Most Popular Ember.JS Interview Questionsand Answers

Most Popular Ember.JS Interview Questions and Answers

Last updated on 14th Nov 2021, Blog, Interview Questions

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Yuvanash (Angular Js and Node js Developer )

Yuvanash has an intense knowledge of HTML5. Javascript, angular, react JS, node JS, Express, StrongLoop, Git, Jade, EJS, etc. He is a certified professional with 7+ years of experience. His professionalism was helpful to crack seekers.

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    If you’re looking for Ember.JS Interview Questions & Answers for Experienced or Freshers, you are in the right place. There are a lot of opportunities from many reputed companies in the world. According to research, Ember.JS has a market share of about 14.69%. So, You still have the opportunity to move ahead in your career in Ember.JS Development. ACTE offers Advanced Ember.JS Interview Questions that helps you in cracking your interview & acquire a dream career as Ember.JS Developer.

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1. What is Ember.js?


    Ember.js is a JavaScript web framework that is open-source in nature and is one of the best options available when it comes to building single-page web applications. Standard application architecture can simply be assured from Ember.js. The good thing is it develops applications that are best in running in the browser.

2. What are the benefits of using Ember.js?


    There are certain benefits that programmers can have. A few that have been considered as best are:

  • It is open-source in nature which gives developers unlimited access when it comes to customization and desired outcomes.
  • It doesn’t need server requests to perform its task.
  • DOM can directly be updated when a user comes in contact with the browser or presses any button over there.

3.Is Ember a MVC?


    Ember. js is a MVC (Model-View-Controller) JavaScript framework used to develop large client-side web applications. In comparison to other JavaScript MVC frameworks, it gives you the ability to write organized and structured code.

4. What exactly do you know about the Model in Ember.js?


    A model is a useful approach in Ember.js. Basically, it is used to store persistent states in an Ember application. A lot of complexity from this task can simply be eliminated and without doing much. Templates can simply be supported and developers can always make sure of the required data that is necessary to be displayed with the HTML page. This data is generally in the form of text and there can be a limit on the same depending on a number of factors.

5. What exactly do you know about the Ember.js structure? What is it based on?


    It’s Model, View, and Controller on which Ember applications are generally based. It is abbreviated as MVC. The role of the model is to define the data that is present and is useful for the developer. On the other side, Views display other data and in addition to this, it also captures actions of the users so that they can be repeated easily in case their need is felt shortly. Controllers modify the query and at the same time, it also modifies the data and offers user interactions in the most reliable manner.

6. What is computed in Ember?


    In a nutshell, computed properties let you declare functions as properties. You create one by defining a computed property as a function, which Ember will automatically call when you ask for the property. You can then use it the same way you would any normal, static property.

7. Compare Ember.js with traditional web applications. What noticeable differences can you find?


    Ember.js applications automatically download everything they need to perform their function smoothly. On the other hand, traditional or other applications depend largely on the server. Because it automatically downloads everything, users need not worry about the wastage of time while using the application. Also, when it comes to UI, there is no need to load the new pages again and again. The same REST API is used again and again in the form of a native app and thus time, as well as cost can be saved easily.

8. Name one function in Ember.js which is actually a Boolean Function?


    Log Binding is a function which is a Boolean function in Ember.js

9. What is the significance of the {{outlet}} tag in Ember.Js. Do you think Router is associated with it in any way?


    Specifying all the states of an application and then mapping the same to the URL is something that is performed through Router. Without this task, a lot of confusion can be created and there are certain chances of runtime errors. On the other side, an {{outlet}} tag is used for constructing a hierarchy of sections. This is done generally by enabling a mean for all the container templates that are used to have a child template. This task is governed by Router and thus it plays a significant role in making Ember.js more useful.

10. While writing a code in Ember.js, how is it possible for the users to know whether the value is an array or not?


    This can be done with the help of a function isArray.

