Full Stack Developer Training in Noida | Best Full Stack Developer Course
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Full Stack Developer Training in Noida

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  • On-Demand Course Video also Analyzes Materials way over individual Learners.
  • The display created plus friendly staff keeps unique Attendees.
  • Performed More than 12402+ Students Trained & 350+ Hiring Consumers.
  • Worked by 9+ years of Full Stack Developer Certified Expert
  • Moderate Fees with Best curriculum Designed by Industrial Full Stack Developer.
  • Next Full Stack Developer Batch to Start this week– Enroll Your Name Now!



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Upcoming Batches


Weekdays Regular

08:00 AM & 10:00 AM Batches

(Class 1Hr - 1:30Hrs) / Per Session


Weekdays Regular

08:00 AM & 10:00 AM Batches

(Class 1Hr - 1:30Hrs) / Per Session


Weekend Regular

(10:00 AM - 01:30 PM)

(Class 3hr - 3:30Hrs) / Per Session


Weekend Fasttrack

(09:00 AM - 02:00 PM)

(Class 4:30Hr - 5:00Hrs) / Per Session

Hear it from our Graduate

Have Cracked Their Dream Job in Top MNC Companies

In this Full Stack course, you will learn the best practises on actual projects.

  • Starting with HTML and the foundations of web development, we will move on to CSS, where we will apply styling to our web pages to make them look beautiful and elegant.
  • As soon as we have mastered HTML & CSS, we will build a complete website from scratch called 'Imperial Donuts', which will include a navigation bar, image grids, a header, and a footer.
  • Afterward, we will cover all the fundamental concepts in JavaScript, including primitive data types, variables, control flow, loops, if statements, DOM manipulation, etc., to learn how to implement functionality in web applications.
  • Additionally, we will learn jQuery, so we can apply fade effects to web pages and create our custom animations. After that, we will move onto PHP which is a server-side language that powers 79% of websites today.
  • Next, we will learn how to query a database using MySQL. Afterward, we will develop a CRUD application where the user can create, read, update, and delete data.
  • By the end of course, you will be a highly-skilled, confident, full-stack web developer, and the great news is that the course will be continuously updated with new material.
  • You will learn to build small website components as you work on the course, and then you will get to use all the small modules together and create a fully functional and beautiful website.
  • Concepts: UI Developer roles, Crawling and Meta tags, Basics – HTML, CSS, JavaScript, DHTML, Responsive Design, Angular JS, SPA, Custom Directives, REPL Terminal, Digging into NODE, Web Module, Db Connection.
  • Classroom Batch Training
  • One To One Training
  • Online Training
  • Customized Training
  • Enroll Now

Course Objectives

Companies explore developers with multiple ability sets and characters so they'll limit the number of resources [unless there's a good need]. Therefore, full-stack development is a wonderful career alternative as a result of professionals during this field will supervise and handle any given scenario throughout development.

    Our commitment to providing you with knowledge of front-end and back-end web development suggests we cover a broad array of topics to make sure you become an expert, full-stack developer. Topics included but not limited to are HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Ajax, Google APIs, jQuery Forms, jQuery Events, jQuery Plugins, jQuery Mobile, SPA, DOM Manipulation, REST API, Async Libraries, Angular-CLI, MVC Framework, ExpressJS, EJS Template, Jade, Handlebars, NoSQL, Socket.IO, Hapi, MongoDB Architecture, CRUD, Schema Design, Data Modelling, Indexing, etc.

    You will increase your chances of becoming hired with a lucrative pay package on completing the Full-Stack Development Bootcamp. Additionally, you may have diverse extension options in tech across industries and an increased scope of being a part of game-changing tech projects, no matter industry or geography.

    Major players within the business world are shifting to Full-stack net developers, certified through Full Stack Developer training close to Pine Tree State. It'll not only boost your CV to a good extent however also improve your job opportunities through real-time training. Your demand for respect as a worker can increase. Excluding this, you'll develop your application tool.

