React Native Interview Questions and Answers [ TO GET HIRED ]

React Native Interview Questions and Answers [ TO GET HIRED ]

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Sunil (React Native Developer )

Sunil is a React Native Developer to create robots on the Blue Prism platform which is mainly developing a robotic process through coding. He has 8+ years of experience in Blue Prism VBA, KOFAX, Excel Macros, PDD, and SDD, supporting UAT, Python, Java, .NET, C++, IQ BOT, SQL Server, and SSIS / SSRS.

Last updated on 18th Nov 2021| 5678

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The React Native course provides a comprehensive overview of developing mobile applications using the React Native framework. Participants will gain proficiency in building cross-platform apps for iOS and Android with a single codebase. The course covers essential concepts, such as React Native components, navigation, state management, and integration with native modules. Participants will also delve into advanced topics like performance optimization, debugging, and deployment. Through hands-on projects and practical exercises, this course equips learners with the skills needed to develop robust and efficient mobile applications using React Native.

1. What is React Native?


JavaScript and React are used in the development of mobile applications with Facebook’s open-source React Native framework. It saves time and effort for developers by enabling them to create code only once and have it run on both iOS and Android.

2. What are the benefits of utilizing React Native?


React Native offers several advantages, such as:

Cross-platform development: Write code once and use it on both iOS and Android.

Faster development: Hot reloading and modular components speed up the development process.

Native performance: React Native apps are compiled into native code, providing near-native performance.

Large community: React Native has a vibrant community of developers, providing support and resources.

Code reuse: Reuse components between web and mobile applications, reducing development time and cost.

3. How does React Native differ from React?


While React and React Native share the same underlying principles, there are some key differences:

  • React is a web development framework, whereas React Native is a mobile app development framework.
  • React uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, while React Native uses native components for UI rendering.
  • React Native provides access to device-specific APIs, allowing developers to create native-like experiences.

4. What are components in React Native?


Components are the user interface’s building blocks in React Native. Each component represents a specific UI element and can have its own logic and state. Components can be reusable and nestable, making them the foundation of React Native development.

5. How does React Native handle layout?


React Native uses a flexbox layout system to handle UI design. Developers may quickly construct adaptable and flexible layouts that adjust to different screen sizes with flexbox. The flexbox model provides a simple and intuitive way to position and align elements.

6. What is JSX?


JSX (JavaScript XML) is a JavaScript syntactic extension that is utilized in React Native and React. It enables developers to write HTML-like code within JavaScript files, making the creation of user interfaces easier. JSX is then transpiled to regular JavaScript during the build process.

7. What are some commonly used UI components in React Native?


React Native offers a variety of UI components that can be used to build intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces. Some commonly used components include:

View: A container that provides a way to structure and style other components.

Text: Used for displaying text content.

Image: Used for displaying images.

TouchableOpacity: A button-like component with touch feedback.

FlatList: Renders a scrolling list of components.

8. How can you style components in React Native?


React Native provides a StyleSheet API for styling components. Stylesheets are defined using JavaScript objects that contain styles for specific components. Styles can be applied using inline styles or by referencing the stylesheet object. React Native supports CSS-like properties for styling, such as backgroundColor, fontSize, and margin.

9. How do you handle navigation in React Native?


React Native offers different navigation libraries for handling navigation between screens in an app. Some popular options include React Navigation and React Native Navigation. These libraries provide a set of components and APIs to manage navigation state and create navigation stacks, tabs, and drawers.

10. What is the difference between stack navigation and tab navigation?


Stack navigation allows the user to navigate between screens by maintaining a stack of screens. Each new screen is added to the top of the stack, and the back button removes the top screen, revealing the previous screen.

Tab navigation, on the other hand, uses tabs at the bottom or top of the screen to allow the user to switch between different screens. Each tab is associated with a specific screen, and tapping on a tab displays the associated screen.

11. How can you optimize performance in React Native?


Performance optimization is crucial for ensuring smooth and responsive mobile applications. Some techniques for optimizing performance in React Native include:

Using the VirtualizedList component: It efficiently renders large lists by only rendering the visible items.

Using the shouldComponentUpdate lifecycle method: Implement this method to prevent unnecessary re-rendering of components.

Using the FlatList component with a keyExtractor: Providing a unique key helps in efficient rendering and reduces re-rendering overhead.

12. How do you debug React Native applications?


React Native provides various tools to debug applications during development. The most common method is using React Native Debugger, an open-source standalone app that provides a dedicated environment for debugging React Native apps. Additionally, the React Native CLI comes with debugging tools integrated into the development server, enabling developers to inspect network requests, debug JavaScript code, and view console logs.

13. How can you test React Native components?


React Native components can be tested using popular JavaScript testing frameworks like Jest. Jest provides a simple and powerful testing environment for React Native, allowing developers to write unit tests, integration tests, and UI component tests. Tools like React Native Testing Library can also be used to test React Native components in a user-centric way.

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    14. What are the key differences between React and React Native?


    • React is for web development, while React Native is for mobile app development. React uses the virtual DOM and web components for rendering in browsers, while React Native employs native mobile components for rendering on iOS and Android.
    • Styling in React involves CSS, while React Native uses a styling system adapted for mobile development. Each has access to platform-specific APIs, with React using web-specific APIs and React Native using mobile-specific APIs.
    • React apps are deployed on the web, whereas React Native apps are turned into native code for iOS and Android distribution. React has a mature web-focused ecosystem, while React Native’s ecosystem is tailored for mobile app development.

