Methods - C# Tutorial | A Complete Programming Guide | Updated 2025
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Methods – C# Tutorial | A Complete Programming Guide

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Madhuri (C# Automation Tester )

Madhuri is a C# Automation Tester and she has tons of experience in the areas of HTTP, SOAP/REST, VisualStudio, TFS, etc., CI/CD, functional, regression, and.NET technology stack. She spends most of her time researching technology and startups.

Last updated on 28th Jan 2022| 2421

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    • Introduction to C# Methods
    • History of C# Methods
    • C# technique definition
    • C# technique characteristics
    • C# technique signature
    • Difference Between Method And Functions
    • The Ultimate List of C# Tools: IDEs, Profilers, Automation Tools, and More
    • Method sort in C#
    • Conclusion

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      Introduction to C# Methods

      Strategies are for the most part the square of codes or explanations in a program that enables the client to reuse a similar code which at last saves the unnecessary utilization of memory, goes about as a life hack, and all the more critically, gives better lucidness of code. So fundamentally, a strategy is an assortment of articulations that play out some particular assignment and return the outcome to the guest. A technique can likewise play out a few explicit errands without bringing anything back.

      In C# a capacity is characterized as a procedure of wrapping code to play out a specific errand and afterward returning a worth. It is very unique concerning its ancestor programming dialects like C or C++. Here the capacities don’t exist alone. Capacities are a piece of the OOPs approach. The capacity is an individual from the class. It is a remarkable same as a technique and at times both the terms are utilized conversely. Be that as it may, there are a couple of essential contrasts among techniques and capacities.

      History of C# Methods

    • During the improvement of the .NET Framework, the class libraries were initially composed utilizing an overseen code compiler framework called “Basic Managed C” (SMC).In January 1999, Anders Hejlsberg shaped a group to fabricate another dialect at the time called Cool, which meant “C-like Object-Oriented Language”. Microsoft had thought about keeping the name “Cool” as the last name of the language yet decided not to do as such for brand name reasons. When the .NET undertaking was freely reported at the July 2000 Professional Developers Conference, the language had been renamed C#, and the class libraries and ASP.NET runtime had been ported to C#.

    • Hejlsberg is C#’s central planner and lead designer at Microsoft and was recently associated with the plan of Turbo Pascal, Embarcadero Delphi (previously CodeGear Delphi, Inprise Delphi, and Borland Delphi), and Visual J++. In meetings and specialized papers, he has expressed that defects in most significant programming dialects (for example C++, Java, Delphi, and Smalltalk) drove the essentials of the Common Language Runtime (CLR), which, thusly, drove the plan of the C# language itself.

    • James Gosling, who made the Java programming language in 1994, and Bill Joy, a fellow benefactor of Sun Microsystems, the originator of Java, considered C# an “impersonation” of Java; Gosling further said that “[C# is] kind of Java with dependability, efficiency and security erased.” Klaus Kreft and Angelika Langer (writers of a C++ streams book) expressed in a blog entry that “Java and C# are practically indistinguishable programming dialects. Exhausting redundancy that needs development, Hardly anyone will guarantee that Java or C# are progressive programming dialects that changed how we compose projects,” and “C# acquired a ton from Java – as well as the other way around. Since C# upholds boxing and unpacking, we’ll have a fundamentally the same as a component in Java.” In July 2000, Hejlsberg said that C# is “not a Java clone” and is “a lot nearer to C++” in its plan.