The Full-Stack Development training will give you the tools needed to do well in an exceedingly kind of developer role. Some samples of job titles that align along with your new skills are:
  • Software Engineer.
  • Full Stack Application Developer.
  • Front-end Developer.
  • Back-End Developer.
  • Web Application Developer.
The skills you may learn through Full Stack Developer training are:
  • Fundamentals of web development through markup language and CSS.
  • Understanding databases, creating and manipulating them further as running queries.
  • Building interactive web content through jQuery and JavaScript.
Skills required to become an Ethical Hacker:
  • One of the most reasons you must opt for Full Stack Developer Certification training is that one should understand the market trends in terms of the stress of the businesses.
  • If you don’t have the correct skills, you won’t get the correct job.
  • To face out as a developer, the additional you supply the higher.
  • With our Full Stack Certification online course, not solely are you ensured Placement homeward-bound training, however also a lift to your resume by providing live room training that creates the course easier for you.

What practical experiences can I expect to get from Full-Stack Certification Training Course?

On finishing the Full-Stack Development Bootcamp, you’ll be able to:
  • Build responsive websites using HTML5 and CSS3.
  • Build cool web apps using React and Redux.
  • Improve and use full-stack apps with MongoDB, React and Express with Node.js.
  • Build secure full-stack apps leveraging the design and architectural patterns like REST.
  • Create containers with Docker and orchestrate with Kubernetes.
  • Use version power and collaborative software development with Git and GitHub.
  • Build rich microservices using Node.js.

Do you need programming for a Full Stack career?

    For a career fully Stack net development, you would like programming while not a doubt. Our Full Stack Developer Course prepares you with the basics of web development as well as each markup language and CSS. Basic programming with a markup language, CSS, JavaScript, etc is incredibly necessary as a result of that's the real quality of a website and software developer.

What are the purposes of our Full Stack Certification Training Course?

After this Ethical Hacking Online Training, the significant areas where you excel are as follows:
  • Understanding the fundamentals of web development, Javascript, Databases, and more.
  • Working with databases i.e. making further as manipulating it.
  • Learning your manner with system infrastructure, and knowing what's needed for the code or website you're developing, as well as the OS.
  • Front end committal to writing with a markup language, JavaScript, CSS, etc.
  • Back-end committal to writing with Java, Oracle, etc.

Who should go for Full Stack Developer Certification Training Course?

This course is for all people who wish to know web development despite previous expertise:
  • It is ideal for freshers with zero expertise.
  • It is also practical for all Who to know a variety of technologies (such as markup language and CSS), however not complete aspects of net development.

What is the pay for a Full Stack Certified Professional?

    The average remuneration of an expert when Full Stack Developer Certification training is almost INR 9.24 LPA each year. This can be the common pay for a full-stack skilled operating in some company when Full Stack Developer training. If you're a freelancer, your earnings may take issue.

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Overview of Full Stack Developer Training in Noida

This Full Stack Course in Noida helps you gain technical and creative skills in programming, code making, building websites, and developing applications. You will learn to build web projects across several computer languages and technological platforms with this curriculum. You will begin with a fundamental web development basis for learning languages from the front-end and then immerse yourself in complicated back-end coding systems. This complete java development course promotes your profession as a Full Stack Developer. To produce highly Web Scalable Apps, you will study top-quality expertise in the industry including Angle, Spring Boot, Hibernate, Servlets, and JSP.

As an expert developer of the MEAN stack, this Full-Stack Developer course will set you up. The term MEAN stack refers to a collection of technologies based on JavaScript used for web applications. For MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node.js, MEAN is an abbreviation. Mongo DB is a database system; express is a web framework back-end; angular.js is a framework front-end and node.js is a runtime back-end environment.


Additional Info

Intro of Full Stack :

Full Stack is an engineer who works on each the client-side and server-side of the software package application. This kind of developer works on the total Stack of a software package application that means forepart development, backside development, Database, Server, API, and version dominant systems. Hence, the name "Full Stack" Developer.

Full Stack interprets user needs into the design and implements the new systems. A Full-Stack Developer does not essentially master all technologies. However, the skilled is expected to figure on the shopper yet as server sides and perceive what's occurring once developing an application. He or she ought to have a real interest altogether in software package technologies.

Technology related to Full Stack Development :

Front end :

It is the visible part of a website or web application that's liable for user expertise. The user directly interacts with the front-end portion of the online application or website.

Front end Languages : The front portion is made by exploiting some languages that are mentioned below:

HTML : HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It's accustomed to the front-end portion of websites employing markup Language. HTML is the combination of HyperText Markup Language. HyperText defines the link between the online pages. The terminology is employed to outline the text documentation among the tag that defines the structure of websites.

