Top 45+ Practice UNIX Interview Questions [ ANSWERED ] in 2020
Unix Interview Questions and Answers

Top 45+ Practice UNIX Interview Questions [ ANSWERED ]

Last updated on 04th Jul 2020, Blog, Interview Questions

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1. Which are the main features of UNIX?


Multiuser Capability : UNIX supports multiple users simultaneously.

Multitasking : It allows concurrent execution of multiple processes.

Portability : UNIX is highly portable across different hardware platforms.

Hierarchical File System : Files are organized in a hierarchical directory structure.

Networking : UNIX has robust networking capabilities.

Security : UNIX provides user-level and file-level security features.

2. What is the general syntax for UNIX commands?


Command : The action to be performed.

Options : Flags modifying command behavior.

Arguments : Input, files, or parameters for the command.

Syntax : command [options] [arguments].

Example : ls -l /path/to/directory.

Convention : Commands follow a consistent structure.

3. In UNIX, explain links and symbolic links?


In UNIX, hard links create multiple directory entries pointing to the same inode, allowing shared data. Changes in one file affect all links, and they only work within the same filesystem. Symbolic links, on the other hand, are pointers to file paths and can span filesystems. They are independent of the target file and are identifiable by a different icon or color in file listings.

4. Which file types are supported by UNIX?


UNIX supports regular files for user data, directories for organization, and symbolic links as pointers to other files. It also includes special files like block devices for data handling, character devices for unbuffered I/O, and named pipes (FIFOs) for interprocess communication. Additionally, UNIX supports sockets for network communication and device files for hardware access.

Unix File system

5. What do the various UNIX process ID numbers mean?


PID (Process ID) : Unique identifier assigned to each running process in UNIX.

Init Process (PID 1) : First process during system boot, responsible for initialization.

PPID (Parent Process ID) : Identifies the parent process in the hierarchical structure.

Zombie Processes : Result from completed processes, awaiting status collection by the parent.

6. What do you mean when you say “UNIX shell”?


The “UNIX shell” is a command-line interface allowing users to interact with the operating system. It interprets commands, facilitating tasks like file management and system configuration. Common shells include Bash and zsh, providing powerful control over UNIX systems through textual commands.

7. What is a Superblock in UNIX? Please elaborate?


In UNIX, a superblock is a vital metadata structure in file systems, containing key details like type, size, and status. It serves as a central control block, essential for proper file system functioning, providing critical information for mounting and management. The superblock also includes pointers to other key data structures within the file system.

8. Explain the file system used by UNIX?


UNIX-like operating systems employ various file systems, including UFS (Unix File System) and ext2, ext3, ext4 (Extended File System). UFS, an early UNIX file system, uses inodes, data blocks, and directories. In Linux, ext2 is an older version, succeeded by ext3 and ext4, which offer enhanced features and journaling for improved reliability. These file systems manage data storage, organization, and retrieval on UNIX-based systems.

Unix file system

9. What purpose does Unix serve?


Unix serves as a multiuser, multitasking operating system, supporting simultaneous user activities. It prioritizes security, providing robust access controls and permissions. Unix offers a command-line interface for efficient system management. Its design emphasizes modularity and portability across different hardware architectures. Unix systems are known for stability and reliability, making them widely used in servers and critical computing environments. Overall, Unix provides a versatile and secure foundation for various computing applications.

10. Is Unix a language for coding?


Unix is an operating system, not a programming language. It offers a command-line interface for user interaction. Programming on Unix involves languages like C and Python. Unix is known for stability and multitasking capabilities.

11. What is Unix and its key features?


Unix is an operating system with multitasking, multiuser support, portability, a hierarchical file system, and robust security.

12. Describe the basic components of the Unix file system?


The Unix file system comprises directories, files, and special files. Directories organize files hierarchically, and special files represent devices or system information. Permissions control access, and inodes store metadata.

13. How do you change permissions in Unix?


Use chmod to change permissions. For instance, chmod u+rw filename grants read and write permissions to the file owner.

14. What is a shell in Unix?


A shell is a command-line interpreter for user-OS interaction. Examples: Bash, sh. It interprets and executes user commands.

15. Differentiate between a process and a thread in Unix?


A process is an independent program, while a thread is a lightweight process within a program. Processes have separate memory, threads share the same.

16. Explain the purpose of the ‘grep’ command?


The ‘grep’ command in Unix searches for text patterns in files. It helps locate and display lines that match a given expression, making it a valuable tool for text parsing and filtering.

