Kafka vs RabbitMQ | Differences and Which Should You Learn?

Kafka vs RabbitMQ | Differences and Which Should You Learn?

Last updated on 11th Dec 2021, Blog, General

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Parneet Singh (DevOps Engineer )

Parneet Singh is a DevOps Senior Engineer. She has expertise in Trending Domains like Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Blockchain, etc. Her articles help the learners to get insights about the Domain.

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RabbitMQ is a general purpose message broker that supports protocols including MQTT, AMQP, and STOMP. Kafka is a durable message broker that enables applications to process, persist, and re-process streamed data. Kafka has a straightforward routing approach that uses a routing key to send messages to a topic.

    • Introduction to Kafka vs RabbitMQ
    • What is Kafka used for?
    • Tools used for Kafka vs RabbitMQ
    • Top 10 Apache Kafka Features
    • Fixes to the OMB Kafka driver And RabbitMQ driver:
    • Pull vs Push Approach
    • What are the Best Use Cases?
    • Kafka vs RabbitMQ – Differences in Architecture
    • The benefits of using Kafka and RabbitMQ
    • Kafka vs RabbitMQ Performance

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      Introduction to Kafka vs RabbitMQ:

      Kafka is an open supply broadcast platform, and is one in all the 5 most active comes of the Apache package Foundation. At its core, Kafka is meant as a replica, broadcast, continuous commitment text accustomed to change event-driven microservices or massive broadcast process applications. shoppers that turn out or consume events directly / from a client cluster, browse / write events strictly to the sub-file system and duplicate events mechanically or at the same time among the gathering to tolerate errors and high availability.

      RabbitMQ may be a middleware of ancient electronic {messaging|electronic communication} with open supply that uses AMQP messaging normal, that takes under consideration low in operation line latency conditions. RabbitMQ contains a collection of trafficker processes that handle “exchanges” by business enterprise messages to and from the queues to use incoming messages. availableness and sturdiness square measure the characteristics of the various sorts of lines offered. Older lines supply less availableness guarantees. Older mirror lines replicate messages to alternative vendors and improve availableness. Solid rigidity is provided by the freshly introduced assembly line however at in operation prices. Since this is often a performance-oriented web log post, we’ve restricted our exploration of recent lines and mirrors.

      What is Kafka used for?

      Kafka is best used for broadcasting from A to B while not turning to a lot of advanced routes, however with a better output. it’s conjointly appropriate for event detection, streaming process, and modifying system changes like a sequence of events. Kafka is additionally appropriate for process knowledge in multi-phase pipelines.

      Below, use Kafka if you would like a framework to store, read, re-read, and analyze streaming knowledge. Ideal for systems that square measure perpetually researched or retain their messages for good. To further analyze it, Kafka shines with data processing and knowledge analysis.

      What Is RabbitMQ Used for?

      Engineers use RabbitMQ to research superior and reliable background work, also as integration and communication between applications and internally. The editors conjointly use RabbitMQ to make a complicated route for shoppers and integrate multiple applications and services with a non-minimal route read. RabbitMQ is appropriate for internet servers that need a fast response request. It conjointly shares masses among serious loaders (20K + messages / seconds). RabbitMQ may manage background or long-run tasks like PDF conversion, file scanning, or image mensuration.

      To summarize, use RabbitMQ for sturdy functions, reliable background functions, and interaction / integration among and among applications.

      Tools used for Kafka vs RabbitMQ:

      The author tool is prepackaged underneath “org.apache.kafka.tools. *. The tools square measure divided into system tools and multiplication tools.

      System Tools will run on the instruction exploitation of the running category script. The syntax is as follows –

      bin / kafka-run-class.sh package.class – – choices

      Some of the system tools mentioned below –

      Kafka Migration Tool – This tool is employed to maneuver a vendor from one version to a different one.

      Mirror Maker – This tool is employed to supply a mirror of the author assortment in one.

      Consumer Offset Checker – This tool displays client cluster, Title, Components, Settings, Log Size, fixed Set Owner and client cluster.

      Repetition tool- Kafka duplication is a sophisticated style tool. The aim of adding repetition tools is strength and high convenience. a number of the multiplication tools mentioned below

      Create a Title Tool – This creates a topic with a default range of partitions, a multiplication feature and uses the default author theme to perform a multiplication assignment.

      List Title Tool – This tool calculates the small print of a given list of titles. If there are not any titles provided within the instruction, the tool asks Zookeeper to search out all the titles and list their details. The fields diagrammatical by the tool square measure title, division, leader, replicas, isr.

      Add Divide Tool – To make a title, the quantity of sections of the title should be fixed. Later, more classification could also be necessary, within which the quantity of the article can increase. This tool helps to feature further subdivisions for a specific topic and conjointly permits manual copy distribution for added partitions.

