ACTE ReactJS Online Training Course. The core objective of ReactJS is providing the best possible rendering performance. Its strength comes from the focus on individual components. Instead of working on the entire web app, ReactJS allows a developer to break down the complex UI into simpler components.Start learning with us ACTE ReactJS Classroom & Online Training Course.
ReactJS developers have a bright future ahead as the framework is in use in multiple industries and actually, React developers are currently paid the most when compared to other web development technologies.
- React is easy to learn.
- It is being used widely in companies like Facebook, Netflix, Apple, Paypal, and more.
- You can create any web applications, command-line interfaces, mobile and desktop apps by learning ReactJS certification course.
- ReactJS developer can earn an average salary of $113,326 per annum - Indeed
- The demand for ReactJS developers is growing fast, with great opportunities for skilled ones.
As a developer, you can create large web applications in order to change data without reloading the page by using ReactJS. The demand for remote React developers and ReactJS services have been growing exponentially over the past few years. It has become the best choice for users due to its simplicity, user-friendliness, native approach, data binding, performance, and testability.
As per the industry stats, most hiring is happening for the below roles:
- Aspirant wishing to build a career in frontend web application development.
- Web developers who build UI/UI solutions for web and mobile apps.
- Professionals who want to develop large-scale web applications using React.
YES,A ReactJS Developer is the one who is capable of working on both ends of web application front-end and back-end.Companies consider ReactJS developers as budget-friendly as well because instead of hiring two developers individually for front-end and back-end companies hire ReactJS developers.ReactJS developers are the proverbial unicorns of the development world: fanciful and functional.If you're wondering why ReactJS developers in such particular demand, it's because most developers are highly specialised. They either work in server-side programming (back-end),or client-end programming.
We are happy and proud to say that we have strong relationship with over 700+ small, mid-sized and MNCs. Many of these companies have openings for ReactJS .Moreover, we have a very active placement cell that provides 100% placement assistance to our students. The cell also contributes by training students in mock interviews and discussions even after the course completion.
React is a library for building composable user interfaces. It encourages the creation of reusable UI components which present data that changes over time. It is not a complete application framework like angular, it is just a view layer. So it is not directly comparable to frameworks like angular
There are no mandatory pre-requisites for taking this training. However, experience in working with any programming language like C, C++, Java,Python, JavaScript and, HTML would be preferred.
NO,HTML and CSS skill would be required for developing ReactJS Single Page applications. Though react uses JSX, HTML fundamentals are needed and to style react application CSS skills are desired.
Our courseware is designed to give a hands-on approach to the students in ReactJS . The course is made up of theoretical classes that teach the basics of each module followed by high-intensity practical sessions reflecting the current challenges and needs of the industry that will demand the student's time and commitment.
Yes,ReactJS offers numerous benefits by efficiently rendering and updating the right components when you change the data, making your code predictable and easier to debug with declarative views, and rendering on the server using Node and power mobile apps using React Native. You begin to see more benefits once you switch to ReactJS.
Some benefits are as follows:
- Widen your career opportunities by working as Full Stack Engineer, Senior Developer, Front End Developer etc.
- Enhance your productivity by equipping yourself with top-notch developer tools.
- Upgrade your skillsets by learning components and write with JSX to be relevant to the market.
- ReactJS is also backed by a strong community enabling you to grow your network
- ReactJS expertise can help you earn an average salary of $113,326 per annum
ReactJS is a vital area of many IT job roles and gaining the applicable expertise and passing ReactJS exams in this area will greatly enhance your employability.
Its better to select ACTE which comprises these below factors.
- Appropriate training with well Equipped facilities.
- Technical ReactJS certifications
- Complete knowledge in the ReactJS
- Technical theory
- Mock Interviews
ReactJS Development is undoubtedly a promising career option. The field has the potential for continued growth in the years to come. ReactJS Developer is just not an in-demand role across multiple organizations, it’s also a well-paid role. Understanding more technologies is certainly a sure-fire way to future-proof your career as the digital landscape evolve.For those who are looking for a competitive, as well as a lucrative job, ReactJS Development is a smart and ideal career choice.
Here are a few reasons for you to pursue a career in ReactJS :
- ReactJS is easy to learn and also has a great documentation
- ReactJS has a great community support as well backed by Facebook
- ReactJS is rapidly growing and is becoming first choice for many companies to develop scalable and performant web applications
- ReactJS is universal, you can use react learning to create web, mobile and desktop applications
- ReactJS is being widely used by many large enterprises like Facebook, Netflix, Airbnb, PayPal and many others
- Build a lucrative career.
Why Do JavaScript Developers Use React JS?
React is a JavaScript library that specializes in helping developers build user interfaces, or UIs. In terms of websites and web applications, UIs are the collection of on-screen menus, search bars, buttons, and anything else someone interacts with to USE a website or app.
