Learning Oracle 12c Database management and achieving the OCA and OCP certification is a goal to everyone who is pursuing their career in the Oracle DBA track. ACTE is an Oracle Authorized Training Center and we deliver a classroom-based tutor led hands-on training in a very professional environment by Oracle Certified Trainers. Our Oracle 12c certification training will certainly enable you to achieve your set goals at the completion of the Oracle 12c OCP certification training.Start Learning with us ACTE Oracle 12 Certification Classroom and Online Training Course.
Yes, you heard it right! Here's why… Dumps for Oracle database certification may help you in clearing your Oracle certified professional exam yet will leave you highly unprepared for your interview. Hence even if you are an Oracle certified professional yet you won't get hired.
If you are a technical consultant or want to start your career as such I would then suggest you get certified in the areas that would position you best for the job, the more languages you excel into the more chances you get landing excellent job opportunities.
For example SQL, PL/SQL, Java, ADF, OA Framework, etc or database administration and management if you would want to work and grow as a DBA.
As a functional consultant, you need to know the subject area you are delivering properly (HCM, Financials, Supply chain, Asset Management, etc.). In addition, you may want to focus more on your interpersonal skills, your ability to convey ideas effectively in a language that your audience would understand and influence.
Even as a fresher, you can get a job in Oracle 12 Certification domain.Yes, you heard it right! Here's why… Dumps for Oracle database certification may help you in clearing your Oracle certified professional exam yet will leave you highly unprepared for your interview. Hence even if you are an Oracle certified professional yet you won't get hired.
We are happy and proud to say that we have strong relationship with over 700+ small, mid-sized and MNCs. Many of these companies have openings for Oracle 12 Certification. Moreover, we have a very active placement cell that provides 100% placement assistance to our students. The cell also contributes by training students in mock interviews and discussions even after the course completion.
The Oracle Certified Master (OCM) is the only certification that requires a hand-on exam. That in itself makes it very interesting as it is the only exam that provides proof you have ever sat in front of a working Oracle system. For this reason I think the OCM is a very worthwhile certification.
There are two issues I have with the OCM exam:
It is very expensive to complete this certification. The exam itself is very expensive and it requires the completion of two Oracle courses, which add to the price significantly. I just can't justify the price of that piece of paper. If your company is willing to pay for you to take the exam, great. If not, then I'm not sure it is worth the money.
You should also remember that you don't have access to the internet during this exam. You will only have the manuals, which you will have to navigate using the master index, not the search facility. I am great at remembering the approach needed to perform a task or fix an issue, but I am terrible at remembering syntax, which is one of the reasons I find my own website useful. I think it is pretty safe to say I would fail the OCM exam without a serious amount of syntax revision, as I would not have time to look through the manuals for syntax examples. I am not prepared to dedicate the amount of time necessary to have all of the possible variations of the syntax committed to memory. In my humble opinion, being a great DBA is not the same as being a syntax regurgitating machine.
- Prerequisite would be just :SQL + PL/SQL + Reports + Forms (which is nothing but Oracle Developer track). ...
- Apart from this you need to be a technical graduate like a BCA or BE or MCA or BSC-CS etc.
- You also need to a good communication skills.
Absolutely. Moreover, you can learn pretty much any other programming language as well without any prior programming knowledge. This can just be the first programming language you learn.
Actually, I have heard from my fellow programmer a story about a sales manager who often asked him to develop new reports. He wrote new SQL statements to extract the data needed over and over again until they negotiated that the guy who was developing that piece of software added a dialog to the program which allowed to enter arbitrary SQL DML statements and format the results in the way needed before printing them. He said the manager got the point pretty quickly and enjoyed preparing the reports himself and never asked the programmer to do that again )So, of course it is possible.
Our course ware is designed to give a hands-on approach to the students in Oracle 12 Certification. The course is made up of theoretical classes that teach the basics of each module followed by high-intensity practical sessions reflecting the current challenges and needs of the industry that will demand the students’ time and commitment.
It's definitely worth The worth of having the certification itself is arguable. Some companies might require developers to have at least an OCA certificate whereas some might not care and would regard experience as a good enough indicator.
Originally Answered: In how much time can we learn Oracle from scratch? Hi, it depends what you are targeting to learn. If it's SQL and PL/Sql, then it will take 3 hours of study for 2–3 months and you will be good to go.
If you are not considering Oracle Certification, you should. You found this blog because you have an interest in Oracle Certification. You may have heard that Oracle Certification can help you get a better job, better pay, more recognition, increased credibility. Those are all very good reasons to pursue certification, but the most important reason to get certified has nothing to do with external factors.
The time and effort you spend preparing for your certification exams gives you the most important benefit of earning an Oracle Certification - knowledge.
The knowledge and skills you learn during the process of preparing for your exam(s) give you confidence and personal satisfaction. You broaden your knowledge. You expand your skills beyond your daily responsibilities. You give yourself the power to troubleshoot, think creatively and push your skills to their limits.
Oracle 12 :New Features
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Oracle database 12c is the latest release of Oracle database. As per Oracle ,this is first database designed for Cloud enablement. It also comes with lot of new features to enable consolidation, Security. Here we are presenting the top 10 oracle 12c new features
Pluggable Databases Through Database Consolidation:
- Oracle is doing every thing to jump into the cloud bandwagon. With 12C, Oracle is trying to address the problem of Multitenancy through this feature.
