you more valuable in the job market and expanding your employment options. Selenium is widely utilized in the business, making it an essential expertise for software testers, developers, and quality assurance experts.
  • Selenium WebDriver Fundamentals
  • Basic Selenium Commands
  • Locating Web Elements
  • Handling Different Types of Web Controls
  • Implementing Test Automation Frameworks
  • Handling Alerts and Pop-ups
  • Integrating Selenium with Other Tools
  • JUnit
  • Cucumber
  • Appium
  • Apache Maven
  • Jenkins
  • Docker
  • BrowserStack
Yes, Selenium is extensively used for web automation testing, and the demand for competent Selenium specialists is projected to increase as more businesses implement automated testing procedures.
  • Automation Tester
  • QA Engineer
  • Test Automation Architect
  • SDET (Software Developer in Test)
  • DevOps Engineer
  • Prerequisites for learning Selenium
  • Basic knowledge of programming (Java or Python)
  • Experience with web technologies (HTML, CSS, and DOM)
  • A keen interest in software testing and automation

Is Selenium in demand?

Yes, Selenium is in great demand since it is frequently used for automated testing and software quality assurance. Its adaptability and efficacy make it an essential talent in the software development business.

What are the advantages of a Selenium Course?

  • Developing proficiency in automated testing
  • Improving the efficiency and accuracy of testing processes
  • Expanding career opportunities
  • Remaining competitive in the employment market

Does Selenium simple to learn?

Yes, Selenium is quite simple to learn, especially if you have some programming experience and a desire to understand web technologies. Its user-friendly design and rich documentation make it suitable for novices.

Is Selenium Course remarkable?

Yes, the Selenium course is ideal for anyone who want to improve their automated testing abilities and further their careers in software testing and quality assurance.
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Overview of Selenium

Selenium stands out as a comprehensive set of tools for automating web browsers, with a wide range of features designed specifically for testing online applications. Its adaptability and efficacy make it an ideal choice for software testers, developers, and quality assurance professionals looking to expedite their testing operations. One of Selenium's most important capabilities is its ability to interact with web components, allowing users to emulate human behaviors like clicking buttons, filling out forms, and traversing online sites. Its adaptability and efficacy make it an ideal choice for software testers, developers, and quality assurance professionals looking to expedite their testing operations. One of Selenium's most important capabilities is its ability to interact with web components, allowing users to emulate human behaviors like clicking buttons, filling out forms, and traversing online sites. This tool enables rigorous testing of web apps, verifying their functioning and usability across a variety of circumstances. Starting a Selenium course in Pune opens up a world of possibilities for automated web testing. This complete collection of tools provides learners with the ability to successfully automate online browsers, ensuring that exams run seamlessly across several platforms and browsers. Finally, a Selenium course for beginners in Pune prepares individuals to become effective in automated web testing, allowing them to make substantial contributions to their businesses' success.


Additional Info

Discover Career Prospects in Selenium

  • QA Engineer: Uses Selenium for functional and regression testing, evaluating software functioning across several browsers and platforms to provide a consistent user experience.
  • Software Developer in Test (SDET): Integrates Selenium into the development process to generate automated tests, working closely with developers to assure code quality and coverage.
  • Test Automation Architect: Develops and deploys Selenium-based test automation frameworks to optimize testing procedures and increase efficiency across the software development lifecycle.
  • QA Automation Lead: Guides testing efforts, implements Selenium-based automation solutions, and ensures the delivery of high-quality software products.
  • DevOps Engineer: DevOps Engineer: Experience integrating Selenium tests into CI/CD pipelines to ensure automated testing across the software development lifecycle. Streamlines procedures to allow for continuous delivery of software changes, increasing productivity and dependability.
  • Selenium Trainer/Instructor: Shares Selenium testing experience by teaching and educating people and teams, enabling them to master automated testing procedures.

