15+ Must-Know Adobe [CQ5] Interview Questions & Answers

15+ Must-Know Adobe [CQ5] Interview Questions & Answers

Adobe CQ5 Interview Questions and Answers

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Krishnaraj (Sr Manager UI UX Design )

He is Possessing 11+ Years Of Experience in Adobe. His Passion lies in Developing Entrepreneurs & Activities. Also, Rendered his intelligence to the Enthusiastic JOB Seekers.

Last updated on 04th Jul 2020| 3283

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Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), formerly Adobe CQ5, is a robust web content management system facilitating digital experience creation and optimization across diverse channels. Key features include user-friendly content authoring, digital asset management, workflow automation, and multi-site management.Integrated with Adobe Marketing Cloud, AEM supports personalized content delivery and consistent user experiences. The platform, built on Java with technologies like Apache Sling and Apache Jackrabbit, is scalable and developer-friendly. It excels in handling large-scale websites and offers mobile content creation capabilities.

1. What is Cq5?


Adobe Communique 5, Or CQ5, Is Java Based Large-Scale Web Content Management System. It Combines the Web Content Management, Digital Asset Management, And Social Collaboration To Deliver Solution That Allows To Manage Incredible Amounts Of the Information, Multiple Internal And External Websites, A Myriad Of Media Assets, And Detailed Workflow.

2. How Clustering Is Done In CQ5?


CQ5 CRX Is a Pre-Loaded To Run Within the Cluster, Even When Running A Single Instance. Hence Configuration Of Multi-Node Clusters With the Little Effort Happens In CQ5.

3. Difference Between CQ5.4 And CQ5.5?


Versions Of CQ Before 5.5 Were Based On the Servlet Container (CQSE, By Default, Though the Others Could Be Used) Running With the Multiple Web Apps: One For CRX Content Repository And One For OSGi Container Which Itself Contained Sling And AEM. The Sling of Web App Was Bound To Root And Handled Most Of Request Processing.

4. Why Cq5? What Are Advantages Of Using Cq5?


Building Websites Through Athe Rich Graphical Interface, Corporate Design And User Access the Control Of Editing And Publishing Rights. Implementation Of Workflows For Creating, Editing And Publishing Of a Content. Managing the Repository Of Digital Assets Like Images, Documents And Integrating Them To Websites.

5. How Can Inherit Properties Of One Dialog To Another Dialog?


For Inheriting the Properties Have To Create Two Components With the Unique Names In Base Component Dialog. For Eg. If Plan Is To Have Two Rich Text Two Rich Text Areas In Dialog Of Components That Inherit From Base, Then Must Include the Two Rich Text Areas With Unique Names In Base Component Dialog. In Any Case Every Input Field Of Dialog Must Have Unique Name, Else They Will Point To a Same Property Path Relative To Jcr:content Node Of The Component When Used On the Page.

6. What Is Dependency/Dependencies In Client Library?


  Term Description Examples

External software components or libraries that the client library relies on for specific tasks.

External libraries, modules, or frameworks.
Dependency Management Tools or systems used to handle the installation, versioning, and resolution of dependencies. Package Managers (npm, pip, Maven, etc.)

7. What Is Adaptive Document?


Adaptive Document Is Used To Display the Output To End User. For Example- A Bank Statement Is Adaptive Document As All Its Content Remain the Same Only Name And Amount Changes. Basically Put Place Holder Text In the Adaptive Document Which Are Filled Dynamically At a Run Time.

8. What Are Benefits Of Osgi Application Framework?


  • Aplications Are Portable, Easier To Re-Engineer, And Adaptable To the Changing Requirements.
  • It Supports the Administration Of Application Bundle Dependencies And Versions, Simplifying And Standardizing a Third-Party Library Integration.
  • The Framework Provides the Isolation For Enterprise Applications That Are Composed Of the Multiple, Versioned Bundles With the Dynamic Life Cycles.

