35+ [FREQUENTLY ASK]: WinRunner Interview Questions & Answers
WinRunner Interview Questions and Answers

35+ [FREQUENTLY ASK]: WinRunner Interview Questions & Answers

Last updated on 04th Jul 2020, Blog, Interview Questions

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A software testing tool called WinRunner was created by Mercury Interactive, which subsequently merged with Hewlett Packard (HP). It was extensively utilized for graphical user interface (GUI) automated functional testing. With WinRunner, testers could write and execute automated tests to confirm that Windows-based apps functioned as intended.Regression testing, performance testing, and data-driven testing were just a few of the testing features that WinRunner offered. Because it could manage intricate GUI interactions, making it appropriate for testing applications with complex user interfaces, it was especially well-liked.

1. What is WinRunner?


WinRunner is an automated functional testing tool used for testing the functionality of a software application. It supports testing applications developed using various technologies, including client-server and web-based applications.

2. Explain the process of creating a new test script in WinRunner.


To create a new test script in WinRunner:

  • Open WinRunner and choose “Create a New Test.”
  • Record user interactions or manually create test steps.
  • Enhance the test script with checkpoints, validations, and synchronisation points.
  • Save the test script.

3. What is a checkpoint in WinRunner and how is it created?


A checkpoint is a verification point that compares the expected results of an application with its actual results during a test run. To create a checkpoint:

  • Open the GUI map.
  • Select the object on which you want to create a checkpoint.
  • Choose “Insert Checkpoint” from the toolbar.

4. Brief about the test scripts you’ve created in WinRunner.


The GUI map is a repository that stores information about the objects in the application being tested. It contains a list of the objects and their properties, which WinRunner uses to identify and interact with objects during test execution.

5. What is the purpose of the TSL (Test Script Language) in WinRunner?


TSL is the scripting language used in WinRunner. It allows testers to create and enhance test scripts by adding custom logic, conditions, loops, and functions to perform complex testing scenarios.

6. How can you simulate a user logging out of a web application in WinRunner scripts?


Logging out of a web application in WinRunner can be simulated using functions like web_link or web_submit_form to interact with the logout link or form. Additionally, synchronisation points can be used to ensure the action is completed before proceeding.

WinRunner Web Application

7. Explain the significance of the set_window function in WinRunner.


The set_window function in WinRunner is used to switch between different application windows during the test execution. It helps WinRunner identify and interact with objects in the active window.

8. Differentiate WinRunner and selenium


  Feature WinRunner Selenium

Mercury Interactive (which HP purchased)Thought

Works originally developed the Selenium Community.
Type Commercial (Discontinued) in Type
Testing Type Functional testing is the main focus of open source testing. primarily utilized for testing web applications

Commercial (Canceled)

Free and open-source

9. How do you handle runtime errors in WinRunner scripts?


Runtime errors can be handled in WinRunner by using if-else conditions and exception-handling mechanisms. Testers can use functions like tl_step to log the error and take appropriate actions, such as closing the application or proceeding with the next test step.

10. What does it mean by logical name of any object?


The Context Sensitive Recorder in WinRunner is used for recording test scripts by capturing user interactions with the application under test. It automatically recognizes GUI objects and generates script statements based on the actions performed during recording.

11. How do you parameterize values in WinRunner scripts?


Values in WinRunner scripts can be parameterized using parameters defined in the Data Table. Testers can create parameters in the Data Table and use functions like ddt_val to reference and use these parameters in the script. This allows for the variation of input values during script execution.

12. What is the purpose of the “Verify” feature in WinRunner?


The “Verify” feature in WinRunner is used to compare the actual behaviour of the application with the expected behaviour defined during script creation. It helps in validating that the application is functioning correctly by checking whether the actual results match the expected results.

13. How can you synchronise WinRunner scripts?


WinRunner scripts can be synchronised using synchronisation points. Synchronisation points ensure that the script waits for a specific condition or object state before proceeding with the next step.

14. Explain the process of batch testing in WinRunner.


Batch testing in WinRunner involves executing multiple test scripts in a sequential or parallel manner. The Batch Test Runner is used to create and manage batches. Testers can add multiple test scripts to a batch, configure settings such as execution order, and run them together.

