Gantt Chart Tool Tutorial: The Ultimate Guide

Gantt Chart Tool Tutorial: The Ultimate Guide

Gantt Chart Tool Tutorial ACTE

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Rukmani Atri (Business Development Manager )

Rukmani Atri is the SR Manager of Business Development with 5+ years of experience. He has expertise in ABC analysis, SPI, Factory Overhead, R&D Capex, sunk cost, economic order quantity (EOQ), and EAC.

Last updated on 04th Feb 2022| 2173

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    • Introduction to Gantt Chart
    • The Use
    • What is a Gantt Chart utilized for?
    • Desktop versus Online Gantt Chart Software
    • The Benefits of Online Gantt Chart Software
    • What Is a Gantt Chart Used for in Project Management?
    • How to Make a Gantt Chart
    • Creation of Gantt Chart in Excel
    • Gantt Chart Templates
    • Gantt Chart Tips
    • History of Gantt Chart
    • Tools Available
    • Advantages and Disadvantages
    • Conclusion

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      Introduction to Gantt Chart

    • A Gantt Chart is a kind of bar graph that is utilized for delineating project plans. Gantt Charts can be utilized in any tasks that include exertion, assets, achievements, and conveyances.

    • As of now, Gantt graphs have turned into the well-known decision of venture directors in each field. Gantt Charts permit project chiefs to follow the advancement of the whole task. Through Gantt graphs, the undertaking director can monitor the singular assignments as well as the general task movement.

    • As well as following the movement of the assignments, Gantt Charts can likewise be utilized for following the usage of the assets in the undertaking. These assets can be HR as well as materials utilized.

    • The Gantt Chart was created by a mechanical specialist named Henry Gantt in 1910. Since the development, the Gantt graph has made considerable progress. By today, it takes various structures from straightforward paper-based Charts to complex programming bundles.

    • The Use

      1. As we have effectively examined, Gantt Charts are utilized for the project the executives’ purposes. To utilize Gantt Charts in a task, there are a couple of introductory necessities satisfied by the undertaking. Above all else, the undertaking ought to have an adequately definite Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). Furthermore, the undertaking ought to have distinguished its achievements and conveyances.

      2. On certain occasions, project supervisors attempt to characterize the work breakdown structure while making a Gantt Chart. This is one of the oftentimes drilled blunders in utilizing Gantt Charts. Gantt Charts are not intended to help the WBS cycle; rather Gantt graphs are for task progress following.

      3. Gantt Charts can be effectively utilized in ventures of any scale. While utilizing Gantt Charts for enormous undertakings, there can be an expanded intricacy while following the errands. This issue of intricacy can be effectively overwhelmed by utilizing PC programming bundles intended for offering Gantt Chart functionalities.

      What is a Gantt Chart utilized for?

      Project supervisors use Gantt graphs for three principle reasons:

      Build and deal with an exhaustive project

      Gantt graphs picture the structure squares of a venture and put together it into more modest, more sensible undertakings. The subsequent little errands are booked on the Gantt Chart’s timetable, alongside conditions between undertakings, chosen ones, and achievements.

      Determine planned operations and undertaking dependencies

      Gantt Charts can be utilized to watch out for the operations of a venture. Task conditions guarantee that another errand can begin once another undertaking is finished. If an errand is postponed (it happens to potentially anyone), subordinate issues are naturally rescheduled. This can be particularly valuable while arranging in a multi-group climate.

      Monitor the advancement of a project

      As groups log time towards issues in your arrangement, you can screen the strength of your ventures and make changes as the need should arise. Your Gantt Chart can incorporate delivery dates, achievements, or other significant measurements to follow your undertaking’s advancement.

      Gantt Chart Example

    • The beginning date of the task plan
    • What the undertaking errands are
    • Which colleague is dealing with each undertaking
    • At the point when errands start and finish
    • What amount of time each undertaking will require
    • How errands assemble, cross-over, and connect
    • Task conditions, achievements, and the basic way of your undertaking
    • The completion date of the undertaking

    • The upward hub of a Gantt graph demonstrates the errands that should be finished, while the even pivot addresses the undertaking timetable. As you input errands, their beginning dates, their end dates, and their conditions, bars on the stacked bar Chart will populate, which address task terms. This happens consequently assuming you utilize an undertaking the executives’ instrument outfitted with a Gantt Chart producer.