17. How do you find and kill a process in Unix?


To find a process, use the ‘ps’ command to list processes. To kill a process, ‘kill’ or ‘killall’ commands can be employed with the process ID or process name, respectively.

18. What is the significance of the ‘/etc/passwd’ file in Unix?


The ‘/etc/passwd’ file in Unix stores user account information, including usernames, user IDs, home directories, and shell types. It plays a vital role in user authentication and system security, serving as a central repository for user-related data.

19. Describe the role of the ‘chmod’ command?


The ‘chmod’ command in Unix alters file permissions. For instance, ‘chmod u+rwx file’ grants the owner read, write, and execute permissions.

20. Explain the purpose of the ‘sed’ command in Unix?


The ‘sed’ command is a stream editor in Unix, primarily used for text transformations. It performs operations like search and replace on an input stream, providing powerful text manipulation capabilities.

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21. How do you check system resource usage in Unix?


To check system resource usage in Unix, use the ‘top’ command for a real-time overview, displaying CPU, memory, and process information. Alternatively, ‘htop’ offers a user-friendly interface with similar functionality. These tools help monitor system performance, identify resource-intensive processes, and facilitate effective system management.

22.What is the difference between soft link and hard link?


Soft links (symbolic links) in Unix are references to the target file’s pathname, while hard links directly point to the file’s inode. Deleting the original file does not affect a soft link, but hard links share the same inode, so changes are reflected in all linked files.

23. Explain the ‘ps’ command in Unix?


The ‘ps’ command in Unix displays information about active processes. It provides a snapshot of the current processes, including their process IDs (PIDs), resource usage, and execution status.

24. How do you search for a file in Unix?


To search for a file in Unix, use the ‘find’ command.

For example, to locate a file named “example.txt” starting from the root directory, you can use find / -name example.txt. Additionally, ‘grep’ can be used to search within files for specific patterns.

25.Describe the purpose of the ‘tar’ command?


The ‘tar’ command in Unix archives and bundles files and directories into a single file, simplifying storage and backup. It is commonly used for creating compressed archive files.

26. What is the function of the ‘awk’ command in Unix?


The ‘awk’ command is a versatile text processing tool in Unix. It analyzes and manipulates text files based on specified patterns or conditions, making it valuable for data extraction and formatting.

27. How can you redirect output in Unix?


In Unix, output redirection is achieved using symbols. To redirect standard output, use ‘>’, and to append output, use ‘>>’. For instance, command > output.txt redirects command output to a file, providing flexibility in managing command results.

28. Explain the ‘cron’ and ‘crontab’ commands?


The ‘cron’ command in Unix is a time-based job scheduler, and ‘crontab’ is the associated command to manage cron jobs. Users can schedule tasks or scripts to run at specified intervals using ‘crontab -e’ to edit the cron table.

29. What is the significance of the ‘/etc/shadow’ file?


The ‘/etc/shadow’ file in Unix stores encrypted user passwords, enhancing system security. It restricts access, allowing only privileged users to view password-related information, adding an extra layer of protection.

30. How do you list files in a directory using the ‘ls’ command?


To list files in a directory using the ‘ls’ command in Unix, enter ‘ls’ followed by the directory path. This basic command displays file and directory names. For more details, ‘ls -l’ provides a long listing format, and ‘ls -a’ includes hidden files. The ‘ls’ command is essential for navigating and inspecting directory contents in the Unix command line.

31. Explain the concept of piping in Unix?


Piping in Unix involves directing the output of one command as input to another using the ‘|’ symbol. This enables the creation of powerful command sequences, allowing the seamless flow of data between different commands, enhancing flexibility and efficiency in data processing.

piping in Unix

32. Describe the ‘find’ command and its usage?


The ‘find’ command in Unix is used to search for files and directories based on various criteria such as name, type, size, etc. Its syntax is find [path] [options] [expression]. For example, find /home/user -name “*.txt” searches for all text files in the specified directory.

33. What is the purpose of the ‘umask’ command in Unix?


The ‘umask’ command sets the default file permissions for newly created files in Unix. It works by subtracting the specified umask value from the default permissions. ‘umask’ helps control access rights and enhances security by restricting permissions on files and directories created by users.

