[ 25+ ] PhoneGap Interview Questions & Answers [BEST & NEW] - 2020
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[ 25+ ] PhoneGap Interview Questions & Answers [BEST & NEW]

PhoneGap Interview Questions and Answers

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Ranjith (Sr Technical Manager )

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Last updated on 04th Jul 2020| 2888

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    Using web technologies, participants in a PhoneGap course investigate cross-platform mobile app development. Essential for PhoneGap, they go over the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. They gain knowledge on how to use PhoneGap’s capabilities and gain access to device functionalities like the camera and geolocation through hands-on activities. Instructors help with the creation of iOS and Android apps with an emphasis on user experience optimisation. For a broad audience, students learn about packaging and distributing apps to several shops. Problem solving and cooperation are encouraged. The course gives students the fundamental abilities needed to create a variety of apps. Additionally covered are advanced subjects like security, maintenance, and plugins. All things considered, it gets developers ready for success in the field of developing mobile apps.

1. What is PhoneGap and is it useful?


Through the use of web technologies such as CSS3, JavaScript, and HTML5, you can create mobile applications using PhoneGap, an open-source framework, rather than Java for Android, C# for Windows phone devices, or Objective C or Swift for iOS. It makes use of each platform’s native project format.

2. Could you list a few PhoneGap APIs?


A few PhoneGap APIs are:

  • Auxiliary Unit Camera
  • Record Device Geolocation
  • Compasses
  • Connections
  • Contacts 

3. Describe the things you must learn in PhoneGap.


You have to learn how to use PhoneGap’s different APIs in order to access device features such as the accelerometer, camera, and geolocation. It’s also crucial to comprehend how PhoneGap applications are organised and how to handle plugins.

4. Explain what distinguishes PhoneGap from PhoneGap Build.


Phonegap Build
Definition Open-source framework for mobile app development using web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript). Cloud-based service for building PhoneGap apps without local SDKs or development environments.
Development Requires local installation of SDKs and development tools for each platform (e.g., Android, iOS). Development environment is entirely cloud-based, eliminating the need for local SDKs.
Features Provides APIs to access device features like camera, accelerometer, and geolocation. Offers compilation of web assets (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) into native apps for various platforms.
Platform Support Supports cross-platform development, allowing apps to be deployed on multiple platforms (iOS, Android, Windows Phone). Facilitates cross-platform development with support for multiple platforms, similar to PhoneGap.
Deployment Requires developers to compile and build the app locally using SDKs and development tools. Simplifies the build process by compiling web assets into native apps in the cloud.

5. Could you list a few PhoneGap events?


Deviceready, pause, resume, online, offline, backbutton, and batterycritical are a few examples of PhoneGap events.

6. Explain the distinction between PhoneGap and AIR.


The primary distinctions between PhoneGap and AIR are that PhoneGap applications are developed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, while AIR applications are created using tools based in the Flash Platform. Applications written for Adobe Air (AIR) make use of the AIR runtime, which allows you to have a single code base that behaves exactly the same across all supported platforms. For every supported platform, PhoneGap apps run inside the native web browser component. PhoneGap might act differently on different platforms.

7. Describe the PhoneGap application architecture process.


Applications for PhoneGaps can be designed similarly to other mobile web services. The primary distinction is that local access to the original HTML assets is provided, as opposed to a remote server. The initial HTML loaded by the PhoneGap application can make requests for resources from the local environment or from a server. PhoneGap is compatible with the single-page web experience model as well.

PhoneGap Architecture

8. What is included in the PhoneGap plugin? Which files are needed to make your own iOS PhoneGap plugin?


The PhoneGap plugins consist of a plugin.xml file, native code specific to each platform (e.g., Objective-C for iOS), and JavaScript files. You usually need to include.h,.m, and.js files in addition to the plugin.xml configuration in order to create an iOS PhoneGap plugin.

9. What functions are included in the PhoneGap camera options?


  • Quality: It indicates the saved image quality, which is between [0,100].
  • Destination Type: Select the return value’s format. In navigator.camera, defined.Type of Destination
  • Source Type: Select the image’s source. In navigator.camera, defined
  • AllowEdit: It permits basic image editing prior to image selection.
  • Type of Encoding: It chooses the kind of encoding for the picture that is returned.
  • Goal Width: It establishes how the image width can be set.
  • GoalHeight: Explains how to adjust the height of an image.
  • Media Type: You can choose from a variety of media types here. 

10. Describe the process for updating PhoneGap.


Downloading the most recent framework version, updating the project’s configuration files, and ensuring that the app is compatible with the updated version are the steps involved in updating PhoneGap.

