Full Stack Developer Training in Delhi | Best Full Stack Developer Course
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Full Stack Developer Training in Delhi

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  • Learn from Scratch to Advance Standard Expert Instructors.
  • Gain Hands-on Learning on the Ideas of Trendy Stacking.
  • Carried Out 9+ Years of Certified Authority Full Stack Developer.
  • Get Guidance for Preparation Ways and Best Practices Interviews.
  • Delivered by 9+ years of Full Stack Developer Certified Expert
  • Affordable Fees with Best curriculum Designed by Industrial Full Stack Developer Expert.
  • Next Full Stack Developer Batch to Start this week– Enroll Your Name Now!



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Upcoming Batches


Weekdays Regular

08:00 AM & 10:00 AM Batches

(Class 1Hr - 1:30Hrs) / Per Session


Weekdays Regular

08:00 AM & 10:00 AM Batches

(Class 1Hr - 1:30Hrs) / Per Session


Weekend Regular

(10:00 AM - 01:30 PM)

(Class 3hr - 3:30Hrs) / Per Session


Weekend Fasttrack

(09:00 AM - 02:00 PM)

(Class 4:30Hr - 5:00Hrs) / Per Session

Hear it from our Graduate

Have Cracked Their Dream Job in Top MNC Companies

Learn From Experts, Practice On Projects & Get Placed in IT Company

  • All study materials will be given and mock tests will be conducted for the preparation of the interview.
  • Gain an understanding of how to turn your ideas into a reality through knowledge of various languages.
  • Work as a web developer independent in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in master frontend development.
  • Creat your future employer as a junior developer with several projects.
  • Full Stack Developer Professional Certification Guidance Support with Exam Dumps
  • Django and Python Master Backend Development and Learn about new frames and technologies, including ES6+ Javascript, Bootstrap 5, Django, Postgres, etc.
  • Build your start-up or company's complete websites and web apps.
  • Concepts: UI Developer roles, Crawling and Meta tags, Basics – HTML, CSS, JavaScript, DHTML, Responsive Design, Angular JS, SPA, Custom Directives, REPL Terminal, Digging into NODE, Web Module, Db Connection.
  • Classroom Batch Training
  • One To One Training
  • Online Training
  • Customized Training
  • Enroll Now

Course Objectives

    Companies explore developers with multiple ability sets and characters thus they will limit the number of resources Therefore, full-stack development could be a rattling career as result of professionals throughout this field can supervise and handle any given state of affairs throughout development. As mentioned earlier, a full-stack developer's job is the most difficult and fulfilling one. It includes a mix of labor at the front-end and back-end to form website applications. It is a key part of any tech-savvy organization.

    Major players inside the business world are shifting to Full-stack internet developers, certified through Full Stack Developer training on the point of coniferous tree State. It’ll not only boost your CV to an honest extent but additionally improve your job opportunities through real-time training. Your demand for respect as an employee will increase. Excluding this, you will develop your application tool.

    One of the simplest reasons you want to want Full Stack Developer Certification training is that one should understand the market trends in terms of the strain of the companies. If you don’t have the proper skills, you won’t get the proper job. To face out as a developer, the extra you offer the upper. With our Full Stack Certification course, not alone area unit you ensure Placement oriented training but additionally elevate to your resume by providing live space training that makes the course easier for you.

    The average remuneration of associate skilled once Full Stack Developer Certification training is nearly INR75000 every year. This can be common to acquire a full-stack accomplished operator in some corporations once Full Stack Developer training. If you are a freelancer, your earnings might disagree.

The skills you'll learn through Full Stack Developer training are:
  • Fundamentals of web development through nomenclature and CSS.
  • Understanding databases, making and manipulating them more as running queries.
  • Building interactive online page through jQuery and JavaScript.
  • There is only a combination of conditions for this course, passion to learn, and a basic commitment to writing data.
  • Solid structure and style management skills.
  • Learning basic front-end languages like mark-up language, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Learn the basics of web development, JavaScript, Databases, and also.
  • Working with databases i.e. creating more manipulations.
  • Learning your manner with system infrastructure, and knowing what is required for the code or website you are developing, in addition, because of the OS.
  • Front end committal to writing with a nomenclature, JavaScript, CSS, etc.