15. What is the purpose of the Test Director integration in WinRunner?


Test Director (now called HP ALM) integration in WinRunner allows for better test management and reporting. Test scripts and results can be linked to the Test Director, providing a centralised repository for test assets. This integration facilitates traceability, version control, and reporting on test execution results.

16. How do you handle exceptions and errors in WinRunner scripts?


Exceptions and errors in WinRunner scripts can be handled using conditional statements. Testers can use constructs like if-else to check for specific conditions and take appropriate actions based on the outcome. Additionally, error-handling functions and built-in mechanisms, such as the tl_step function, can be used to log errors and provide information in the test log.

17. What is the significance of the “Report” function in WinRunner?


The “Report” function in WinRunner is used to generate detailed test reports. It provides information about the test script execution, including pass/fail status, error messages, and log details. Reports help in analysing test results and identifying issues, making them crucial for test documentation and analysis.

18. How can you debug a WinRunner script?


WinRunner provides a debugging mode that allows testers to step through the script, set breakpoints, and inspect variable values. Debugging features include options to run the script step by step, pause at breakpoints, and examine the application state during execution.

19. What is the purpose of the web_submit_data function in WinRunner scripts?


The web_submit_data function in WinRunner serves a crucial role in web testing scripts.

  • Form Submission Emulation
  • HTTP POST Request Generation
  • Recording User Input
  • Validation of Server Responses
  • Handling Dynamic Data

20. Explain the significance of the “Virtual Object Wizard” in WinRunner.


Significance of the “Virtual Object Wizard”:

  • Recognition of Non-Standard Objects
  • Custom Object Recognition
  • Enhanced Script Reliability
  • Wizard-Guided Object Creation
  • Script Maintainability

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    21. What is the purpose of the tl_step function in WinRunner scripts?


    The tl_step function is used to log a step in the test script. It helps in creating a detailed test log that includes information about each step, making it easier to analyse and troubleshoot test results.

    22. Explain the concept of a shared object repository in WinRunner.


    A shared object repository is a repository that can be used by multiple test scripts. It allows testers to centralise the storage of objects and their properties, promoting reusability across different tests.

    23. What is the purpose of the web_reg_find function in web testing with WinRunner?


    The web_reg_find function is used to set up text and image checks in a web test. It enables testers to verify the presence or absence of specific text or images on a web page during test execution.

    24. How do you handle dynamic data in WinRunner scripts, such as timestamps or session IDs?


    Dynamic data can be handled in WinRunner scripts by using regular expressions, parameterization, or by capturing and reusing dynamic values during runtime using functions like web_reg_save_param.

    25. Explain the purpose of the obj_highlight function in WinRunner.


    The obj_highlight function is used to highlight an object on the application’s GUI during test execution. It helps testers visually identify the objects being interacted with, making it useful for debugging and script development.

    26. What is the purpose of the tl_step_sync function in WinRunner?


    The tl_step_sync function is used to synchronise the test script execution with the actual execution flow. It allows testers to mark specific points in the script where synchronisation is essential for accurate reporting and analysis.

    27. Explain the use of the db_connect function in WinRunner for database testing.


    The db_connect function is used to establish a connection to a database during database testing. It specifies the database type, connection details, and credentials.

    28. What is the purpose of different record methods


    Pop-up windows can be handled in WinRunner scripts by using the obj_mouse_click or obj_type functions to interact with buttons or fields in the pop-up. Additionally, synchronisation points can be used to ensure the pop-up is ready for interaction.

    29. Explain the use of the web_link function in web testing with WinRunner.


    The web_link function is used to simulate user clicks on hyperlinks in web applications. It helps testers navigate through different pages and scenarios during web testing.

    30. What is the significance of the “Update Run” feature in WinRunner?


    The “Update Run” feature in WinRunner is significant for maintaining test execution status and results in Test Director (now known as HP ALM). After executing test scripts, the results—pass/fail status, log details, and other relevant information—can be updated in the Test Director repository

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    31. How can you parameterize a value using the Data Table in WinRunner?


    parameters and using them in the script. Here are the general steps:

    • Define parameters in the Data Table using the “Parameter” option.
    • Use functions like ddt_val to reference and retrieve values from the Data Table.
    • Replace constant values in the script with parameter references, allowing for flexibility and variation in input data during test execution.