34. How do you create and edit a file in Unix using the command line?


To create a file, use touch filename.txt. For editing, employ a text editor like ‘nano,’ ‘vim,’ or ’emacs’; e.g., nano filename.txt. Inside the editor, make changes, save with commands like ‘Ctrl + O’ (nano) or ‘:wq’ (vim), and exit to complete the process.

35. Explain the differences between ‘grep’ and ‘awk’?


‘grep’ searches and prints lines matching a pattern in a file, while ‘awk’ is a text processing tool. ‘grep’ is simpler for pattern matching, while ‘awk’ allows more complex text manipulation using specified patterns, making it suitable for data extraction and reporting.

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36. How do you check disk space usage in Unix?


Use the ‘df’ command to check disk space usage in Unix. For a detailed view, ‘df -h’ provides human-readable output, showing disk space in a more easily understandable format.

37. Describe the ‘cut’ command and its applications?


The ‘cut’ command extracts specific text sections from files or command output in Unix. For instance, cut -f 2,4 file.txt extracts the second and fourth fields from a file.

38. What is the role of the ‘/etc/fstab’ file?


The ‘/etc/fstab’ file configures file systems, specifying mount points and options. It is essential for defining how and where each file system should be mounted during system boot in Unix.

39. Explain the ‘kill’ command in Unix?


The ‘kill’ command in Unix is used to terminate processes. By sending a signal specified with the command, such as ‘SIGTERM’ or ‘SIGKILL,’ it allows for the orderly or forceful termination of a process, respectively.

40. How do you manage environment variables in Unix?


To manage environment variables in Unix, use commands like ‘export’ to set variables temporarily, and ‘echo $variable’ to display their values. Modify the ‘.bashrc’ or ‘.bash_profile’ file for persistent changes.

41. Describe the purpose of the ‘df’ command?


The ‘df’ command in Unix displays information about disk space usage, presenting details like total, used, and available space on file systems. It helps monitor and manage disk space allocation.

42. What is the use of the ‘tee’ command?


The ‘tee’ command in Unix is used to redirect output to a file and the standard output simultaneously. It allows users to both view the output on the screen and save it to a file, providing a versatile tool for command output manipulation.

43. Explain the concept of inodes in Unix?


In Unix, inodes (index nodes) are data structures containing metadata about files, excluding names and actual data. They store information like permissions, ownership, size, and data block pointers, facilitating efficient file management.

44. How do you archive and compress files in Unix?


To archive and compress files in Unix, use the ‘tar’ command. For example, tar -czvf archive.tar.gz directory/ creates a compressed archive file named ‘archive.tar.gz’ from the ‘directory/’.

45. What is the purpose of the ‘export’ command?


The ‘export’ command in Unix is used to set environment variables. It makes variables available to child processes spawned from the current shell session, ensuring they inherit the defined values. This command is crucial for propagating environment variables across different processes in Unix.

46. How can you check system information in Unix?


To check system information in Unix, use commands like ‘uname -a’ for overall system details, ‘hostname’ for the system’s name, and ‘lsb_release -a’ for Linux distribution information. ‘df -h’ displays disk space usage, and ‘free -m’ shows memory usage.

47. Describe the ‘scp’ command and its usage?


The ‘scp’ command in Unix is used for secure file transfer between local and remote hosts. Its syntax is similar to ‘cp,’ but with added specifications for source and destination hosts. For example, scp file.txt user@remote:/path copies ‘file.txt’ to the specified path on a remote server.

48. What is the role of the ‘/etc/inittab’ file?


The ‘/etc/inittab’ file in Unix, particularly in older versions and systems using SysV init, defines the system’s initialization processes and configuration. It specifies actions to be taken at various run levels, controlling the system’s behavior during startup, shutdown, and other state changes.

49. How do you find the top N largest files in a directory?


To find the top N largest files in a directory in Unix, you can use a combination of commands. For example, you can use ‘ls -lS’ to list files in descending order of size and then use ‘head -n N’ to display the top N entries.

50. Explain the ‘tail’ and ‘head’ commands in Unix?


The ‘tail’ command in Unix displays the last N lines of a file, and ‘head’ displays the first N lines. Both are useful for examining portions of files, logs, or command output. For instance, ‘tail -n 10 file.txt’ shows the last 10 lines of the file.

51. What is the purpose of the ‘passwd’ command?


The ‘passwd’ command in Unix is used to change a user’s password. It prompts the user to enter a new password, encrypts and updates the password in the system files, enhancing user account security.