CSS : Cascading vogue Sheets, lovingly cited as CSS, could be a merely designed language meant to alter the method of constructing respectable websites. CSS permits you to use designs for websites. Additionally significantly, CSS allows you to try to do this freelance of the HTML that creates every website.

JavaScript : JavaScript could be a famed scripting language accustomed to producing magic on websites to form the site interactive for the user. It's accustomed to enhancing the practicality of an internet site by running cool games and web-based packages.

Front End Frameworks and Libraries :

1. AngularJS :

AngularJs could be a JavaScript ASCII text file front-end framework that's primarily used to develop single-page net applications(SPAs). It's an incessantly growing and increasing framework that provides higher ways for developing net applications. It is an open-source project which might be freely used and altered by anyone. It extends HTML attributes with Directives, and information is certain with HTML.

2. React.js:

React could be a declarative, efficient, and versatile JavaScript library for building user interfaces. ReactJS is an open-source, component-based front-end library accountable just for the read layer of the appliance. It's maintained by Facebook.

3. Bootstrap:

Bootstrap could be a free and ASCII text file tool assortment for making responsive websites and web applications. It's a common HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile-first websites.

4. jQuery:

jQuery is an open-source JavaScript library that simplifies the interactions between associate HTML/CSS documents, or additionally the Document Object Model (DOM), and JavaScript.

5. SASS:

It's the foremost reliable, mature, and sturdy CSS extension language. It's accustomed to extend the practicality of associating the existing CSS of a website together with everything from variables, inheritance, and nesting with ease. Some other libraries and frameworks are Semantic-UI, Foundation, come about, Backbone.js, Express.js, Ember.js, etc.

Other Necessary Points :

  • Work with text editors to use shortcuts and their facilities i.e. Visual Studio, Atom, Sublime, etc.
  • Make UI accountable exploitation grid system.
  • Git and lowlife commands like init, add, commit, etc for version management and to figure with a team.
  • Tools like npm & yarn package managers, sass CSS preprocessor, browser DevTools i.e. chrome dev tools.
  • Understand exploitation communications protocol, JSON, GraphQL genus Apis to fetch information exploitation Axios or different tools. It conjointly needs some style skills to form the layout and appearance higher.

Back end:

It refers to the server-side development of an internet application or website with a primary specialization in however the website works. It's chargeable for managing the info through queries and genus Apis by client-side commands. This kind of website primarily consists of 3 components: side, back end, and info. The back-finish portion is constructed by exploiting some libraries, frameworks, and languages that area unit mentioned below:

PHP: PHP could be a server-side scripting language designed specifically for net development. Since PHP code is dead on the server aspect therefore it's known as a server-side scripting language.

C++ : It's an all-purpose programming language and is widely used these days for competitive programming. It's conjointly used as a backend language. Java: Java is one of the foremost widespread and widely used programming languages and platforms. It's extremely climbable. Java parts area unit simply out there.

Python : Python could be a programming language that permits you to work quickly and integrate systems a lot expeditiously.

JavaScript : Javascript may be used as each (front finish and back end) programming language.

Node.js : Node.js is an open-source and cross-platform runtime environment for the execution of JavaScript code outside of a browser. You wish to recollect that NodeJS isn't a framework and it’s not a programming language. Most of the people are confused and perceive it’s a framework or a programming language. We frequently use Node.js for building back-end services like genus Apis like net App or Mobile App. It’s employed in production by giant firms like Paypal, Uber, Netflix, Walmart, and so on.

Back End Frameworks:

The list of rear frameworks are: categorical, Django, Rails, Laravel, Spring, etc. The other back-end program/scripting languages area unit C#, Ruby, REST, GO, etc.

Other necessary Points :

  • Structuring the information inefficiently.
  • Handle request-response of genus Apis for storing and retrieving information.
  • Security of knowledge is very important.

Note : JavaScript is crucial for all stacks because it is the dominant technology on the net.


Database is the assortment of inter-related information that helps in economical retrieval, insertion, and deletion of data from the database and organizes the data within the kind of tables, views, schemas, reports, etc.


Oracle info is the assortment of knowledge that's treated as a unit. The aim of this info is to store and retrieve data associated with the question. It's an info server and it manages data.


MongoDB, the foremost widespread NoSQL info, is associate ASCII text file document-oriented info. The term ‘NoSQL’ suggests that it is non-relational. It implies that MongoDB doesn't support the table-like electronic database structure, however provides an altogether completely different mechanism for the storage and retrieval of knowledge.