    32. Explain the concept of a conditional statement in TSL (Test Script Language).


    In TSL, conditional statements, such as if-else, are used to control the flow of the script based on specified conditions. For example:

    • int factorial(int n) {
    • if (n == 0 || n == 1)
    • return 1;
    • else
    • return n * factorial(n – 1); }

    33. What is the purpose of the web_submit_form function in web testing with WinRunner?


    The web_submit_form function in WinRunner is used to submit a web form during web testing. It emulates the user action of submitting form data to the server. This function is crucial for testing scenarios involving interactions with web forms, such as submitting login credentials, search queries, or any other user input.

    34. How do you parameterize the login credentials in a WinRunner script for different users?


    Login credentials in a WinRunner script can be parameterized by defining parameters in the Data Table for usernames and passwords. The steps involve: Create parameters for usernames and passwords in the Data Table.

    35. What is the use of the “Update Expected Results” feature in WinRunner?


    The “Update Expected Results” feature in WinRunner is used to update the expected results in Test Director (HP ALM) after changes in the application. It ensures that the expected results defined during script creation remain aligned with the actual behaviour of the application. This feature is essential for maintaining accurate and up-to-date test documentation.

    36. Explain the purpose of the web_reg_save_param_ex function in WinRunner.


    The web_reg_save_param_ex function in WinRunner is used to capture and save dynamic data from web responses. It allows testers to extract specific content using regular expressions or other extraction methods.

    37. How do you create a reusable action in WinRunner?


    To create a reusable action in WinRunner, follow these steps:

    • Use the “Insert Call to New Action” option to create a new action.
    • Save the new action separately with a meaningful name.
    • Call this action from multiple scripts by inserting the action call statement where needed.
    • Reusable actions promote modular script design, making it easier to maintain and update test scripts.

    38. Explain the significance of the “Batch Test Runner” in WinRunner.


    The “Batch Test Runner” in WinRunner is significant for executing multiple test scripts as a batch. Testers can create batches, add test scripts, and configure execution settings such as the order of execution.

    39. What is the purpose of the web_set_sockets_option function in web testing with WinRunner?


    • The web_set_sockets_option function in WinRunner is instrumental in configuring various options related to socket communication during web testing.
    • This function provides testers with control over parameters that affect how WinRunner communicates with the web server.

    40. How do you handle dynamic tables in WinRunner scripts?


    Handling Dynamic Tables in WinRunner Scripts:

    • Identify the Table
    • Determine the Table Structure
    • Iterate Through Rows
    • Retrieve Data from Cells
    • Perform Actions Based on Cell Data

    41. Explain the purpose of the web_reg_save_param_regexp function in WinRunner.


    The web_reg_save_param_regexp function is used in web testing with WinRunner to capture and save dynamic data from a web page using regular expressions. It provides flexibility in extracting values based on patterns in the response.

    42. What is the role of the Data Driver Wizard in WinRunner?


    The Data Driver Wizard in WinRunner assists in parameterizing test scripts by guiding testers through the process of associating external data sources, such as Excel files or databases, with test script inputs.

    43. How do you create a GUI checkpoint in WinRunner?


    To create a GUI checkpoint in WinRunner:

    • Open the GUI map.
    • Select the object for which you want to create a checkpoint.
    • Choose “Insert Checkpoint” from the toolbar.
    • Configure the checkpoint properties based on the expected values.

    44. Explain the usage of the win_mouse_click function in WinRunner.


    The win_mouse_click function is used to simulate a mouse click on a specified window or object in a Windows-based application. It allows testers to interact with GUI elements programmatically.

    45. What is the significance of the web_custom_request function in web testing with WinRunner?


    The web_custom_request function is used to send a custom HTTP request to the web server during web testing. It provides flexibility in simulating specific interactions with the server beyond standard user actions.

    46. How do you create and execute a test set in Test Director (HP ALM) using WinRunner scripts?


    To create and execute a test set in Test Director:

    • Create a new test set and add WinRunner test scripts to it.
    • Schedule the test set for execution.
    • Monitor the execution status and view results in the Test Director.

    47. Explain the purpose of the tl_step_message function in WinRunner.


    The tl_step_message function is used to add a custom message to the test log in WinRunner. It allows testers to include informative messages or comments in the log for better understanding during result analysis.