    • C# technique definition

      A technique is a code block containing a progression of proclamations. Techniques should be pronounced inside a class or a design. It is a decent programming practice that strategies do just a single explicit undertaking. Strategies carry particularity to programs. Legitimate utilization of techniques bring the accompanying benefits:

    • Decreasing duplication of code
    • Breaking down complex issues into easier pieces
    • Working on the clearness of the code
    • Reuse of code
    • Data stowing away

    • C# technique characteristics

      Fundamental attributes of strategies are:

    • Access level
    • Return esteem type
    • Technique name
    • Technique boundaries
    • Enclosures

    • Square of explanations

      The entrance level of techniques is controlled with access modifiers. They set the permeability of strategies. They figure out who can call the strategy. Techniques might return worth to the guest. On the off chance that our technique returns a worth, we give its information type. If not, we utilize the void watchword to show that our technique doesn’t bring values back. Technique boundaries are encircled by brackets and isolated by commas. Void enclosures demonstrate that the strategy requires no boundaries. The technique block is encircled with { } characters. The square contains at least one proclamations that are executed when the strategy is conjured. It is lawful to have an unfilled technique block.

      C# technique signature

      A technique mark is a novel recognizable proof of a strategy for the C# compiler. The mark comprises a technique name and the sort and kind (worth, reference, or result) of every one of its conventional boundaries. Strategy signature does exclude the bring type back.

      Any legitimate person can be utilized for the sake of a strategy. By show, technique names start with a capitalized letter. The technique names are action words or action words followed by modifiers or things. Each resulting word begins with a capitalized character. Coming up next are run of the mill names of techniques in C#:

    • Execute
    • find
    • SetName
    • GetName
    • CheckIfValid
    • TestValidity

    • Difference Between Method And Functions

    • Albeit both are comparative in many faculties and dialects. The fundamental distinction among Methods and Functions is that the technique accompanies avoid as a return type while the capacity has a bring type back.

    • On the off chance that you investigate the distinctions without choosing a specific programming language, the Function can be characterized as a piece of code that has a name and contentions for activities referenced inside the bracket. All the contention of a capacity is unequivocal commonly.

    • Presently, then again, the technique should be visible as a capacity that goes about as an item. It is a plan of a class example. The technique generally has verifiable contentions.

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      The Ultimate List of C# Tools: IDEs, Profilers, Automation Tools, and More

      C# is a generally involved programming language in undertakings, particularly for those that are intensely Microsoft-subordinate. This language involves a ton of devices with individual qualities. Here, we list C# devices for IDEs, profilers, robotization instruments, and the sky is the limit from there.

      Assuming that you construct applications utilizing C#, you doubtlessly utilize Visual Studio and have investigated a portion of its expansions to supercharge your turn of events. Notwithstanding, this rundown of C# apparatuses may very well change how you compose C# code for great.

      Best apparatuses for C# programming in the accompanying classes:

    • IDEs
    • Versus Extensions
    • Compilers, Editors, and Serializers
    • Decompilers and Code Conversion Tools
    • Construct Automation and Merge Tools

    • Visual Studio Code

      Visual Studio Code is the most well-known code editorial manager for C# advancement. You can involve Visual Studio Code with the C# expansion for strong altering, in addition to full help for C# IntelliSense and troubleshooting.

      Key Features:

    • Astounding auto-complete with setting mindful ideas
    • Implicit Git reconciliation for a better form of control
    • The enormous rundown of expansions to additional improve the stage
    • Upholds Mac, Linux, Windows, and so on
    • Effectively works with Software Configuration Management suppliers
    • Effectively runs on Node JS

    • MonoDevelop

      Created by Xamarin, MonoDevelop has numerous comparative highlights as VS Code and upholds cross-stage improvement. With MonoDevelop, you can rapidly compose work area and web applications on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.

      Key Features:

    • Standard highlights like code culmination and troubleshooting
    • Additionally transports with Unity, a game motor, which empowers progressed C# programming for applications like computer games
    • Code consummation support for C#
    • Code layouts and code collapsing
    • Upholds various dialects

    • Rider

      The rider is a cross-stage .NET IDE apparatus from the complete JetBrains set-up of items. The apparatus works totally on the IntelliJ stage and ReSharper.

      Key Features:

    • Coordinates flawlessly with other JetBrains items
    • 2000+ code checks
    • Many setting activities and refactoring
    • Support for the Unity game motor
    • Upholds both .NET Framework and .NET Core
    • Permits an engineer to part editorial manager either on a level plane or in an upward direction
    • Inherent help with TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and Sass
    • Upholds Windows, Linux, and Mac stages

    • Visual Studio Extensions

      Efficiency Power Tools 2017 Given by Microsoft, this is an incredible augmentation to stimulate advancement with Visual Studio.