Before React JS, developers were stuck building UIs by hand with “vanilla JavaScript” (developer speak for the raw JavaScript language on its own) or with less UI-focused React predecessors like jQuery. That meant longer development times and plenty of opportunities for errors and bugs. So, in 2011, Facebook engineer Jordan Walke created React JS specifically to improve UI development.
In addition to providing reusable React library code (saving development time and cutting down on the chance for coding errors), React comes with two key features that add to its appeal for JavaScript developers:
- Virtual DOM
To get an even better understanding of React JS and why you should use it, let’s take a look at both.
- At the heart of any basic website are HTML documents. Web browsers read these documents and display them on your computer, tablet, or phone as web pages. During this process, browsers create something called a Document Object Model (DOM), a representational tree of how the web page is arranged. Developers can then add dynamic content to their projects by modifying the DOM with languages like JavaScript.
- JSX (short for JavaScript eXtension) is a React extension that makes it easy for web developers to modify their DOM by using simple, HTML-style code. And—since React JS browser support extends to all modern web browsers—JSX is compatible with any browser platform you might be working with.
- This isn’t just a matter of convenience, though—using JSX to update a DOM leads to significant site performance improvements and development efficiency. How? It’s all about the next React feature, the Virtual DOM.
Virtual DOM:
- If you’re not using React JS (and JSX), your website will use HTML to update its DOM (the process that makes things “change” on screen without a user having to manually refresh a page). This works fine for simple, static websites, but for dynamic websites that involve heavy user interaction it can become a problem (since the entire DOM needs to reload every time the user clicks a feature calling for a page refresh).
- However, if a developer uses JSX to manipulate and update its DOM, React JS creates something called a Virtual DOM. The Virtual DOM (like the name implies) is a copy of the site’s DOM, and React JS uses this copy to see what parts of the actual DOM need to change when an event happens (like a user clicking a button).
- Let’s say a user enters a comment in a blog post form and pushes the “Comment” button. Without using React JS, the entire DOM would have to update to reflect this change (using the time and processing power it takes to make this update). React, on the other hand, scans the Virtual DOM to see what changed after a user action (in this case, a comment being added) and selectively updates that section of the DOM only.
- This kind of selective updating takes less computing power and less loading time, which might not sound like much when you’re talking about a single blog comment, but—when you start to think about all the dynamics and updating associated with even a slightly complex website—you’ll realize it adds up to a lot.
What Does React JS Code Look Like?
If all of this makes sense but you’re still wondering, what IS React code? you can get a visual idea of what React looks like straight from this React examples website. Each of the projects listed here gives an idea of what’s possible with React JS and a look at the source code used to build it.
- A virtualized table structured with native table elements.
- React hook for using keyboard shortcuts in components.
- Proof of concept for doing a nested drag and drop in React.
Meanwhile, if you’re still wondering exactly “what can be done with React JS?” and you’re interested in React JS examples for beginners, these simple projects curated by the official React website provide React JS templates to walk through as you learn React JS.
The React JS Ecosystem:
- It’s common to see React JS described as both a JavaScript library AND a JavaScript framework, so which is it? Or is it both?
- At Skillcrush, our curriculum team defines React JS as a JavaScript library and not a framework. This is an important distinction.
- The difference between JavaScript libraries (like React) and JavaScript frameworks (like Angular) lies in the fact that-in the case of a library-the developer applies library code in individual instances that call for it. When it comes to frameworks, however, the framework creates a scaffolding that arranges your website or application and provides dedicated areas for framework code to be plugged-in.
- To dig into the difference between a library like React JS vs Angular (a framework), you can think of code from a Javascript library in terms of furniture and decorations for a house you’ve already built, while a framework is a model home template you use to build the house.
React JS is sometimes mistaken for a full-blown framework since its robust ecosystem and extensibility makes it such a versatile JavaScript library. Remember, when you use React JS to build website and web application UIs, you have access to:
- React code snippets and components (building blocks of React code used to create specific parts of a user interface)
- The option to use JSX to directly manipulate your DOM.
- A Virtual DOM to improve your website’s performance.
But on top of all that, React JS is an open source project, meaning anyone can download and modify its source code for free. This also means that, whatever specific UI function you’re hoping to address with React JS, there’s a React library to meet your needs. Your React library size can grow exponentially with React’s community curated library add-ons, ranging from collections of individual UI features to complete React JS templates for building UI’s from the ground up.
Should I Learn React JS?
- If you want to work as a front end web developer (which means building UIs), the answer is YES!
- Finding success in web development means using the right tools to make your code as effective and efficient as possible. And-when it comes to building user interfaces-React JS is a tool you need to know how to take advantage of.
- If you’re ready to React (plus other crucial web developer skills like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS), you can sign up today for our Skillcrush Front End Developer + React JavaScript Course. This online course is designed to be completed in four months by spending just an hour a day on the materials.