Data Science Certification Course in Texas | Online Course
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Data Science Certification Course in Texas

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  • Get Equipped with 11+ years of Certified Data Science Experts.
  • Learn the Several Extensive Data Science Concepts.
  • Most Unique Curriculum Outlined by Professional Data Science Tutors.
  • Support the candidates to get their Dream Job in Data Analytics.
  • Deals with 650+ Recruiting Clients for Providing the Best Interview Preparation Techniques.
  • Get Access for students Portal, Study Materials, Videos Lectures.
  • It’s a chance to Polish your career in Data Science – Enroll Your Name Now!

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08:00 AM & 10:00 AM Batches

(Class 1Hr - 1:30Hrs) / Per Session


Weekdays Regular

08:00 AM & 10:00 AM Batches

(Class 1Hr - 1:30Hrs) / Per Session


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(10:00 AM - 01:30 PM)

(Class 3hr - 3:30Hrs) / Per Session


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(09:00 AM - 02:00 PM)

(Class 4:30Hr - 5:00Hrs) / Per Session

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Have Cracked Their Dream Job in Top MNC Companies

Learn the Consequences of Data Science Training in Texas

  • This Data Science online course provides all the essential tools and knowledge necessary to become an accomplished Data Scientist.
  • Nearly 100% student satisfaction with over 300+ batches completed successfully.
  • Learn coding in Python and use it for statistical analysis, and get familiar with the mathematics of Machine Learning.
  • Get Trained from certified trainers from highly reputed multinational companies with over several years of experience in the industry.
  • Our trainers specialize in state-of-the-art Deep Learning frameworks like Google's TensorFlowDevelop, keeping you with the current trends of the job market.
  • We teach you how to apply these skills in real life through guided online practice sessions.
  • Tie-up & MOU with over 1000+ Small & Medium Corporate Companies to Support you with Opportunities to Kick-Start & Step-up your Career.
  • Learning Concepts: Data Science, significance of Data Science in today’s digitally-driven world, components of the Data Science lifecycle, big data and Hadoop, Machine Learning and Deep Learning, R programming and R Studio, Data Exploration, Data Manipulation, Data Visualization, Logistic Regression, Decision Trees & Random Forest, Unsupervised learning, Association Rule Mining & Recommendation Engine, Time Series Analysis, Support Vector Machine - (SVM), Naïve Bayes, Text Mining, Case Study.
  • Classroom Batch Training
  • One To One Training
  • Online Training
  • Customized Training
  • Enroll Now

Course Objectives

The potential for quantum computing and data science is big within the future. Machine Learning may also method the data abundant quicker with its accelerated learning and advanced capabilities. supported this, the time needed for finding advanced issues is considerably reduced. The role of the data scientist is currently a buzzworthy career. It's standing within the marketplace and provides opportunities for folks that study data science to create valuable contributions to their firms and societies at giant.

Big data. Data scientists shrewdness to use their skills in maths, statistics, programming, and alternative connected subjects to prepare giant information sets. Then, they apply their knowledge to uncover solutions hidden within the information require on business challenges and goals. Data science is high in demand and explains however digital information is remodeling businesses and serving to them create chiseler and significant selections. therefore digital data is everywhere for folks that are trying to figure as a data scientist.

  • Get comfy with Python
  • Learn information analysis, manipulation, and visualization with pandas
  • Learn machine learning with scikit-learn
  • Understand machine learning in additional depth
  • Keep learning and active
With the correct qualifications, you’ll get pleasure from a bright career outlook as a knowledgeable soul. The demand for people with these skills can still increase, and people already in data science roles are bound to see their salaries increase within the future. Data scientists work at intervals in most major industries wherever growth is occurring. Not only did IBM predict the demand for data scientists would grow by 28th in 2020, however, the Bureau of Labor Statistics considers data science within the prime twenty quickest growing occupations and has projected thirty-first growth over the following 10 years.
Data science groups have folks from various backgrounds like chemical engineering, physics, economics, statistics, mathematics, research, technology, etc. You'll realize several data scientists with a bachelor's degree in statistics and machine learning however it's not a demand to be told Data Science.
The various edges of Data Science are as follows:
  • The abundance of Positions
  • An extremely Paid Career
  • Data Science is flexible
  • Data Science Makes information higher
  • Data scientists are extremely Prestigious
  • Apache Spark
  • BigML
  • Excel
  • ggplot2

What are the purposes of the Data Science Certification?

