ACTE provide Java online training course introduces you to OO Programming with Java language. We show you that while it is reletively easy to learn the basic syntax, effective use of Java requires understanding of the many features of the language.
Java is the most capable programming dialect carter for standalone application, Networked Application and the web application. As it is a stage autonomous dialect which implies it will keep running in any Operating System the length of Java Framework is available. In the present market the greater part of the little associations and also the huge association like banks use Java as their web stage.
Yes Java is good programming language for IT career. ... So still there is big demand for Java Programmers in all over the world. Look this image: To become good Java Developer one must improve knowledge in the following areas to work on Java Web/Enterprise Application projects.
One should have the competent skills to get an employment with IT companies as many companies are looking for the professionals, who can manage multiple projects in J2EE and augments the industrial efficiency. The average pay for a Java Programmer is Rs. 391,797 per year.
Though there are times when Java development slows down, Java has responded well. ... You can get tons of Jobs opportunity by learning Java programming language; you can develop core Java-based server-side applications, J2EE web and enterprise applications, and can even go for Android-based mobile application development.
We are happy and proud to say that we have strong relationship with over 700+ small, mid-sized and MNCs. Many of these companies have openings for Java analyst. Moreover, we have a very active placement cell that provides 100% placement assistance to our students. The cell also contributes by training students in mock interviews and discussions even after the course completion.
The programs that we are writing are very similar to their counterparts in several other languages, so our choice of language is not crucial. We use Java because it is widely available, widely used, embraces a full set of modern abstractions, and has a variety of automatic checks for mistakes in programs, so it works well for students learning to program. There is no perfect language and you certainly will find yourself programming in other languages in the future.
You must know at least the basics of how to use a computer, and should be able to start a command line shell. If you are new to programming then Introduction to Programming is strongly recommended. If you already know C++ or any other Object-Oriented language, Java should be easy to pick up.
Yes, Although Java has evolved from C and C++, but these languages are not a pre-requisite to learn Java. ... Then again, if you are able to understand Object Oriented Programming and master the usage of Java, then the book Introduction to Algorithms by CLRS is more than enough to keep up your interest in coding!
Our courseware is designed to give a hands-on approach to the students in Java. The course is made up of theoretical classes that teach the basics of each module followed by high-intensity practical sessions reflecting the current challenges and needs of the industry that will demand the students’ time and commitment.
Java Is Very Fast
By learning the Java programming language in 2020, you will enter the world of JVM. This world is very fast. Don't listen to those who still claim that Java is slow compared to compiled languages like C and C++. The so-called slowness of Java is a myth that has lived on.
If you have some familiarity with C/C++ programming, then it is easy to learn to code in Java. You can probably start writing programs in a few weeks. If you are not at all familiar with object-oriented programming languages, it will be anywhere between 2 and 6 months before you write bigger programs using Java.
Opportunities for career for a Java programmer / developer are excellent. At this juncture, it is important to remember that the role of a Java developer is much more than just Java coding. In most organizations, the development of the software is an integral part of the engineering/business process.
However, your qualifications, experience, and interest also matter. With the right talent and combination, there is a good chance that an experienced Java developer can advance into senior technical or management roles in the future.
Java For Beginners
Java is a high-level programming language originally developed by Sun Microsystems and released in 1995. Java runs on a variety of platforms, such as Windows, Mac OS, and the various versions of UNIX. This tutorial gives a complete understanding of Java. This reference will take you through simple and practical approaches while learning Java Programming language.
Why to Learn java Programming?
Java is a MUST for students and working professionals to become a great Software Engineer specially when they are working in Software Development Domain. I will list down some of the key advantages of learning Java Programming:
Object Oriented − In Java, everything is an Object. Java can be easily extended since it is based on the Object model.
Platform Independent − Unlike many other programming languages including C and C++, when Java is compiled, it is not compiled into platform specific machine, rather into platform independent byte code. This byte code is distributed over the web and interpreted by the Virtual Machine (JVM) on whichever platform it is being run on.
Simple − Java is designed to be easy to learn. If you understand the basic concept of OOP Java, it would be easy to master.
Secure − With Java's secure feature it enables to develop virus-free, tamper-free systems. Authentication techniques are based on public-key encryption.
Architecture-neutral − Java compiler generates an architecture-neutral object file format, which makes the compiled code executable on many processors, with the presence of Java runtime system.
Portable − Being architecture-neutral and having no implementation dependent aspects of the specification makes Java portable. Compiler in Java is written in ANSI C with a clean portability boundary, which is a POSIX subset.
Robust − Java makes an effort to eliminate error prone situations by emphasizing mainly on compile time error checking and runtime checking.
Applications of Java Programming
The latest release of the Java Standard Edition is Java SE 8. With the advancement of Java and its widespread popularity, multiple configurations were built to suit various types of platforms. For example: J2EE for Enterprise Applications, J2ME for Mobile Applications.
The new J2 versions were renamed as Java SE, Java EE, and Java ME respectively. Java is guaranteed to be Write Once, Run Anywhere.
Multithreaded − With Java's multithreaded feature it is possible to write programs that can perform many tasks simultaneously. This design feature allows the developers to construct interactive applications that can run smoothly.
Interpreted − Java byte code is translated on the fly to native machine instructions and is not stored anywhere. The development process is more rapid and analytical since the linking is an incremental and light-weight process.
High Performance − With the use of Just-In-Time compilers, Java enables high performance.
Distributed − Java is designed for the distributed environment of the internet.
Dynamic − Java is considered to be more dynamic than C or C++ since it is designed to adapt to an evolving environment. Java programs can carry extensive amount of run-time information that can be used to verify and resolve accesses to objects on run-time.
Features of Java
Open Source
Java since its birth, till today, is an open-source product and it has all the public access. programmers are free to post entire source code for anyone to download, copy, redistribute them, which is usually part of the GPL (General Public License,) the license that usually comes with open-source software.
High Performance
Java is an interpreted language, so it will never be as fast as a compiled language like C or C++. But, Java enables high performance with the use of the just-in-time compiler.
Java multithreading feature makes it possible to write a program that can do many tasks simultaneously. The benefit of multithreading is that it utilizes the same memory and other resources to execute multiple threads at the same time, like While typing, grammatical errors are checked along.
When it comes to security, Java is always the first choice. With java secure features it enables us to develop virus-free, temper free system. Java program always runs in Java runtime environment with almost null interaction with system OS, hence it is more secure.
Platform independent
Unlike other programming languages such as C, C++ etc which are compiled into platform-specific machines. Java is guaranteed to be write-once, run-anywhere language. On compilation, Java program is compiled into bytecode. This bytecode is platform-independent and can be run on any machine, plus this bytecode format also provides security. Any machine with Java Runtime Environment can run Java Programs.
The cross-platform feature enables the Java code to be highly portable. Programmers can write code in windows and execute the same code in Linux Operating System.
In java, everything is an object which has some data and behaviour. Java can be easily extended as it is based on Object Model.
Java makes an effort to eliminate error-prone codes by emphasizing mainly on compile-time error checking and runtime checking. But the main areas which Java improved were Memory Management and mishandled Exceptions by introducing automatic Garbage Collector and Exception Handling.