11. Describe the peculiarities of iOS for an object that has a compass heading.


IOS provides APIs for accessing the device’s compass heading, allowing developers to retrieve the direction the device is pointing relative to magnetic north or true north.

12. Describe the meaning of the OpenGap media API’s media.


SeekTo and media.getDuration functions.The seek To function in the OpenGap Media API is used to update the most recent location of a Media Object’s underlying audio file obtain The function duration yields the audio file’s duration in seconds. In the event that the duration is unknown, it will return -1.

13. Describe the PhoneGap’s limitations.


  • The front-end has certain limitations because it uses JavaScript.
  • Data processing: Much faster than native JavaScript language
  • Background processing: Many applications rely on background threads, but the JavaScript used to build the PhoneGap API does not support multi-threading, nor does it support background processing.
  • Advanced graphics: It is preferable to create native apps when using third-party libraries to access apps that use advanced graphics.
  • intricate business reasoning With native code, many sophisticated business applications are more easily accessible.
  • Gain access to sophisticated native features: PhoneGap’s API does not support a lot of native APIs.

14. Explain which storage options PhoneGap has access to.


For local data storage within the app, PhoneGap may utilise the device’s file system, SQLite databases, local storage, and session storage.

15. How much does it cost to buy PhoneGap?


PhoneGap is standardised and implemented in an open source manner, meaning that anyone can access the source code. Thus, there are no expenses for you to bear. It’s totally free. With the aid of the mobile application, any developer or business can create any kind of combination—commercial, open source, free, or otherwise.

16. Can PHP,.NET, ASP, Java, and JSF be used with PhoneGap?


It only makes use of the HTML, JavaScript, and CSS code bases. However, depending on how the developer uses them, it might permit using these remotely.

17. How do we make use of the PhoneGap platform?


In essence, it is open-source software that enables developers to create mobile applications using codebases like HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript, whereas in the past, the emphasis was on languages like C and Java.

18. PhoneGap User Interface: What Is It?


The PhoneGap App UI is created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, the three main platforms.

  • It is android.webkit on Android.WebView
  • It is the Objective-C UIWebView class on iOS.
  • The User Interface fills 100% (Height X Width) of the screen when viewed in a web browser. 

19. What is the PhoneGap plugin’s fundamental component?


The two main file types that make up the PhoneGap plugin are an implementation file and a JavaScript file. Name, Spec, Source, and Parameters are the names of the plugins; Name, Version, Source, and Parameters are the names of the gap plugins.

20. What function does the PhoneGap implementation file serve?


Between the native code on the device and the JavaScript code executing in the web view, the PhoneGap implementation file acts as a mediator. It enables developers to access device features within their PhoneGap applications by facilitating communication between JavaScript functions and native APIs and functionalities. It also makes it easier to incorporate unique native code and plugins into the PhoneGap programme.

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    21. Could you provide some instances of the platforms that PhoneGap supports?


    Windows, Symbian, Bada, Blackberry OS, Android, Tizen, etc. Other mobile platforms were supported by the earlier versions, but those platforms’ support was later withdrawn.

    22. How well-versed are you in hybrid applications?


    The primary appeal of a hybrid application lies in its ability to combine features from both web and native applications. Web applications run on various platforms and are accessed by users through an Internet browser, whereas native applications are installed locally on the mobile device.

    23. What function does the PhoneGap JavaScript file serve?


    The main source of logic and functionality for PhoneGap applications is the JavaScript file. It uses PhoneGap APIs to connect with native device features and works with HTML and CSS to create the user interface. In essence, developers can write cross-platform code with the JavaScript file by utilising well-known web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

    24. What are the various storage options that the PhoneGap can access? 


     PhoneGap gives developers access to multiple storage options, such as SQLite databases, which let them create and manage structured data on the device, session storage, which allows temporary session-based data storage, and local storage, which keeps data inside the browser. PhoneGap apps can persist and manage data locally with these storage options, which improves offline functionality and user experience.

    25. Describe how the media works.in relation to the One-Gap Media API?


    Developers can work with audio and video files in their applications by using the PhoneGap Media API. It offers playback control functions such as media.play, media.pause, and media.stop; on the other hand, media.release releases resources. These features can be utilised by developers to integrate multimedia seamlessly into their PhoneGap apps.

    26. Describe how the media works.getduration in relation to the media API for one-gap?


     The media.getDuration function in the PhoneGap Media API allows you to get the duration of an audio or video file in milliseconds. By doing so, developers can precisely control playback and user interaction by obtaining information about the duration of media content. This feature is crucial for adding features to PhoneGap multimedia applications, like progress bars and time displays.