The key objective of Data Science is to extract valuable data to be used in the strategic higher cognitive process, development, analytic thinking, and statement. The key techniques in use are data processing, huge data analysis, data extraction, and data retrieval. The purpose of data science is to create the means for extracting business-focused penetrations from data. This requires an understanding of however worth and data flows in an extremely business, and therefore the ability to use that understanding to find business opportunities.

What skills are utilized in a Data Science Online Training in Texas?

One of the foremost necessary technical knowledge soul skills is applied math analysis and computing, mining, and process big data sets. This additionally includes extracting the info that's thought valuable. Some information scientists have a pH scale
  • Statistics
  • Programming Language R/ Python
  • Data Extraction, Transformation, and Loading
  • Data wrangle and information Exploration
  • Machine Learning And Advanced Machine Learning (Deep Learning)

What are the job opportunities after completing the Data Science Certification Course?

To name many, a number of the foremost common job titles for information scientists include:
  • Business analyst
  • Data Mining Engineer
  • Data designer
  • Data Scientist
  • Senior Data Scientist

What are the requirements for learning Data Science Certification?

Data science requires the basics of statistics and mathematics, which should be clear to be able to analyze the problems that are at hand. To solve business problems, you need to have soft skills like team management and control over the projects to meet the deadlines. You will find many data scientists with a bachelor's degree in statistics and machine learning but it is not a requirement to learn data science

Will Data Science requires coding background?

You need to possess knowledge of different programming languages, like Python, Perl, C/C++, SQL, and Java, with Python being the foremost common cryptography language needed in data science roles. These programming languages facilitate data scientists to organize unstructured data sets.6
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Overview of Data Science Course in Texas

Data science is an interdisciplinary discipline that consists of scientific approaches, methods, algorithms, and systems for extracting knowledge or insight from data, akin to data mining in so many forms, semi - structured and unstructured. This ACTE Data Science Training in Texas will teach you all you need to know about data science, data analysis, project life cycle, data collection, analytical techniques, and machine learning. Its resources were assessed in the area of research methods, procedures, algorithms, and systems for extracting information or insights from unstructured and structured data in a variety of formats, similar to data mining.

Additional Info

Data science is a multidisciplinary approach to extracting practical insights from the large and ever-increasing amounts of data collected and created by today's businesses. Data science involves preparing data for analysis and processing, conducting advanced data analysis, and presenting the results to discover patterns, and allowing those involved to draw informed conclusions.

Data preparation may include purging, aggregating, and manipulating to prepare it for specific types of processing. Analysis requires the development and use of AI algorithms, analysis, and models. It's powered by software that analyzes data to find patterns in it, turning those patterns into predictions that help make business decisions. The accuracy of these predictions must be validated by scientifically designed tests and experiments. And the results must be shared through the intelligent use of data visualization tools that allow anyone to see the patterns and understand the trends.

As a result, data scientists (as data science practitioners are known) require computer science and pure science skills that go beyond that of a normal data analyst. A data scientist has to be able to do the following:

  • Apply mathematical, statistical, and scientific methods.
  • Use a wide range of tools and techniques to evaluate and process data, from SQL to data mining and data integration methods.
  • Gain insight from data with the help of ominous analytics and artificial intelligence (AI), including machine knowledge and deep learning principles.
  • Writing applications that automate data processing and computation.
  • Tells, and illustrates, stories that tell decision-makers and stakeholders at all technical levels the importance of results convey knowledge and understanding.
  • Explain how these issues can be used to solve marketing difficulties.

Why should I learn a course in data science?

ACTE is a Data Science training provider for fresh students who want to learn about data science and want to improve their career prospects to deliver excellent training and skill. ACTE offers the following in particular;

  • Industry races aligned.
  • Online sessions ensure excellent involvement.
  • Expert trainers that are well familiar with the topic.
  • A method to case studies that deeply examines the practical application of the principles.
  • Possibility to connect with a network of specialists in data science.
  • Guidance of career.
  • Feasibility of project work.