      Most Gantt Charts are made in Excel or with a project the board programming, which is at times alluded to as Gantt graph programming. On the off chance that you decide to make Gantt graphs with Gantt Chart programming, rather than utilizing an Excel Gantt Chart layout, then, at that point, you’ll have the option to accomplish more than see task terms and due dates. With Gantt Chart programming, you can make a work breakdown structure, allot undertakings to colleagues, track project progress progressively, and intuitive timetables to in a flash refresh your venture plan.

      Desktop versus Online Gantt Chart Software

      a) Project the board programming has drastically further developed how groups work. Work area Gantt Chart programming is the most ideal for one chief who likes to design projects exclusively, without a need to handily share the venture plan with colleagues or partners. Like overseeing projects in Microsoft Excel or even Word, work area Gantt Chart programming offers one nearby form for each client permits.

      b) It turns out to be difficult to share huge Gantt or plan document sizes without the endeavor incorporation of a record sharing center point like Microsoft Sharepoint. Indeed, even with Sharepoint, others you need to impart the record to likewise require the work area permit of the task arranging programming, which can additionally build costs.

      c) Online venture the executives or Gantt Chart programming upholds simplicity of sharing and cooperative undertaking arranging. Since the product is 100 percent on the web, anybody you welcome would not just see your venture be able to design but update their errands and append documents right to the assignments they’re dealing with progressively. Furthermore, the expenses of online venture the executives’ instruments are significantly not exactly the work area adaptations since there are no exorbitant server establishments, mixes, and related permit costs for every client.

      d) allows clients to add remarks and records to a Gantt Chart Learn more. At last, most undertaking supervisors track down the choice to move online with your venture arranging and Gantt graphs is an easy decision since the usefulness gains far offset the cerebral pains of more established work area approaches to working.

      The Benefits of Online Gantt Chart Software

      Many individuals are accustomed to making task records in Excel or other accounting page devices. They may have made a straightforward Gantt Chart as we have presented in this free Gantt Chart format. This works fine while you’re making an undertaking rundown of exercises for one individual to see. Whenever you need to impart your undertaking course of events to more individuals, then, at that point, it turns out to be such a great deal more straightforward to make the Gantt graph on the web. Undertakings update at whatever point anybody changes their % complete or adds a remark or appends a document progressively. Furthermore, as an undertaking administrator, you can move project errands to handily make changes to the venture plan for continuous.

      What Is a Gantt Chart Used for in Project Management?

      The employments of a Gantt graph, as you can see by the sheer number of groups and jobs who can profit from utilizing Gantt Charts, are quite a large number. Here are only a couple:

    • Plan and Schedule Projects
    • Plan and Schedule Tasks
    • Plan and Schedule Tasks across different activities
    • View Tasks Over Time
    • Plan in Sprints
    • Group Collaboration
    • Asset Management
    • Booking Teams’ Work

    • How to Make a Gantt Chart

      Regardless of whether you decide to draw your Gantt Charts, use project the board programming, or download a Microsoft Excel Gantt Chart layout, you’ll have to follow these essential advances:

      1. Make an errand list with every one of the undertakings that are expected to finish your task

      2. Characterize the beginning and end dates for each undertaking

      3. Make a venture timetable in light of the term of assignments

      4. Recognize task conditions

      5. Finish up the bar graph course of events with your undertakings

      6. Allocate assignments to your colleagues

      7. Set achievements

      8. Recognize the basic way

      9. Since we take care of the data that you’ll require on the best way to make a Gantt graph, we should go through the two most famous techniques, project the executives programming and Excel.

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      Creation of Gantt Chart in Excel

      Making a Gantt Chart without any preparation utilizing Excel is a long and confounded cycle that will expect you to do bunches of arranging and utilize progressed equations. Here is a Gantt graph instructional exercise you can watch. In any case, following this instructional exercise is hard for the normal client and requires progressed Excel abilities. On top of being a work serious interaction, Excel was not intended to make Gantt Charts and hence needs many elements. Here are the primary weaknesses of utilizing Excel to make Gantt Charts:

    • Your Gantt Chart won’t be responsive: simply a static report should be refreshed physically every time you want to make changes to your undertaking plan.
    • Dominate records should be imparted to your colleagues each time changes are made to the report, which may prompt disarray.
    • You can’t work together with your group continuously utilizing Excel Gantt graphs.
    • You can’t interface task conditions, set achievements, or recognize the basic way.
    • If you’re not prepared to make a Gantt Chart in Excel starting from the earliest stage, yet you need to evaluate Excel Gantt Charts, you can utilize a Gantt graph format.

    • Gantt Chart Templates

      A) You’ll observe a heap of Gantt graph formats on the web, yet a large portion of them fall into two primary classes; Excel layouts and formats made for an explicit task the executives apparatuses like ProjectManager or Microsoft Project.