      Key Features:

    • Center snap looking over
    • QuickFind
    • Arrangement blunder visualizer
    • Instinctive point of interaction
    • Different forms are accessible for more seasoned Visual Studio variants

    • jQuery Code Snippets

      An efficiency expansion that works on coding with the well-known jQuery system, jQuery code pieces offer more than 130 bits for Visual Studio 2012, 2013, 2015, and 2017.

      Key Features:

    • 130+ jQuery code bits
    • Support for all variants of Visual Studio
    • Extraordinary for beginner jQuery designers who can get acquainted with everything utilizing this expansion
    • CodeMaid is an open-source VS augmentation that can assist you with clean increasing and working on code in an assortment of upheld dialects notwithstanding C#.

    • SlickEdit

      SlickEdit is a code-altering instrument that can support usefulness and work on the nature of your code. It’s a cross-stage code editorial manager that upholds more than 60 dialects (counting C#) on nine stages.

      Key Features:

    • Accumulates and investigates your code showing all mistakes for speedy access
    • Handles exceptionally enormous records of code, as large as 2 TB
    • Linguistic structure development and indenting
    • Keystroke imitations
    • Reinforcement history
    • Numerous cursors and determinations
    • Standard and Pro versions are accessible to oblige your necessities
    • Produce for Raspberry Pi, macOS, Linux, and Windows

    • Rextester

      Rextester (which represents Regular Expression Tester) is a basic web-based compiler for C#.

      Key Features:

    • 5 seconds of CPU time per each piece of code
    • 150 MB of memory for each piece of code
    • Code runs in an application space with fundamental execution, reflection, string control, and web honors as it were.

    • C# Pad

      C# Pad is a convenient REPL C# device. It’s not difficult to utilize: basically, enter your code and snap “Go” to assess it.

      Key Features:

    • Rapidly tests C# code on the web
    • Incorporates code fulfillment
    • Can be implanted on different sites

    • Jdoodle

      Another lightweight code compiler, Jdoodle upholds 63 dialects (counting C#) and permits you to save your projects and offer them to others through a URL. You can install code made in Jdoodle to your site, use it for cooperation, online meetings, from there, the sky is the limit.

      Key Features:

    • Rapidly tests little bits of code online without opening the IDE
    • Simple to impart your code to other people
    • Incorporates and executes programs utilizing APIs

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      A free, independent apparatus presented by JetBrains, dotPeek depends on ReSharper’s packaged decompiler that lets you decompile .NET congregations into C#.

      Key Features:

    • Strong pursuit and route highlights
    • Decompiles any .NET gathering into comparable C# or IL code
    • Upholds different configurations (.dll, .exe, .winmd)
    • Saves decompiled congregations as Visual Studio projects

    • Ilspy

      An open-source decompiler given Red Gate’s .NET Reflector, which was suspended in 2011, Ilspy requires .NET Framework 4.0.

      Key Features:

    • Peruse and decompile gatherings to C#
    • Saves a gathering as a C# project
    • Instinctive pursuit and route highlights
    • Route history
    • Upholds C# 5.0 “async”
    • Decompilation to VB and C#

    • JustDecompile

      A skilled decompiler from Telerik, JustDecompile is a free, open-source decompilation motor.

      Key Features:

    • Extensible with an open API
    • Quick code route
    • Effectively switch among techniques and gatherings in tabs
    • Bookmark utilizations in stacked gatherings
    • Makes a Visual Studio project from a decompiled get together
    • Visual Studio augmentation for decompiling inside VS projects

    • Telerik Code Converter

      Telerik Code Converter changes over VB code to C# as well as the other way around. A basic, yet amazing asset, Telerik Code Converter is not difficult to use with an instinctive, clear connection point.

