The Linux series of operating systems powers major businesses around the world, as well as having a substantial home user base. Our range of LINUX courses cover the essentials needed to use LINUX, program with the shell and will help you be an effective administrator. Enroll Now with us ACTE Linux System Administrator Classroom & Online Training Course.
Yes, I agree that choosing Linux System Administrator as your career will be a good choice for various reasons. Linux has always been the best due to its features, flexibility and very active community. But if you are looking for a Linux based career, I suggest you have a look on Ethical Hacking and Forensics.
Yes. Tremendous scope indeed. Linux Administration skills are most needed by many organizations. Certification in Linux Administration can do wonders too.
However, do not stop at just Linux Administration. Learn Automation, shell scripting, one additional scripting language. Be a master of atleast one web server. Study cloud computing too.
Almost all small to large tier industries who either use their own Linux servers rented out servers, cloud-based or shared servers require a System Administrator. A Linux system administrator may also be required to fulfill different responsibilities but not limited to –
- Nodes and grids
- Applying Enterprise-wide patches
- Security and antivirus update
- User access and permission
- System storage and device access definition
- Implementation of System policy
- Audit and configuration management
- System availability and reliability
- Backups etc.
We are happy and proud to say that we have strong relationship with over 700+ small, mid-sized and MNCs. Many of these companies have openings for Linux System Administrator analyst. Moreover, we have a very active placement cell that provides 100% placement assistance to our students. The cell also contributes by training students in mock interviews and discussions even after the course completion.
A Linux system administrator wears many hats and the smaller your environment, the more hats you will wear. Linux administration covers backups, file restores, disaster recovery, new system builds, hardware maintenance, automation, user maintenance, filesystem housekeeping, application installation and configuration, system security management, and storage management. System administration covers just about every aspect of hardware and software management for both physical and virtual systems.
There are virtually none. The only requirements are strong motivation and access to a computer that can run Linux. Of course, the more you know about computers and the more experience you have, the easier it will be.
It no more necessary to learn programming to use Linux than it is to learn programming to use Microsoft Windows. However, as is the case with other operating systems, some knowledge of programming can be very useful if one wants to become an advanced user or a high level system administrator.
Our courseware is designed to give a hands-on approach to the students in Linux System Administrator . The course is made up of theoretical classes that teach the basics of each module followed by high-intensity practical sessions reflecting the current challenges and needs of the industry that will demand the students’ time and commitment.
Yes. The technology is developing at an immense pace. By knowing the Linux Administration the things will become easier for you. It ll become easier for you to understand the working of your personal computer having Linux Based operating system installed in it. Linux based operating systems are very much secure and stable. You will be surprised to know that the Linux based systems are very much popular in the industries. Most of the supercomputers are having the Linux based operating system. If you know Linux administration, then it may help you while choosing your career
Depending upon your learning strategy, how much you can take-in in a single day. Lots of online courses are available which guarantee like Learn linux in 5 days. Some complete it in 3–4days and some take 1month and still in-complete.
- Linux Offers More Opportunities than other Platforms
- The Pay is Worth It
- Abundant Resources
- The Competition is Real
- Passion
- The Future is in The Cloud
- Linux Systems Administration Courses Available
Reasons Why You Should Learn Linux
Are you wondering if Linux is better than Windows? Don’t wonder. Linux is better than Windows and in this article, we’ll see the advantages of Linux over Windows.
If you are not a power user, it might seem that “Windows” OS is a better (or easier) choice when compared to Linux. In either case, if you are not enjoying using a Linux distro then Windows would be your obvious choice.
However, in reality, we tend to experience something different, which lets us jump to the conclusion where Linux gets the edge over Windows OS.
Advantages of Linux over Windows
W will take a look at the compelling reasons why Linux is better than Windows.
Open Source Nature
- What is it like when you buy a car, but you cannot see what’s under the hood? Similar is the case with when you use a Windows-powered system.
- However, in contrast, Linux is completely an open source You can have a look at the source code of a Linux OS, which is a plus.
- I know, most people don’t care about this openness of Linux, but to me, this is the most important feature of using GNU/Linux.