Leveraging Selenium for Organizational Benefits

  • Improved Quality Assurance: Selenium allows for complete and automated testing of web applications, resulting in greater software quality and dependability by identifying defects and issues early in the development cycle.
  • Improved Time-to-Market: By automating repetitive testing operations, Selenium greatly decreases testing time, allowing enterprises to deploy software updates and features more quickly, giving them a competitive advantage in the market.
  • Cost Efficiency: Automated testing using Selenium minimizes the need for manual testing efforts, resulting in cost savings in terms of time, resources, and labor, thus boosting the organization's profitability.
  • Improved Test Coverage: Selenium's ability to run tests across several browsers and platforms guarantees that applications behave consistently across different contexts and devices.
  • Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD): Integrating Selenium tests into CI/CD pipelines provides continuous testing, guaranteeing that new code changes are completely verified prior to deployment, reducing the chance of defects entering production.
  • Improved Developer Productivity: Selenium enables developers to swiftly detect and resolve issues throughout the development process, leading in increased productivity and efficiency in software development cycles.
  • Improved User Experience: By discovering and resolving flaws early on, Selenium contributes to a better and more dependable user experience, resulting in higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Tools used for Selenium

  • JUnit: Similar to TestNG, but generally used for Java-based test automation projects, JUnit provides annotations, assertions, and test runners to help organize and execute test cases.
  • Cucumber: Cucumber is a behavior-driven development (BDD) tool that allows stakeholders and automation developers to collaborate by writing test cases in normal language and running them using Selenium.
  • IDEs (Integrated Development Environments): Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, and Visual Studio Code are popular tools for creating, debugging, and running Selenium test scripts.
  • Browser Drivers: Browser-specific drivers like ChromeDriver, GeckoDriver (for Firefox), and SafariDriver are required for Selenium to interface with web browsers programmatically.
  • Automation Frameworks: Selenium test suites are structured and organized using frameworks such as Page Object Model (POM), Keyword-Driven Testing (KDT), and Data-Driven Testing (DDT), which improves maintainability and scalability.
  • Selenium Grid: Selenium Grid is a solution for performing Selenium tests in parallel across several browsers and operating systems, allowing for efficient testing of web applications in a variety of setups.

Key Skill Sets Used by Selenium Professionals

  • Selenium WebDriver proficiency: The ability to develop and run automated tests for web application testing across multiple browsers and platforms.
  • Programming Languages: The ability to develop effective test scripts and control web elements requires knowledge of programming languages such as Java, Python, C#, or JavaScript.
  • Test Automation Frameworks: Experience with test automation frameworks such as TestNG, JUnit, NUnit, or Pytest for effectively organizing and executing test cases, as well as managing test data.
  • Web Technologies: HTML, CSS, and XPath knowledge is required for effectively detecting and interacting with web items in automated testing scenarios. Understanding these web technologies allows testers to write strong and dependable Selenium test scripts.
  • Version Control Systems: Proficiency with Git for organizing test code repositories, assuring version control, and facilitating team communication. Skilled at using Git commands to branch, merge, and resolve conflicts, allowing for easy collaboration and efficient code management.
  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): The ability to incorporate Selenium tests into CI/CD pipelines using technologies such as Jenkins, Travis CI, or Azure DevOps to automate testing and distribute software updates continuously.
  • Test Reporting and Analysis: Proficient in creating test reports and evaluating test results with tools such as TestNG Report, ExtentReports, and Allure to find issues and track test coverage.
  • Problem-Solving Skills: Demonstrated ability to troubleshoot test errors, debug test scripts, and apply effective solutions to guarantee test reliability and stability.
  • Collaboration and Communication: The ability to communicate and collaborate effectively with developers, testers, and stakeholders is required to comprehend requirements, prioritize activities, and ensure project goals are met.
  • Continuous Learning: A willingness to keep current on the newest trends and breakthroughs in test automation, Selenium WebDriver, and related technologies through self-study, internet resources, and professional development.

Roles and Responsibilities of Selenium

  • Test Automation Architecture: Selenium experts often design test automation strategies and architectures, selecting appropriate tools and defining best practices.
  • Automation Testing: They create, maintain, and execute automated test scripts using Selenium WebDriver, ensuring comprehensive coverage and integration into CI/CD pipelines.
  • Framework Development: Selenium experts build and maintain test automation frameworks, developing reusable components to enhance scalability and maintainability.
  • QA Leadership: Some may take on leadership roles, overseeing testing processes, mentoring team members, and ensuring adherence to quality standards.
  • Training and Mentorship: Experienced Selenium experts provide training and guidance to junior testers or developers interested in automation.
  • Infrastructure Management: They set up and manage test automation infrastructure, optimizing environments and troubleshooting issues.
  • Continuous Improvement: Selenium experts drive continuous improvement initiatives, identifying opportunities to enhance automation processes and tools.
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Key Features

