Spring Boot Interview Questions And Answers - Online & Classroom Training Courses and Certification
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Spring Boot Interview Questions And Answers

Last updated on 03rd Mar 2020, Interview Questions

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In the IT world, the demand for Spring Boot is growing continuously because of its ability to make application development faster. If you are a Java developer and if you also know Spring Boot then you can expect excellent career growth. However, understanding of technology alone doesn’t land you the desired job. What matters most is – your performance in the job interview. 

Spring Boot Interview Questions And Answers

1. What is the Spring Boot?

Ans. Spring Boot is used to developing stand-alone Java-based applications, which you can just execute. It is a module of Spring, which makes life easier for Java developers. 

2. What are the major advantages of Spring Boot?

Ans. Some of the major advantages of Spring Boot include the following:

  • It is easier to create stand-alone and production-ready applications.
  • You can use Spring Boot with minimum configurations. You don’t need to have the entire Spring configuration set up.
  • It reduces application development time and increases productivity.
  • It eliminates the need for WAR files. Because it contains Tomcat and Servlet containers jetty.
  • It enables the development and testing of applications by providing the CLI tool.
  • It enables the monitoring and management of applications in development and production environments through its multiple APIs.

3. When a Spring Boot application is executed as “Run as Java application”, what will happen in the background?

Ans. The tomcat server will be launched in the background.

4. How do Spring Boot functions?

Ans. Based on the dependencies added to the project, Spring Boot automatically configures the application by using the @EnableAutoConfiguration annotation. Next, it scans all the components included in the project using the @ComponentScan annotation.

5. What purpose does Spring Boot Starter Actuator dependency serve?

Ans. The Spring Boot Starter Actuator dependency serves the purpose of monitoring and managing the application. Here is the code for it:

6. What for Spring Boot Starter Security dependency is used?

Ans. The Spring Boot Starter Security dependency is used for the security of spring.

Here is its code:


7. Can you explain what happens in the background when a Spring Boot Application is “Run as Java Application”?
Ans. When a Spring Boot application is executed as “Run as Java application”, then it automatically launches up the tomcat server as soon as it sees, that you are developing a web application.

8. Which dependency is used in the creation of web applications?

Ans. The Spring Boot Starter Thyme Leaf dependency is used in the creation of web applications.

9. How do you create a Spring Boot application using Maven?

Ans. There are different approaches to create a Spring Boot application using maven. Here are they:

  • Spring Boot CLI
  • Spring Starter Project Wizard
  • Spring Initializr
  • Spring Maven Project

10. What is Spring Boot CLI?

Ans. You can create Spring Boot applications using the Spring Boot CLI. The Spring Boot CLI is a command-line tool. In the command prompt itself, you can create, run, and test the applications.

11. How do you create a Spring Boot project using Spring Initializr?

Ans. We can create a Spring Boot project using Spring Initializr by performing the below steps:

  1. Select the Maven project and the required dependencies.
  2. Enter Group, Artifact, and then click on Generate Project.

The project is downloaded.

   3. Extract the project into your system.

   4. Use the Import option on the Spring Tool Suite IDE to import the project.

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