- Let’s face it; Windows OS is vulnerable to different types of attacks (or hacks). However, Linux is not as vulnerable as Windows. It sure isn’t invulnerable, but it is a lot more secure. Although, there’s no rocket science in it.
- It is just the way Linux works that makes it a secure operating system. Overall, the process of package management, the concept of repositories, and a couple more features makes it possible for Linux to be more secure than Windows.
- When you have Windows installed, you need to download/purchase an Antivirus programto keep your computer safe from hackers and malware. However, Linux does not require the use of such Anti-Virus programs. Of course, a couple of software tools still exist to help you keep your system free from threats, but it is often unnecessary when you have a Linux system.
- Being secure by nature would make things easier for you and save money as well because you will not have to get a premium Antivirus software!
Can revive older computers
As the operating systems evolve, so do their hardware requirements increase exponentially. For instance, if you purchase a genuine copy of Windows 10, you will have to meet the minimum hardware requirements to run it successfully, and you cannot run it on just about any low-end system.
Nevertheless, with Linux, you could even utilize one of your oldest computer systems to achieve a task. However, that does not mean that every Linux distribution would work with 256 MB of RAM coupled with an outdated processor. However, there are options which you can install on such low-end systems as well (such as Puppy Linux).
So, being an efficient OS, Linux distributions could be fitted to a range of systems (low-end or high-end). In contrast, Windows operating system has a higher hardware requirement.
Overall, even if you compare a high-end Linux system and a high-end Windows-powered system, the Linux distribution would take the edge. Well, that is the reason most of the servers across the world prefer to run on Linux than on a Windows hosting environment.
Perfect For Programmers
- Linux supports almost all of the major programming languages (Python, C/C++, Java, Perl, Ruby, etc.). Moreover, it offers a vast range of applications useful for programming purposes.
- The Linux terminal is superior to use over Window’s command line for developers. You would find many libraries developed natively for Linux. Also, a lot of programmers point out that the package manageron Linux helps them get things done easily.
- Interestingly, the ability of bash scripting is also one of the most compelling reasons why programmers prefer using Linux OS.
- Linux also brings in native support for SSH, which would help you manage your servers quickly. You could include things like apt-get commands which further makes Linux one of the most popular choices of the programmers.
Software Updates
Microsoft pushes a software update when it receives a set of problems or if something major needs to be fixed. On the other hand, you would observe a software update to address a little problem.
So, with Linux, you will notice more updates to fix the problems you might be facing. You will not only encounter a larger number of software updates, but you will also observe much faster software updates.
One major advantage of using Linux instead of Windows is customization. If you like tweaking your system’s looks, Linux is just perfect for you.
Apart from installing themes, you have tons of beautiful icon themes. In addition to that, you can use Conky to display system information on the desktop in the coolest way possible. Needless to say that you can do a lot around Wallpapers in Linux.
Variety Of Distributions
- There are no flavors of Windows. Yes, you may have different plans & packages which differ in licensing terms, the period of activation, packaged features, and price.
- In contrast, you will find tons of Linux distribution catered for a different set of needs. So, you can choose to install any of the available Linux distros according to your requirements.
- For example, there are Linux distributions for hackers, there are Linux distributions for programmers, there are Linux distributions for extremely old computers. There is a Linux for everyone.
Free to Use
Linux is accessible to the public for free! However, that is not the case with Windows!
You will not have to pay 100-250 USD to get your hands on a genuine copy of a Linux distro (such as Ubuntu, Fedora). So, it is entirely free.
If something is free but useful, it is always the best thing one could expect. With the money you just saved, you can consider enhancing your system (just saying, you can go to Starbucks as well!)
Better Community Support
You do not need to hire an expert to solve a problem you are facing on your Linux system. You just need to search for a similar thread on the web for a solution or post a thread to let others solve the problem. Within minutes of posting a thread on any of the Linux forums, you may expect a reply along with a detailed solution which would finally help resolve your problem at no cost!
There are a lot of active Linux users who are always ready to respond to a relevant thread one might have created. The number of community users active on such forums is more than the number of active members on any Windows-focused forum.