ACTE faculty are Amazon Web Services certified professionals who understand the demands of the market and have sufficient experience to guide you for the examination. This course can be availed of by professionals, who wish to kickstart a career in cloud computing.You will explore AWS Cloud best practices and design patterns for architecting optimal IT solutions on AWS, and build a variety of infrastructures in guided, hands-on activities. This is hands-on training, walk through various scenarios. This course helps you to pass AWS Certified Associate solution architect.
Amazon web services (AWS) is one of the most important platforms of cloud computing and is highly used by various businesses these days for cloud storage and processing. In this program, the participant will gain knowledge of AWS EC2, AWS S3, and AWS RDS.AWS holds about 30% of the cloud market share when compared to other cloud computing models and according to Forbes, 83.5% of enterprise workloads will be in the Cloud by 2020 with Amazon cloud (AWS) market expected to reach $236.1B by 2020.
Amazon Web Services, popularly known as AWS Certification in the market, is a secure cloud service platform. It offers various functions for a business to scale up and grow such as computing power, content delivery, database storage and many other functionalities.
AWS Certification is a good career move for those who want to explore and grow in the field of cloud computing. With the help of AWS Certification , an individual, company, enterprises can get a cloud computing platform. For starting a career in AWS Certification as a fresher, first of all, you need to undergo training for AWS Certification .
Yes, you can get a job even when you are an AWS Certification fresher. But make sure you know all about AWS Certification Cloud. However, only learning about the AWS Certification cloud is not enough to get your hands on a good job.
We are happy and proud to say that we have strong relationship with over 700+ small, mid-sized and MNCs. Many of these companies have openings for AWS Certification . Moreover, we have a very active placement cell that provides 100% placement assistance to our students. The cell also contributes by training students in mock interviews and discussions even after the course completion.
AWS Certification is primarily an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Cloud Platform. You need not know any programming to be successful in AWS Certification “mostly”. However, all of that depends on exact role you get into. If you are writing scripts/programs for automation/control of AWS Certification services, programming knowledge is a must.
- Having basic knowledge of operating systems like Windows OS, Linux etc
- As Visualization play a major role in AWS Certification you need to have the understanding of it
- Networking is an essential skill as all operations on cloud platform involves it.
- Understanding the difference between the Public and Private cloud
- Last but not the least, you must have basic command over coding
- AWS Certification , Python or C# Most architects have a software development background.
- Networking.
- Data storage fundamentals.
- Security foundations.
- AWS Certification service selection.
- Cloud-specific patterns and technologies.
- Communication.
Our courseware is designed to give a hands-on approach to the students in AWS Certification . The course is made up of theoretical classes that teach the basics of each module followed by high-intensity practical sessions reflecting the current challenges and needs of the industry that will demand the students time and commitment.
The future of AWS Certification is bright. Infact, it's the future of modern day computing. Cloud computing, machine learning, IOT, etc are some of the domains which have a lot to offer in the near future.
Depending on how much experience you already have, it’s possible to learn AWS Certification in 3 days with our instructor-led courses comprising of 18 hours of training. If you’re looking to gain AWS Certification certification this will take a little longer, as you’ll also need to prepare for the exam.
- Customization.
- Flexibility & Scalability.
- PaaS Offerings.
- Security.
- Scheduling.
- Recovery.
- Consistency.
- Global Architecture.
Build and Deployment using AWS Tools
From a Build and Deployment point of view, we will look at the following AWS services
- AWS CodePipeline
- AWS CodeCommit
- AWS CodeBuild
- AWS CodeDeploy
AWS CodePipeline
AWS CodePipeline is similar to the Jenkins Pipeline which helps to have a visual view of the end to end delivery process.
So in a CodePipeline, you will typically configure the following
- Source Code Repository – So your source code would need to be either in AWS CodeCommit or GitHub repository.
- Build Service – AWS CodeBuild details will be configured as part of the pipeline.
- Deploy – AWS CodeDeploy will be configured into the pipeline.
During the deploy process to different environments if any approvals are needed they could be configured as well
So if there is a code change by the developer the visual representation of Build and Deploy can be seen to be automated.
AWS CodeCommit
AWS CodeCommit is a secure online version control service which hosts private Git repositories. A team need not maintain their own version control repository instead they use AWS CodeCommit to store their source code or even binaries like the WAR/JAR/EAR files generated out of the build.
With AWS CodeCommit you create a repository and every developer will clone it to their local machine, add files to it and push it back to the AWS CodeCommit repository. One uses the standard GIT commands with the AWS CodeCommit repository.
For eg once the AWS CodeCommit repository is cloned to local machine you would use commands like ‘git pull’, ‘git add’, ‘git commit’, ‘git push’ etc..
AWS CodeBuild
As we have seen the source code and other project artifacts are stored in AWS CodeCommit repository.
To implement Continuous Integration AWS CodeBuild like Jenkins fetches the latest changes of the source code from AWS CodeCommit or GitHub repository as configured and based on the build specification YAML file (created as buildspec.yml) the commands are run based on the four phases like Install, Pre-build, Build and Post-build.
Once the build is completed the artifacts (WAR/ZIP/JAR/EAR) are stored in the AWS Storage which is an S3 bucket.
AWS CodeDeploy
As the name suggests AWS Codedeploy is the deployment service which automates the deployment of the application (in this case WAR file) to the Amazon EC2 Linux or Windows instances.
Since we now have the artifacts stored in S3 bucket which was completed using AWS CodeBuild the artifacts are then picked up from the S3 bucket and deployed appropriately to the app server Tomcat or JBoss etc. in the AWS EC2 instance provisioning.
AWS CodeDeploy depends on a YAML file called appspec.yml which has instructions on the deployment to the EC2 instances.
Overcoming the Lack of Security Visibility in the Cloud
- Considering the sheer number of cloud applications that companies use on top of AWS today, and the logins and controls that vary across each of them, it’s next to impossible to know at all times who is accessing what and where across the organization (and, even more importantly, if any of the activity is malicious or anomalous).
- The lack of security visibility becomes seriously magnified when there’s no security strategy supporting the implementation and management of these applications.
To achieve better visibility on AWS, follow these three best practices:
- Take an inside-out perspective
If you don’t know what’s happening on a host or workload, you need more information than an IDS log can provide. You need to know more than the fact that a certain packet went out over the wire, for example. What’s needed is a solution that shows specific events over time on specific servers, such as what we’ve built at Threat Stack.
- Go beyond logs
While logs are essential, they often provide only a narrow view of what’s going on. In other words, it’s one thing to see who’s entering and leaving the building, and quite another to know what they are doing once they’re inside. Typical network-based intrusion detection (NIDS) doesn’t give you much to work with after a compromise, because the ability to identify behavior leading up to an attack is limited. That’s where host-based intrusion detection (HIDS) comes into play. With security embedded at the host-level, you gain knowledge of the what, when, and where, before, during, and after an attack.
- Protect against the insider threat
If an incident occurs, it’s important to understand the bad actors — and unfortunately, sometimes they can be internal. Some key indicators that a threat came from the inside are seeing unusual network activity, unauthorized installs, abnormal login attempts or failures, or key file changes.
- Improving Confidence in Cloud Provider Security While AWS does offer many useful out-of-the-box security tools and configurations, such as AWS CloudTrail and Amazon Cloud Watch for logging and monitoring, it’s important to know where their responsibility ends and where yours begins — especially when it comes to protecting data within sensitive workloads.