9. Explain OSGI (Open Systems Gateway Initiative) In Cq5?


  • A : Dynamic Module System For Java.
  • A Universal Middleware Category.
  • Helps Applications To Constructed From a Small, Reusable And Collaborative Components.
  • OSGi Bundles Can Contain the Compiled Java Code, Scripts, Or Any Contents To Loaded In The Repository.

10. Explain DAM Renditions?


The DAM Allows To Create Renditions Of Image That Include the Different Sizes And Versions Of a Same Asset. Can Use Those Renditions In Content Of Website, And That Can Be Helpful When Need To Create the Thumbnails Or Smaller Views Of Large, High-Resolution Images. When Creating Multi-Device Websites Where Internet Bandwidth Is Varying Concern, This Feature Becomes more Even Important.

11. What Is The Purpose Of Clientlibs?


It Is Used For an Adding the Site-Specific Js And CSS Files To The Page And Also Third Party Js And CSS Files.

12. What Are Xtypes And How Are Useful In AEM??


In The ExtJS Language Xtype Is the Symbolic Name Given To Class. In AEM These Xtypes Are Widgets That Used In Creation Of Components. AEM Comes With the Bunch Of Widgets That Are Available Out Of Box. Can Also Create And Define Own Xtype To Be Used In AEM. An Example Of Xytpe Is When Creating a Dialog For Component, And Want The Author To Be Able To Enter Text, Would Add A “Cq:Widget” That Has Xtype Property Of “Textfield”.

13. What Is Component In Cq5?


  • Are Modular Units Which Realize the Specific Functionality To Present Content On Website.
  • Are Re-Usable.
  • Are Developed As Self-Contained Units Within the One Folder Of Repository.
  • Have No Hidden Configuration Files.
  • Can Contain the Other Components.

14. What Are Cq Widgets, Explain?


  • The Highly Polished User Interface Elements That Work Across All Most Important Browsers And Allow Creation Of Desktop-Grade UI Experiences.
  • These Widgets Are Included Within the CQ And, In Addition To Being Used By a CQ Itself, Can Be Used By Any Website Built Using the CQ.

15. What Is Technology Stack Of Cq5?


Cq5 Uses Following Technologies: JCR: Java Specification For Accessing the Content Repository JSR-283 Specification JCR 2.0, Cq5 Uses Its Own Implementation Of the JCR Called CRX. Apache Jackrabbit Is Open-Source Implementation Of Jcr 2.0 Specification.

16. What Is Persistence Manager In CQ5?


The Persistence Manager Saves Repository Content To A Permanent Storage Solution, Such As File System Or A Database. By Default, CRX Saves the Repository Content To Tar Persistence Manager. Following DB’s Can Be Used For the Storing Content – DB2, Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL.

17. Difference Between OSGi Bundle And Normal Jar File?


OSGi Bundles Are the Jar Files With Metadata Inside. Much Of This Metadata Is In Jar’s Manifest, Found At META-INF/MANIFEST.MF. This Metadata, When Read By OSGi Runtime Container, Is What Gives Bundle Its Power. With OSGi, Just Because A Class Is a Public Doesn’t Mean Can Get To It. All Bundles Include the Export List Of Package Names, And If Package Isn’t In The Export List, It Doesn’t Exist To Outside World. This Allows Developers To Build Extensive Internal Class Hierarchy And Minimize Surface Area Of Bundle’s API Without Abusing Notion Of a Package-Private Visibility.

18. What Is Meant By JCR (Java Content Repository)?


A Java Content Repository Uses JSR-170 API To Access The Content Repository Using the Java, Independent Of Physical Implementation. JCR Is Java Content Repository Standard, Also Known As a JSR-170 After Its Java Specification Request. Later Revised Version 2 As (JCR-283). A Repository Effectively Consists Of the Two Parts.

19. Explain Multi-Site Manager?


Multi-Site Manager (MSM) Enables To Easily Manage the Multiple Web Sites That Share Common Content. MSM Lets Define Relations Between The Sites So That Content Changes In a One Site Are Automatically Replicated In the Other Sites.