ACTE Pune offers Selenium Training in more than 27+ branches with expert trainers. Here are the key features,
  • Well Endorsed Instructors.
  • 100% Job Oriented Training
  • Advanced Training on Selenium Automation.
  • Giving Mock Interview Knowledge.
  • Learning in Nominal Cost.
  • Certification Guidance

Authorized Partners

ACTE TRAINING INSTITUTE PVT LTD is the unique Authorised Oracle Partner, Authorised Microsoft Partner, Authorised Pearson Vue Exam Center, Authorised PSI Exam Center, Authorised Partner Of AWS and National Institute of Education (nie) Singapore.


Syllabus of Selenium Course in Pune
Module 1: Core Java Concepts
  • Introduction to Java Programming
  • Defining Java
  • Need for Java
  • Platform independence in Java
  • Defining JRE, JVM, and JDK
  • Important features and evolution of Java
Module 2: Footprinting through Search Engines
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Concept of abstraction, attributes, methods and constructors,
  • Concept of inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism
  • Overview of coding
  • Setting up the required environment
  • Knowing the available IDEs
  • Writing a basic-level Java program
  • Defining a package
  • Java comments
  • Understanding the concept of Reserved Words
  • Introduction to Java Statements
  • Blocks in Java
  • Classes and different methods
Module 3: Getting Started with Selenium
  • Introduction to Selenium Testing
  • Understanding the significance of automation testing
  • Benefits of Selenium automation testing
  • Comparison of Selenium and Quick Test Professional
Module 4: Selenium Features
  • Understanding the Selenium IDE
  • The concept of Selenium remote control
  • Working with Selenium grid
  • Selenium web grid
Module 5: Deep Dive into Selenium IDE
  • Detailed understanding of the Selenium IDE features
  • Addition of script assertions
  • General Selenese commands
  • Deploying the first Selenium script and options
  • IDE Test Suite and recording a Selenium test case
  • Selenium limitations
Module 6: Selenium WebDriver Automation
  • The basic architecture of Selenium WebDriver
  • Download and installation of Selenium
  • Creating a Java function and executing it
Module 7: Fire Path Installation
  • Deploying Web-Drivers for scripting
  • Getting the HTML source of Web Element, Table and Form Elements
  • FireBug extension and Fire Path installation
Module 8: Searching Elements
  • Locator and Locator-ID
  • Deploying searching elements using the link text and the name
  • Using XPath
  • Searching elements using CSS and Web-Element properties
Module 9: Advanced User Interactions and Cross Browser Testing
  • Working with Advanced User Interactions
  • Understanding features like drag-and-drop, double click, keys, and context.
  • Cross-browser testing with WebDriver, testing in Chrome and Firefox
Module 10: Introduction to TestNG Plugin
  • Installation of the TestNG plugin in Eclipse
  • Understanding Selenium test script writing
  • TestNG test suites creation and HTML and XML report generation using TestNG
Module 11: TestNG Terminology
  • Annotations, parameters, and groups: include and exclude
  • Test result and data providers
Module 12: TestNG Data Providers
  • TestNG data providers
  • Screenshot of failed test cases
  • Wait statements of Web Driver in Selenium
  • Wait in Selenium
  • Explicit wait and implicit wait in Selenium
  • Fluent wait in Selenium
  • Page load timeout
Module 13: Maven Integration
  • Introduction to Maven
  • Maven usage
  • Configuring Maven with Eclipse
  • Taking automatic updates
  • Running tests in Maven
  • Creating a POM.xml file
  • Maven integration tool
Module 14: WebDriver Sample Programs
  • Interacting with common web elements
  • Selecting and displaying values
  • Writing all values in Notepad/Excel/WordPad
  • Capturing a screenshot (positive)
  • On load alerts and scroll down page in JavaScript
  • HTML Unit Driver
  • Managing multiple windows and AJAX auto suggestions
  • Managing web tables
Module 15: JUnit Operations and the Test Framework
  • Annotations in JUnit
  • Methods in JUnit
  • JUnit Test Suites
  • Ant Build and JUnit reporting
  • Test frameworks
Module 16: Object Repository
  • Understanding object repository
  • Using OR in scripts
  • Learning sample scripts using object repository
  • Page object modeling
  • Page factory
Module 17: Test Data Management
  • Load an Excel file
  • Execute a test case using a data-driven framework
  • Execute a test case using a keyword-driven framework
Module 18: Selenium Grid Concept
  • Selenium Grid overview
  • Executing scripts across multiple browsers
Module 19: Mobile App Testing Using Appium
  • UiAutomator framework in Appium
  • Locating elements in an Android app using UI Automator view
  • Automation testing for Android apps
Module 18: Implementing the BDD Framework Using Cucumber
  • Testing with Agile
  • Behavior-driven Development (BDD)
  • Pros and cons of BDD
  • Fundamentals of Cucumber
  • Cucumber Gherkin syntax
  • Cucumber feature file step definition
  • Cucumber benefits
  • Using Cucumber to implement the BDD framework
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Need customized curriculum?