Top 5 patterns in information analytics:

1. Indeed, the cloud is being moved from information and investigation:- right away, organizations dismissed moving their information stockpiling to the cloud. One concern was that the cloud was intended for conditional reasons instead of for memory-requesting examinations. That is not in a real sense the case any longer. With cloud innovation quicker, cleverer, and more versatile, numerous organizations have moved their information distribution centers in the cloud this year or have been hybridized, for example utilizing a cloud-based blend and nearby warehouses.

2. Information and investigation will turn out to be more fair:- Additional endeavors will be made to incorporate information stages without a hitch, giving far reaching show sheets to an organization. Oneself assistance logical apparatuses market will likewise keep on creating. We are truly information agreeable in our age. As organizations permit representatives at various levels to filter and examine the information from their workstations and additionally handheld gadgets, the information has become more equitable. Today, endeavors utilize self-administration business knowledge (BI) models with propels in innovation and computing.

3. More AI and ML, more NLP computerized:- The classification of information and demonstrating of information will be more mechanized. Thusly, this will prompt surprisingly better and more precise discoveries. It assists organizations with staying in front of the opposition when they can take up the market drifts early on.

4. Client Personalization Will Confirm Driver's Seat Consumers:- In information science business elements are as of now being revamped. In the following year, we will see more organizations zeroing in on giving their buyers an extremely individualized involvement with the legitimate time during a client's buying journey. With rising digitalization, it is obvious that customer personalization should be remembered for a corporate procedure. You need to meet where your customers are. To effectively modify your image, you need a "Customized Customer Experience Plan" in view of information. All things considered, an "locked in" customer is a cheerful consumer

5. Scene Customer Data Platform will continue to develop:- Customer information stages (CDP) have been profoundly requested, given the rising digitalization that has been seen. A CDP is a mind boggling information center, where everything connected to information unites from information sources to data for clients. In managing a brand each customer unavoidably leaves behind the data. You might follow your impressions by riding the Internet or associating with firms on different on the web and disconnected channels, like Websites, eCommerce stages, and in-store encounters.

Top various sorts of Data Science Certifications:

1. Affirmed Analytics Professional(CAP):- The Certified Analytics Professional is a merchant impartial affirmation that affirms that you are skilled "to transform complex data into significant experiences and activities," which is definitively what organizations in information researchers look for: an individual with a comprehension of the data can make legitimate inferences and clarify the significance of these information focuses for key partners. You should apply and fulfill explicit conditions before you take the CAP or the connected level aCAP tests

2. Information Analyst for Cloudera Certified Associate:- The confirmation of Cloudera Certified Associate (CCA) Data Analyst shows your capacity to pull and create Cloudera CDH reports with Impala and Hive as a SQL designer. SQL's improvement abilities permit you to utilize information researchers from the source to pull, model, oversee, dissect and work with the same.

3. Information Engineering Cloudera Certified Professional (CCP):- As one of the most requesting and "requesting authentications of execution," Cloudera has a Certified Professional (CCP) Data Engineer's Certificate. The people who need to acquire CCP Data Engineer affirmation need to have broad involvement with information engineering.

4. Senior Data Scientist (SDS) on the American Data Science Council (DASCA):- The Data Science Council of America (DaSCA) Certification Senior Data Scientist (SDS) program is intended for people with at least five years of examination and investigation skill. Understudy information on data sets, bookkeeping pages, factual examinations, SPSS/SAS, R, quantum strategies, and article situated programming establishments ought to be established.

5. Google Professional Data Engineer Certification:- The GCP Certification for Google Professional Data Engineer is most appropriate for individuals with a solid information on the Google Cloud Platform and aptitude in the creation and the board of GCP-based arrangements. The assessment will assess your capacities to create, make, secure and carry out AI models and frameworks for handling data.