52. Describe the ‘du’ command and its applications?


The ‘du’ command in Unix estimates file space usage. It reports the sizes of directories and subdirectories. Options like ‘du -h’ provide human-readable sizes, and ‘du -s’ gives a summary of total space used.

53. How do you kill a zombie process in Unix?


To kill a zombie process, use the ‘kill’ command with the process ID (PID) of the zombie process. If the parent process cannot handle the termination signal, the zombie process is removed from the process table.

54. What is the significance of the ‘/etc/profile’ file?


The ‘/etc/profile’ file in Unix contains system-wide environment variables and settings for user profiles. It is executed during the login process, ensuring consistent configurations for all users. The file sets environment variables and executes commands that should be available to all users on the system.

55. Explain the differences between ‘vi’ and ‘vim’?


‘vi’ and ‘vim’ are text editors. ‘vim’ (Vi Improved) is an extended and enhanced version of ‘vi,’ providing additional features like syntax highlighting, multiple undo levels, and more intuitive navigation. While ‘vi’ is a basic editor, ‘vim’ offers a more powerful and user-friendly experience.

56. How do you create a symbolic link in Unix?


To create a symbolic link in Unix, use the ‘ln -s’ command. For example, ln -s /path/to/target link_name creates a symbolic link named ‘link_name’ pointing to the target file or directory.

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57. Describe the ‘chown’ command and its usage?


The ‘chown’ command in Unix changes the ownership of files or directories. Its syntax is chown [options] new_owner:new_group file. For instance, chown john:users file.txt changes the owner to ‘john’ and the group to ‘users.’ This command is crucial for managing file and directory ownership.

58. What is the purpose of the ‘cron.d’ directory?


The ‘cron.d’ directory in Unix contains system-specific cron jobs configuration files. Unlike the main ‘cron’ directory, which uses a system-wide crontab file, ‘cron.d’ allows for individual configuration files, providing a modular and organized approach to scheduling periodic tasks

59. Explain the role of the ‘at’ command in Unix?


The ‘at’ command in Unix is used to schedule one-time tasks or commands to run at a specific time in the future. Users can specify the exact time for the command to execute. For example, at 2pm opens an interactive prompt allowing the user to enter the command to be executed at 2 PM. This provides a convenient way to schedule tasks without creating recurring cron jobs.

60. What is the purpose of the ‘awk’ command, and how is it different from ‘sed’?


Purpose : The ‘awk’ command is a versatile text processing tool in Unix. It processes and manipulates text files based on specified patterns or conditions, making it suitable for data extraction and reporting.

Differences from ‘sed’ : While both ‘awk’ and ‘sed’ are text processing tools, ‘awk’ is more suitable for pattern scanning and text extraction, supporting variables and control structures. ‘sed’ is primarily used for text stream editing with a focus on search and replace operations.

61. Explain the concept of process forking in Unix?


Process forking in Unix involves creating a new process by duplicating the existing process. The ‘fork()’ system call is used, resulting in two identical processes – the parent and the child. The child process inherits the memory and resources of the parent but operates independently. Typically, the child process then executes a different program using ‘exec()’ system calls.

62. How do you set and unset environment variables in Unix?


Setting Environment Variables :

  • To set a variable temporarily: variable_name=value (e.g., export MY_VARIABLE=my_value).
  • To set a variable persistently, add the export statement to a profile file (e.g., .bashrc).

Unsetting Environment Variables :

  • To unset a variable: unset variable_name.
  • To remove a variable from the environment permanently, remove it from the relevant profile file.

63. Describe the differences between hard links and soft links.


  Feature Hard Links Soft Links (Symbolic Links)

Created using ln command

Created using ln -s command.
File System Support Supported by most file systems. Supported by most file systems
Link Count Increases link count of the same inode Increases link count but points to a different inode.

64. Explain the use of the ‘nohup’ command in Unix?


Use of the ‘nohup’ Command in Unix :

  • Prevents hang-ups for a command: nohup command [options] &.
  • Allows the command to persist even after the user logs out or the terminal is closed.
  • Redirects output to ‘nohup.out’ by default.
  • Useful for running long-duration processes without interruption.

65. How do you check the system load average in Unix?


  • Use the ‘uptime’ command to display system load averages.
  • Load averages represent the average system utilization over 1, 5, and 15 minutes. Syntax: uptime.
  • High load averages may indicate system congestion.
  • Provides a quick overview of system performance.