Structured search language could be a normal info language that's accustomed to produce, maintain and retrieve the electronic database.

Popular Stacks:

  • MEAN Stack : MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js.
  • MERN Stack : MongoDB, Express, ReactJS, and Node.js
  • Django Stack : Django, Python, and MySQL as information.
  • Ruby on Rails : Ruby, PHP, and MySQL.
  • LAMP Stack : UNIX, Apache, MySQL, and PHP.

Benefits while hiring a Full-Stack for Your Project :

Competent Partnership :

Productive partnering stands among key reasons to rent associates skilled in full-stack writing. For the business owner, the United Nations agency expects to urge most out of the clean conception, it becomes economically unconventional, as a result of skilful developers will style a whole project from scratch. Besides, developers taking care of full-stack startups are typically awake to the present market state, therefore they'll calculate all attainable situations for the ultimate product and are available with innovations that may begin.

Multiple Proficiency :

Being a developer in a very full-stack company means that primarily having data and skills across numerous technologies. whereas writing full-stack comes developers use totally different programming languages, e.g. Java, Python, HTML, Node.js, PHP, JavaScript, etc., and have economical experiences with many full-stack frameworks. The more varied technologies are bestowed within the developer’s portfolio, the better.

Flexibility :

Full-stack technologies imply programmers not solely being aware and skillful in many writing languages however additionally versatile whereas operating in numerous conditions. Developers operating with full-stack are equally skilful in operating as frontend or backend developers. beneath backend development one typically means that the app’s design and its ‘logic’, whereas frontend developers struggle for uniting clean code with interface via technologies like markup language, JavaScript, CSS, etc., therefore delivery the project to its market version

Wider View :

Dealing with full-stack computer code results in broadening views and wider views throughout the work flow. Developers occupied in making a full-stack internet application or mobile full-stack application tend to seem for various angles and strange outcomes to form the ultimate product distinctive. numerous experiences in website/mobile application development and accomplished comes of varied types contribute to the developer’s skillfulness. Thus, he or she will truly take an associate position or replace anyone within the development team just in case of an emergency.

User-Friendly Approach :

Interface and style play a vital role in building a positive user expertise, therefore to draw in customers full-stack internet designers/developers pay abundant attention to current trends in UI/UX standards. whereas developing a full-stack internet application, developers claim the interface style being easy and intuitive. they're going for innovative functions implementation guaranteeing the product’s individuality and accessibility.

Effective Troubleshooting on Time :

Effective troubleshooting depends on 2 various factors. 1st one considers detective work drawbacks throughout the development method itself and finding relevant solutions as fast as attainable. Another is regarding post-release maintenance and updates, as issues could occur out of nothing because of external reasons. to rent a developer virtuoso in full-stack committal to writing solves 2 problems quickly, in and of itself consultants square measure typically conscious of each factor and have already elaborate productive algorithms to subsume either downside kind.

All-In-One resolution :

As much as full-stack consultants possess sensible data in numerous spheres of development method, they will not solely lead a project, work as a team half or implement innovations, however additionally represent a final product. tons of helpful knowledge regarding current full-stack app build developers, necessary participants of conferences, as they will facilitate sales managers giving convincing arguments to stakeholders.

Cheaper resolution for higher Result :

Very often SMEs cannot afford to defray a lot of cash on full-stack startups, although they have promising plans relevant to the fashionable market. Rent a freelance full-stack developer or full-stack company as an economical quirky then. The business owner doesn't get to rent a full development team to roll out a product in time, which reduces expenses and conserves take advantage of project unharness.

No Delays :

Full-stack developer skills will become handy even in the project strategy planning stage. Being equipped with numerous experiences, developers analyze completely different cases and proper operating setup. They will additionally facilitate in sharing responsibilities among all development team members or coordinating the advancement. Together with actual developers’ expertise to optimize development methods facilitate avoiding delays and typically reduces total operating hours spent on the project.

High Responsibility Level :

Hiring full-stack skills could be a sensible plan at any stage of the project development method. Toughened programmers will conduct project development from start until finish, despite the amount they take part in. If business house owners rent a developer within the middle of advancement, they'll be assured of newcomers quickly adapting to the team and implementing quality-directed offers to induce flourishing output in a shorter amount.