11. Are Router and Route in Ember.js different terms? If so, how?


    Yes, these are different terms. The router is basically a medium that connects the application with the browser’s address. It is possible to translate the address into a route simply. Because it only acts as a channel, it always makes sure of accuracy. On the other hand, Route is a location where the request of a user reaches first after it is made or translated by a Router. It’s nothing but the Route that is responsible for defining the data that is to be sent to the Template.

12. Explain the process of creating an Ember.handlebars template?


    For this task, users first need to call the compiled file, and after this, the request can be sent to the server for its accomplishment. If it returns a value along with a function, the same can be used for creating the Ember.handlebars template. In case the value is not returned with a function, there is some error which users need to check.

13. What do you mean by Ember Data?


    t is basically considered as a library that keeps all the retrieving records either from the user or from a server. Its responsibility is to update the data and then again save them to the server. In case programmers feel, they can check the errors and redundancy before it is made to save on the server. It can also be used for data backup and other purposes in case the need for the same is realized.

Ember Data

14. How will you check whether the arguments passed are logically equal or not? Is there any limit on the comparison?


    This can be done with the help of the isEqual function. There is no limit in case the size of the arguments is small.

15. In Ember.js, what are the methods available for defining and inserting a view?


    There are two methods for this. The very first one is simply extending the Em.View class to the possible limit. This is generally done while creating an object in JavaScript for the purpose of defining a view. All the functions, as well as the variables, can simply be declared in it. After this, a view can be inserted into the template. The second method is based on a scenario in which there is no need for the developers to have the name of the view along with them. However, the template name which is present in the object is required. The same should be initialized in the values as a data template.

16. What exactly are adapters and what are the types of the same in Ember.js?


    The prime role of an adapter is to handle queries related to the task assigned to it. There are different adapters that can be assigned different tasks. It can also query the back as well as the front end. The common adapters in Ember.js are Rest, JSON, LS Adapter, and the latter deals with local storage or when data needs to be stored in low.

17. What exactly can be the issue if a controller is not used in Ember.js?


    Well, the fact is Controller plays a significant role especially when it comes to business applications. The rate of errors can be more if it is not used. With the help of a controller, it is possible to view a section or an entire WebPage for any purpose such as modification. It seems very similar to the block of a logical function.

18. What is the use of Ember JS?


    Js is an open-source JavaScript web framework, utilizing a component-service pattern. It allows developers to create scalable single-page web applications by incorporating common idioms, best practices, and patterns from other single-page-app ecosystem patterns into the framework.

19. Is it possible for the users to modify the objects without changing the model of the model under concern?


    Yes, it is possible for the users to modify the objects without changing the model of the model under concern

20. In Ember.js, is it possible to define a new Ember class?


    Yes, it is possible. Generally, a command called the extent () method is considered on the object for this purpose. There is no limit on defining the same in some special cases.

21. How can the data be added using fixtures into an application?


    for doing anything, it is always good to check the procedure with sample data. This is because the task is sensitive and needs a lot of care for accomplishment. This can be done with the help of long-term persistence fixtures. However, it is necessary that applications must be connected with each other. The application adapter is to be made the extension of Ds.Fixture. For communication purposes, the adapters can be deployed easily. At the last, the file is to be updated to the model todo.js

22. What are the common functions that you can find in the Ember Package?


    These are:

    • Empty
    • Log Binding
    • isArray
    • Compare
    • Type of
    • isEqual
    • Make Array
    • Inspect

23. In Ember.Js where you will find the child objects. How can you work with them as a user?


    There is an object named Enumerable that generally contains child objects. Using the operator Ember. Enumerable API, it is possible to work with these child objects. However, in some applications that have complex sizes, the native JavaScript array is the commonly used enumerable.

24. What is the condition of creating an instance in Ember.Js?


    It is necessary for the users to define the class by calling its create method otherwise they will be runtime errors on the screen.

25. How do I create an ember app?


    To create a new project using Ember CLI, use the new command. In preparation for the tutorial in the next section, you can make an app called super-rentals . A new project will be created inside your current directory. You can now go to your super-rentals project directory and start working on it.