66. Explain the role of the ‘/etc/hosts’ file in Unix networking?


  • The ‘/etc/hosts’ file is a local DNS equivalent, mapping IP addresses to hostnames.
  • It resolves hostnames before querying DNS servers, improving name resolution speed.
  • Contains static entries, facilitating network communication without relying solely on DNS. Syntax: IP_address hostname.
  • Used to override DNS settings or define local network configurations.

67. How do you troubleshoot network connectivity issues in Unix?


  • Use the ‘ping’ command to check basic connectivity to a host.
  • Verify network configuration files like ‘/etc/network/interfaces’ or ‘/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*’.
  • Check firewall settings using ‘iptables’ or ‘firewalld’.
  • Use ‘traceroute’ to identify network hops and pinpoint connectivity issues.
  • Inspect system logs such as ‘/var/log/messages’ for network-related errors.

68. Explain the purpose of the ‘find’ command in Unix, and provide an example of how you can use it?


  • The ‘find’ command searches for files and directories based on specified criteria. Example: find /path/to/search -name “*.txt” -print.
  • Searches for all files with the ‘.txt’ extension in the specified directory and its subdirectories.
  • Can use various options like ‘-type’, ‘-size’, and ‘-exec’ for advanced searches.
  • Helpful for locating and managing files in a directory hierarchy.

69. How do you redirect both standard output and standard error to the same file in Unix?


To redirect both standard output (stdout) and standard error (stderr) to the same file in Unix, use the following syntax: command > file.txt 2>&1. This command ensures both streams are combined and directed to ‘file.txt’, simplifying error tracking and analysis.

70. Describe the role of the ‘/etc/sudoers’ file in Unix, and how does it impact user privileges?


The ‘/etc/sudoers’ file in Unix configures sudo, granting users specific privileges to execute commands as other users. It defines which users can run specific commands, providing a controlled mechanism for delegating elevated permissions. Properly configuring this file is crucial for maintaining security and managing user privileges on the system.

71. Explain the differences between TCP and UDP ports in Unix networking?


TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and UDP (User Datagram Protocol) are transport layer protocols in Unix networking. TCP provides reliable, connection-oriented communication, ensuring data delivery and sequencing. UDP, on the other hand, is connectionless and does not guarantee delivery or sequencing. Ports in Unix networking allow multiple services to operate concurrently on a single host. TCP ports provide reliable data transmission, while UDP ports offer faster but less reliable communication, making them suitable for different types of applications and use cases.

72. How do you list all environment variables in Unix, and what command can be used for this purpose?


To list all environment variables in Unix, use printenv or env. These commands display names and values of all defined environment variables, providing an overview of the system’s environment configuration.

73. What is the purpose of the ‘nice’ command in Unix, and how does it affect process priority?


The ‘nice’ command in Unix adjusts process priority, with lower values representing higher priority. It allows users to launch processes with altered scheduling priorities, influencing their execution order and resource allocation.

74. Explain the purpose of the ‘/etc/crontab’ file in Unix?


The ‘/etc/crontab’ file in Unix is a system-wide crontab file that allows the configuration of periodic tasks. It differs from user-specific crontab files as it is accessible by system administrators and manages tasks that affect the entire system. This file defines scheduled tasks, their timing, and the commands to be executed, providing centralized control over system-level cron jobs.

75. Describe the ‘rsync’ command and its applications in Unix?


The ‘rsync’ command in Unix is used for file synchronization and transfer between local and remote systems. It efficiently copies only the differences between source and destination files, minimizing data transfer. Key applications include backup creation, mirroring directories, and remote file synchronization. The syntax typically involves specifying source and destination paths, options, and flags to customize the synchronization process.

76. What is the purpose of the ‘/etc/hostname’ file in Unix, and how does it impact system configuration?


The ‘/etc/hostname’ file in Unix stores the system’s hostname. The hostname identifies the system within a network. Editing this file allows changing the system’s hostname, impacting how it is identified in local and network environments. Proper configuration ensures consistent naming conventions and helps in network communication. Changes to the ‘/etc/hostname’ file typically require a system reboot for the new hostname to take effect.

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77. Explain the concept of a shell in Unix and its types?


A Unix shell is a command-line interpreter facilitating user-OS interaction. Types include Bourne Shell (sh), Bash (Bourne Again Shell), C Shell (csh), Korn Shell (ksh), and Zsh (Z Shell), each with specific features catering to different user preferences and needs.