20. What Is Reverse Replication?


Reverse Replication Is Used To Get the User Content Generated On Publish Instance Back To Author Instance. To Do This Need A Reverse Replication Agent In Author Environment. This Act As Active Component To Collect Information From Outbox In Publish Environment.

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    21. Explain Life Cycle Of OSGI Bundle?


    Installed: A Bundle Has Been Successfully Installed.

    Resolved: All Java Classes That Bundle Needs Are Available.This State Indicates That Bundle Is Either Ready To Be Started Or Has Stopped.

    Starting: The Bundle Is Started, The BundleActivator.Start Method Will Called, And This Method Has Not Returned. When Bundle Has An Activation Policy, The Bundle Will Remain In STARTING State Until Bundle Is Activated According To Activation Policy.

    22. Explain Digital Asset Manager (Dam) In Cq5,?


    The DAM Is Where Authors Can Upload the Files (Other Than HTML) For Publishing On Websites. Examples Include the Images And PDF Documents. The Interface Is Similar To WCM.

    23. Can Restrict For Certain Users Not To Display Some Digital Assets?


    Can Always Limit Who Can Access the Certain Folders In CQ Digital Assets By Making The Folder Part Of CUG(Closed User Group). Steps To Make the Folder Part Of A CUG:In CQ DAM, Right-Click Folder need To Add Closed User Group Properties For And Select Properties.

    24. Explain Cq Workflow Engine?


    • CQ Encompasses the Several Applications That Are Designed To Interact And Complement Each Other. In Particular, Workflow Engine Can Be Used In the Tight Conjunction With the Several Of Other Applications.
    • Workflows Are At Center Of How Form Submissions In CQ WCM Are Typically Processed. When Creating New Form, The Form Submission Can Be Easily Associated With Workflow Model, For Example To Store The Content In Particular Location Of The Repository Or To Notify the User About The Form Submission And Its Content.

    25. Difference Between Design Dialog And Edit Dialog?


    • Both Dialog And Design Dialog Defines UI Interface For Allowing User To Configure The Component.
    • Design Dialog Of Component Can Be Seen/Edited In Design Mode Of The Page. Design Dialog Is At Template Level So All Page Of Template Will Share The Same Design Dialog And It Is Stored Under /Etc/Designs Folder.

    26. What Is Difference Between Live Copy And Language Copy?


    Live Copy: Copy Created From Existing Site Or Blueprint Is Called a Live Copy. Rollout Configurations For This Live Copy Can Be Configured From the Tools Console.

    Language Copy: Site Which Is Created Using the Language Tool Is Called Language Copy. Basically To Create the Site For Different Languages.

    27. What Is Contribution Of Servlet Engine In CQ5?


    Servlet Engine Pretends As Server Within Which Each CQ (And CRX If Used) Instance Runs. Even Though Can Run the CQ WCM Without An Application Server, Always A Servlet Engine Is more Needed.

    28. Where Does Cache Directory Exists For CQ5?


    • The Dispatcher Uses the Cache Directory For Caching Static Content.
    • The Cached Documents Are Created In a Root Of the Web-Server.

    29. What Are Differences Between Parsys And Iparsys?


    Parsys: It Is Placeholder Called Paragraph System, Where Can Drag And Drop Or Add the Other Components Or Scripts At Page Level.

    Iparsys: It Is Inherited the Paragraph System, It Is Similar To the Parsys Except That It Allows To be Inherits Parent Page “Paragraph System”.

    30. Why Sling Scripts Cannot Be Called Directly In Cq5?


    Scripts Cannot Be Called Directly Within a Sling Since It Will Break Strict Concept Of A REST Server; Would Mix Resources And Representations. If Call The Representation (The Script) Directly Hide The Resource Inside the Script, So Framework (Sling) No Longer Knows About It.

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    31. What Is Template?


    • A CQ Template Enables To Define the Consistent Style For The Pages In the Application.
    • A Template Comprises Of Nodes That Specify a Page Structure.