26. What exactly ember. mixin class according to you is?


    It is generally used to create objects which contain properties, as well as functions that can be shared between other classes. Sometimes they can also be shared among instances. The behavior of the objects can easily be compared and understood by the developers through this.

27. When will you be using the Ember.TrackedArray in Ember.Js?


    It is used for the purpose of tracking Array operations. In case users need to compute the indexes of items in an array upon shifting, it is more useful in a situation like this.

28. What is Ember Namespace?


    Sometimes an object contains the application of a framework. Defining the same object is a daunting job because it cannot be directly accessed. For this purpose, Ember namespace can be used.

29. What is Ember dataset?


    The EMBER dataset is a collection of features from PE files that serve as a benchmark dataset for researchers. This repository makes it easy to reproducibly train the benchmark models, extend the provided feature set, or classify new PE files with the benchmark models.

30. When sorting conditions are there in Ember.Js?


    This condition is reached when the array proxies complete their task.

31. Describe Ember.js and How It Operates


    Ember.js is an opinionated JavaScript framework based on the MVVM pattern.

    It features conventions, two-way data binding, powerful routing, Handlebars templating, EOM, computed properties, Ember Data, Ember CLI, and Ember Inspector for streamlined development and maintainable web applications.

32. What Are the Primary Ember.js Components?


    The primary Ember.js components are:

  • Routes
  • Controllers
  • Models
  • Templates
  • Components
  • Services
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33. What Does the Model in Ember.js Mean?


    In Ember.js, the model represents the application data and its business logic. It acts as a data layer to interact with backend APIs, databases, or other data sources and is used to load and manage data for rendering in templates.

34. Describe the Structure of Ember Apps


    The structure of Ember.js apps follows a well-defined and organized pattern:

  • Ember.js apps have a structured folder layout (routes, templates, components, etc.).
  • Routes manage states and URL mappings, and templates handle UI layout (using Handlebars).
  • Components offer reusable UI elements, and services enable data sharing.

35. What Functions Does a Controller Perform in ember.js?


    In Ember.js, a controller:

    • Intermediates between the model and the template, providing data.
    • Manages application logic and state within its context.

36. How does ember.js differ from conventional web apps?


    Ember.js differs from conventional web apps with its opinionated nature, enforcing conventions and best practices for streamlined development. It offers built-in features like two-way data binding, powerful routing, and Handlebar templating, reducing manual setup and decision-making.

37. Describe the Benefits of the {{outlet}} Tag and ‘Router’ in Ember.js


    The {{outlet}} tag enables dynamic content and nested routing. The Router manages state, URL-based navigation, and simplifies content loading in Ember.js.

38. What Distinguishes Router from Route in ember.js?


    Router: Handles URL mapping and state transitions for the entire application.

    Route: Represents specific application states, loading data, and rendering templates for corresponding URLs.

Route in ember.js

39. What is Ember data?


    Ember Data is a library for data management and API interactions in Ember.js. It simplifies data tasks and ensures consistency.

40. What Are the Functions of and Different Kinds of Adapters?


    Adapters in Ember Data handle data persistence and API communication, with different types like RESTAdapter for RESTful APIs and JSONAPIAdapter for the JSON API specification.

41. What Are the Two Approaches to Creating and Inserting a View?


    The first approach involves programmatically creating a view instance and manually inserting it into the DOM. The second approach is the declarative approach, using Handlebars templates to declare views, which are then automatically rendered and inserted based on data bindings.

42. What Does Controller mean in ember.js?


    In Ember.js, a controller bridges the model and the template, providing data for rendering and managing application logic and state.

43. List Some of the ember.js’s Template Components.


    In Ember.js, some of the template components include:

  • {{input}}
  • {{link-to}}
  • {{if}} and {{else}}
  • {{each}}
  • {{component}}

44. Describe what a serializer is.


    A serializer in Ember.js converts data between the application’s model format and the backend API’s format, enabling proper data communication.