    27. List a few PhoneGap APIs.


    Some of PhoneGap’s APIs include Answer Camera, Battery Status, Contact, Device Motion and Orientation, Globalisation, File Transfer, Geo Location, Whitelist, Status Bar, Screen Splash, Media Capture, Vibration, Network Information, and more.

    28. When using PhoneGap, what limitations did you encounter?


    The PhoneGap’s limitations are

    •  Slow speed of data processing.
    •  No assistance with apps that are running in the background.
    •  In contrast to the native system, the device’s advanced graphics are not accessible.
    • Complexity appears when attempting to access the intricate business logic.
    • The PhoneGap does not support many native APIs, which contributes to the device’s issue. 

    29. What constitutes the primary distinction between the PhoneGap and PhoneGap build versions?


     A kind of cloud-based service called PhoneGap build is positioned above the PhoneGap framework, whereas PhoneGap is a kind of framework used by developers to create mobile applications.

    30. Describe the PhoneGap Applications’ architectural component.


    The initial HTML asset for the PhoneGap application is available locally, whereas it is present on the other mobile application’s remote server. Other than that, the development process for both mobile applications is identical.

    31. How can one make their own PhoneGap plugin?


    • In the original plugin directory, create a new directory.
    • Create a JavaScript file in the recently developed directory.
    • Create a C class object that can expand on the PhoneGap command found in the newly created directory.

    32. Why is PhoneGap being used by developers?


    It comes with an integrated browser that manages all dynamic content and important searches. Developers can reduce costs and increase productivity with this platform.

    33. What are your knowledge of the relationship between Cordova and PhoneGap?


    One engine that facilitates PhoneGap is Cordova. It is comparable to the Chrome-supporting Webkit. As of right now, the download package is the same in both cases; the only difference is in the name.

    34. How does PhoneGap make a developer’s job easier?


    Its excellent technology right out of the box makes it a suitable framework for all kinds of mobile application developers.

    35. What does “child browser” mean to you?


    One type of plugin that could be easily integrated with PhoneGap applications is a child browser. In actuality, it guards against and stops the intended user from viewing improper content on the browser.

    36. What are the financial implications of purchasing Phonegap?


    Purchasing PhoneGap usually involves subscription models or licencing fees for business use, with pricing tiers determined by features and support choices.

    37. Who is able to purchase Phonegap?


    Individual developers, small businesses, and large enterprises interested in using web technologies to develop cross-platform mobile applications can purchase PhoneGap.

    38. Which scripts work well with Phonegap integration?


    PhoneGap is compatible with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript scripts, so developers can use their current web development knowledge to create mobile applications.

    39. How is the Phonegap platform being used these days?


    Developers can write code once and have it run on multiple platforms, such as Windows, iOS, and Android, by using PhoneGap as a framework for creating cross-platform mobile applications.

    40. The Phonegap user interface is available for both iOS and Android.


    The PhoneGap user interface is made with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and it works with both iOS and Android devices. It adheres to standard web development practices.

    41. Describe the primary part of the Phonegap plugin.


    A PhoneGap plugin’s primary component is a collection of native code files that interface with the device’s native functionality. These files are written in languages like Objective-C/Swift for iOS devices or Java for Android devices.

    42. Describe the Phonegap implementation file’s purpose.


    Communication between the JavaScript code running in the web view and the native code running on the device is facilitated by the implementation file in PhoneGap.

    43. List the platforms that Phonegap is compatible with.


    By supporting platforms like iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry, and more, PhoneGap enables developers to distribute their apps to a large number of devices.

    44. Did earlier Phonegap versions support additional platforms as well?


    PhoneGap did support other platforms in the past, such as Windows Phone and BlackBerry, but recent versions may not have supported these platforms as a result of changes in the market and technological advancements.

    45. What does the term “Native applications” mean to you?


    Native applications offer great performance and access to platform-specific features because they are created especially for a given platform using its native programming languages and tools.

    46. What does the phrase “hybrid application” mean to you?


    Web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are used in the development of hybrid applications, which are then enclosed in a native container to enable distribution via app stores and device functionality.

    47. What does CDN stand for in full?


    Content Delivery Networks is the full name for these networks.

    48. What benefits does JQuery’s use of CDNs offer?


    Through distributed server networks, CDNs in jQuery provide benefits like quicker loading times, better website performance, lower server load, and increased reliability.

    49. List the different kinds of networks used for content delivery.


    There are several different kinds of content delivery networks, such as Google Cloud CDN, Amazon CloudFront, Akamai, and Cloudflare.

    50. Describe the Phonegap Javascript file’s function.


    With PhoneGap, developers can create cross-platform mobile applications and interact with device features through the JavaScript file, which acts as the main codebase for the application’s logic and functionality.