    32. How To Connect External Database In CQ?


    To Connect To an External DB, Need To Configure the Connection Pool By Creating the Node Of :Type Sling:OsgiConfig.

    33. What is Apache Sling?


    Apache Sling Is the Web Application Framework For a Content-Centric Applications, Using Java Content Repository, like Apache Jackrabbit Or CRX, To Store And Manage Content.

    34. How Good Is Cq5 When Compared To Other Cms?


    CQ5 Is Perfect For a Large Content-Driven Sites.

    Flexibility: Even a Non-Technical Users Can Update The Content.

    • Duplicating Site Will Be Very Easy To Create Mobile Friendly Version.
    • Excellent At Managing the Multiple Touch-Points.
    • It Is Easy To Deploy And Scale Up Or Down.

    Time Management: Very Less Amount Of a Time To Develop.

    • Relies On the Real Open Standards Which Are Not De Facto Standards.
    • Best Integration With the Third Party Systems.

    35. How Dispatcher Performs Load-Balancing?


    Performance Statistics: Dispatcher Keeps the Statistics On How Fast Each Instance Of Cq Is Responding To Particular Url. Based On Those Metrics, Dispatcher Determines Which Instance Of Cq Will Fetch Quickest Response For Any Request And Relays Request To Cq Instance.

    Sticky Connections: When User Session Is Established, Then All Incoming Requests From That User Should Be Served By Same Cq Instance, Because Other Cq Instances Cannot Recognize User Session And Generate Personalized Pages For Him. Dispatcher Makes Sure All the Requests For User Session Are Served From Same Cq Instance.

    36. Why Content Management System Is Required In CQ


    Now A Days Websites Are more Dynamic In Nature, Content Needs To Be Updated Very Frequently, So, It Is simpler To Manage The Content Of Such Websites Using the CMS.

    37. Can Restrict Certain Users Not To Display Some Digital Assets?


    • Can Always Limit Who Can Access the Certain Folders In CQ Digital Assets By Making Folder Part Of A CUG(Closed User Group).
    • Steps To Make the Folder Part Of A CUG: In CQ DAM, Right-Click The Folder Want To Add Closed User Group Properties For And Select Properties.
    • Select Enabled Checkbox To Make Folder And Its Assets Available Only To the Closed User Group.

    38. What is technology stack that CQ5 is based on?


    The CQ5 technology stack is based on the three technologies. These technologies are Apache Sling, OSGI (Apache Felix), and Java Content Repository (JCR). Apache Sling is the RESTful framework that is used to access the jcr over http protocol. It will map that request url to the node in jcr. OSGI is a framework that is used for a modular application development using the Java. Each module, which is called the bundle, can be stopped and started independently during a runtime.

    39. What is sightly?


    Sightly is HTML templating language that was introduced in an AEM 6.0. It is meant to take place of JSP files and is the preferred templating system for HTML. The name sightly means “pleasing to eye”, and its focus is to keep markup beautiful and maintainable.

    40. What is listener’s property in AEM?


    The listener’s property in AEM for the component is used to define what happens before or after an action on component. This is added by using “cq: listeners” node with the node type of “cq: EditListenersConfig”. The listener’s property can also be added to the any widget in AEM. To add the listener to that widget just need to add to add node that is called “listeners” with the type of “nt: unstructured”. Then just need to add child nodes to “listeners” node that are events of that widget.

    41. How do load digital assets in dam?


    Can add digital assets to the dam by using graphical user interface or through the WebDav access. If using the graphical user interface, would just browse for the selected files would like to add, and then cq will create a metadata for those assets in dam folder. And would generally use WebDav option when want to upload the large number of assets at once.

    42. How do build bundle through crxde?


    Can build a bundle through the crxde by navigating to source folder of project located under “apps”. Once do this, right-click on “src” folder and choose to create bundle. This will open wizard that will walk through creating a bundle. It is recommended that no longer use crxde to create the OSGI bundles for AEM. Instead, should be using Maven.