45. What is Ember changeset?


    The idea behind a changeset is simple: it represents a set of valid changes to be applied onto any Object ( Ember. Object , DS. Model , POJOs, etc). Each change is tested against an optional validation, and if valid, the change is stored and applied when executed.

46. Describe how to make an Ember Handlebars template.


    To make an Ember Handlebars template, create a ‘.hbs’ file in the ‘templates’ folder and define the UI structure using Handlebars syntax with dynamic expressions based on the application’s context.

47. Describe the process for adding data to an application using fixtures.


    To add data to an Ember.js application using fixtures:

  • Define a ‘fixture’ property with sample data in the model representing the data.
  • Use the ‘’ method in the application code to add the fixtures data to the Ember Data store.

48. Explain the concept of Ember computed macros.


  • • Ember computed macros are custom helpers for computed properties.
  • They offer enhanced reusability and readability.
  • Macros provide advanced functionalities like sorting and filtering.
  • Chaining enables composing complex computed properties.
  • Improved testability through isolated testing.
  • Custom macros can be created for specific needs.
  • Enhance code organization and maintainability.
  • Promote expressive code in Ember.js apps.

49. Define the Enumerables in ember.js.


    Enumerables in Ember.js are collections of items that can be iterated using higher-order functions like ‘forEach’, ‘map’, ‘filter’, ‘find’, ‘reduce’, etc. They provide a convenient way to manipulate and query data efficiently.

50. What is Ember.ArrayController, and what are its benefits?


    Ember.ArrayController (deprecated) managed model arrays with automatic sorting, filtering, and template integration. Replaced by Ember.Controller and Ember.ObjectController for flexibility and clarity.

51. What does Application Template mean?


    In Ember.js, the Application Template is the main entry point and parent template that holds the application’s content and structure, automatically rendering when the app starts.

52. What is the ’ember.mixin’ class?


    The ‘Ember.Mixin’ class in Ember.js allows developers to define reusable sets of properties and behavior that can be mixed into multiple objects or classes, promoting code reusability.

53. What does Ember.Namespace.Class stand for?


    ‘Ember.Namespace.Class’ is a deprecated way of defining classes in Ember.js before version 1.13. It has been replaced by the modern JavaScript class syntax.

54. When is Ember.TrackedArray useful?


    Ember.TrackedArray is useful when you need to track the changes in an array efficiently, enabling better performance for computed properties that depend on the array’s content. It is particularly valuable when dealing with large arrays and frequently updating or querying their data.

55. Describe how to build instances in ember.js.


    In Ember.js, building instances involves defining model classes by extending ‘EmberObject’ or ‘DS.Model’ for data models. Instances can then be created using ‘create()’ or ‘store.createRecord()’, optionally passing initial data to the constructor for setting the model’s initial state. This process enables effective data representation and manipulation in Ember.js applications.

56. Define the purpose of Ember.SortableMixin.


    The purpose of ‘Ember.SortableMixin’ is to provide sorting capabilities to arrays or collections of objects in Ember.js. It adds methods like ‘sortBy’ and ‘sortByDesc’ to easily sort data based on specific properties.

57. How Can You Define A New Ember Class?


    You can call the extend () method on Ember. Object to define a new ember class.

58. Explain Application Template?


    Application Template is a default template that is used when your application starts.

Application Template

59. What is the default serializer shipped with Ember?


    The JSONAPISerializer is the default serializer and works with JSON:API backends. The JSONSerializer is a simple serializer for working with single JSON object or arrays of records.

60. What Are Services In Ember.js?


    It is a long-lived Ember object that can be made available in different parts of your application. It is created using the following syntax- “ember. Service”Services are generated with the help of ember CLI service generator. If you want to access a service, inject it either in an initializer or use the following syntax- “ember. Inject”. Using this you can even access the properties and methods using services. Use the following syntax to define a service:

61. What Do You Mean By Serializer In Ember.js And What Role Does It Play While Writing A Code?


    It is useful when it comes to using a JavaScript Object Notion. Actually, it returns payload from the server into a machine from where it is easy for the users to read it. A very large number of attributes can be represented in a very simple manner and the good thing is there is a well-defined relation between them. With this relation, it is possible for the users to have many different ways to understand and eliminate the bugs from the code.