      B) Fortunately, with ProjectManager, you can import Microsoft Project, CSV, and Excel documents to make first-class Gantt graphs that you can use alongside the entirety of its task the executives’ highlights. Attempt our Gantt Chart format for Excel and import it to our product with our 30-day free preliminary.

      Gantt Chart Tips

      How to Use a Gantt Chart to Collaborate with Your Team

      Despite the bits of hearsay, it’s not difficult to install your group with the most web-based venture-the-board devices. Whenever you have welcomed your colleagues to the new Gantt Chart apparatus, you can begin further developing assignments on the board in two or three distinct ways. You can organize a gathering call to work out the undertaking plan together, right on the Gantt Chart view. Or on the other hand, you can pre-populate the rundown of errands into the Gantt, either with a simple import capacity or reordering the rundown, so the undertakings and tasks are as of now populated when your group jumps on a call.

      History of Gantt Chart

      1. In 1912, Hermann Schürch [de] distributed what might be viewed as Gantt Charts while examining a development project. Schürch’s Charts were not prominent yet rather routine in Germany at the time they were distributed. The earlier advancement prompting Schürch’s work is obscure. Not at all like later Gantt Charts, Schürch’s graphs didn’t show interdependencies, passing on them to be gathered by the peruser. These were likewise static portrayals of an arranged timetable.

      2. The Chart is named after Henry Gantt (1861-1919), who planned his graph around the years 1910-1915. Gantt made his device for orderly, routine activities. He planned this perception instrument to more effectively measure efficiency levels of workers and check which representatives were under-or over-performing. Gantt likewise now and again remembered designs and other visual markers for his graphs to follow the execution.

      3. One of the main significant utilization of Gantt Charts was by the United States during World War I, at the impelling of General William Crozier. The earliest Gantt graphs were drawn on paper and along these lines must be redrawn totally to acclimate to plan changes. For a long time, project chiefs involved bits of paper or squares for Gantt Chart bars so they could be changed on a case-by-case basis. Gantt’s teammate Walter Polakov acquainted Gantt Charts with the Soviet Union in 1929 when he was working for the Supreme Soviet of the National Economy. They were utilized in fostering the First Five Year Plan, providing Russian interpretations to clarify their utilization.

      Tools Available

    • Many Gantt Chart apparatuses can be utilized for the fruitful task following. These devices as a rule shift by the element advertised.
    • The least difficult sort of Gantt graph can be made utilizing a product device like Microsoft Excel. Besides, any accounting page device can be utilized to plan a Gantt Chart format.
    • If the undertaking is a limited scale and doesn’t include any equal assignments, an accounting page-based Gantt Chart can be the best kind.
    • Microsoft Project is one of the key Gantt Chart apparatuses utilized today. Particularly for programming improvement projects, MS Project-based Gantt Charts are crucial for tracking the many equal undertakings associated with the product advancement life cycle.
    • There are numerous other Gantt Chart devices accessible free of charge and for cost. The highlights presented by these instruments range from similar elements presented by Excel-based Gantt Charts to MS Project Gantt Charts. These apparatuses accompany different sticker prices and element levels, so one can choose the appropriate Gantt Chart device for the current reason.

    • Creating Your Own

      1. Some of the time, one might choose to make their own Gantt Chart device without purchasing a current one. If so, as a matter of first importance, one should scan the Internet free of charge Gantt Chart formats.

      2. Thusly, one might find the specific Gantt Chart format (likely in Excel) expected for the reason. If, if no match is found, it is reasonable to make one’s own.

      Dominate is the most famous instrument for making custom Gantt Charts. One can make a Gantt Chart without any preparation in Excel, yet it is prudent all of the time to utilize a Project Management add-on in Excel to make Gantt Charts. These venture the board additional items are distributed by Microsoft and other outsider organizations.

      Types of Gantt Chart:


      It Is one of the most outstanding Gantt Chart programming choices available. Why? Since it strips away the intricacy related to Gantt Charts and gives a simple, drag and drop method for booking your errands and following each progression of an undertaking’s advancement until the absolute last detail. Yet, don’t be tricked, it very well may be exceptionally simple to utilize yet it can assist you with dealing with a rundown of perplexing circumstances because of its enormous rundown of choices and highlights.