    43. What is purpose of Activator.java file?


    The purpose of the Activator.java file is that is to be notified any time there are bundle start and stop events for bundle. The Activator.java file is the optional listener class that is created when create a bundle through the crxde.

    44. What is CQ5 overlay/override component?


    The overlay/override component is used when need to use an out of box component in AEM and want to add extra features to it and want to change it across all instances of that component.

    45. What is difference between dialog and design dialog?


    A dialog is the key element of component because they provide interface for authors to configure and provide input to component. This input will be stored at the page level in jcr. A design dialog is the dialog that will only display when are in design mode in AEM. The input that is received here will be stored at template level and will be accessed across whole site.

    46. What is extending a component?


    Extending a component is when want to create new component that will not override the base component but will have same features as the original so that can change or build upon that component. To extend component, must set “sling:resourceSuperType” of component to base component would like to extend. By doing this, will inherit everything from a base component.

    47. How does sightly differ from other templating systems?


    Sightly differs from the other templating systems in three ways. Sightly is a secure by default, it offers the separation of concerns, and sightly is HTML5 because it is valid HTML5 file. Sightly is secure by a default because it automatically filters and escapes all the variables being output to the presentation layer to prevent a cross-site-scripting vulnerabilities. Sightly offers the separation of concern because it is purposely limited to be ensure that a real programming language is used to express corresponding logic. This is done through Use-API pattern.

    48. Can create a page without template?


    Pages are usually created by selecting the template for page when create them in Website console. However, a page can be created manually in crxde by using same properties that are created when make a page in a Website console.

    49. What are xtypes and how are useful in AEM?


    In the ExtJS language, xtype is the symbolic name given to class. In AEM these xtypes are widgets that are used in creation of components. AEM comes with the bunch of widgets that are available out of box. can also create and define own xtype to be used in AEM. An example of xytpe is when creating a dialog for component, and want author to be able to enter text, would add a “cq: Widget” that has xtype property of “text field”.

    50. How do add properties to Page Properties dialog?


    Access Page/Document Properties: In your CMS, website builder, or document editing software, find the option to edit properties.

    Open Properties Dialog: Look for “Page Properties,” “Page Settings,” or “Document Properties.”

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    51. What is difference between Author and Publish environment?


    A production environment usually has a two different instances of AEM running. One is author’s instance, and other is the publish instance. These two instances are usually kept in a two different settings. The author’s instance is where will enter and manage content for a website. This is where will administer site as well. The author’s environment is usually kept behind the firewall. The publish instance is where will make content available for the targeted audience. The publish environment is usually kept in the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ).

    52. What is replication agent?


    A replication agent is used to publish the active content from author’s environment to the publish environment, to flush content from a dispatcher cache, and return user input from publish environment to the author’s environment. The replication agents are the central to AEM.

    53. What is resource mapping?


    Resource mapping is used to define the redirects, vanity URLs, and virtual hosts for AEM. can use resource mapping to prefix all requests with “/content” so internal structure of the AEM site is hidden from visitors. can also use resource mapping to define redirect so that all the requests to the gateway page of site are redirected to the another site.

    54. What is resource resolution in Sling?


    Resource resolution in the Sling is how Sling takes a URL and attempts to resolve it to script. This is done by extracting an information from URL. Sling uses a content path that is extracted from request to locate the resource in JCR. When this resource is located, sling resource type is extracted, and then it is used to locate script to be used for rendering that content.

    55. What design patterns used in AEM?


    Since AEM is built using the OSGI, many of the design patterns for OSGI are valid. Some of these design patterns are the Singleton (Service), Adapter Service, Resource Adapter Service, and Whiteboard. Also, since AEM is a modular, should be able to use any design pattern in the application.

    56. What is role of AEM Architects?


    AEM Architect will be part of the team that is responsible for evolving the world-class Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) implementation.