Advantages of Full Stack :

A full stack developer plays a big role in many IT and development firms. Let’s take a glance at the benefits of a full stack developer. They are :

  • They can do many tasks :

    A full stack developer has in-depth information of however different stages of the software package development should be administered. Additionally, they possess many skills like front-end, back-end, QA testing code design, and UI/UX style. Therefore, they need numerous skills to figure out totally different things. They may learn it in an exceedingly full stack developer course.

  • Preferable for tiny Budget comes :

    Once a corporation hires a full stack developer, they're able to cut their prices on development. The explanation being that such developers will work on varied processes. Therefore, the price of every project is reduced.

  • Adaptability :

    A full stack developer is sometimes well-versed with the front-end and back-end technologies. Which means that they'll work on the client-side and server-side once needed. Therefore, they're pliable and might switch to come on either facet whenever it's needed. A full stack developer course offers one the hands-on expertise to figure on real cases.

  • Under productivity and time management :

    The first disadvantage is that if a corporation depends on only 1 or 2 full-stack developers, it could cause many tasks to pile up over a precise amount of your time. Therefore, It may conjointly cause unproductivity and unhealthy time management.

  • Confusion regarding their responsibilities :

    In a full stack development team, a developer tends to require an excessive amount of employment. As a result, they forget to divide their employment into smaller tasks. Therefore, they incline to induce confusion regarding their responsibilities during a sure project.

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Key Features

ACTE Noida offers Full Stack Developer Training in more than 27+ branches with expert trainers. Here are the key features,

  • 40 Hours Course Duration
  • 100% Job Oriented Training
  • Industry Expert Faculties
  • Free Demo Class Available
  • Completed 500+ Batches
  • Certification Guidance

Authorized Partners

ACTE TRAINING INSTITUTE PVT LTD is the unique Authorised Oracle Partner, Authorised Microsoft Partner, Authorised Pearson Vue Exam Center, Authorised PSI Exam Center, Authorised Partner Of AWS and National Institute of Education (nie) Singapore.