Which Full-stack Developer Certification is best?

  • Spring Boot [Best Java Backend Framework].
  • Angular [Best JavaScript GUI Framework].
  • Node JS + Express.
  • Django [Best Python Full Stack Framework].
  • Flask [Best Python Backend Framework].
  • Bootstrap [Best CSS Framework for Web Development].

Who should select the Full Stack Developer Certification Training Course?

  • This course is for all those who want to understand web development despite previous experience.
  • It is ideal for freshers with zero experience.
  • is additionally sensible for all who grasp a range of technologies (such as nomenclature and CSS), but not complete aspects of internet development.

What will you learn during this Full Stack Developer Certification Training Course?

  • MEAN Stack (MongoDB, Expresses’, Angular, and Node.js).
  • DevOps.
  • HTML and CSS.
  • Integration of Angular applications with Node.js.
  • CURD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete).
  • JSON web-token authentication, and more.

What are the job roles available after the Full Stack Developer Certification Training Course?

  • You'll even be a freelancer for diverse shoppers or develop your own. You'll even be able to work on various open provides thanks to our live training.
  • Full-Stack Developer.
  • Full Stack Engineer.
  • Software Engineer.
  • Web Application Engineer.

How can I learn a Full-stack Certification Training Course?

  • Learn the necessary programming languages.
  • Refine the knowledge.
  • Become familiar with all technologies but a master of one.
  • Take a course.
  • Get practical exposure.
  • Take up additional assignments.
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Overview of Full Stack Developer Training in Delhi

This Full Stack Developer Training in Delhi will promote your career as a developer on the MEAN stack. You will gain the best abilities in building and deploying interactive apps and services such as MongoDB and Express.js, angular, and Node.js, as well as Git, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You may develop interactive and responsive web apps utilizing both front-end and back-end technology in the full-stack web development proficiency Master's program. The web developer begins with basics, encompasses JavaScript and jQuery essential elements, guides you through Angular or React to create a great user experience, allows you to create scalable backend systems using Express and Node.js, and manage data using MongoDB.

Additional Info

Why Do you Choose Fullstack

The job that is in high demand For the past several years, a full stack web developer has been the most sought-after job profile due to new, changing, and expanding technology. Every company wants a consistent user experience, which is simple to provide when just one person is responsible for both client-side and server-side code. Two individuals also imply higher pay, greater resources, and more ideas. A full-stack web developer will be a requirement in the job market for the foreseeable future if present employment market trends continue. Employers have begun to value employees with a broad range of skills. Pay is excellent. The remuneration is high, as it is with everything in great demand. A full-stack developer's annual income is on average 6 lakh rupees, which is more than a web developer's annual salary. You may earn more than the national average if you have the appropriate talents and approach the right firm. Your compensation is also determined by your degree, experience, and place of employment.

Opportunity for a job Full-stack developers are in high demand across the world, and the employment market predicts that additional positions will be established or reallocated for them. This level of employment availability assures a positive career trajectory. The more value-added skills you gain, the more negotiation power you'll have while looking for work.You get to put a lot of your skills to use and show off your troubleshooting abilities across a wide range of difficulties. You'll become the team's go-to person, which will help you advance your career. More significantly, it allows you to stay ahead of the curve. It is simple to learn. The number of your skills, as well as their quality, impacts your chances of landing a job as a full-stack web developer. There are several study resources, as well as a self-paced group, accessible. You may simply train by taking an online full-stack web development course. There are several courses accessible at a reasonable fee on the internet. However, make sure the course is designed in such a manner that you can study the fundamentals as well as a stack specialty; understanding the fundamentals will help you learn additional technologies that are built on top of the fundamentals.

Role & Responsibilities :

  • The term "full-stack developer" refers to a profession that includes the skills and duties of both a web designer and a web developer. The two jobs have gotten more specialized and technical as the web has become more sophisticated, and consumers have sought more complicated solutions for their online presence. Further, the two jobs and abilities have been intertwined in some situations, culminating in the position of Full Stack Developer.