      Command Line Tools

    • RabbitMQ ships with multiple instruction tools, every with a group of command commands:
    • rabbitmqctl service management and general operator functions
    • rabbitmq-diagnostics for medicine and health screening
    • rabbitmq-plugins for plugin management
    • Rabbitmq-lines for correction tasks in rows, particularly queue lines
    • rabbitmq-development of repair activities associated with development
    • can be found underneath the sbin index within the input root.
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      Top 10 Apache Kafka Features:

      a. Scalability

      Apache Kafka can manage ratings on all four sides, namely event producers, event processors, event buyers and event connectors. In other words, Kafka measures easily without downtime.

      b. High volume

      Kafka can work with large volume streaming data, easily.

      c. Data Modification

      Kafka provides provision for obtaining new data streams using data streams from manufacturers.

      d. Mistake Tolerance

      The Kafka collection can handle failures with artists and websites.

      e. Honesty

      As Kafka is still distributed, divided, duplicated and tolerant of errors, It is very reliable.

      f. Strength

      It lasts longer because Kafka uses a Distributed commit log, which means that messages are sent to disk very quickly.

      g. Performance

      In both publishing and subscription messages, Kafka has the highest output. Even with multiple TB messages stored, it maintains a stable function.

      h. Zero Relax

      Kafka is very fast and ensures inefficiency and zero data loss.

      i. Extension

      There are many ways apps can connect and use Kafka. In addition, it provides ways to write new connectors as needed.

      j. Repetition

      By using inlet pipes, it can repeat events. So, all this was about the Apache Kafka Features. I hope you like our explanation.

      Features of RabbitMQ:

      RabbitMQ is a messaging vendor – a messaging consultant. It gives your apps a common platform to send and receive messages, as well as your messages a safe place to stay until they are received.

    • Highlights
    • Honesty
    • RabbitMQ offers a variety of features that allow you to trade with good performance, including persistence, delivery acceptance, publisher guarantees, and high availability.

    • Flexible Routing

      Messages are passed alternately before reaching the queue. RabbitMQ incorporates a few built-in alternatives for the common concept of the route. For a more complex route you can combine trading together or write your own type of exchange as a plugin.


      Several RabbitMQ servers in a local network can be grouped together, forming one intelligent vendor.


      For servers that need to be connected more freely and reliably rather than allow integration, RabbitMQ provides a partnership model.

      Most Available Lines

      The queue can be displayed on several machines in the collection, to ensure that even in the event of a hardware failure your messages are secure.


      RabbitMQ supports messaging through various messaging processes.

      More clients

      There are RabbitMQ customers in almost any language you can think of.

      Management UI

      RabbitMQ delivers with an easy-to-use management UI that lets you monitor and control all aspects of your messaging vendor.


      If your messaging system is misbehaving, RabbitMQ gives you tracking support to let you know what’s going on.

      Plugin System

      RabbitMQ delivers with various plugins that extend in different ways.

      Business Support

      Trade support, training and consultation are available at Pivotal.

      Fixes to the OMB Kafka driver And RabbitMQ driver:

      OMB Kafka driver fix

      We fixed a critical distraction for the Kafka driver hungry for the Kafka manufacturers of TCP communications, closing the bottle on a single connection for each work model. The adjustment makes Kafka numbers more accurate, compared to other systems — that is, they all now use the same TCP connection number to communicate with their customers. We also fixed a critical bug in the Kafka consumer bank benchmark, where offsets were frequently made and caused similar damage, while being performed in parallel with other systems. We also tuned the Kafka buyer’s download size and repetition series to remove barriers to message delivery with high throughput and to prepare brokers equivalent to other systems.

      Fixes OMB RabbitMQ driver

      We have upgraded RabbitMQ to use route keys and adjustable exchange types (DIRECT and TOPIC exchanges) and corrected the error in the use of RabbitMQ setup settings. Route keys are introduced to mimic the concept of separation for each topic, equivalent to a set in Kafka and Pulsar. Add TimeSync function flow to RabbitMQ submissions to adjust time across all client situations to get accurate end-to-end delay estimates. In addition, we have fixed another bug in the RabbitMQ driver to ensure an accurate measure of end-to-end delays.

      Pull vs Push Approach:

    • Apache Kafka: A drag-based method Kafka uses a drag model. Consumers are asking for sets of messages at a specific offset. Kafka allows for long-term bonding, which prevents strong pitfalls when there is no message beyond the offset.
    • The pull model makes sense for Kafka because of its components. Kafka provides message order in isolation from non-compliant buyers. This allows users to use the accumulation of messages to send effective messages with high throughput.
    • RabbitMQ: Push-based approach
    • RabbitMQ uses a push model and stops surprising customers with a predefined download limit defined by the customer. This can be used for a low delay message.
    • The purpose of the push model is to distribute the messages one by one and quickly, to ensure that the activity is consistent and that the messages are processed almost in the order in which they arrive.