      Instagantt’s marvelous highlights are:

    • Timetables
    • Conditions and achievements
    • Task and subtasks
    • Drag and drop
    • Baselines
    • Basic way
    • Numerous ventures and work areas
    • Various trading choices: Excel, picture, and PDF
    • Public preview sharing choices
    • Group coordinated effort choices: warning and undertaking task
    • Custom view and custom fields
    • Custom shading choices for progress bars
    • Hazard and need
    • The assessed and genuine expense

    • Gantt and responsibility view

      Instagantt’s center capacity is planning and headway the board however it makes an extraordinary put for your group to team up on your undertaking, as it makes it simple for everybody to remain educated and fully informed regarding everybody’s work. Its cooperative choices permit you to allocate errands to individuals in your group, and for them to get an email advising them about the undertakings and their portrayals. Additionally, it makes it conceivable to pass on remarks to everybody associated with any errands or subtasks and to connect any data or records worth sharing.


      Teamgantt is an excellent choice with regards to extending booking, as it allows clients to deal with their activities effectively and noticeably. With TeamGantt you get the rudiments: undertakings, timetables, and group tasks. What makes TeamGantt incredible is how they might interpret the undertaking the board mindset and reasoning, and they try to apply it to their item. This device offers a healthy look of each venture, their assignments, close to their cutoff times and assets.

      You’ll cherish that this framework offers intelligent Gantt Charts and it’s exceptionally instinctive. Anybody in your group will want to look at it and begin utilizing it rapidly and without any problem. Also assuming they have any difficulty there’s instructional exercise content that is intended to make everything easier. The disadvantage is that you’ll find planning and invoicing aren’t to a great extent are just normal revealing highlights. Also, the conversations, record transfer, and warnings aren’t exactly just about as heavenly as you may need.

      TeamGantt Features:



      Various venture sees in one Gantt Chart

      Visitor authorization

      By and large, you’ll track down a ton of incredible choices with TeamGantt, particularly to get everything rolling with a portion of the more fundamental elements and avoid a portion of the more muddled things (or if nothing else leave them until some other time).


      a) ProofHub is notable for uniting a few apparatuses that make a project the board a super simple errand. Directors can design projects, envision assignments, and adjust plans effectively utilizing ProofHub’s implicit Gantt Charts.

      b) As a supervisor, you generally stay on the ball by having unlimited oversight over the errands related to an undertaking. The Gantt Chart presented by ProofHub permits you to set conditions between various undertakings, intuitive errands on the Chart to change their spans, and substantially more. Furthermore, the stage permits groups to keep in contact with each other and start conversations connected with the venture.

      c) Another huge advantage is the serious estimating that you’ll find with ProofHub. For every one of the elements that you’ll arrive at is a few extraordinary arrangements to be had. Furthermore, because it’s fast and simple to get everything rolling with you don’t need to stress over the expectation to absorb information or vacation for your whole group while you sort things out. The framework is simple enough yet at the same time offers a lot of elements, however, you’ll see that there are no planning apparatuses and at times it will be somewhat delayed to get rolling. You may see that your heap time isn’t exactly what you need it to be.

      d) Generally, ProofHub provides you with an assortment of highlights and even gives you talk instruments and markup choices. You’ll have the option to do all of the undertaking the executives that you want to say the very least. There are a few downsides, for example, load speed, and you’ll require a different planning stage, however in general it’s intended to finish things.

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      4. Wrike

    • Wrike stands apart for its hierarchical plan. It fills in as a table view, with trustees, task names, starts, and end dates; extremely simple to see and comprehend.

    • This well-known Gantt Chart programming permits you to see liabilities and execution, on account of its Workload View, one of its stars highlights. It additionally considers simple correspondence between colleagues as it allows individuals to change the vital viewpoints inside a venture and keep steady over any changes, limiting the requirement for gatherings.

    • You’ll likewise observe new clever elements, extraordinary record types, and the capacity to oversee pretty much every conceivable thing you want. Wrike is intended to ensure that any kind of business can oversee and screen their work, regardless of whether it’s bigger ventures or progressing errands. The drawback that you’ll find here is that there are a few distinct plans accessible and it very well may be hard to sort out which one is appropriate for you. Reaching out to client care is by and large going to be required so you can ensure that you’re on the right one.

    • 5.Smartsheet

      1. Smartsheet’s center is to offer individuals a stage where everything project data can be kept. Anticipate no wonderful or nerd plan, as it centers around giving web-based accounting pages.

      2. Smartsheet offers incredible, helpful layouts, however, so it’s exceptionally simple to enter your data into a pre-fabricated venture the board format that meets your requirements. It permits you to see your undertaking assignments and afterward click on the various parts to associate your errands, costs, conditions, and general venture-related data.