  • The many categories are: front end development, back end development, and back end development (the visible parts of a website or application) back end development (databases and infrastructure “behind the scenes”) evolution of the entire stack (a hybrid of both). A web stack, mobile stack, or native application stack can all be considered full stack (i.e. software programs for specific devices)

  • A web developer or engineer that works on both the front and back ends of a website or application is known as a full-stack developer. In this regard, they offer an end-to-end solution and may work on projects including databases and the construction of user-facing websites.

  • More developers are becoming "full-stack" as the border between the front end and back end continues to blur. Many businesses (particularly agencies that work on a variety of sites) are seeking developers that can work on all aspects of a site and utilize the best tools for the task, regardless of whether it's technically "front end" or "back end."

  • For big or specialized projects, the Full Stack Developer will frequently need the help of others to create specialized code; nonetheless, the Full Stack Developer must be well-versed in and proficient in most elements of web and application development.

Responsibilities of a Full Stack Developer :

A Full Stack Developer's main responsibilities include creating website user interactions, developing servers and databases for website operation, and coding for mobile platforms.

Typical responsibilities include the following:
  • Creating the architecture of a front-end website.
  • Creating user interfaces for web pages.
  • Creating website apps for the back end.
  • For functionality, servers and databases are created.
  • Assuring mobile phone cross-platform optimization.
  • Assuring application responsiveness.
  • Working on-site design elements with graphic designers.
  • Seeing a project off through beginning to end.
  • Creating and designing APIs.
  • Providing for both technical and consumer requirements.
  • Keeping current with the newest innovations in development tools and programming languages.

    As we near the end, we can state that there are several reasons why you should pursue a career as a full-stack web developer. You have the potential to become the sought-after technician. You might have a rapid learning curve and rapid advancement in your profession. To top it all off, you earn a fantastic income.

Required SKills :

  • HTML/CSS :

    CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, whereas HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. CSS is a customization tool for creating and decorating a website, whereas HTML is used to add web content. The appearance and feel of a website are determined by HTML and CSS, which play a significant role in enticing potential consumers.

    Stackable Developers must work with HTML to use markup to determine the structure of web pages. For building an interactive, intuitive, and engaging frontend for apps, Full Stack Developers must have a considerable understanding of both of these programming languages.

  • JavaScript :

    JavaScript is a required Full Stack Developer expertise when it comes to web and software development. The object-oriented scripting language is mostly used in HTML to create actions. It's one of the most used languages for developing server frontend and backend programming. JavaScript is also the only programming language that can be used both in the browser and on the server (Node.js). Full Stack Developers must be well-versed in JavaScript, as well as related ideas and technologies such as React and Angular. One of the nicest things about JavaScript is that it comes with a slew of useful features like functions, prototypes, higher-order event delegation, and closure, all of which aid in the development of flexible web pages.

    Full Stack Developers must also keep their JavaScript expertise up to date when new frameworks, libraries, and tools are released. Aside from that, Full Stack Developers should be familiar with DOM and JSON.

  • GitHub and Git :

    Every developer, even prospective devs, is familiar with Git. It's a free and open-source "distributed version control system" that can handle all of your development requirements. For both small and large-scale undertakings, it offers speed and efficiency. Developers may use Git to manage any changes to programs, scripts, websites, documents, and other material related to software/application development in real-time. Professional developers almost always have a GitHub profile, which is required if they work in a group.

    Git helps Full Stack Developers to keep track of any small change made to the application source. Full Stack Developers may use Git to explore new possibilities for security, productivity, and administration. Full Stack Developers that are familiar with Git can better communicate and cooperate with their colleague's developers/programmers on the same project.

  • Languages for the backend

    While we've covered the two most important frontend languages, HTML and CSS (together with JavaScript), the backend is an equally important component of any application or program. While backend development is a separate animal altogether, there are several programming languages to pick from. A full-stack web development course can assist you in learning the necessary languages to become a full-stack developer.

  • For backend development, a Full Stack Developer must know at least a handful of these languages:
    • PHP is an open-source, cross-platform compatible language that can operate flawlessly on Unix, macOS, and Windows. It is one of the most popular alternatives for backend development.
    • Python — Python is very popular among developers and coders all over the world because of its English-like syntax, easy learning curve, and the large number of libraries and frameworks.
    • Ruby is a powerful programming language. It has a large developer community behind it, as well as great documentation and dependencies, making it an excellent choice for backend development.
    • Java is a computer language that may be used for a variety of purposes. It may be used to build web, desktop, and mobile applications. In addition, Java offers a plethora of frameworks that make backend programming even easier.