Get Hands-on Knowledge about Real-Time Selenium Projects

Project 1
JUnit Test Case

This project demonstrates Selenium tests written with JUnit framework, showcasing automated web testing and assertions in Java environment.

Project 2
POM Implementation

In this project students implement POM for scalable automation, enhancing script maintainability and test management in this project.

Unlock your potential with our Selenium Job Support Program

  • Our Selenium job support offers tailored Selenium interview preparation sessions to boost your confidence and skills, helping you excel in automation testing careers.
  • Our Selenium job support program includes professional-supervised internships where students gain hands-on experience working on real-world projects.
  • We provide Selenium-trained individuals with excellent placement possibilities at prominent businesses such as Accenture, IBM, TCS, Wipro, Capgemini, and others.
  • Training providers partner with industry to offer students specialized training, real-world projects, and networking, boosting their practical skills and job prospects.
  • We offer personalized counseling to help students align their career aspirations with opportunities in the Selenium industry, ensuring their path matches both their ambitions and the potential of the field.
  • Our Selenium job support assistance tailors resumes to showcase your Selenium training and hands-on testing expertise, helping you stand out as a skilled automation tester.
  • Our Training providers collaborate with industry partners for internships and mentorship, offering practical experience and job opportunities in fields like Selenium automated testing.

Obtain Advanced Selenium Certification from Industry Experts

Our Selenium Certification is widely valued by leading corporations throughout the world, representing a benchmark of excellence in automated testing. We cater to both newcomers and seasoned professionals looking to start or grow in the sector via alternative educational paths. A Selenium Certification offers great value to your CV, enhancing your chances of getting jobs with famous companies. To get this certification, learners must successfully complete practical training modules and assignments that ensure overall skill development.

Yes, Selenium certification greatly improves job placement possibilities by confirming your knowledge of automated testing using Selenium WebDriver, making you a highly sought-after candidate in the software testing field.
  • Docker Certified Selenium Associate
  • Certified Selenium Administrator (CSA)
  • Puppet Certified Selenium Professional Chef Certified Selenium
  • Jenkins Certified Selenium Specialist
  • Practice using appropriate Selenium tools
  • Take a simulated test to check your preparation
  • Engage in online study communities for support
  • Refer to official documents for a thorough explanation
  • Seek help from experienced mentors
  • Stay up to date with Selenium's newest breakthroughs and best practices
Obtaining a Selenium certification is critical for boosting your career since it verifies your knowledge and skills in Selenium techniques. It sets you apart from potential employers, expands your career options, and may lead to higher-paying employment or professional advances within your company.
The time required to finish the Selenium certification process varies depending on the certification type and personal attributes such as previous experience and study habits. It often takes a few weeks to many months of concentrated study and preparation.

Complete Your Course

a downloadable Certificate in PDF format, immediately available to you when you complete your Course

Get Certified

a physical version of your officially branded and security-marked Certificate.