6. IBM Data Science Professional Certificate:- The IBM Data Science Professional Certificates incorporate Data Science Online courses, Open-Source Instruments, information science techniques, pythons, data sets and SQL frameworks, information examination, information representation, machine preparing, and last information science capstones.

Five provisions of a Business Understanding Scientist:

1. Business Understanding:- The information researcher worth to the organization isn't that factual demonstrating might be utilized to foster a format. An information researcher should get a handle on the requests of the organization and break down them to accomplish those goals.

2. Enthusiasm:- Data science is both a craftsmanship and a science. The information researcher ought to have an outline of how a decent arrangement looks. There are bountiful media arrangements. It requires tolerance and assurance to track down the ideal answer for the right issue.

3. Interest:- Data science is certainly not another field, however new revelations are made each year. Since information researchers constantly look for elective answers for issues. This includes searching for novel and ideal methods of social event and consolidating information, preprocessing and designing provisions, or creating models and expanding their showing times to joining programming and hardware.

4. Development:- Some of the worth in information science comes from arrangements not before considered and carried out. The main mover advantage in the advanced area is valid and can make a firm or sever it. Numerous new plans of action rely upon how well information and examination can be utilized to produce a new and exceptional model, in this manner information researchers can't rehash what has recently worked. You should consistently chase after the following significant component, which separates your proposal from different items as of now on the market.

5. Instinct:- Although the math engaged with investigation is basic and demonstrated, utilizing it to tackle explicit business issues is an artistic expression, as referenced previously. The information researcher should have the option to separate incredible from less than ideal analytics.

Is Data Science an effective career?

One of the best profession openings in the Learning Data Science Online Training. You may likewise learn Data Science with extra prospects. With Python, R, or SQL an up-and-comer might learn Data Science. Since information science is an assorted calling, there are a few profession possibilities available. Endless supply of the information science course, the overwhelming position profiles are as per the following:-

  • Data Scientist
  • Data Analyst
  • Data Engineer

Roles of a Data Scientist and how much a Data Scientist can earn?

Four distinct jobs for Data Scientist:
  • Data Businesspeople
  • Creative for Data
  • Data Developers
  • Data Researcher

For the Data Scientist, the typical compensation in India Rs. 752,656 for each annum. Contingent on your ability and experience the compensation bundle changes. The extent of the Data Scientist will increment monstrously later on and the interest for Data Scientist will be powerful. So get familiar with the Data Science Online Certification Course expertly and get the necessary active abilities to qualify yourself as a Data Scientist.

Skills needed for Data Science:

Data Science Certification Training in Columbia requires Assuming you might want to thrive in Digital displaying, you have bound essential abilities to actuate. These limits are intended to recognize you from others. From the beginning, there's a sure course of action of limits you should educate to extra expeditiously arrange yourself around here.

  • Aware of the trends
  • Good comprehension of crowd and know what sells
  • Specific promoting expertise
  • Content composing skills
  • Ability to oversee devices and technology
  • Interactive skills
  • Sales skill
  • A mix of imagination and logical skills
  • Basic plan skills
  • Politeness and patience

Pay Range of Data Science:

The normal reach begins from $41,000 to $71,500 pay for a Data Science showcasing manager. Be that as it may, the customary is around $54,672. this can be for individuals that ability this stream for one thing like 4-7 years. This figure relies upon various points, similar to capacity, affirmation, Texas city, and business. for instance, partner promoter's compensation in metropolitan networks of level one is extra important appeared differently in relation to those in metropolitan spaces of level a couple of.

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Data Science Course Key Features

ACTE Texas offers Data Science Training in more than 27+ branches with expert trainers. Here are the key features,

  • One-on-one Doubt Clearance
  • Guaranteed Course Completion
  • Suitable for Beginners & Intermediate
  • Live training with Industry Professionals
  • Completed 500+ Batches
  • Resume Building & Job Orientation Training

Authorized Partners

ACTE TRAINING INSTITUTE PVT LTD is the unique Authorised Oracle Partner, Authorised Microsoft Partner, Authorised Pearson Vue Exam Center, Authorised PSI Exam Center, Authorised Partner Of AWS and National Institute of Education (nie) Singapore.