    48. How do you handle file uploads in web testing with WinRunner?


    File uploads in web testing can be handled by using the web_file_upload function. This function allows testers to specify the file path and simulate the file upload process on a web page.

    49. What is the purpose of the obj_get_info function in WinRunner?


    The obj_get_info function is used to retrieve information about a GUI object during runtime. Testers can use this function to query properties and attributes of an object for verification or validation purposes.

    50. Explain the significance of the db_get_field function in database testing with WinRunner.


    The db_get_field function is used to retrieve the value of a specific field from the current row of the result set during database testing. It allows testers to capture and use database values in their test scripts.

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    51. How can you handle dynamic URLs in web testing with WinRunner?


    Dynamic URLs can be handled by using regular expressions or parameterization techniques. Testers can capture and save dynamic portions of URLs during runtime using functions like web_reg_save_param and then reuse them in subsequent requests.

    52. Explain the use of the web_submit_data_ex function in WinRunner.


    The web_submit_data_ex function is used in web testing to submit form data to the server with additional customization options. It provides more control over the form submission process compared to the standard web_submit_data function.

    53. What is the purpose of the web_image function in web testing with WinRunner?


    The web_image function is used to simulate user interactions with images on a web page. It allows testers to verify the presence or absence of specific images during web testing.

    54. How do you handle dynamic data in database testing with WinRunner?


    Dynamic data in database testing can be handled by using parameterization techniques. Testers can define parameters in the Data Table and use them in SQL queries to accommodate different data sets during test execution.

    55. Explain the concept of virtual objects in WinRunner.


    Virtual objects in WinRunner represent objects that are not recognized by standard recognition methods. The Virtual Object Wizard allows testers to customise recognition properties for such objects, making them identifiable during test execution.

    56. What is the purpose of the web_set_max_retries function in web testing with WinRunner?


    The web_set_max_retries function is used to set the maximum number of retries for failed web requests during web testing. It allows testers to control the number of times WinRunner attempts to resend a request in case of failure.

    57. How do you handle browser-specific issues in web testing with WinRunner?


    Browser-specific issues can be handled by using conditional statements based on the detected browser type. Testers can customise test scripts and checkpoints for different browsers using functions like web_browser_type and obj_set_info.

    58. Explain the purpose of the ddt_next_row function in WinRunner.


    The ddt_next_row function is used to move to the next row in the Data Table during data-driven testing. It allows testers to iterate through different sets of data defined in the Data Table.

    59. How can you extract data from a web table in WinRunner?


    Data from a web table can be extracted using functions like web_table_get_row_count and web_table_get_cell_data in WinRunner. These functions allow testers to retrieve information from specific rows and cells of a web table.

    60. What is the significance of the tl_step_result function in WinRunner?


    The tl_step_result function is used to set the result status for a specific step in the test script. It allows testers to mark a step as Passed, Failed, or Done, influencing the overall test result.

    61. Explain the use of the web_reg_save_param_xpath function in WinRunner.


    The web_reg_save_param_xpath function is used in web testing to capture and save dynamic data from a web page using XPath expressions. It enables testers to extract specific content or values based on the structure of the HTML/XML document.

      62. How do you handle frame-based pages in web testing with WinRunner?


      Frame-based pages in web testing can be handled by using the web_frame function. Testers can switch between frames using this function to interact with objects within specific frames on a web page.

      63. Explain the purpose of the web_add_cookie function in WinRunner.


      The web_add_cookie function is used to add cookies to the current virtual user during web testing. It allows testers to simulate scenarios where cookies play a role in the interaction with the web application.

      64. What is the significance of the obj_set_info function in WinRunner?


      Mouse movements can be simulated in WinRunner using functions like win_mouse_move or web_mouse_move. These functions allow testers to move the mouse cursor to specific coordinates on the screen or interact with web elements.

      65. Explain how you can simulate mouse movements in WinRunner.


      Mouse movements can be simulated in WinRunner using functions like win_mouse_move or web_mouse_move. These functions allow testers to move the mouse cursor to specific coordinates on the screen or interact with web elements.

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      66. How can you handle dynamic data in WinRunner scripts that change with each execution?


      Dynamic data that changes with each execution can be handled by using parameterization techniques. Testers can define parameters in the Data Table or external files, allowing them to vary the data used in the script for each run.