      Key Features:

    • A cloud-based transformation that is fast and bothers free
    • Involves production line library for complex code changes
    • Worked with Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX
    • Assemble Automation and Merge Tools

    • Cake Build

      Cake (C# Make) is a C# rendition of the open-source Make construct computerization instrument. A cross-stage fabricate robotization framework, Cake involves a C# DSL for assignments, for example, assembling code, running unit tests, duplicating documents and organizers, compacting records, and building NuGet bundles.

      Key Features:

    • Accessible on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X
    • Worked to act similarly as other CI frameworks
    • Upholds construct devices including MSBuild, MSTest, xUnit, NUnit, NuGet, ILMerge, WiX, and SignTool
    • Entirely extensible

    • MSBuild

      Microsoft sent off MSBuild in 2008. It’s no piece of the Visual Studio stage, however, it’s a decent asset for your C# improvement tool compartment for specific use cases, for example, construction law projects separated from an answer.

      Key Features:

    • Coming from Microsoft, it was generally utilized by numerous MS shops
    • Microsoft has prepared it into Visual Studio guaranteeing it doesn’t get stranded
    • Fabricate various ventures and different setups for a long time
    • Construct Win32, x86, x64, or any CPU stages

    • FinalBuilder

      FinalBuilder is a phenomenal business choice for a form robotization instrument. With FinalBuilder, you don’t have to alter XML or compose contents to computerize your assemble interaction.

      Key Features:

    • Makes assemble simple by including visual investigating
    • Outwardly characterizes and investigates your construct scripts
    • Plans scripts with Windows scheduler
    • Coordinates with Continua CI, Jenkins, or some other CI Server
    • In a programming language, there are terms called technique and capacity. In any case, in C# we utilize the expression “Technique.”

    • Method sort in C#.

    • Unadulterated virtual technique.
    • Virtual technique.
    • Dynamic technique.
    • Incomplete technique.
    • Augmentation technique.
    • Example technique.
    • Static technique.

    • Unadulterated Virtual Method

      An unadulterated virtual technique is a term that developers use in C++. There is a term “dynamic” instead of “unadulterated virtual technique” in C#.

      Virtual Method

      The virtual strategy makes some default usefulness. All in all, virtual techniques are being carried out in the base class and can be abrogated in the inferred class.

      Theoretical Method

      Theoretical Method is the strategy with no execution and is verifiably virtual. You can make a theoretical strategy just in the Abstract class.

      Halfway Method

      An incomplete technique has it is uniquely characterized in one piece of a halfway sort, and its execution is characterized in one more piece of the kind.

      Augmentation Method

    • Augmentation techniques are a unique sort of static strategy, however, they are called as though they were exampled techniques on the lengthy kind.
    • Expansion techniques are utilized to add some usefulness to a given sort.
    • Note: For making Extension strategies, you want to have a static class with a static strategy.
    • Try not to make the Extension technique for a couple of lines of code, compose the Extension strategy for rationale.

    • Occasion strategy

      A case strategy works on a given case of a class, and that case can be gotten to.

      Static technique

    • This has a place with the kind, it doesn’t have a place with an occurrence of the sort. You can get to static techniques by class name.
    • You can place the static technique in static or non-static classes.
    • The main contrast is that static techniques in a non-static class can’t be expansion strategies.

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    • C# gives an enormous number of design instruments that you can use to tackle a wide range of issues. By utilizing Graphics articles, pens, and brushes, you can draw and fill a wide range of shapes. You can utilize stock pens and brushes or make your own with hatch designs, angle fills, surfaces, custom scramble examples and end covers, and longitudinal stripes.

    • The Graphics class’ DrawString strategy allows you to draw text arranged and wrapped to fit a specific region, alternatively with circles. The Bitmap class gives strategies to getting and setting the upsides of each pixel in a picture.

    • Changes add an unheard-of degree of capacity to any illustrations code. By utilizing changes, you can extend, pivot, and interpret pictures to reuse code that draws.

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