62. What Do You Know About The Application Template?


    When any application starts, this is the default template from where it is operated. Users need to put a Header, footer and any other decorative item that is required to be displayed on the page.

63. How The Data Can Be Added Using Fixture Into An Application?


    For doing anything, it is always good to check the procedure with sample data. This is because the task is sensitive and needs a lot of care for the accomplishment. This can be done with the help of long-term persistence fixtures. However, it is necessary that applications must be connected with each other. The application adapter is to be made the extension of Ds.Fixture. For communication purposes, the adapters can be deployed easily. At the last, the file is to be updated to the model todo.js

64. What Are The Template Components In Ember.js You Are Familiar With? Is There Any Similarity Among Them?


    There are certain template components that are extremely powerful in Ember.js and are used for various purposes related to running the code in an error-free manner. These include:

    • View
    • Outlet
    • Render
    • Partial
    • Yield

65. What is the command used to install addons in Ember?


    The ember install command is similar to the npm install you might already be familiar with. It creates an entry in the app’s package. json and downloads the addon and its dependencies into a node_modules directory. However, ember install does even more than npm .

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66. Is Ember js front end or backend?


    It should also be mentioned that Ember is purely a frontend framework. It has a number of ways of interacting with the backend of your choice, but this backend is not in any way handled by Ember itself.

67. What Are Observers In Ember.js?


    Ember supports observing any property which also includes computed properties. Observers are something which contains the behavior that reacts to the changes made in other properties. Observers are used when we need to perform some behavior after a binding has finished synchronizing. New ember developers often use observers. Observers are mostly used within the ember framework and for that; computed properties are the appropriate solution. An observer can be set on an object using the following syntax- “ember. Observer” Observers in ember are synchronous. They will fire as soon as they observe a change in the properties. And, because of this, it is easy to introduce bugs where properties are not yet synchronized.

68. What Are The Features Of Emberjs?


  • Creating reusable modules.
  • Handlebars Templates.
  • Automatic determines the route and controller during declaration of the route resources.
  • Used routes.
  • Extensive view type support.
  • Easy to configure.

69. What Are The Prime Tasks That Are Performed By Controllers In Ember.js?


    Decorating the model which is returned by the route is a very essential task that needs to be performed in the Ember.js. The same is handled by Controllers. It is not always necessary that only a single controller performs this task but depending on the task itself, there can be a need for multiple controllers. In addition to this, there are a lot of actions which users perform; Listening to them is also the responsibility of the controllers.

70. What Is an Ember Route? How Can You Generate A Route In Ember.js?


    An ember route is built with three parts:

  • An entry in the Ember router which maps between our route name and a specific URI.
  • A route handler file, which sets up what should happen when that route is loaded.
  • A route template, which is where we display the actual content for the page.

71. When we want to make a new page that can be visited using a URL, we need to generate a “route” using Ember CLI. Hence the generator will print out:


    Installing route

  • Create app/routes/about.hbs
  • Create app/templates/about.hbs
  • Updating router
  • Add route about
  • Installing route test
  • To define a route, run ember generates route route-name. This command will generate a file name route-name.js in app/routes/ folder.

72. Explain The Core Concept Of Emberjs?


    Store: It is the central repository and cache of all records available in an application. It can be accessed by controller and admin. Models: A model is a class which defines the data of properties and behavior.Records: A record is an instance of a model which contains information that is loaded from a server.Adapter: It is responsible for translating requested records into the appropriate calls t.Serializer: Translating JSON data into a record object. Automatic Caching: Used for caching.

Concept Of Emberjs

73. What Are Basic Models Of Emberjs?


    Routes: State of application is represented by URL and each URL has a corresponding route object that.