      Full Stack Developers are the magicians of software development when it comes to web architecture. They possess a diverse set of abilities in both frontend and backend development. Stackable Developers must understand the intricacies of web architecture. They must know how to organize code because their major duty is to create sophisticated software programs from the ground up. Files should be classified, data should be organized in databases, and computational tasks should be completed. More information about Web development project ideas may be found here.

    • RESTful web services and HTTP :

      HTTP and REST both provide two distinct functions. REST is an interface between systems that uses the HTTP protocol to acquire data or execute multiple operations (in various forms) on the data. HTTP is a protocol for enabling communication with the client. As a result, REST serves as a bridge between the front end and the backend. Full Stack Developers must know both HTTP and REST since they are required for Full Stack development.Full Stack Developers must know both HTTP and REST since they are required for Full Stack development.

    • Storage of databases :

      All web applications require a database to store all of the data. This ensures that developers will be able to access the data afterward. Database storage necessitates the expertise of a Full Stack Developer who is well-versed in relational databases and database storage.

      Database administration is a requirement for full-stack developers; they must be able to create, comprehend, and modify database queries. They should also be familiar with XML and JSON.

    • Design fundamentals :

      Because a Full Stack Developer is responsible for both the frontend and the backend, they must have basic design abilities. Frontend design expertise is essential for making a website seem nice and appealing. Users are always drawn to a website with a clean and user-friendly design.

    • NPM :

      NPM is a package manager made specifically for Node.js. It facilitates the installation of many software. It also provides appropriate solutions for a variety of dependencies. NPM enables developers to put modules in the best possible order to aid the node's discovery and management of dependency conflicts.NPM is extremely customizable, so it may be used for a variety of tasks, including node program creation, publishing, discovery, and installation.

    • Soft abilities :

      Technical abilities alone will not be enough if you want to become a Full Stack Developer. You must have the ideal combination of technical and soft abilities. The following soft skills are required of any Full Stack Developer:

    • an analytical mind
    • Excellent time management abilities
    • Learner's curiosity
    • Detail-oriented creative vision
    • Patience

    Benefits :

    1. Demand is high :

    Full-stack developers are in high demand. Consider this: the demand for full-stack developers increased by about 20% in 2018. Because full-stack developers deal with all three tiers of the process, this is the case (presentation, logic, and database).

    2. Pay is excellent :

    In India, full-stack engineers earn approximately 6 LPA on average. It can go up to 14 LPA for experts with a lot of experience and skill. According to Glassdoor, the minimum compensation for a full-stack developer in India is about 3.5 LPA. Full-stack developers, as you can see, make a good living.

    3. Flexibility of thought :

    You're well-versed in a variety of development topics. As a consequence, you'll have greater freedom in your employment. You may work on both the client-side and database-side of the application. It gives you greater control over the product you're working on. As a full-stack developer, you'll have a superior grasp of both PHP and CSS, whether you're a technical person who prefers PHP or a creative man who prefers CSS.

    4. Increased Productivity :

    As a full-stack developer, you're familiar with a variety of technologies. You'd be acquainted with all of them, whether it's adding photos to a web page or establishing a database. You'll have an advantage over other developers since you'll be able to make technical decisions more quickly and understand the larger picture.

    Advantages of Full Stack :

    A Full Stack Developer is a software developer who works on both the client and server sides of the application. This sort of developer works on the entire stack of a software program, which includes the front end, back end, database, server, API, and version control systems. As a result, the term "Full Stack" Developer was coined. I'm willing to try new things. The use of full-stack web development has no bounds. You can utilize full-stack web development tools to create AI-powered chatbots, progressive websites, and more. This is what makes this a one-of-a-kind ability. Almost every business has a demand for a full-stack web developer. Nothing happens in the new and better market without the internet. Companies would rather invest in a single resource than a number of resources to complete the same task. You'll have a greater chance of landing a job based on your skillset. It enhances your skillset.