      67. Explain the purpose of the tl_step_sync_msg function in WinRunner.


      The tl_step_sync_msg function is used to synchronise the test script execution and log a custom message in the test log simultaneously. It combines synchronisation and messaging for more detailed reporting.

      68. How do you capture the text from a message box in WinRunner?


      The text from a message box in WinRunner can be captured using the tl_step function along with appropriate synchronisation. By waiting for the message box to appear, testers can then capture the displayed text using obj_get_info or related functions.

      69. Explain the purpose of the db_execute_query function in WinRunner for database testing.


      The db_execute_query function is used to execute a SQL query on the database during database testing with WinRunner. It allows testers to perform read operations on the database and retrieve data for validation.

      70. How can you handle dynamic dropdowns in web testing with WinRunner?


      Dynamic dropdowns in web testing can be handled by using functions like web_reg_save_param to capture the available options and then using web_dropdown_select to choose the desired option based on the captured values.

      71. Explain the purpose of the web_add_auto_header function in WinRunner.


      The web_add_auto_header function is used to add custom HTTP headers to web requests during web testing. It allows testers to include additional information in the request headers for specific scenarios.

      72. How do you handle dynamic URLs that contain session IDs or tokens in WinRunner scripts?


      Dynamic URLs with session IDs or tokens can be handled by capturing and parameterizing the dynamic values using functions like web_reg_save_param. Testers can then reuse these captured values in subsequent requests to maintain session continuity.

      74. Explain how you can verify the presence of a specific image on a web page in WinRunner.


      To verify the presence of a specific image on a web page in WinRunner, you can use the web_image_check function. This function checks whether the specified image is present on the page and logs the result.

      75. How do you handle dynamic data in database queries where the data changes frequently?


      For database queries with frequently changing data, testers can use parameterization to handle dynamic values. Parameters can be defined in the Data Table, and their values can be modified based on the current state of the database or testing scenario.

      76. What is the purpose of the ddt_set_transaction function in WinRunner?


      The ddt_set_transaction function is used to group multiple Data-Driven Testing (DDT) iterations into a single transaction. It allows testers to treat a set of iterations as a single logical unit for reporting and analysis purposes.

      77. How can you handle dynamic tables with changing column structures in WinRunner scripts?


      Dynamic tables with changing column structures can be handled by using functions like web_table_get_column_count to determine the number of columns dynamically. Testers can then iterate through the columns and retrieve data based on the changing structure.

      78. Explain the purpose of the obj_child_get_info function in WinRunner.


      The obj_child_get_info function is used to retrieve information about child objects within a parent object during runtime. It provides details about properties and attributes of child objects within a container, such as a window or dialog.

      79. How do you handle scenarios where the order of elements on a web page changes frequently?


      Scenarios where the order of elements on a web page changes frequently can be handled by using relative positioning and dynamic object recognition. Testers can use functions like web_obj_get_info to identify objects based on their relationships with other elements.

      80. Explain the use of the obj_get_text function in WinRunner.


      The obj_get_text function is used to retrieve the text content of a GUI object during runtime. It allows testers to capture and verify the displayed text of an object, such as a label or a message.

      81. Explain the purpose of the web_add_header function in WinRunner.


      The web_add_header function is used to add custom HTTP headers to web requests during web testing with WinRunner. It allows testers to include specific headers for scenarios requiring additional information in the request.

      82. How do you handle dynamic data in URLs that change based on user input in WinRunner scripts?


      Dynamic data in URLs that change based on user input can be handled by capturing and parameterizing the dynamic values using functions like web_reg_save_param or web_reg_save_param_regexp. Testers can then reuse these captured values in subsequent requests.

      83. Explain the purpose of the obj_get_color function in WinRunner.


      The obj_get_color function is used to retrieve the colour of a GUI object during runtime. It provides information about the colour properties of an object, allowing testers to verify the visual appearance of elements.

      84. What is the significance of the web_global_verification function in WinRunner?


      The web_global_verification function is used to define global verifications for web tests in WinRunner. It allows testers to set up verifications that apply to multiple web pages, ensuring consistent validation criteria across the test.

