About Spoken English Classroom And Online Training in Kannada
Anyone who wish to learn English, Speak English Fluently . We teach what student want to learn. In ACTE Spoken English , we cover all essentials of Job seekers like Grammar, Vocabulary, Fluency Development, Communication Skills, Interview Skills, Presentation Skills and Writing Skills. After Completing spoken English Training at Dream India Technologies, Students can speak correct English with Confidence and Fluency.
Spoken English is English which spoken by people, used in conversations. It will have lots of phrases and incomplete sentences, which are 'understood in context. ‘It is a personal communication, intended for a few. Mostly questions, answers, and short sentences/phrases, which express an idea.
A person equipped with a set of English language proficiency can smoothly excel in the business world since he is able to convey the technical skills he retains in an effective manner. These language skills can help him in securing better job opportunities as compared to someone who possesses technical skills only.
English has occupied an important place in our educational system and life of our country. The language continues to dominate the nation. It generally seen that every language has minimum three components such as sound, structures and vocabulary. English speaking can also help you in business as well allowing you to portray a more confident outlook and work with clients from various countries. Knowing how to speak in English allows you to converse easily with other English speakers, in that way it will open up a door to an entirely new social circle. You also can impress your family and friends with your fluency in another language that spoken across the world.
Research shows that English speakers in the world earn more money among non-English speakers. Being a comfortable communicator in English can help you land that first job in your new career and ensure a positive future. It can also make you better than other applicants and help you be a more effective employee.
We are happy and proud to say that we have strong relationship with over 700+ small, mid-sized and MNCs. Many of these companies have openings in Spoken English. Moreover, we have a very active placement cell that provides 100% placement assistance to our students. The cell also contributes by training students in mock interviews and discussions even after the course completion.
Coming to the good carrier option English always needed, if you are looking forward to getting a job in this area, your spoken English should be very effective and facile because in this field a healthy communication needed. The jobs that related to the ground of management need basic to higher-level English skills according to the nature of the job.
An employee with good spoken English skills will generally find life easier in a large, global organization. Employers tend to favour candidates with good English speaking skills, as they can effectively communicate with colleagues and customers across the world.
English used as the official language in over 70 countries. Fluency in English, both written and spoken plays a critical role in many aspects of corporate life from securing employment to communicating with clientele and achieving cohesive business partnerships all over the world.
Our courseware is designed to give a hands-on approach to the students in Spoken English. The course is made up of theoretical classes that teach the basics of each module followed by high-intensity practical sessions reflecting the current challenges and needs of the industry that will demand the students’ time and commitment.
With 942 million speakers, English ranks second among the world's most spoken languages and first between the world's most spoken second languages.... It’s worth learning English because even the most basic understanding of the language can help individuals from different regions overcome a language barrier.
Even outside of countries like the U.S. and the U.K., many people can speak and understand English. ... English may have a complicated past, but it has a bright future. Because so many people can speak the language, it helps connect us in a global world. It can also help you in your personal and professional life.
10 reasons why you should learn to speak in English
English communication increases income.
English skills get more respect.
English gets you more knowledge.
English makes travel easier.
Biggest movies and books are in English.
Knowledge of English helps make friends.
English communication gives power & influence.
English helps the world know our culture.
Why Is English The “Global Language” of Today
If you are learning English right now, chances are it’s probably something to do with getting your degree, advancing in your career, or maybe for personal reasons like having an English-speaking partner. Nowadays it seems like everyone is learning English, and it is becoming the world’s most widely spoken language. It is used in business and trade all over the world, and in places like Europe, it is spoken widely outside of business. But why? What makes English the magic catch-all language that everyone wants to speak fluently? How did it become so important and widespread? The answer lies not just in the history of the language, but politics, culture and technology!
Here are 5 Reasons Why English Has Become Today’s Global Language:
1. The British Empire.
- The first, and most obvious reason that English became widespread in the first place is because of the British Empire.
- Before colonizing around a quarter of the planet (!), Britons were the only ones speaking English, and the language was confined to the British Isles.
- But once they started doing trade with places like Asia and Africa, colonizing and settling around the globe, the language naturally spread.
- However, it was mainly used in administration and business dealings—locals were still speaking their native languages for the most part.
- But when it came to getting an education, that was done in English.
- So English then became an elitist language of sorts, spoken by those who were educated in literature, philosophy and poetry, much like French was back when it was the most widely spoken language. So how did English take over French as the most spoken language? Well there’s more to the story than the Brits.
2. Post-war USA.
- The world after the first two world wars was a vulnerable and changing one.
- American businesses were booming and started doing trade all over the world, much like Great Britain had done in the previous century. This bolstered the use of English as the language of global trade.
- But at the same time, American culture was being exported heavily through music and film.
- The advent of jazz, rock n’ roll and other popular music from both the USA and UK infiltrated the culture of people everywhere, making English more than just the language of business, but the language of entertainment for the masses.
- Hollywood was also booming with popular films exported worldwide, and then in the 1960’s the counter-culture movement arrived with social change and the hippie movement sweeping across the USA and Europe. Which brings us to the next point:
3. The coolness factor
- English is used across the world to signify a certain lifestyle or culture linked to American-style success or entertainment, or sometimes to signify a certain British quality. Advertisers use it all over the world in multi-national markets to sell their products in this way.
- But, it is also the most common language used in the film and music industry. Big-budget movies and everyone’s favorite classic films are mostly produced in English. In music, if a band wants to become popular or famous, they will produce their work in English as well.
- Maybe it’s because English will reach a wider audience, or maybe because English is taken more seriously as an element of good pop music.
- And then there are sports—American-invented sports today like BMX and skateboarding, and even basketball, have an entire vocabulary in English, and many of the best athletes in those fields are English-speaking—even if they have been recruited from abroad!
4. Technology.
- At the same time that the USA was becoming the world’s business superpower, the internet was also invented in the USA. This created an entire lexicon for computers and technology that was invented in English.
- Computer keyboards are suited for writing languages using the Latin alphabet, and the hardware for all our smart technology uses English words that have become commonly used around the world, as there was no other alternative in place when the technology spread like fire to the corners of the Earth.
- The world of science is also dominated by English for much the same reason: historically, universities publishing important research were doing so in English, and as a scientist today, any serious publication must be done in English.
- With science and technology playing such a big role in our lives today, English won’t be going anywhere soon.
5. The snowball effect.
- Now that English is so widespread across the internet, on the radio, in schools and in the business world, it is hard to escape.
- It is well known that in order to get a good job in today’s global market, speaking English is becoming a requirement more often than not.
- That’s why students and more adults than ever are taking private lessons, taking language immersion holidays and studying English to become as fluent as they can.
- It is not a guarantee of success, but it certainly does help!
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