Syllabus of Data Science Course in Texas
Module 1: Introduction to Data Science
  • What is Data Science, significance of Data Science in today’s digitally-driven world, applications of Data Science, elements of Data Science, components of the Data Science lifecycle, introduction to big data and Hadoop, introduction to Machine Learning and Deep Learning, introduction to R programming and R Studio.
  • Hands-on Exercise - Installation of R Studio, implementing easy mathematical operations and logic victimization R operators, loops, if statements and switch cases.
Module 2: Data Exploration
  • Introduction to data exploration, commerce and commercialism data to/from external sources, what is data exploratory analysis, data commerce, data frames, operating with data frames, accessing individual components, vectors and factors, operators, in-built functions, conditional, process statements and user-defined functions, matrix, list and array.
  • Hands-on Exercise -Accessing individual components of client churn data, modifying and extracting the results from the dataset victimization user-defined functions in R.
Module 3: Data Manipulation
  • Need for Data Manipulation, Introduction to duly package, choosing one or more columns with select() function, Filtering out records on the basis of a condition with filter() function, Adding new columns with the mutate() function, Sampling & Counting with sample_fn(), sample_frac() & count() functions, obtaining summarized results with the summarize() function, Combining totally different functions with the pipe operator, Implementing sql like operations with self.
  • Hands-on Exercise -Implementing punctually to perform numerous operations for abstracting over however data is manipulated and stored.