Syllabus of FullStack Course in Noida
Module 1: Introduction – i
  • UI Developer roles and responsibilities
  • UX designer roles
  • Technologies needed
  • Power of UI
  • Current market requirements on UI
  • Basic Technologies needed
  • Difference between Front end and Backend
Introduction – ii
  • Sample webpages
  • Crawling and Meta tags.
  • Basics
Module 2: Basics – HTML
  • Exploring existing pages
  • Browsers & Editors
  • DOM
  • Structure of HTML Page
  • Mandatory tags in html page (html, head, body)
  • Heading tags (H1…H6), Tags and attributes (Class, Id, style…etc.)
  • Inline and block level elements
Module 3: CSS
  • What is CSS
  • Different ways of applying CSS for elements, and priority chain of CSS
  • CSS Properties (color, font, size, border…etc.)
CSS – ii
  • Box model
  • Margin & Padding
  • Positioning Elements
  • Floating Elements
Module 4: More HTML Tags
  • Including external page links in a page using anchor tags and its properties
  • Working with row and column data using table tags
  • Hiding and un-hiding elements using display property
  • img tag, p tag, ul and ol tags, li, nobr, hr, bretc
  • Layouts, forms, buttons
  • Input fields (textbox, radio button, checkbox, dropdown, text area etc.)
  • Debugging HTML & CSS (Firebug, IE and Chrome developer tool)
  • Creating Tabs and menu lists
Module 5: More CSS Properties
  • Adding borders, font, Pseudo classes and Pseudo Elements
  • positioning elements (absolute, relative, fixed and static)
  • Image spriting
  • Box model (margins, padding)
  • Floating elements (float left, right etc.)
  • Including external resources
  • Absolute and Relative paths
  • Including external resources like CSS, images etc.
  • Display Property(inline, block, inline block etc)
  • Display none and hidden elements.
Module 6: Form Elements
  • Get & Post Communication
  • Validating input values in a form.
  • Form action and type
Module 7: JavaScript
  • Data types and data structures in Js
  • Control structures, if, if-else, while, for, switch case statements
Module 8: DHTML
  • Dynamic creation and manipulation of DOM elements using Javascript.
  • Adding multiple events dynamically using event listeners.
  • Event capturing and event bubbling
  • Exploring Event Object.
  • Validations using key char codes
Module 9: JavaScript Supported Data Structures
  • Arrays and Predefined methods.
  • Working on logical programs using Arrays.
  • Predefined methods in arrays
  • Strings and predefined methods
  • Objects
  • JSON
  • Iterating through Dynamic JSON Object.
  • Exploring Predefined Date object.
Module 10: Adv. JavaScript
  • Inheriting Static Object using proto.
  • Inheritance using Object.create()
  • JavaScript Classes
  • Prototyping
  • Inheritance using prototyping.
  • Global and local variables
  • Securing Data using Closures
  • Exception Handling
  • Handling Predefined and user defined exceptions
  • Exploring try, catch, finally and throws.
Module 11: jQuery
  • History and version explore
  • Difference between Minified and non-minified JS files.
  • On load and on ready difference
  • Jquery selectors
  • Multiple ways of referring DOM elements using jQuery selectors
  • Jquery methods
  • Adding dynamic properties for DOM elements
  • Toggling elements
  • Creating dynamic elements using jQuery
Module 12: jQuery Traversing methods
  • Traversing Siblings
  • Traversing Children’s
  • Traversing Parent Elements.
  • Traversing Ancestors.
  • Finding elements using jQuery techniques
  • Filtering elements
Module 13: Events using jQuery
  • Binding events
  • Dynamic binding
  • List of events been supported in jQuery (blur, change, click, dbclick….etc.)s
Module 14: AJAX
  • Advantages with AJAX and its limitations
  • Samples working with AJAX
  • Different data formats used in AJAX (string, xml, JSON, etc.)
  • XML and JSON difference
  • Cross domain interactions using JSONP
  • Jquery Promises
  • Handling Multiple AJAX Calls using Jquery Promises.
Module 15: Jquery Animations
  • Animation Effects using
  • Hide, Show
  • Sliding up and down
  • Fading
  • Animate Method.
Module 16: jQuery Templating
  • Loading DOM dynamically using Jquery templates
  • loading templates using AJAX
Module 17: HTML 5
  • Difference between HTML5 and HTML 4
  • List of Browsers support HTML5
  • Doc type
  • Semantic Tags
  • Multithreading Using Web Workers.
  • Media Support (audio and video tags)
  • Graphics using Canvas tag and SVG Tags.
  • Drag and Drop features
  • Offline Application using Application Cache
  • Exploring Navigator Object
  • Working on locations lat and lng using Geolocation
  • Storing user preferences using Local storage & Session Storage
Module 18: CSS 3
  • Difference between CSS 2 and CSS 3
  • Adding borders and backgrounds
  • Advanced text effects(shadow)
  • 2D and 3D Transformations
  • Adding Transitions to elements
  • Adding animations to text and elements
Module 19: Responsive Design
  • Difference between multiple devices, making a page to work on multiple devices
  • Media queries
  • Introduction to Bootstrap CSS API
Module 20: Angular JS
  • Introduction and History
  • What is MVC
  • Features and Advantages of Angular Js
  • Angular Expressions
  • Predefined Directives
  • Dependency Injection
  • AJAX communication in Angular using $http
  • Handling Multiple AJAX requests using $http promises.
  • Working on multiple controllers with in single application
  • Communication between controllers using broadcast and $rootScope
  • Difference between $scope and $rootScope
Module 21: SPA
  • What is Single Page Application
  • Exploring routeProvider service
  • Working on $location service
  • Angular configuration
Module 22: Filters
  • Angular predefined Filters
  • Accessing Filters in controllers
  • Creating Custom Filters
Module 23: Angular Forms
  • Form Validations
  • Angular predefined Form validation classes
  • Exploring ng-valid, ng-invalid, ng-pristine, ng-dirty, ng-touched etc
Module 24: Predefined Methods
  • Angular predefined methods
  • Bootstrap, copy, equals, forEach, extend, toJSON etc.
Module 25: Handling Events
  • Adding events in angular js</
  • ng-click, ng-dbclick,ng-
Module 26: Controller directives
  • ng-if
  • ng-switch
  • ng-include
Module 27: NgResource
  • Handling REST calls using $resource
  • Performing get, post, put, query, remove an delete calls using $resource
Module 28: Custom Directives
  • Creating Custom User defined directives in Angular
  • Exploring template, templateUrl, scope, link and restrict properties
  • Manipulating DOM element using Directives
Module 29: Angular services
  • Constants
  • Value
  • Factory
  • Services
  • Providers
Module 30: Angular Scope Functions
  • $watch
  • $apply
  • $digest
Module 1: Introduction to NodeJS
  • Introduction and History
  • Latest version details
Module 2: Installation and Environment Setup
  • Setting up the Node environment
  • Node and npm Installation
Module 3: REPL Terminal
  • Exploring REPL Terminal
  • Walkthrough commands on terminal
Module 4: Digging into NODE
  • Server side Javascript
  • Introduction to NPM
  • Creating simple http server
  • Exploring package.json
Module 5: Event Loop
  • What is Event Loop
  • Exploring Event driven programming
  • Emitting events
  • Setting Callback methods
Module 6: Web Module
  • Creating simple webservices
  • Creating web clients using node.
Module 7: Express js
  • Exploring Express module
  • Setting up express environment
  • Creating http server using express
  • Reading data from GET/POST requests
Module 8: Templates
  • Creating templates using PUG
  • Generating Dynamic html pages from server
  • Responding a template for a client request
Module 9: File system
  • Exploring File system
  • Reading and writing to files
Module 10: REST API
  • Introduction to REST API
  • REST Architecture
Module 11: Clustering
  • Creating and handling multiple clusters in Node js
Module 12: Db Connection
  • Connecting to Mongo DB
  • Connecting to SQL
Module 13: WebService with DB interactions
  • Creating web services which communicate with Database
Module 1: Overview
  • History and over view of MONGO DB
  • Advantages
  • How it differs from other DB
Module 2: Environment Setup
  • Setting up the environment and installation of Mongo DB
Module 3: Data modeling
  • Exploring Data modeling
  • Creating and Dropping DB
Module 4: Creating DB in Mongo
  • Droping an existing DB
Module 5: Datatypes and collections
  • Datatypes
  • Creating and dropping collections
Module 6: Documents
  • Creating Documents
  • Updating and Dleting Documents
  • Query Documents
Module 7: Backup support
  • Creating Backup for database
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Need customized curriculum?