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    51. Which storage options might Phonegap be able to access?


    In order to store data locally within the app, PhoneGap may be able to access storage options like local storage, session storage, SQLite databases, and the device’s file system.

    52. Describe the role that the media plays.aim to


    The press.With the seekto function in PhoneGap’s Media API, developers can precisely control multimedia playback by moving the playback position within a media file to a specified time.

    53. List a few of the Phonegap’s APIs.


    Geolocation, Camera, Contacts, File, Media, and Device are a few PhoneGap APIs that give users access to a variety of device features and functionalities.

    54. What are a few drawbacks or restrictions when using Phonegap?


    Using PhoneGap has drawbacks or restrictions, such as performance problems for intricate applications, less access to native APIs than native development, and possible platform inconsistencies.

    55. What distinguishes Phonegap from Phonegap build, fundamentally?


    The primary distinction between PhoneGap and PhoneGap Build is that the former is a cloud-based service that automates the build process by compiling apps in the cloud without the need for local SDKs, and the latter is a framework for creating cross-platform mobile applications using web technologies.

    56. How can someone make their own Phonegap plugin?


    Typically, developers must write native code for each platform, provide a JavaScript interface for the plugin’s functionality, and configure the plugin.xml file to specify the plugin’s dependencies and metadata in order to recreate a PhoneGap plugin.

    57. For what reason would developers choose to use Phonegap?


    PhoneGap is a platform that developers can use to create cross-platform mobile applications using web technologies. This saves developers time and effort because they can write code once and have it run on multiple platforms.

    58. What are the benefits of Phonegap in terms of money?


    By leveraging their current web development expertise to create mobile apps, developers can use PhoneGap to increase productivity and save costs. This eliminates the need for separate teams or specialised knowledge for each platform.

    59. Describe the features that Cordova offers.


    The foundation of PhoneGap is provided by Cordova, which gives developers access to native device functionalities through the use of web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

    60. In what ways has Phonegap made the job of developers easier?


    PhoneGap makes development easier for developers by offering pre-integrated technology, intuitive tools, and a free framework that works with different kinds of mobile applications. This lowers development complexity and speeds up prototyping.

    61. What does the term “child browser” mean to you?


    In the context of PhoneGap, a child browser is a plugin that can be quickly added to the platform to give the app more browsing options.

    62. What benefits does owning a child browser offer?


    Having a child browser has several benefits, such as improved security through blocking access to unsuitable websites and stopping specific content from being searched within the app.

    63. Who created Phonegap in the beginning?


    PhoneGap was first created by Nitobi, a Vancouver-based company.

    64. Which year did Adobe Corporation purchase Nitobi?


    The Adobe Corporation purchased Nitobi in 2011.

    65. List a few of the Phonegap happenings.


    Volumeup, Volumedown, End Call, Start Call, Search, Menu, Battery Status, Battery Low, Battery Critical, Back Button, Offline, Online, Resume, Pause, and Device Ready are a few PhoneGap events.

    66. What is PhoneGap?


    With the help of standard web development languages like CSS, HTML, and JavaScript, developers can create mobile applications with PhoneGap that function on a variety of operating systems.

    67. Mention PhoneGap’s limitations?


    PhoneGap’s drawbacks include restricted access to some native functionalities, slower data processing when compared to native languages, and difficulties accessing sophisticated graphics and intricate business logic.

    68. How can performance be improved globally?


    Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) are a useful tool for improving global performance because they host jQuery files, which reduce loading times and provide high bandwidth files globally.

    69. How is an application for PhoneGap designed?


    The design of PhoneGap applications is akin to that of other mobile web services; the first HTML assets are available locally rather than remotely, enabling the loading of resources from either the local environment or a server.

    70. Call Name for PhoneGap Add-ons?


    Some PhoneGap plugins include implementation files (written in native languages like Objective-C or Java) to interface with native phone features, and JavaScript files to describe functionality.

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    71. What function does PhoneGap serve in mobile apps?


    By enabling developers to use web development languages and expertise to create cross-platform apps, PhoneGap streamlines the process of developing mobile applications by eliminating the need for platform-specific tools and code.

    72. Talk about the distinctions between PhoneGap and AIR.


    The primary distinction between PhoneGap and AIR is that PhoneGap uses web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create cross-platform applications, whereas AIR applications are created with tools based in the Flash platform.

    73. What does the Hybrid App mean?


    Running in a native app shell but connecting to mobile platform capabilities after installation, hybrid apps combine aspects of web applications and native apps to provide a smooth user experience.