- There is a radical change and a major change in the core database architecture through the introduction of Container Databases also called CBD and Pluggable Databases (PDB). The memory and process is owned by the Container Database.
- The container holds the metadata where the PDBs hold the user data. You can create upto 253 PDBs including the seed PDB
Redaction Policy
This is one of the top features in Oracle 12C. Data Redaction in simple terms means, masking of data. You can setup a Data Redaction policy, for example salary field in a Employee table can be masked. This is called redaction.
When you do a select * from employee, it will show that the Salary is masked.
The new data masking will use a package called DBMS_REDACT. It is the extension to the FGAC and VPD present in earlier versions.
Online rename and relocation of an active data file
A data file migration or renaming in Oracle database 12c R1 no longer requires a number of steps i.e. putting the tablespace in READ ONLY mode, followed by data file offline action. In 12c R1, a data file can be renamed or moved online simply using the ALTER DATABASE MOVE DATAFILE SQL statement. While the data file is being transferred, the end user can perform queries, DML and DDL tasks. Additionally, data files can be migrated between storages e.g. from non-ASM to ASM and vice versa.
- Table or partition recovery in RMAN
Oracle database backups are mainly categorized into two types: logical and physical. Each backup type has its own pros and cons.
- In previous editions, it was not feasible to restore a table or partition using existing physical backups. In order to restore a particular object, you must have logical backup.
- With 12c R1, you can recover a particular table or partition to a point-in-time or SCN from RMAN backups in the event of a table drop or truncate.
Multiple indexes on the same column
Pre Oracle 12c, you can’t create multiple indexes either on the same column or set of columns in any form. For example, if you have an index on column {a} or columns {a,b}, you can’t create another index on the same column or set of columns in the same order. In 12c, you can have multiple indexes on the same column or set of columns as long as the index type is different. However, only one type of index is usable/visible at a given time. In order to test the invisible indexes, you need to set the optimizer_use_use_invisible_indexes=true.
Top N Query and Fetch and offset Replacement to Rownum
With the release of Oracle Database 12c, Oracle has introduced this new SQL syntax to simplify fetching the first few rows. The new sql syntax “Fetch First X Rows only” can be used.
Online migration of table partition or sub-partition
- Migration of a table partition or sub-partition to a different tablespace no longer requires a complex procedure in Oracle 12c R1.
- In a similar way to how a heap (non-partition) table online migration was achieved in the previous releases, a table partition or sub-partition can be moved to a different tablespace online or offline.
- When an ONLINE clause is specified, all DML operations can be performed without any interruption on the partition|sub-partition which is involved in the procedure. In contrast, no DML operations are allowed if the partition|sub-partition is moved offline.
Database Archiving:
This feature enables archiving rows within a table by marking them as inactive. These inactive rows are in the database and can be optimized using compression but are not visible to the application. These records are skipped during FTS (Full Table Scan
DDL logging
There was no direction option available to log the DDL action in the previous releases. In 12cR1, you can now log the DDL action into xml and log files. This will be very useful to know when the drop or create command was executed and by who. The ENABLE_DDL_LOGGING initiation parameter must be configured in order to turn on this feature. The parameter can be set at the database or session levels. When this parameter is enabled, all DDL commands are logged in an xml and a log file under the $ORACLE_BASE/diag/rdbms/DBNAME/log|ddl location.
Driving Modernization
Higher Management and in general the business owners are concerned with managing risk, controlling costs and focused on growth. Hence the ability to deal with:
- Increased Customer Expectation
- Accelerated information growth
- Business complexity
Database Consolidation and DBaaS are modernization solutions and allow IT to move away from being labeled as another Cost Center to becoming an important Business Enabler.
Let's review what Oracle Database 12c is offering assisting us to move forward to new offerings and more capabilities.
One ODB: Oracle Pluggable Databases (PDB) that can be plugged in and out of Container Databases.
Separation of Duty
For Audit Administration and Database Administration
New Audit Framework
New unified auditing architecture in a New Audit Schema for better management and security.
Network Encryption
Communication between the database server and the clients (moved from ASO to be a core function).
Strong Auth
Kerberos strong authentication and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) strong authentication are provided with the default Oracle Database installation and moved from ASO.
Pattern Matching
Enables native SQL queries to match specified patterns in sequences of rows
The FETCH FIRST and OFFSET clauses provides native SQL language support to limit the number of rows returned and to specify a starting row for the return set.
SQL Statement Translation Framework
A new mechanism is provided to allow the text of a SQL statement, submitted from a client program using an open application programming interface (API) such as ODBC or JDBC, to be translated by user-supplied code before it is submitted to the Oracle Database SQL compiler.
Identity Column
Table columns have been enhanced to support the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) SQL keyword IDENTITY.
This provides a standards based approach to the declaration of automatically incrementing columns simplifying application development and making the migration of DDL to Oracle simpler.
Applications often indicate the validity of a fact recorded in the database with dates or time stamps. Examples of such dates include the hire date and termination date of an employee in a Human Resources application, the effective date range of coverage for an insurance policy . Temporal Validity reduces the complexity of application code by providing a simple declarative interface to allow applications to manage the validity of rows.
In Database Archiving
Allows users and applications to set the archive state for individual rows.
And many PL/SQL improvements for better performance.
All of these features are available in SE/SE1.