Hands-on Real Time Full Stack Developer Projects

Project 1
Simple Chat Messaging App

An interesting project you can work on to improve your front-end and back-end skills is a chat messaging app.It doesn't have to have sophisticated features like image sharing.

Project 2
Travel App Bucket List

If you have a list of places you'd like to travel, it might be a good idea to work on this project which is basically an app that allows you to add a new place of interest.

Project 3
Project Management Dashboard Project

Similar to the dashboard in your car, a project dashboard provides at-a-glance data and metrics about the current status of your project.

Project 4
Grocery Delivery Application

This project is for a huge online departmental store. Assume that they have a myriad of grocery items at their godown. All items must be listed on the website.

Our Top Hiring Partner for Placements

Every learner / professional who finishes our classroom or online training at ACTE Noida is eligible for a placement opportunity. The following  firms employ some of our students.

  • Bacancy Technology, MetaDesign Solutions, Peerbits, Multidots, Octal IT Solution, Pixel Point Technology, Konstant Infosolutions, IBM, and others are among our partners. It enables us to put our students in top multinational corporations across the world.
  • We were providing unique student placement portal where you will find all of the interview schedules and be reminded via email, text, whatsup etc
  • We will organize student assessments and prepare them for face-to-face contact when they have completed 70% of the Full Stack Developer training course material.
  • Trainers for Full Stack Developers support students in building resumes that are relevant to current industry demands.
  • We have a designated Placement Support Team that helps students to discover appropriate placements based on their needs.
  • Mock Exams and Mock Interviews will be scheduled to determine where the candidates' knowledge gaps are.

Get Certified By Full Stack Developer & Industry Recognized ACTE Certificate

Acte Certification is Accredited by all major Global Companies around the world. We provide after completion of the theoretical and practical sessions to fresher's as well as corporate trainees.

Our certification at Acte is accredited worldwide. It increases the value of your resume and you can attain leading job posts with the help of this certification in leading MNC's of the world. The certification is only provided after successful completion of our training and practical based projects.

Complete Your Course

a downloadable Certificate in PDF format, immediately available to you when you complete your Course

Get Certified

a physical version of your officially branded and security-marked Certificate.