    With a few talents under your belt, you're likely to encounter more criteria when you approach various clients. There is a separate stack for each, as well as a slew of other full-stack web development tools. You may need to master new abilities in order to land a certain customer. This continual and gradual acquisition of new abilities, on the other hand, strengthens your résumé and boosts your credibility. User needs are translated into the entire architecture and new systems are implemented by full-stack developers. A Full-Stack Developer does not have to be an expert in every technology. However, while building an application, the expert is required to work on both the client and server sides and comprehend what is going on. He or she should be genuinely interested in all aspects of software development.

    Certification :

    Professional Full Stack Web Developer - Certification The objective of Udacity's Full Stack Online Developer program is to provide students the skills they need to create database-backed APIs and web apps.

    Pay Scale :

    Employees with 5 to 9 years of experience may expect to earn between INR 12 and 14 lakhs. The average mid-level full stack developer income in India, according to payscale, is 137K. Solid work history with a reputable firm provides you an advantage over many newcomers. In India, a full stack developer's pay for a fresher is 375K. A full-stack developer with 1-4 years of experience makes an average of 553K per year.

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Key Features

ACTE Delhi offers Full Stack Developer Training in more than 27+ branches with expert trainers. Here are the key features,

  • 40 Hours Course Duration
  • 100% Job Oriented Training
  • Industry Expert Faculties
  • Free Demo Class Available
  • Completed 500+ Batches
  • Certification Guidance

Authorized Partners

ACTE TRAINING INSTITUTE PVT LTD is the unique Authorised Oracle Partner, Authorised Microsoft Partner, Authorised Pearson Vue Exam Center, Authorised PSI Exam Center, Authorised Partner Of AWS and National Institute of Education (nie) Singapore.