Module 4: Data Visualization
  • Introduction to visualization, differing types of graphs, Introduction to synchronic linguistics of graphics & ggplot2 package, Understanding categorical distribution with geom_bar() function, understanding numerical distribution with geom_hist() function, building frequency polygons with geom_freqpoly(), creating a scatter-plot with geom_pont() function, multivariate analysis with geom_boxplot, univariate Analysis with Bar-plot, histogram and Density Plot, variable distribution, Bar-plots for categorical variables victimization geom_bar(), adding themes with the theme() layer, visualization with portly package & building web applications with shiny R, frequency-plots with geom_freqpoly(), multivariate distribution with scatter-plots and smooth lines, continuous vs categorical with box-plots, subgrouping the plots, working with co-ordinates and themes to make the graphs more presentable, Intro to plotly & various plots, visualization with gives package, geographic visualization with ggmap(), building web applications with shiny R.
  • Hands-on Exercise -Creating data visualization to know the client churn ratio using charts using ggplot2, Portly for importing and analyzing data into grids. You'll visualize tenure, monthly charges, total charges and alternative individual columns by victimization the scatter plot.
Module 5: Introduction to Statistics
  • Why do we want Statistics?, Categories of Statistics, Statistical applied Terminologies, Types of Data, Measures of Central Tendency, Measures of Spread, Correlation & Covariance, Standardization & Normalization, Probability & Types of Probability, Hypothesis Testing, Chi-Square testing, ANOVA, normal distribution, binary distribution.
  • Hands-on Exercise -– Building a statistical applied analysis model that uses quantifications, representations, experimental data for gathering, reviewing, analyzing and drawing conclusions from data.
Module 6: Machine Learning
  • Introduction to Machine Learning, introduction to Linear Regression, predictive modeling with Linear Regression, simple Linear and multiple Linear Regression, ideas and formulas, assumptions and residual diagnostics in Linear Regression, building simple linear model, predicting results and finding p-value, introduction to logistic regression, comparing linear regression and logistics regression, bivariate & multi-variate logistic regression, confusion matrix & accuracy match of model, threshold evaluation with ROCR, Linear Regression concepts and detailed formulas, various assumptions of Linear Regression, residuals, qqnorm(), qqline(), understanding the fit of the model, building straight forwarding linear model, predicting outline results and finding p-value, understanding the summary results with Null Hypothesis, p-value & F-statistic, building linear models with multiple independent variables.
  • Hands-on Exercise -Modeling the link at intervals within the data using linear predictor functions. Implementing Linear & provision Logistics Regression in R by building model with ‘tenure’ as dependent variable and multiple freelance variables.
Module 7: Logistic Regression
  • Introduction to Logistic Regression, Logistic Regression Concepts, Linear vs Logistic regression, math behind Logistic Regression, detailed formulas, logit operate function and odds, Bi-variate logistic Regression, Poisson Regression, building straightforward “binomial” model and predicting result, confusion matrix and Accuracy, true positive rate, false positive rate, and confusion matrix for evaluating built model, threshold analysis evaluation with ROCR, finding the right threshold by building the ROC plot, cross validation & multivariate logistic regression, building logistic models with multiple independent variables, real-life applications of providing Logistic Regression.
  • Hands-on Exercise -Implementing prognosticative analytics by describing the data and explaining the relationship between one dependent binary variable and one or a lot of binary variables. You'll use glm() to create a model and use ‘Churn’ as the dependent variable. Module 8: Decision Trees & Random Forest
Module 8: Decision Trees & Random Forest
  • What is classification and totally different classification techniques, introduction to Decision Tree, algorithm for decision tree induction, building a decision tree in R, creating a perfect Decision Tree, Confusion Matrix, Regression trees vs Classification trees, introduction to ensemble of trees and bagging, Random Forest concept, implementing Random Forest in R, what is Naïve Bayes, Computing Possibilities, Impurity Function – Entropy, understand the ideas of information gain for right split of node, Impurity Function – Information gain, understand the concept of Gini index for right split of node, Impurity Function – Gini index, understand the concept of Entropy for right split of node, overfitting & pruning, pre-pruning, post-pruning, cost-complexity pruning, pruning decision tree and predicting values, realize the right no of trees and evaluate performance metrics.
  • Hands-on Exercise -Implementing Random Forest for both regression and classification problems. You will build a tree, prune it by using ‘churn’ because of the dependent variable and build a Random Forest with the proper of trees, victimization ROCR for performance metrics.
Module 9: Unsupervised learning
  • Introduction to association rule Mining & Market Basket Analysis, measures of Association Rule Mining: Support, Confidence, Lift, Apriority algorithm & implementing it in R, Introduction to Recommendation Engine, user-based cooperative filtering & Item-Based Cooperative Filtering, implementing Recommendation Engine in R, user-Based and item-Based, Recommendation Use-cases. Hands-on Exercise -Deploying association analysis as a rule-based machine learning method, identifying strong rules discovered in databases with measures based on fascinating discoveries.
  • Hands-on Exercise -Deploying unsupervised learning with R to achieve clustering and dimensionality reduction, K-means clustering for visualizing and interpreting results for the customer churn data.
Module 10: Association Rule Mining & Recommendation Engine
  • Introduction to association rule Mining & Market Basket Analysis, measures of Association Rule Mining: Support, Confidence, Lift, Apriori algorithm & implementing it in R, Introduction to Recommendation Engine, user-based collaborative filtering & Item-Based Collaborative Filtering, implementing Recommendation Engine in R, user-Based and item-Based, Recommendation Use-cases.
  • Hands-on Exercise -Deploying association analysis as a rule-based machine learning method, identifying strong rules discovered in databases with measures based on interesting discoveries.
Module 11: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (self paced)
  • introducing Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning, what is an Artificial Neural Network, TensorFlow – computational framework for building AI models, fundamentals of building ANN using TensorFlow, working with TensorFlow in R.
Module 12: Time Series Analysis (self paced)
  • What is Time Series, techniques and applications, parts of Time Series, moving average, smoothing techniques, exponential smoothing, univariate time series models, multivariate time series analysis, Arima model, Time Series statistic in R, sentiment analysis in R (Twitter sentiment analysis), text analysis.
  • Hands-on Exercise -Analyzing time series of statistic data, sequence of statistic measurements that follow a non-random order to identify the nature of development and to forecast the future run values in the series.
Module 13: Support Vector Machine - (SVM) (self paced)
  • Introduction to Support Vector Machine (SVM), Data classification treatment using SVM, SVM Algorithms using mistreatment Separable and Inseparable cases, Linear SVM for characteristics margin hyperplane.
Module 14: Naïve Bayes (self paced)
  • what is Bayes theorem, What's Naïve Bayes Classifier, Classification Workflow, However Naïve Bayes classifier works, Classifier building in Simit-learn, building a probabilistic classification model using Naïve Bayes, Zero chance drawback Probability Problem.
Module 15: Text Mining (self paced)
  • Introduction to ideas of Text Mining, Text Mining use cases, understanding and manipulating text with ‘tm’ & ‘stringR’, Text Mining Algorithms, Quantification of Text, Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF), After TF-IDF.
Module 16: Case Study
  • This case study is related to the modeling technique of Market Basket Analysis wherever you'll study about loading of data, numerous techniques for plotting the things and running the algorithms. It includes checking out what are the items that go hand in hand and thence will be clubbed together. This can be used for various real world eventualities like a supermarket shopping cart and so on.
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Need customized curriculum?