Get Certified

About Experienced Full Stack Developer Trainer

  • Our Full Stack Developer Training in Noida have qualified trainers with 9+ years of experience in their respective fields, and they are offered jobs by top multinational corporations.
  • As all Trainers are Full Stack Developer domain practising experts, they have numerous real projects that they will apply throughout training sessions for better understanding.
  • All of our Trainers are employed by businesses such as Inwizards, Concettolabs, PixelCrayons, IBM, Pixel Point Technology, TCS, HCL Technologies, and others.Hence the trainers have great knownledge regarding the content.
  • Trainers also guide applicants in being placed in their specific businesses through the Employee Referral / Internal Hiring procedure.
  • Our instructors are industry leaders and subject matter experts who have learned the art of functioning apps and providing Best Full Stack Developer training to students.
  • We got numerous major awards from famous IT firms for Full Stack Developer Training in Noida.

Full Stack Developer Course FAQs

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Call now: +91 93833 99991 and know the exciting offers available for you!
  • ACTE is the Legend in offering placement to the students. Please visit our Placed Students List on our website
  • We have strong relationship with over 700+ Top MNCs like SAP, Oracle, Amazon, HCL, Wipro, Dell, Accenture, Google, CTS, TCS, IBM etc.
  • More than 3500+ students placed in last year in India & Globally
  • ACTE conducts development sessions including mock interviews, presentation skills to prepare students to face a challenging interview situation with ease.
  • 85% percent placement record
  • Our Placement Cell support you till you get placed in better MNC
  • Please Visit Your Student Portal | Here FREE Lifetime Online Student Portal help you to access the Job Openings, Study Materials, Videos, Recorded Section & Top MNC interview Questions
    ACTE Gives Certificate For Completing A Course
  • Certification is Accredited by all major Global Companies
  • ACTE is the unique Authorized Oracle Partner, Authorized Microsoft Partner, Authorized Pearson Vue Exam Center, Authorized PSI Exam Center, Authorized Partner Of AWS and National Institute of Education (NIE) Singapore
  • The entire Full Stack Developer training has been built around Real Time Implementation
  • You Get Hands-on Experience with Industry Projects, Hackathons & lab sessions which will help you to Build your Project Portfolio
  • GitHub repository and Showcase to Recruiters in Interviews & Get Placed
All the instructors at ACTE are practitioners from the Industry with minimum 9-12 yrs of relevant IT experience. They are subject matter experts and are trained by ACTE for providing an awesome learning experience.
No worries. ACTE assure that no one misses single lectures topics. We will reschedule the classes as per your convenience within the stipulated course duration with all such possibilities. If required you can even attend that topic with any other batches.
We offer this course in “Class Room, One to One Training, Fast Track, Customized Training & Online Training” mode. Through this way you won’t mess anything in your real-life schedule.

Why Should I Learn Full Stack Developer Course At ACTE?

  • Full Stack Developer Course in ACTE is designed & conducted by Full Stack Developer experts with 10+ years of experience in the Full Stack Developer domain
  • Only institution in India with the right blend of theory & practical sessions
  • In-depth Course coverage for 60+ Hours
  • More than 50,000+ students trust ACTE
  • Affordable fees keeping students and IT working professionals in mind
  • Course timings designed to suit working professionals and students
  • Interview tips and training
  • Resume building support
  • Real-time projects and case studies
Yes We Provide Lifetime Access for Student’s Portal Study Materials, Videos & Top MNC Interview Question.
You will receive ACTE globally recognized course completion certification Along with National Institute of Education (NIE), Singapore.
We have been in the training field for close to a decade now. We set up our operations in the year 2009 by a group of IT veterans to offer world class IT training & we have trained over 50,000+ aspirants to well-employed IT professionals in various IT companies.
We at ACTE believe in giving individual attention to students so that they will be in a position to clarify all the doubts that arise in complex and difficult topics. Therefore, we restrict the size of each Full Stack Developer batch to 5 or 6 members
Our courseware is designed to give a hands-on approach to the students in Full Stack Developer. The course is made up of theoretical classes that teach the basics of each module followed by high-intensity practical sessions reflecting the current challenges and needs of the industry that will demand the students’ time and commitment.
You can contact our support number at +91 93800 99996 / Directly can do by ACTE.in's E-commerce payment system Login or directly walk-in to one of the ACTE branches in India
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      Job Opportunities in Full Stack

      More Than 35% Of Developers Prefer Full Stack. Full Stack Is The Most Popular And In-Demand Programming Language In The Tech World.

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