Syllabus of FullStack Course in Delhi
Module 1: Introduction – i
  • UI Developer roles and responsibilities
  • UX designer roles
  • Technologies needed
  • Power of UI
  • Current market requirements on UI
  • Basic Technologies needed
  • Difference between Front end and Backend
Introduction – ii
  • Sample webpages
  • Crawling and Meta tags.
  • Basics
Module 2: Basics – HTML
  • Exploring existing pages
  • Browsers & Editors
  • DOM
  • Structure of HTML Page
  • Mandatory tags in html page (html, head, body)
  • Heading tags (H1…H6), Tags and attributes (Class, Id, style…etc.)
  • Inline and block level elements
Module 3: CSS
  • What is CSS
  • Different ways of applying CSS for elements, and priority chain of CSS
  • CSS Properties (color, font, size, border…etc.)
CSS – ii
  • Box model
  • Margin & Padding
  • Positioning Elements
  • Floating Elements
Module 4: More HTML Tags
  • Including external page links in a page using anchor tags and its properties
  • Working with row and column data using table tags
  • Hiding and un-hiding elements using display property
  • img tag, p tag, ul and ol tags, li, nobr, hr, bretc
  • Layouts, forms, buttons
  • Input fields (textbox, radio button, checkbox, dropdown, text area etc.)
  • Debugging HTML & CSS (Firebug, IE and Chrome developer tool)
  • Creating Tabs and menu lists
Module 5: More CSS Properties
  • Adding borders, font, Pseudo classes and Pseudo Elements
  • positioning elements (absolute, relative, fixed and static)
  • Image spriting
  • Box model (margins, padding)
  • Floating elements (float left, right etc.)
  • Including external resources
  • Absolute and Relative paths
  • Including external resources like CSS, images etc.
  • Display Property(inline, block, inline block etc)
  • Display none and hidden elements.
Module 6: Form Elements
  • Get & Post Communication
  • Validating input values in a form.
  • Form action and type
Module 7: JavaScript
  • Data types and data structures in Js
  • Control structures, if, if-else, while, for, switch case statements
Module 8: DHTML
  • Dynamic creation and manipulation of DOM elements using Javascript.
  • Adding multiple events dynamically using event listeners.
  • Event capturing and event bubbling
  • Exploring Event Object.
  • Validations using key char codes
Module 9: JavaScript Supported Data Structures
  • Arrays and Predefined methods.
  • Working on logical programs using Arrays.
  • Predefined methods in arrays
  • Strings and predefined methods
  • Objects
  • JSON
  • Iterating through Dynamic JSON Object.
  • Exploring Predefined Date object.
Module 10: Adv. JavaScript
  • Inheriting Static Object using proto.
  • Inheritance using Object.create()
  • JavaScript Classes
  • Prototyping
  • Inheritance using prototyping.
  • Global and local variables
  • Securing Data using Closures
  • Exception Handling
  • Handling Predefined and user defined exceptions
  • Exploring try, catch, finally and throws.
Module 11: jQuery
  • History and version explore
  • Difference between Minified and non-minified JS files.
  • On load and on ready difference
  • Jquery selectors
  • Multiple ways of referring DOM elements using jQuery selectors
  • Jquery methods
  • Adding dynamic properties for DOM elements
  • Toggling elements
  • Creating dynamic elements using jQuery
Module 12: jQuery Traversing methods
  • Traversing Siblings
  • Traversing Children’s
  • Traversing Parent Elements.
  • Traversing Ancestors.
  • Finding elements using jQuery techniques
  • Filtering elements
Module 13: Events using jQuery
  • Binding events
  • Dynamic binding
  • List of events been supported in jQuery (blur, change, click, dbclick….etc.)s
Module 14: AJAX
  • Advantages with AJAX and its limitations
  • Samples working with AJAX
  • Different data formats used in AJAX (string, xml, JSON, etc.)
  • XML and JSON difference
  • Cross domain interactions using JSONP
  • Jquery Promises
  • Handling Multiple AJAX Calls using Jquery Promises.
Module 15: Jquery Animations
  • Animation Effects using
  • Hide, Show
  • Sliding up and down
  • Fading
  • Animate Method.
Module 16: jQuery Templating
  • Loading DOM dynamically using Jquery templates
  • loading templates using AJAX
Module 17: HTML 5
  • Difference between HTML5 and HTML 4
  • List of Browsers support HTML5
  • Doc type
  • Semantic Tags
  • Multithreading Using Web Workers.
  • Media Support (audio and video tags)
  • Graphics using Canvas tag and SVG Tags.
  • Drag and Drop features
  • Offline Application using Application Cache
  • Exploring Navigator Object
  • Working on locations lat and lng using Geolocation
  • Storing user preferences using Local storage & Session Storage
Module 18: CSS 3
  • Difference between CSS 2 and CSS 3
  • Adding borders and backgrounds
  • Advanced text effects(shadow)
  • 2D and 3D Transformations
  • Adding Transitions to elements
  • Adding animations to text and elements
Module 19: Responsive Design
  • Difference between multiple devices, making a page to work on multiple devices
  • Media queries
  • Introduction to Bootstrap CSS API
Module 20: Angular JS
  • Introduction and History
  • What is MVC
  • Features and Advantages of Angular Js
  • Angular Expressions
  • Predefined Directives
  • Dependency Injection
  • AJAX communication in Angular using $http
  • Handling Multiple AJAX requests using $http promises.
  • Working on multiple controllers with in single application
  • Communication between controllers using broadcast and $rootScope
  • Difference between $scope and $rootScope
Module 21: SPA
  • What is Single Page Application
  • Exploring routeProvider service
  • Working on $location service
  • Angular configuration
Module 22: Filters
  • Angular predefined Filters
  • Accessing Filters in controllers
  • Creating Custom Filters
Module 23: Angular Forms
  • Form Validations
  • Angular predefined Form validation classes
  • Exploring ng-valid, ng-invalid, ng-pristine, ng-dirty, ng-touched etc
Module 24: Predefined Methods
  • Angular predefined methods
  • Bootstrap, copy, equals, forEach, extend, toJSON etc.
Module 25: Handling Events
  • Adding events in angular js</
  • ng-click, ng-dbclick,ng-
Module 26: Controller directives
  • ng-if
  • ng-switch
  • ng-include
Module 27: NgResource
  • Handling REST calls using $resource
  • Performing get, post, put, query, remove an delete calls using $resource
Module 28: Custom Directives
  • Creating Custom User defined directives in Angular
  • Exploring template, templateUrl, scope, link and restrict properties
  • Manipulating DOM element using Directives
Module 29: Angular services
  • Constants
  • Value
  • Factory
  • Services
  • Providers
Module 30: Angular Scope Functions
  • $watch
  • $apply
  • $digest
Module 1: Introduction to NodeJS
  • Introduction and History
  • Latest version details
Module 2: Installation and Environment Setup
  • Setting up the Node environment
  • Node and npm Installation
Module 3: REPL Terminal
  • Exploring REPL Terminal
  • Walkthrough commands on terminal
Module 4: Digging into NODE
  • Server side Javascript
  • Introduction to NPM
  • Creating simple http server
  • Exploring package.json
Module 5: Event Loop
  • What is Event Loop
  • Exploring Event driven programming
  • Emitting events
  • Setting Callback methods
Module 6: Web Module
  • Creating simple webservices
  • Creating web clients using node.
Module 7: Express js
  • Exploring Express module
  • Setting up express environment
  • Creating http server using express
  • Reading data from GET/POST requests
Module 8: Templates
  • Creating templates using PUG
  • Generating Dynamic html pages from server
  • Responding a template for a client request
Module 9: File system
  • Exploring File system
  • Reading and writing to files
Module 10: REST API
  • Introduction to REST API
  • REST Architecture
Module 11: Clustering
  • Creating and handling multiple clusters in Node js
Module 12: Db Connection
  • Connecting to Mongo DB
  • Connecting to SQL
Module 13: WebService with DB interactions
  • Creating web services which communicate with Database
Module 1: Overview
  • History and over view of MONGO DB
  • Advantages
  • How it differs from other DB
Module 2: Environment Setup
  • Setting up the environment and installation of Mongo DB
Module 3: Data modeling
  • Exploring Data modeling
  • Creating and Dropping DB
Module 4: Creating DB in Mongo
  • Droping an existing DB
Module 5: Datatypes and collections
  • Datatypes
  • Creating and dropping collections
Module 6: Documents
  • Creating Documents
  • Updating and Dleting Documents
  • Query Documents
Module 7: Backup support
  • Creating Backup for database
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Need customized curriculum?