      3. You’ll get a ton of customization choices here, which is one of the fundamental advantages of working with this program. You’ll likewise see that you have a lot of computerization choices that can emerge out of pretty much anyplace and work with pretty much any of the cycles of the program. On the drawback, you will see that there are a few things that you can’t do. You will not get autosave choices, which can be a drawback while you’re working with huge gatherings. It additionally doesn’t refresh continuously, and that implies assuming more than one individual is chipping away at something simultaneously you won’t know it.


    • Gantt is a perfectly planned Gantt Chart instrument, and it’s perhaps the most famous choice around. It’s extremely easy to utilize and it centers around natural, fast work.

    • Gantt permits its clients to make a few work areas and projects, and when they’re finished making them, its drag and drop choice makes it simple to begin adding assignments and setting them a beginning and due date. This web-based device likewise gives the executives choices to separate authorizations to various colleagues inside various undertakings.

    • Perhaps the greatest advantage you’ll find here is that it’s a reasonable framework, so you can begin without a ton of upward. Also, it has an extraordinary plan and it’s centered around Gantt graphs rather than any of the different angles you should seriously think about. There are additionally other graph choices on the off chance that you like to evaluate a novel, new thing. Then again, assuming you’re searching for mixes or versatile choices you’re not going to get everything here. Gantt doesn’t have any announcing instruments or customization choices for dashboards. Also, they don’t incorporate most different frameworks. So you’ll need to set up those frameworks completely independently assuming need be.

    • 7.Click Up

      a) Click Up considers itself as an exquisite Gantt graph programming choice. It permits its clients to plan, oversee conditions, and focus on undertakings into a venture course of events. Its delightful and quick point of interaction makes it simple to oversee projects by making records, assignments and following the general advancement of a venture.

      b) Nonetheless, to attempt the Gantt view choice, you should approach a Click Up paid arrangement. When you get into it, nonetheless, you’ll track down a few decent elements and choices that make it feasible for you to work all the more effectively. This framework is economical and offers a lot of various similar choices. That as well as it offers every minute of everyday support with a live delegate and a lot of preparing choices to oblige it. That way your whole group can get the hang of the framework instantly by any means.

      c) You’ll likewise get a few extra elements like portfolio the board, asset the executives, and cost-to-the end following. On the opposite side, you’ll observe that it very well may be somewhat hard to sort out a portion of the choices since there are such countless elements. It can likewise be hard to begin and get things arranged interestingly. Assuming that you commit an error it can bring on some issues for the whole framework. You’ll need to get a touch of help and go through the preparation choices to discover more with regards to how everything functions.

      8.Total Plan

    • Switch Plan permits you to do all that you would expect with a Gantt Chart. It tracks your undertakings and your group to make your work a ton more straightforward. You’ll get a clear framework that offers Gantt graphs and Kanban sheets. Kanban sheets are a greater amount of what Toggl Plan is known for and will give you an alternate method for checking on your ventures. The way into this program is that it’s basic.

    • It’s intended to thin down the data that you want to track to ensure that the interaction will be quick and painless. If you want every one of the additional extravagant accessories, you might need to check out some different options from Toggl Plan to get you there. Yet, assuming that you need things all things considered and succinct you’re logical perfectly located. On the disadvantage, you’ll observe that it has relatively few progressed highlights. Assuming you’re hoping to follow everything without exception for your business you might need to go somewhere else, yet you’ll in any case be content with the general elements and choices that show up with this framework.

    • Advantages and Disadvantages

      1. The capacity to get a handle on the general status of a venture and its undertakings on the double is the vital benefit in utilizing a Gantt graph instrument. Subsequently, upper administration or the patrons of the venture can settle on informed choices just by taking a gander at the Gantt Chart instrument.

      2. The product-based Gantt graphs can show the errand conditions in a task plan. This assists with recognizing and keeping up with the basic way of an undertaking plan.

      3. Gantt graph instruments can be utilized as a solitary substance for overseeing little activities. For little ventures, no other documentation might be required; however, for huge activities, the Gantt graph device ought to be upheld by a different method for documentation.

      4. For enormous activities, the data showed in Gantt Charts may not be adequate for navigation. Although Gantt graphs precisely address the expense, time, and extension parts of an undertaking, it doesn’t expound on the venture size or size of the work components. Along these lines, the extent of imperatives and issues can be effortlessly misjudged.

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      Gantt Charts apparatuses that make project administrator’s life simple. Thusly, Gantt Chart instruments are significant for effective venture execution. Distinguishing the degree of detail expected in the venture plan is critical while choosing an appropriate Gantt graph instrument for the task. One ought not excessively to entangle the undertaking plans by utilizing Gantt Charts to deal with the least difficult assignments.

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