Get Hands-on Knowledge about Real-Time Data Science Projects

Project 1
Fake News Detection

The goal of this project is to create a real-time machine learning model determine the legitimacy of social media news.

Project 2
Forest Fire Prediction

To deal with such a calamity, a large sum of money must be spent on infrastructure, as well as control and handling.

Project 3
Road Lane Line Detection

In this project, lines placed on the road provide lane detection instructions to a human driver and detections.

Project 4
Driver Drowsiness Detection

The major goal of this project is to detect when a driver may become tired and fall asleep while driving.

Our Recruiting Partner for Placements

ACTE Texas offers placement opportunities as add-on to every student / professional who completed our classroom or online training. Some of our students are working in these companies listed below.

  • We are associated with a dedicated Placement support team that provides the necessities of Learners on Hiring.
  • After completing the Data science Online Course, we will organize the interview calls to students & prepare them for F2F synergy.
  • We are associated with TOP IT resistant companies like HCL, Wipro, Dell, HP, Accenture, Google, CTS, TCS, IBM, etc. It makes us fit to put our applicants in top MNCs across the globe.
  • Data Science Trainers assist students in developing their resume matching the current industry needs
  • Trainers instruct the students in developing their skills matching the present enterprise essentials.
  • We will schedule Mock Exams and Mock Interviews to upskill the candidates' knowledge.

Get Certified in Data Science with Industry Recognized ACTE Certificate

ACTE Data Science Training Certificate is authorized by all Worldwide Organizations and all over the globe. After completion of the entire program will provide the certificates for both the candidates and the professional instructors. Our trainers helped the candidates to get certified the other certification like CCA and CCP are the top-level proving your advanced skills and deep knowledge of Machine Learning. ACTE Data Science Certification will enhance the significance of your resume. It will lead you to a wide range of opportunities in your Career Path. This Certificate will help you to adopt new skills in the development of advanced concepts of Data Science.

Our ACTE Instructors will help the students to grab the knowledge on Other Data Science Programming and trained them to get other certification which is listed below:

  • Dell EMC Proven Professional Certification Program
  • Certified Analytics Professional
  • SAS Academy for Data Science
  • Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert
  • Cloudera Certified Associate
  • Cloudera Certified Professional - CCP Data Engineer
  • Data Science Certificate
  • Amazon AWS Big Data Certification
  • Oracle Certified Business Intelligence

  • Knowing a few algorithms well is better than knowing about many algorithms and linear regression, k-means clustering, and logistic regression well, can explain and interpret their results.
  • Most of the time, once you use associate degree formula, it'll be a version from a library. You’ll rarely be implementations SVM concepts.
  • Adopt a resource from good study books and e-learning methods according to your exam preparation.
  • Join Our ACTE Data Science Training Course get communicate with our instructors will get an idea regarding the subject and schedule the study plan for the certification exam.

With Data Science Training certificate you will hire for the following jobs:

  • Data Analyst
  • Data Engineers
  • Database Administrator
  • Machine Learning Engineer
  • Data Scientist
  • Data Architect
  • Statistician
  • Business Analyst
  • Data and Analytics Manager

Complete Your Course

a downloadable Certificate in PDF format, immediately available to you when you complete your Course

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a physical version of your officially branded and security-marked Certificate.