    74. What does “Debug” mean?


    Debugging is the process of finding and resolving problems or mistakes in a PhoneGap application’s code by employing techniques like remote debugging, logging, and device testing.

    75. What is PhoneGap and Cordova?


    Built on top of Cordova, PhoneGap provides additional tools and services for mobile app development, enabling developers to create cross-platform apps using web technologies. Cordova is the underlying framework that gives access to native device functionalities.

    76. What is the name of the plugin that works with PhoneGap apps?


    The Camera plugin is one that’s frequently used in conjunction with PhoneGap apps, giving users access to their device’s cameras so they can take pictures and record videos.

    77. What’s the name of the PhoneGap app?


    PhoneGap apps can be created on a variety of mobile platforms, including iOS, Android, and Windows, and are commonly developed using web development languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

    78. How do PhoneGap creators manage device requirements?


    PhoneGap developers leverage PhoneGap APIs to manage device needs. These APIs grant access to native device functionalities like accelerometer, camera, and geolocation, among others, facilitating the smooth incorporation of device features into applications.

    79. How can PhoneGap explain its mobile development?


    PhoneGap streamlines the development process and eliminates the need for platform-specific development by enabling developers to write code once using web technologies and deploy it across multiple platforms.

    80. Name the peculiarities of the iOS compass heading item?


    One of the peculiarities of the iOS compass heading item is that it must handle device orientation changes appropriately and take accuracy into account when accessing the compass sensor.

    81. Mention PhoneGap’s features.


    PhoneGap’s features include support for plugins and extensions, cross-platform compatibility, simplified development through the use of web technologies, and access to native device functionalities through APIs.

    82. Explain The Cordova PhoneGap?


    The foundation for PhoneGap applications is PhoneGap Cordova, which leverages web technologies to grant access to native device functionalities.

    83. What should be developed in PhoneGap?


    PhoneGap development involves using HTML and CSS to design the user interface, JavaScript to implement the app’s logic and functionality, PhoneGap APIs to handle device features, and testing the app across multiple platforms.

    84. What are the PhoneGap Camera Options’ features?


    The PhoneGap Camera options allow you to take pictures and videos, view the device’s photo gallery, adjust the resolution and quality of your images, and manage camera functions like flash and autofocus.

    85. What are the PhoneGap events and API names?


    Deviceready, pause, resume, online, offline, backbutton, batterycritical, Geolocation, Camera, Contacts, File, Media, and Device are some of the PhoneGap events and APIs.

    86. How do I create an iOS plugin?


    Making a new directory in the plugin directory, writing Objective-C and JavaScript files for functionality, and specifying plugin metadata in the plugin.xml file are the steps involved in building an iOS plugin.

    87. Describe the role of the media.in the one-gap media API, getduration and media.seekTo?


    Media in the PhoneGap Media API.While media.seekTo moves the playback position to a specified time in the media file, getduration retrieves the duration of a media file.

    88. Tell PhoneGap and PhoneGap Build apart?


    PhoneGap Build is a cloud-based service that simplifies the compilation and packaging of PhoneGap apps without requiring the installation of SDKs. PhoneGap is a framework for creating cross-platform mobile applications using web technologies.

    89. Which command should I use to upgrade PhoneGap? Additionally, specify the storage options.


    ‘npm install -g phonegap@latest’ is the usual command to upgrade PhoneGap. PhoneGap provides access to local storage, session storage, SQLite databases, and the file system of the device as storage options.

    90. Explain why you are using PhoneGap.


    One of the main benefits of using PhoneGap is its ability to expedite the development of mobile apps by enabling developers to create cross-platform applications more quickly and with less effort by utilising web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

    91. How can I use PHP Phonegap?


    PHP code can be integrated with HTML and JavaScript in the PhoneGap application to use PhoneGap in PHP. This allows PHP code running on the server to communicate with PHP code running on the client in the PhoneGap environment.

    92. Describe the distinctions between Cordova and PhoneGap.


    The open-source framework Cordova is the foundation for PhoneGap, enabling developers to leverage web technologies to access native device functionalities. PhoneGap is built on top of Cordova, offering extra tools and services for mobile app development.

    93. How Can I Locally Store Data in a PhoneGap?


    Depending on the needs of the application and the type of data being stored, local storage, session storage, SQLite databases, or the device’s file system can all be used to store data locally in a PhoneGap application.

    94. How can a Cordova project be converted to a PhoneGap project?


    Developers only need to install the PhoneGap CLI and use it to create a new PhoneGap project in order to convert a Cordova project to a PhoneGap project. Then, they can copy the www folder and config.xml file from the Cordova project to the newly created PhoneGap project, keeping all of the code and configuration in place.

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