Hands-on Real Time Full Stack Developer Projects

Project 1
Content Management System for a Blog Project

The main objective of the Content Management System is to manage the details of Content,Blogs,User,Registration,Web Page.

Project 2
Multi-client Website Offering Client Services

The users who are customers to your customers should be able to sign up as users and purchase goods or services from the merchants.

Project 3
E-Commerce Website for Automotive

Under this project, you can develop a standard e-commerce website that displays products to be sold. Users should be able to select the products they want to buy and add them.

Project 4
Food Delivery Application

This application should be able to form a bridge between restaurants and consumers. Restaurants owners must be able to sign up and list out their food items.

Our Top Hiring Partner for Placements

Every student / professional who completes our classroom or online training at ACTE Delhi is eligible for a placement opportunity as an add-on. Some of our students work for the businesses mentioned below.

  • We collaborate with leading companies such as Dunzo, Rivigo, Arista Networks, Airtel, and NetApp. It enables us to put our students in top multinational corporations across the world.
  • For placement, we have separate student websites where you will see all of the interview schedules and be notified through email.
  • We will organize interview calls for students and prepare them for face-to-face contact after they have completed 70% of the Full Stack Developer training course material.
  • Full Stack Developer Trainers aid students in developing resumes that are relevant to the current knowledge economy.
  • We have a specially trained Placement assistance professionals to help students secure their position according to their goals.
  • The GAP in candidate expertise is to be timed for Mock Exams and Mock interviews.

Get Certified By Full Stack Developer & Industry Recognized ACTE Certificate

Acte Certification is Accredited by all major Global Companies around the world. We provide after completion of the theoretical and practical sessions to fresher's as well as corporate trainees.

Our certification at Acte is accredited worldwide. It increases the value of your resume and you can attain leading job posts with the help of this certification in leading MNC's of the world. The certification is only provided after successful completion of our training and practical based projects.

Complete Your Course

a downloadable Certificate in PDF format, immediately available to you when you complete your Course

Get Certified

a physical version of your officially branded and security-marked Certificate.