    57. Explain about content repository?


    A content repository means storage unit including an associated search plus access methods supporting the application-independent access to content, the capacity to store and modify a content in addition to retrieving and searching. A content repository therefore typically forms technical underpinning of a content application, the same as Content Management System or else as Document Management System.

    58. Explain about component?


    Components are the reusable modules that implement application logic to provide content of website. can imagine a component as a set of scripts (for instance, JSPs, Java servlets, etc.).

    59. What is Dialog?


    The dialog of component is present at a page level, so every component instance will hold its own dialogue, and data entered in dialogue will be saved under the content folder.

    60. What are rules of David Model?


    • Rule 1: Data First, Structure Later.
    • Rule 2: Drive content hierarchy; do not let it happen.
    • Rule 3: Workspaces are for clone(), merge() and update().
    • Rule 4: Beware of the Identical Name Siblings.
    • Rule 5: References the considered dangerous.
    • Rule 6: Files are Files are Files.
    • Rule 7: IDs are evil.
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    61. Where do store dialog and design dialog?


    • Design dialog data is saved under /etc/designs folder.
    • Dialog data is saved under /content folder.

    62. Explain about Adaptive Form?


    Adaptive forms are the utilized to break down a form within a logical sections; primarily, it enables the end-users to concentrate on filling out the form. When need to take input from user, use the Adaptive Form.

    63. How to resolve resource?


    Can resolve a resource by utilizing the ResourceResolver which can get from method getResourceResolver() and later apply resolve() method to resolve a resource.

    64. Explain clustering in cq5?


    A cluster is the group of computers connected to work, in some esteem, as single computer. Every Cq5 CRX instance comes to pre-configured to run a cluster, even when running single instance. This design characteristic enables configuration of the multi-node clusters with limited effort.

    65. Explain about author?


    An author within CQ generates a material which will, at some point, be published to the website. Depending on how instance plus personal access rights are configured can accomplish many tasks, including the amongst others. Edit existing content.

    • Generate a new content.
    • Deactivate or activate pages.
    • Copy, move or delete pages.

    66. Explain about package?


    A Package is a zip file that includes a content within the form of a file-system serialization which displays content from repository as an easy-to-use-and-edit description of the files and folders. Packages can incorporate a content plus project-related data.

    67. What is Touch-Optimized UI in AEM?


    The Touch-Optimized UI is user interface in AEM designed for a touch-enabled devices. It provides the responsive and intuitive interface for a content authors to create and edit content easily.

    68. How does AEM support Multi-Language content?


    AEM supports the multi-language content through use of language copies. Language copies allow the authors to create content in one language and then replicate it for translation into the other languages.

    69. What are AEM Client Libraries, and how are used?


    AEM Client Libraries are the collections of CSS, JavaScript, and image files that can be centrally managed and included in the AEM pages. They help in organizing and optimizing a frontend resources, improving the performance, and ensuring a consistency across the site.

    70. What is AEM Touch-UI and how does differ from Classic UI?


    The AEM Touch-UI is the modern and user-friendly interface designed for a touch-enabled devices. It provides intuitive way for authors to create and edit content. The Classic UI, on other hand, is the older interface, and while it is a still available, Adobe recommends using Touch-UI for better usability.

    71. What is AEM Launches feature?


    AEM Launches allow the authors to create and manage variations of content for a different purposes, such as promotions or events. Authors can make changes to a Launch without affecting main content, and when Launch is activated, changes are applied.

    72. What AEM Tagging console?


    The Tagging console in AEM provides the centralized location for managing tags and tag hierarchies. It allows the content authors to create, organize, and delete tags, providing the structured way to tag content for an improved search and navigation.

    73. Explain AEM Multisite Management?


    AEM Multisite Management allows management of multiple websites from single AEM instance. It provides ability to share content, assets, and configurations across the different sites, streamlining content creation process.

    74. Explain AEM Cloud Services?


    Cloud-Native Architecture:

    • Designed for cloud infrastructure.
    • Utilizes a microservices architecture for flexibility and scalability.