    Models: Used to load data from Server.

    Templates: This is html of layout.

    Components: It is a custom tag.

    Services: Services are just singleton objects to hold long-lived data such as user sessions.

74. What Are The Main Components Of V You Are Familiar With?


    There are several components of Ember.js that play a significant role in making it best in every aspect.

    • Routers
    • Templates
    • Views
    • Models
    • Components
    • Controllers
    • Helpers
    • Stuff

75. Explain Directory Structure In Ember.js?


    The new command generates a project structure also called directory structure with the following files and directories:

    I-app:- This is where folders and files for models, components, routes, templates, and styles are stored.

    I-bower_components/ bower.json:- Bower is a dependency management tool which is used in Ember CLI to manage front-end plugins and component dependencies.

    I-config: – The config directory contains the environment.js where we can configure settings for your app.

    I-dist:-When we build our app for deployment, the output files will be created here.

    Public:- This directory contains assets such as images and fonts.

    Vendor:- This directory is where front-end dependencies that are not managed by Bower go.

    Tests/testem.js:- Automated tests for our app go in the test folder, and testem is configured in testem.js.

76. What Is Npm Install?


    NPM is a NodeJS package manager. It is used to install the node programs.

77. What Is Emberjs?


    It is a javascript framework based on Model-view-controller (MVC) and written in javascript. It allows developers to create scalable single-page web applications by incorporating common idioms. In this, Route is used as a model; template as view and controller manipulates the data in the model.

78. What Exactly Do You Know About Ember.js?


    Ember.js is a JavaScript web framework that is open-source in nature and is one of the best options available when it comes to building single page web applications. Standard application architecture can simply be assured from Ember.js. The good thing is it develops applications that are best in running in the browser.

79. What is the Ember run loop and why is it useful?


    First things first, what is the Ember run loop? So basically, pretty much all of the code you write in your Ember applications takes place in a run loop which is used to batch assorted actions and reorder them in the most efficient way possible. The run loop does so by scheduling actions, or jobs, on specific queues that are processed to completion in priority order. Ember.js will create a run loop whenever a user interacts with the browser to execute any Javascript that needs to run in response. Once the run loop has looped over all of the actions on the queue in order of priority, control is returned to the browser.

80. What is Ember Data and how does it work?


    Ember Data is a library that helps you to manage model data in your Ember.js applications, define relationships between models and load records from the server that are instances of those models. What’s more, it saves your changes back to the server when the records are updated and also makes it easier to cache records for performance. Confused? The core team behind Ember think of Ember Data as “a framework for managing models and relationships.” So yeah, if you don’t know what models are, we suggest that you keep reading! Knowing the different components of Ember data is key to understanding how it actually works, but for the sake of simplicity, let’s just say that Ember data is primarily a bridge between The Store (main interface / central repository of Ember data) and the server.

81. What are the business advantages of using Ember.js instead of React or AngularJS?


  • We’ll get into the technical advantages of using Ember at a later stage, but for now let’s ask ourselves to what extent EmberJS is beneficial for product owners and business stability.
  • Choosing the right development solution, or in our case the right JavaScript framework, is not a decision to be taken lightly. Why? Because choosing the wrong solution for your needs could mean having to make another change in the near future which in turn could lead to avoidable costs, slower development and lost customers.
  • For that reason, it’s very important that businesses and product owners consider each solution’s level of dependability and durability when selecting the right framework.
  • One of the main advantages of using Ember.js is that they introduced a Long-Term Support (LTS) release channel of their product back in 2016 (Angular released it on their 4.0 version in May 2017 while React decided that moving from two-week releases to monthly releases was sufficient for now). Long-term support extends the period of software maintenance and reduces the frequency of software updates, meaning lower development costs and less risk for businesses.
  • Furthermore, Ember.js follows the same coding by convention principle as Ruby on Rails, a software design paradigm that aims to decrease the number of decisions a developer using the framework has to make without losing flexibility. In other words, new development team members don’t have to learn as many team-specific practices as they would with other JavaScript frameworks as the tool pretty much forces developers to use its rules anyway.
  • And finally, EmberJS is going strong! Plenty of big names are regularly using and improving the framework, including Linkedin, Twitch and Apple, so it’s fair to presume that EmberJS won’t be going obsolete anytime soon!

