Syllabus of DevOps Training in Chennai
Module 01: Infrastructure Setup
- Lab setup-AWS Account creation
- EC2 and LMS Walkthrough
Module 2: Introduction to DevOps
- What is Software Development?
- Software Development Life Cycle
- Traditional Models for SDLC
- Why DevOps?
- What is DevOps?
- DevOps Lifecycle
- DevOps Tools
Module 3: Version Control with Git
- What is Version Control?
- Types of Version Control System
- Introduction to SVN
- Introduction to Git
- Git Lifecycle
- Common Git Commands
- Working with Branches in Git
- Merging Branches
- Resolving Merge Conflicts
- Git Workflow
Module 4: Containerization Using Docker
- Understanding Docker Lifecycle
- Components of Docker Ecosystem
- Common Docker Operations
- Creating a DockerHub Account
- Committing changes in a Container
- Pushing a Container Image to DockerHub
- Creating Custom Docker Images using Dockerfile
- What are Docker Volumes?
- Deploying a Multi-tier Application Using Docker Network
- Using Docker Compose to Deploy Containers
Module 5: Configuration Management using Puppet
- Need for Configuration Management
- Configuration Management Tools
- What is Puppet
- Puppet Architecture
- Setting up Master-Slave using Puppet
- Puppet Manifests
- Puppet Modules
- Applying configuration using Puppet
- Puppet File Server
Module 6: Configuration Management using Ansible
- What is Ansible?
- Ansible vs Puppet
- Ansible Architecture
- Setting up Master-Slave using Ansible
- Ansible Playbook
- Ansible Roles
- Applying configuration using Ansible
Module 7: Continuous Testing using Selenium
- What is Continuous Testing?
- What is Maven?
- Introduction to Selenium
- Running Test Cases on Chromium Web Driver
- What is Headless Mode?
Module 8: Continuous Integration with Jenkins
- Introduction to Continuous Integration
- Jenkins Master-Slave Architecture
- Understanding CI/CD Pipelines
- Creating an end-to-end automated CI/CD Pipeline
Module 9: Continuous Orchestration Using Kubernetes
- Introduction to Kubernetes
- Docker Swarm vs Kubernetes
- Kubernetes Architecture
- Deploying Kubernetes using Kubeadms
- Alternate ways of deploying Kubernetes
- YAML Files
- Creating a Deployment in Kubernetes using YAML
- Services in Kubernetes
- Ingress in Kubernetes
- What are volumes
- Types of volumes
- Persistent volumes
- Introduction to secrets
- Kubernetes Monitoring using Kubernetes Dashboard
Module 10: Continuous Monitoring using ELK
- Agenda
- What is ELK?
- Components of ELK
- ELK Flow
- Features of ELK
- ELK installation
Module 11: Terraform Modules & Workspaces
- What is Infrastructure as a code
- IaC vs Configuration Management
- Introduction to Terraform
- Installing Terraform on AWS
- Basic Operations in Terraform: init, plan, apply, destroy
- Terraform Code Basics
- Deploying an end-to-end architecture on AWS using Terraform