78. What is the purpose of the ‘/etc/shadow’ file in Unix, and how does it enhance security?


The ‘/etc/shadow’ file stores encrypted passwords and enhances security by limiting access to privileged users, securing password hashes, implementing aging policies, and separating sensitive information from public access.

79. Describe the role of the ‘cut’ command in Unix, and provide an example of its usage?


The ‘cut’ command in Unix extracts specific sections from text files. For example, cut -f 2,4 file.txt extracts the second and fourth fields from ‘file.txt,’ providing a concise way to manipulate and analyze structured data.

80. How do you change the ownership of a file in Unix using the ‘chown’ command?


To change the ownership of a file in Unix, use the ‘chown’ command. Syntax: chown new_owner:new_group file. For example, chown john:users file.txt changes the owner to ‘john’ and the group to ‘users’, granting specific user and group ownership.

81. Explain the significance of the ‘/etc/nsswitch.conf’ file in Unix systems.


The ‘/etc/nsswitch.conf’ file in Unix configures the name service switch, determining the order and sources for system databases like passwd, group, hosts, etc. It impacts system information retrieval, specifying whether to use local files, NIS, LDAP, or other sources for data.

82. What is  ‘awk’ command, and how is it used for text processing?


‘awk’ is a versatile text processing command in Unix. It processes text lines based on patterns and actions. For instance, awk ‘/pattern/ {print $1, $2}’ file.txt prints the first two fields of lines matching ‘pattern’. ‘Awk’ is powerful for data extraction, transformation, and reporting due to its pattern-action paradigm and support for variables and control structures.

83. What is the purpose of the ‘mount’ command in Unix, and how is it used?


The ‘mount’ command in Unix attaches a file system to a directory, integrating it into the file system hierarchy. Example: mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt mounts ‘/dev/sdb1’ at ‘/mnt’, allowing access to its contents.

84. Explain the functionality of the ‘sed’ command in Unix, and provide a use case?


The ‘sed’ command is a stream editor in Unix for text processing. Example: sed ‘s/old/new/’ input.txt > output.txt replaces ‘old’ with ‘new’ in ‘input.txt’, saving the result in ‘output.txt’. ‘sed’ is powerful for batch text transformations.

85. Explain the purpose of the ‘grep’ command in Unix, and provide an example of its usage?


The ‘grep’ command in Unix is used for pattern matching in files. Example: grep “error” logfile.txt searches for lines with “error” in ‘logfile.txt’, aiding in log analysis.

86. What is the ‘ps’ command in Unix, and how does it help in process management?


The ‘ps’ command in Unix displays information about active processes. Example: ps aux lists detailed process information, helping in monitoring and troubleshooting system processes.

87. How do you archive and compress files in Unix using the ‘tar’ command?


To archive and compress files in Unix using ‘tar’, the command is: tar -czvf archive.tar.gz /path/to/files. This creates a compressed tarball (‘archive.tar.gz’) of specified files, useful for bundling and compressing directories efficiently.

88. Explain the functionality of the ‘cut’ command in Unix, and provide an example?


The ‘cut’ command in Unix extracts specified fields or columns from text files, making it useful for processing delimited data. It allows users to parse and manipulate text content efficiently, specifying the delimiter and fields to extract. For instance, it can be employed to isolate specific columns in a CSV file or other structured text data. The ‘cut’ command is a versatile tool for text processing in Unix.

89. Explain the purpose of the ‘du’ command in Unix, and how it is used for disk space analysis?


The ‘du’ command in Unix is used for analyzing disk space usage. It calculates the size of directories and files, providing insights into the distribution of space. For example, du -h /path shows sizes in human-readable format for the specified directory.

90. What is the role of the ‘/etc/profile’ file in Unix, and how does it affect user environments?


The ‘/etc/profile’ file in Unix contains system-wide environment variables and configurations that apply to all users. It sets global settings, such as paths and system-wide variables, influencing the environment for all users upon login.

91. Describe the concept of inodes in Unix file systems and their significance?


In Unix file systems, inodes are data structures that store information about files and directories, excluding their names and actual data. They include metadata like permissions, timestamps, and pointers to data blocks. Inodes are crucial for efficient file management, allowing the system to organize and locate files efficiently. Each file and directory is associated with an inode, enabling the operating system to manage and retrieve file information swiftly.

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