82. What are Controllers used for in Ember.js?


    A controller is basically a file that is used to manipulate data before passing it down to views. A controller is usually paired with an individual route and is what responds to user interactions happening on the user interface.The manner in which you create controllers depends which files you want to be able to communicate with each other, how DRY (“Don’t repeat yourself” ) you want your code to be and how you will save state, but it’s generally good practice to create a controller when:

  • You want to share actions or variables with child components.
  • You have a computed property that’s determined by the results of the model hook.
  • That being said, you don’t necessarily need to use a controller, especially when your data is self sufficient and you don’t need to add any additional logic.

83. Do Router and Route mean the same thing in Ember.js? If not, what makes them different?


    As you can imagine, route and router are very closely linked but don’t carry the same meaning.While routes are responsible for setting up application state, displaying templates and loading data, a router matches the current URL to the different routes you’ve defined. When a new URL is set (the user loads the app for the first time, changes the URL manually or clicks on a link within the app), the Ember router then maps that new URL to one or more route handlers that are in turn capable of either rendering a template, loading a model that is then available to the template or redirecting to a new route.

    In other words, routes are responsible for defining the data that is sent to the template, but they wouldn’t function without a router.

84. What are the main technical advantages of using Ember.js?


    So we previously discussed why Ember.js is such an interesting JavaScript framework from a business standpoint, but what makes it so appealing to developers? What are the technical advantages of Ember.js when compared to other frameworks?

    Ember’s motto, “Convention over configuration”, pretty much answers this question. Developers who work with Ember generally spend more time shipping code and less time setting up development environments and well, yak shaving. Why? Because whenever you generate a resource, model or component in Ember, ember-cli (Ember’s command line utility) sets up all the tests for you.

    There are no third party libraries (Mocha, Jasmine or Karma for example) or build tools (such as Grunt or Gulp) in Ember, meaning developers don’t have to worry as much about configurations and testing environments.

    Moreover, Ember comes with its own client side mock server in the form of ember-cli-mirage. The same can be said for several other JavaScript frameworks, but they’re much harder to set up.

    And last but not least, Ember has adopted the latest Javascript and web standards, including promises, web components and ES6 syntax, and has been widely praised by developers for showing a long-standing commitment towards backwards compatibility.

85. How is data communicated between your server and your Ember application?


    To answer the question without getting overly-technical, data is basically communicated between your server and your Ember application thanks to what we call Adapters and Serializers.

    While adapters tell us which URL to use (the place that you’re going to be sending this request), serializers make sure the data is in the right format.

    In actual fact, a serializer determines the data you send and the data you get back, so it takes what’s in your ember data model and turns that into something that you can send to the server, and then normalizes the data that you get back from the server.

    Serializers therefore communicate with models in order to ensure data is consistently structured and relationships between data are mapped. (We’ll talk more about models in the next question).

86. Templates, Models and Components are key concepts in Ember. Describe them.


    Mastering Ember.js without understanding templates, models and components is like Tottenham winning the Premier League.

    • Templates; This one’s quite self-explanatory. As you’d expect, Ember uses templates to organise the layout of HTML in an application. Ember templates use the syntax of Handlebars templates and can display properties provided to them by a component or a route’s controller.
    • Models Models represent persistent state.For example, an online auction platform would want to save the details of an item when a user publishes it, and so an item would have a model defining its details, perhaps called the item model.
    • Components are usually made up of two parts. You’ve got a template written in Handlebars (as previously mentioned) and a source file written in JavaScript that defines the behaviour of the component.

    If we go back to our online auction example for instance, the platform might have a component for displaying all items that can be found on the website called all-items, and another component for displaying an individual item called item-specific.