Get Certified

About Experienced Full Stack Developer Trainer

  • Our Full Stack Developer Training in Delhi have 9+ years' experienced trainer in their respective fields and are now working with the Top MNCs.
  • Since all trainers are full-stack developers and work for countless real projects, trainers will utilize these projects throughout training sessions..
  • All our trainers work with Altimetrik, Ford Motor Company, Siemens, Airbus, Saint-Gobain, Barclays, Nagarro and many more firms.
  • Trainers communicate a lot – on paper and verbally. Trainers are also helping candidates to obtain employee reference/internal recruitment processes within their own firm.
  • Our instructors are industry specialists with master's degree in developing apps which provide the learners Best Full Stack Developer training.
  • We have got several important awards from renowned IT firms for full stack developer training in Delhi.

Full Stack Developer Course FAQs

Looking for better Discount Price?

Call now: +91 93833 99991 and know the exciting offers available for you!
  • ACTE is the Legend in offering placement to the students. Please visit our Placed Students List on our website
  • We have strong relationship with over 700+ Top MNCs like SAP, Oracle, Amazon, HCL, Wipro, Dell, Accenture, Google, CTS, TCS, IBM etc.
  • More than 3500+ students placed in last year in India & Globally
  • ACTE conducts development sessions including mock interviews, presentation skills to prepare students to face a challenging interview situation with ease.
  • 85% percent placement record
  • Our Placement Cell support you till you get placed in better MNC
  • Please Visit Your Student Portal | Here FREE Lifetime Online Student Portal help you to access the Job Openings, Study Materials, Videos, Recorded Section & Top MNC interview Questions
    ACTE Gives Certificate For Completing A Course
  • Certification is Accredited by all major Global Companies
  • ACTE is the unique Authorized Oracle Partner, Authorized Microsoft Partner, Authorized Pearson Vue Exam Center, Authorized PSI Exam Center, Authorized Partner Of AWS and National Institute of Education (NIE) Singapore
  • The entire Full Stack Developer training has been built around Real Time Implementation
  • You Get Hands-on Experience with Industry Projects, Hackathons & lab sessions which will help you to Build your Project Portfolio
  • GitHub repository and Showcase to Recruiters in Interviews & Get Placed
All the instructors at ACTE are practitioners from the Industry with minimum 9-12 yrs of relevant IT experience. They are subject matter experts and are trained by ACTE for providing an awesome learning experience.
No worries. ACTE assure that no one misses single lectures topics. We will reschedule the classes as per your convenience within the stipulated course duration with all such possibilities. If required you can even attend that topic with any other batches.
We offer this course in “Class Room, One to One Training, Fast Track, Customized Training & Online Training” mode. Through this way you won’t mess anything in your real-life schedule.

Why Should I Learn Full Stack Developer Course At ACTE?

  • Full Stack Developer Course in ACTE is designed & conducted by Full Stack Developer experts with 10+ years of experience in the Full Stack Developer domain
  • Only institution in India with the right blend of theory & practical sessions
  • In-depth Course coverage for 60+ Hours
  • More than 50,000+ students trust ACTE
  • Affordable fees keeping students and IT working professionals in mind
  • Course timings designed to suit working professionals and students
  • Interview tips and training
  • Resume building support
  • Real-time projects and case studies
Yes We Provide Lifetime Access for Student’s Portal Study Materials, Videos & Top MNC Interview Question.
You will receive ACTE globally recognized course completion certification Along with National Institute of Education (NIE), Singapore.
We have been in the training field for close to a decade now. We set up our operations in the year 2009 by a group of IT veterans to offer world class IT training & we have trained over 50,000+ aspirants to well-employed IT professionals in various IT companies.
We at ACTE believe in giving individual attention to students so that they will be in a position to clarify all the doubts that arise in complex and difficult topics. Therefore, we restrict the size of each Full Stack Developer batch to 5 or 6 members
Our courseware is designed to give a hands-on approach to the students in Full Stack Developer. The course is made up of theoretical classes that teach the basics of each module followed by high-intensity practical sessions reflecting the current challenges and needs of the industry that will demand the students’ time and commitment.
You can contact our support number at +91 93800 99996 / Directly can do by ACTE.in's E-commerce payment system Login or directly walk-in to one of the ACTE branches in India
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      Job Opportunities in Full Stack

      More Than 35% Of Developers Prefer Full Stack. Full Stack Is The Most Popular And In-Demand Programming Language In The Tech World.

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