Get Certified

Improve Your Career Progression with Our Selenium Instructors

  • Our Selenium Instructors give thorough training on all elements of automated testing using Selenium WebDriver, ensuring that you have the skills required for professional growth.
  • Our Selenium Instructors provide you hands-on experience through real-world projects, which reinforces learning and prepares you for practical issues in software testing.
  • Receive customized assistance and mentoring from experienced Selenium professionals who can offer useful insights, suggestions, and career guidance to help you succeed in your career.
  • All of our Selenium trainers have associations with prominent companies including Google, Dell, Infosys, IBM, L&T InfoTech, TCS, Amazon, and others.
  • Benefit from our Selenium Instructors professional knowledge, which comes from working with top firms and provides useful insights into real-world testing scenarios and best practices.
  • Our Instructors provide continuous learning opportunities, workshops, and seminars to keep you up to date on the newest trends and breakthroughs in Selenium and software testing.
  • Access job placement assistance services, such as resume development, interview preparation, and networking opportunities, to help you find work and improve your career as a Selenium specialist.

Selenium Course FAQs

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Call now: +91 93833 99991 and know the exciting offers available for you!
  • ACTE is the Legend in offering placement to the students. Please visit our Placed Students List on our website
  • We have strong relationship with over 700+ Top MNCs like SAP, Oracle, Amazon, HCL, Wipro, Dell, Accenture, Google, CTS, TCS, IBM etc.
  • More than 3500+ students placed in last year in India & Globally
  • ACTE conducts development sessions including mock interviews, presentation skills to prepare students to face a challenging interview situation with ease.
  • 85% percent placement record
  • Our Placement Cell support you till you get placed in better MNC
  • Please Visit Your Student Portal | Here FREE lifetime Online Student Portal help you to access the Job Openings, Study Materials, Videos, Recorded Section & Top MNC interview Questions
ACTE Gives Certificate For Completing A Course
  • Certification is Accredited by all major Global Companies
  • ACTE is the unique Authorized Oracle Partner, Authorized Microsoft Partner, Authorized Pearson Vue Exam Center, Authorized PSI Exam Center, Authorized Partner Of AWS and National Institute of Education (NIE) Singapore
  • The entire Selenium training has been built around Real Time Implementation
  • You Get Hands-on Experience with Industry Projects, Hackathons & lab sessions which will help you to Build your Project Portfolio
  • GitHub repository and Showcase to Recruiters in Interviews & Get Placed
All the instructors at ACTE are practitioners from the Industry with minimum 9-12 yrs of relevant IT experience. They are subject matter experts and are trained by ACTE for providing an awesome learning experience.
No worries. ACTE assure that no one misses single lectures topics. We will reschedule the classes as per your convenience within the stipulated course duration with all such possibilities. If required you can even attend that topic with any other batches.
We offer this course in “Class Room, One to One Training, Fast Track, Customized Training & Online Training” mode. Through this way you won’t mess anything in your real-life schedule.

Why Should I Learn Selenium Course At ACTE?

  • Selenium Course in ACTE is designed & conducted by Selenium experts with 10+ years of experience in the Selenium domain
  • Only institution in India with the right blend of theory & practical sessions
  • In-depth Course coverage for 60+ Hours
  • More than 50,000+ students trust ACTE
  • Affordable fees keeping students and IT working professionals in mind
  • Course timings designed to suit working professionals and students
  • Interview tips and training
  • Resume building support
  • Real-time projects and case studies
Yes We Provide lifetime Access for Student’s Portal Study Materials, Videos & Top MNC Interview Question.
You will receive ACTE globally recognized course completion certification Along with National Institute of Education (NIE), Singapore.
We have been in the training field for close to a decade now. We set up our operations in the year 2009 by a group of IT veterans to offer world class IT training & we have trained over 50,000+ aspirants to well-employed IT professionals in various IT companies.
We at ACTE believe in giving individual attention to students so that they will be in a position to clarify all the doubts that arise in complex and difficult topics. Therefore, we restrict the size of each Selenium batch to 5 or 6 members
Our courseware is designed to give a hands-on approach to the students in Selenium. The course is made up of theoretical classes that teach the basics of each module followed by high-intensity practical sessions reflecting the current challenges and needs of the industry that will demand the students’ time and commitment.
You can contact our support number at +91 93800 99996 / Directly can do by's E-commerce payment system Login or directly walk-in to one of the ACTE branches in India
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      Job Opportunities in Selenium

      More Than 35% of Testers Prefer Selenium. Selenium Is The Most Popular And In-Demand Testing Tool In The Tech World.

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