87. Why is Ember.js so popular?


    The best thing about Ember.js is that it develops applications which are fastest in running in the browser.

88. Who was the author of Ember.js?


    Ember.js was developed by Yehuda Katz and initially released in December 2011

89. What are the main advantages of using Ember.js?


    It is an open source framework. So, it gives developers unlimited access for customizing for desired output.

  • Ember.js doesn’t require server requests to perform its task.
  • DOM is directly updated when a user comes in contact with the browser or presses any button over there.

90. What do you know about models in Ember.js?


    A model is a beneficial useful approach in Ember.js. It is used to store persistent state in an Ember application. It is used to reduce the complexity of the task. Templates can merely be supported, and developers can always make sure of required data that is necessary to display with the HTML page. This data is generally in the form of text, and there can be a limit on the same depending on some factors.

91. What are the features of Ember.js?


    A router is a core feature of Ember.js. It is used to translate the URL into a series of templates and also represent the state of an application. Every URL has a corresponding route object that controls what is visible to the user. It matches the current URL to other routes which are used for loading the data, displaying the templates and set up an application state.

92. What are the different types of route models in Ember.js?


    MDynamic Models – It provides the routes with dynamic segments. These segments are used to access the value from URL

    • Ember.Route.extend ({
    • model(parameter) {
    • //code block
    • }
    • });
    • {
    • his.route(‘linkpage’, { path: ‘identifiers’ });
    • });
    • Multiple Models – It is used to define multiple models through RSVP.hash. For example:

    • Ember.Route.extend ({
    • model() {
    • return Ember.RSVP.hash({
    • //code block
    • })
    • }
    • });

93. What is the difference between Ember.js and other traditional web applications?


    Ember.js is preferred over the majority of other traditional web applications due to many reasons. In the application’s logic living on the server, an ember.js application downloads everything it requires to run in the initial page load. So, it facilitates users not to load a new page every time while using the app. That’s why the UI of Ember.js responds quickly. The advantage of this architecture is that your web application uses the same REST API as your native app.

94. What are services in Ember.js?


    In Ember.js, a service is a long-lived Ember object that can be available in different parts of your application. The following syntax is used to create the Ember.js service.

    Following is a list of some examples of Ember.js services:

    • Logging
    • User/session authentication
    • Geolocation
    • Third-party API’s
    • Web Sockets
    • Server sent events or notifications

95. What are the most crucial tasks performed by controllers in Ember.js?


    The most crucial task performed by a controller in Ember.js is decorating the model, which is returned by the route. In Ember.js, it is handled by controllers. It is not always necessary that only a single controller performs this task, but there may be required multiple controllers depending on the task itself. Besides this, there are many actions that users perform, and listening to these actions is also the responsibility of the controllers in Ember.js

96. Which of the Ember.js functions is actually a Boolean Function?


    Log Binding is an Ember.js function that is actually a Boolean function.

97. What is Ember-data in Ember.js?


    In Ember.js, Ember-Data is a library used to retrieve records from a server, store them, and update them in the browser. At last, it also saves them back to the server.

98. What is an adapter in Ember.js, and why is it used?


    In Ember Data, an Adapter is used to determine how data is persisted to a backend data store. Things such as the backend host, URL format, and headers used to talk to a REST API can all be configured in an adapter. For example, the rest adapter is used to deal with JSON APIs, and LSAdapter deals with local storage.

99. What do Ember.js components specify?


    The Ember.js components use the W3C web component specification and provide correct encapsulation UI widgets. It contains the three main specifications as templates, shadow DOM, and custom elements.The components declared within the data-template-name have a pathname instead of a plain string.

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100. What is the difference between Route and Router in Ember.js?


    Route and Router both are different terms in Ember.js. A router is a medium which is used to connect the application with a browser’s address. On the other hand, Route is a location where the request of a user reaches first after it is made or translated by a Router. Route only is responsible for defining the data that is to be sent to the Template.

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