      What are the Best Use Cases?

      Apache writer Use Cases

      Apache writer offers the seller itself and is intended in step with streaming process conditions. Recently, additional writer Streams, a shopper library for building applications and microservices. Apache writer supports application conditions like metrics, job chase, log compilation, broadcast process, logging, and event accessibility.

      The following message settings area unit terribly appropriate for Kafka:

    • Broadcast via advanced route, 100K event output / second or a lot of, in separate order “at least once”.
    • Apps that need broadcast history, area units delivered “at least once” in separate orders. purchasers will see the “playback” of the event stream.
    • To find an occurrence, the model changes to the system as a sequence of events.
    • Distribute processing to multiphase pipelines. Pipes generate time period knowledge flow graphs.

    • RabbitMQ Use Cases

      RabbitMQ will be used once net servers would like immediate response to requests. This eliminates the necessity to perform tasks that need a lot of resources whereas the user is looking forward to the result. RabbitMQ additionally wants to convey a message to varied recipients to be used or to share masses between workers below serious load (20K + messages / second).

      Conditions that will be employed by RabbitMQ:

    • Applications that require to support inheritance agreements, like STOMP, MQTT, AMQP, 0-9-1.
    • Acute management over compliance / set of credentials on the idea of every message
    • A sophisticated route to shoppers
    • Apps that need varied business enterprise / subscription skills, point-to-point / electronic messaging response application.

      Kafka vs RabbitMQ – Differences in Architecture:

      A general purpose message marketer — employing a sort of request / response, pointers, and communication patterns below the saloon.

      Clever marketer / dumb client model — delivery of consistent messages to customers, at constant speed because the marketer monitors the buyer’s standing.

      Adult forum – well supported, accessible in Java, shopper libraries, .NET, Ruby, node.js. Provides a number of plugins.

      Communication – either synchronal or incompatible.

      Distribution Conditions- Provides distributed distribution conditions.

      Multi-node cluster to cluster allies – doesn’t rely upon external resources, however, bound cluster plugins will use DNS, APIs, Consul, etc.

      Apache writer design – Post-publishing subscription messages with a streaming platform – solid, fast, and ascendible.

      A semipermanent message store — like a log, operates during a server cluster, that stores the distribution of records in articles (categories).

      Messages — composed useful, key, and timestamp.

      Dumb marketer / good client model — doesn’t attempt to track what messages customers area unit reading and solely keeps uninformed messages. The writer keeps all messages up to now.

      It desires external resources to urge started — in some cases Apache Zookeeper.

      Kafka vs RabbitMQ Performance:

      Apache Kafka:

      Kafka offers much higher performance than messaging retailers like RabbitMQ. It uses consecutive disk I / O to maximize performance, making it an ideal line-of-use option. It can achieve high throughput (millions of messages per second) with limited resources, the need for large data usage conditions.


      RabbitMQ can also process a million messages per second but requires additional resources (approximately 30 nodes). You can use RabbitMQ on many utility cases like Kafka, but you will need to combine it with other tools like Apache Cassandra.

      The benefits of using Kafka and RabbitMQ:

    • Kafka is very simple. Kafka is a distributed system, which can be measured quickly and easily without having to resort to downtime. Apache Kafka is capable of handling large terabytes of data without having to enter the add-on path at all.
    • Kafka is very strong. Kafka also persists with messages on disks, providing intra-cluster duplication. This makes the messaging system more durable.
    • Kafka is very reliable. Kafka replicates the data and is able to support multiple subscribers. Additionally, it automatically balances buyers in the event of a failure. That means it is more reliable than the same messaging services available.
    • Kafka Provides High Performance. Kafka delivers high-quality content for both publishing and subscription, utilizing disk formats that can provide consistent levels of performance, even when interacting with multiple stored message tabs.

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      RabbitMQ is healthier for applications wherever the design of the appliance is unknown, and it develops and evolves with a haul statement and answer. RabbitMQ is extremely versatile and straightforward to use in these things compared to writers. However, once the system is mature and there’s a requirement for scale, most volume, reliability, sturdiness and repetition of messages, RabbitMQ becomes a bottle, and it’s best to modify it.

      Therefore, we’ve got to see the simplest options of Apache writer, that makes it very fashionable with all. However, if you wish to raise any questions on these options of writer, be at liberty to raise regarding the comment tab. I hope it helps!

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