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About Qualified Data Science Instructor

  • Our Data Science Training in Texas have certified professionals with 9+ years of experience currently working employees with organizations like Cognizant, Dell, Infosys, IBM, L&T InfoTech, TCS, HCL Technologies, etc.
  • The trainers demonstrate many live projects for the training candidates during their training sessions.
  • Tutors will insist the candidates get placed in their respective companies through Employee referral or Internal Hiring Process.
  • Our ACTE tutors are industry-experts and subject specialists who have mastered running applications Providing to them
  • Our Mentors provide our learners with valuable insights into Interview scenarios and questions, as well as thorough Interview preparation and Soft Skills in Best Data Science Certification in Texas to the students.
  • ACTE Training Institute received prestigious awards for Data Science Training in Texas from recognized IT industries.

Data Science Course FAQs

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Call now: +91 93833 99991 and know the exciting offers available for you!
  • ACTE training institute is the Legend in offering placement to the students. Please visit our Placed Students List on our website
  • We have strong relationship with over 700+ Top MNCs like SAP, Oracle, Amazon, HCL, Wipro, Dell, Accenture, Google, CTS, TCS, IBM etc.
  • More than 3500+ students placed in last year in India & Globally
  • ACTE conducts development sessions including mock interviews, presentation skills to prepare students to face a challenging interview situation with ease.
  • We have 85% percent of placement record.
  • Our Placement Cell support you till you get placed in better MNC
  • Please Visit Your Student Portal | Here FREE Lifetime Online Student Portal help you to access the Job Openings, Study Materials, Videos, Recorded Section & Top MNC interview Questions
    ACTE Gives Certificate For Completing A Course
  • Certification is Accredited by all major Global Companies
  • ACTE is the unique Authorized Oracle Partner, Authorized Microsoft Partner, Authorized Pearson Vue Exam Center, Authorized PSI Exam Center, Authorized Partner Of AWS and National Institute of Education (NIE) Singapore
  • The entire Data Science training has been built around Real Time Implementation according to the Corporate firms.
  • You Get Hands-on Experience with Industry Projects, Hackathons & lab sessions which will help you to Build your Project Portfolio
  • GitHub repository and Showcase to Recruiters in Interviews & Get Placed
All the instructors at ACTE are practitioners from the Industry with minimum 9-12 yrs of relevant IT experience. They are subject matter experts and are trained by ACTE for providing an awesome learning experience.
No worries. ACTE assure that no one misses single lectures topics. We will reschedule the classes as per your convenience within the stipulated course duration with all such possibilities. If required you can even attend that topic with any other batches.
We offer this course in “Class Room, One to One Training, Fast Track, Customized Training & Online Training” mode. Through this way you won’t mess anything in your real-life schedule.

Why Should I Learn Data Science Course At ACTE?

  • Data Science Course in ACTE is designed & conducted by Data Science experts with 10+ years of experience in the Data Science domain
  • Only institution in India with the right blend of theory & practical sessions
  • In-depth Course coverage for 60+ Hours
  • More than 50,000+ students trust ACTE
  • Affordable fees keeping students and IT working professionals in mind
  • Course timings designed to suit working professionals and students
  • Interview tips and training
  • Resume building support
  • Real-time projects and case studies
Yes We Provide Lifetime Access for Student’s Portal Study Materials, Videos & Top MNC Interview Question.
You will receive ACTE globally recognized course completion certification Along with National Institute of Education (NIE), Singapore.
We have been in the training field for close to a decade now. We set up our operations in the year 2009 by a group of IT veterans to offer world class IT training & we have trained over 50,000+ aspirants to well-employed IT professionals in various IT companies.
We at ACTE believe in giving individual attention to students so that they will be in a position to clarify all the doubts that arise in complex and difficult topics. Therefore, we restrict the size of each Data Science batch to 5 or 6 members
Our courseware is designed to give a hands-on approach to the students in Data Science. The course is made up of theoretical classes that teach the basics of each module followed by high-intensity practical sessions reflecting the current challenges and needs of the industry that will demand the students’ time and commitment.
You can contact our support number at +91 93800 99996 / Directly can do by's E-commerce payment system Login or directly walk-in to one of the ACTE branches in India
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      Job Opportunities in Data Science

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