    Managed Service:

    • Adobe handles infrastructure management.
    • Allows organizations to focus on content and experiences.

    75. What is AEM Query Builder?


    AEM Query Builder is THE powerful tool for constructing queries to retrieve content from repository. It provides THE SQL-like syntax and is commonly used in AEM development for building THE complex searches and content retrieval logic.

    76. What is AEM Health Checks?


    AEM Health Checks are the diagnostic tools that monitor health and performance of an AEM instance. They identify the potential issues, such as missing configurations or performance bottlenecks, and provide the insights to help administrators maintain healthy system.

    77. Explain AEM Workflow Launcher?


    The AEM Workflow Launcher is used to automatically initiate the workflows based on specific events or triggers. For example, can configure it to start a workflow whenever new page is created or existing page is modified.

    78. What is AEM Touch-UI Extensibility Framework?


    The AEM Touch-UI Extensibility Framework allows the developers to extend and customize the Touch-UI components and dialogs. It provides the way to enhance the authoring experience by adding the custom functionality or modifying an existing components.

    79. How can implement AEM Personalization?


    AEM Personalization can be implemented by using a ContextHub and integrating with Adobe Target. It allows to create personalized experiences by delivering targeted content based on the user behavior, demographics, or other contextual information.

    80. Explain AEM Dynamic Media feature?


    AEM Dynamic Media is the feature that allows the dynamic delivery and optimization of images and videos. It includes the capabilities such as smart imaging, video delivery, and responsive imaging to ensure optimal experience across the different devices and screen sizes.

    81. Explain AEM Editable Templates feature?


    AEM Editable Templates allow the authors to define and edit templates directly on page. This feature simplifies a template creation process and provides a more intuitive way for the authors to work with the templates.

    82. How can troubleshoot issues in AEM?


    Check Logs: Review AEM logs for error messages.

    Console & Network: Check browser console for errors and network requests for anomalies.

    Replicate Issue: Try to recreate the problem in a controlled setting.

    83. What is AEM Experience Fragments feature?


    AEM Experience Fragments allow creation and management of the reusable content fragments. These fragments can be shared across the different pages or sites, ensuring consistency and simplifying a content updates.

    84. Explain AEM GraphQL support?


    AEM GraphQL support enables use of GraphQL, a query language for APIs, to retrieve and manipulate a data from AEM. GraphQL allows the clients to request only data they need, providing the more efficient and flexible alternative to traditional REST APIs.

    85. Explain AEM ContextHub?


    AEM ContextHub is the feature that helps in creating a personalized experiences by collecting and managing user context data. It allows the authors to define personalized content variations based on the user behavior, demographics, or other contextual information.

    86. What AEM Content Fragments feature?


    AEM Content Fragments allow the authors to create and manage structured content that can be reused across the multiple pages or channels. They provide a way to centralize and maintain a content variations while ensuring consistency.

    87. Explain AEM Headless CMS capabilities?


    AEM Headless CMS allows the content to be created and managed in AEM and delivered to the various channels through APIs, decoupling the content creation and delivery processes. It supports the headless scenarios where content is consumed by a different front-end technologies like a mobile apps or single-page applications.

    88. How can implement AEM Multilingual Sites?


    AEM Multilingual Sites can be implemented by creating a language copies of pages, translating content, and managing language-specific assets. AEM provides the tools for content translation, and language copies the help maintain a consistent structure across the different language versions.

    89. Explain AEM Translation Integration.?


    Translation Projects: AEM facilitates the creation of translation projects to organize and track content for translation.

    Translation Connector: Integrates with translation connectors or services, such as Adobe’s Translation Management Framework or third-party options.

    90. How can ensure security of AEM instances?


    AEM security involves the configuring proper authentication mechanisms, setting up the user roles and permissions, implementing secure coding practices, regularly applying a security patches, and monitoring logs for the suspicious activities. It’s essential to follow the security best practices to protect against vulnerabilities.

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