      85. How do you handle scenarios where the application under test uses dynamic URLs with encryption in WinRunner?


      Scenarios with dynamic URLs and encryption can be handled by capturing and parameterizing the dynamic values using functions like web_reg_save_param for the URLs and handling encryption using appropriate functions or libraries as needed.

      86. Explain the purpose of the web_set_max_html_param_len function in WinRunner.


      The web_set_max_html_param_len function is used to set the maximum length for HTML parameters during web testing with WinRunner. It helps control the amount of data captured in HTML parameters, preventing excessive storage and improving performance.

      87. How can you simulate scrolling actions in WinRunner scripts?


      Scrolling actions in WinRunner can be simulated using functions like web_scroll for web testing or win_mouse_scroll for Windows-based applications. These functions allow testers to programmatically scroll within a web page or application window.

      88. Explain the purpose of the web_set_timeout function in WinRunner for web testing.


      The web_set_timeout function is used to set the timeout values for web requests during web testing with WinRunner. It allows testers to control the maximum time WinRunner waits for a response from the server before considering the request as failed.

      89. How do you handle dynamic data in database testing with WinRunner when dealing with large result sets?


      For large result sets in database testing, dynamic data can be handled by implementing pagination techniques. Testers can use SQL queries with the ROWNUM or LIMIT/OFFSET clauses to retrieve a subset of data for validation.

      90. Explain the purpose of the web_reg_save_param_json function in WinRunner.


      • The web_reg_save_param_json function is used to capture and save JSON data from a web response during web testing.
      • It enables testers to extract specific data elements from JSON structures for validation or parameterization.

      91. What is the use of the web_save_response function in WinRunner?


      • The web_save_response function is used to save the entire response from a web request to a specified file during web testing.
      • It allows testers to capture the raw response data for further analysis or verification.

      91. What is the use of the web_save_response function in WinRunner?


      Keyboard input can be simulated in WinRunner using functions like web_key for web testing or win_key for Windows-based applications. These functions allow testers to send specific key sequences or strokes programmatically.

      92. How do you simulate keyboard input in WinRunner scripts?


      Keyboard input can be simulated in WinRunner using functions like web_key for web testing or win_key for Windows-based applications. These functions allow testers to send specific key sequences or strokes programmatically.

      93. Explain the significance of the web_convert_param function in WinRunner.


      The web_convert_param function is used to convert captured parameters during web testing. It allows testers to transform or manipulate parameter values before using them in subsequent requests, providing flexibility in handling dynamic data.

      94. How can you handle scenarios where the application under test uses dynamic session IDs that change frequently?


      Dynamic session IDs that change frequently can be handled by capturing and parameterizing the session ID values using functions like web_reg_save_param. Testers can then reuse these captured values in subsequent requests to maintain session continuity.

      95. Explain the purpose of the web_set_certificate function in WinRunner.


      The web_set_certificate function is used to set the client certificate for secure connections during web testing with WinRunner. It allows testers to simulate scenarios where client certificates are required for authentication.

      96. How do you handle scenarios where the application under test uses dynamic AJAX calls in WinRunner scripts?


      Scenarios with dynamic AJAX calls can be handled by using appropriate synchronisation points to wait for the completion of AJAX requests. Testers can use functions like web_reg_async_attributes to manage asynchronous behaviour in web testing.

      97. Explain the purpose of the win_get_info function in WinRunner for Windows-based application testing.


      The win_get_info function is used to retrieve information about a window during runtime in Windows-based application testing. It provides details about properties and attributes of the window, allowing testers to verify its state.

      98. How do you handle dynamic objects in WinRunner scripts?


      To handle dynamic objects:

      • Use regular expressions in checkpoints to accommodate varying text.
      • web_reg_save_paramfunction to capture dynamic values from web pages and use them in subsequent requests.

      99. Explain the purpose of the web_set_user function in WinRunner.


      • The web_set_user function is used to set the username and password for basic authentication during web testing with WinRunner.
      • It allows testers to include authentication credentials in web requests.

      100. How do you handle scenarios where the application under test has dynamically changing GUI elements in WinRunner scripts?


      WinRunner, a test automation tool developed by Mercury Interactive (now part of Micro Focus), is primarily used for functional and regression testing of software applications.

      • Regular Expressions
      • Property Checkpoints
      • Dynamic Object Recognition
      • Synchronisation

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