    15. How does React Native achieve cross-platform compatibility?


    React Native achieves cross-platform compatibility by using native components that are translated into the native views of each platform.

    16. What are some core components in React Native?


    Here’s a list of core components in React Native:

    • View
    • Text
    • Image
    • ScrollView
    • FlatList
    • SectionList
    • TextInput
    • TouchableOpacity
    • TouchableHighlight
    • TouchableWithoutFeedback
    • TouchableNativeFeedback
    • ActivityIndicator
    • Modal
    • Picker
    • WebView

    17. What is the purpose of the Flexbox layout in React Native?


    Flexbox is used for creating flexible and responsive layouts in React Native, allowing developers to easily manipulate the positioning and sizing of elements.

    18. How can you handle user input in React Native?


    This example includes a TextInput for text input, a Button for submission, and a TouchableOpacity for custom touch interactions. The handleInputChange function manages the form data, demonstrating a simple and concise user input handling setup in React Native.

    • import React, { useState } from ‘react’;
    • import { View, TextInput, Button, TouchableOpacity, Text } from ‘react-native’;
    • const App = () => {
    • const [formData, setFormData] = useState({});
    • const handleInputChange = (fieldName, value) => {
    • setFormData({ …formData, [fieldName]: value });
    • };
    • return
    • View
    • handleInputChange(‘inputField’, text)}
    • handleButtonPress()}
    • handleTouchablePress()}
    • Touch me!
    • TouchableOpacity
    • View
    • );
    • };
    • export default App;

    19. How can you pass data between screens in React Native?


    You can pass data between screens using props, navigation parameters, or by using a state management library like Redux.

    20. What is React Native Bridge?


    The React Native Bridge is a crucial mechanism that enables communication between JavaScript code (which runs in the JavaScript runtime) and native code (which runs in the native environment of the device, such as Java for Android or Objective-C/Swift for iOS). This bridge is a fundamental part of React Native architecture, allowing seamless integration of JavaScript and native code to achieve optimal performance and access to native functionalities.

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    21. How can you handle asynchronous operations in React Native?


    You can use promises, async/await, or third-party libraries like Redux Saga or Thunk to handle asynchronous operations in React Native.

    22. Explain the purpose of the Virtual DOM in React Native.


    The Virtual DOM is a lightweight approximation of the actual DOM. React Native uses the Virtual DOM to efficiently update the user interface and improve performance.

    23. What is the purpose of React Native DevTools?


    React Native DevTools is a set of tools designed to aid developers in debugging, inspecting, and profiling React Native applications. These tools offer valuable insights into the application’s behavior, performance, and state during development.

    24. What is the role of AsyncStorage in React Native?


    AsyncStorage is a persistent key-value storage system provided by React Native that allows developers to store and retrieve data in a simple and asynchronous manner.

    25. How can you handle gestures in React Native?


    React Native provides the Gesture Responder System, which allows you to handle touch gestures like tap, swipe, pinch, etc., by using gesture event handlers.

    26. What is the purpose of using PropTypes in React Native?


    PropTypes are used to define the expected types and properties of the components’ props to ensure that the correct data is passed to the components.

    27. How can you optimize performance in React Native applications?


    Some ways to optimize performance in React Native apps include using the VirtualizedList component for rendering large lists, optimizing rendering using shouldComponentUpdate or React.memo, and avoiding unnecessary re-renders.

    28. What is the difference between a functional component and a class component in React Native?


    Feature Functional Component Class Component
    Definition Declared as a JavaScript function. Declared as a JavaScript ES6 class.
    Syntax Shorter syntax using function components. Longer syntax using class components.
    State Cannot manage state using useState hook. Can manage state using this.state object.
    Lifecycle Methods Cannot use lifecycle methods. Can use lifecycle methods (e.g., componentDidMount).
    Access to State No direct access to state. Access state using this.state.
    Access to Lifecycle No access to lifecycle methods. Access lifecycle methods using this.
    Use of ‘this’ Keyword No ‘this’ keyword. Requires ‘this’ keyword for methods.
    Performance Generally considered lightweight. May have a slightly higher performance overhead.
    Hooks Support Can use hooks for state and lifecycle features. Hooks are not used; lifecycle methods are utilized.
    Readability Compact and often more readable. More verbose syntax; may be less readable for simple components.

    29. What is the purpose of FlatList in React Native?


    FlatList is a quick component that renders only the things that are currently visible on the screen, yielding an enormous list of data objects effectively.

    30. How can you handle navigation in React Native?


    React Native provides the react-navigation library, offering different navigation options such as StackNavigator, TabNavigator, and DrawerNavigator.

    31. What is the purpose of the StyleSheet component in React Native?


    StyleSheet is used to define styles for React Native components. By defining styles using StyleSheet.create, you can efficiently apply styling and optimize performance.

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    32. How can you access native device features and APIs in React Native?


    React Native includes a set of Core components that allow you to use native device capabilities and APIs. Additionally, you can create custom Native Modules or use third-party libraries to access specific functionality.

    33. What is Redux in React Native?


    Redux is a state management package that enables developers to handle asynchronous activities and minimize the amount of stateful components while managing application state in a predictable and scalable way.

    34. How do you handle errors in React Native?


    You can handle errors by wrapping the code with try/catch statements, using error boundaries, or using third-party libraries like Sentry.

    35. How do you debug a React Native application?


    React Native Debugger: Use the official tool combining React DevTools and Redux DevTools for comprehensive debugging.

    Console.log and Chrome DevTools: Employ console.log statements for logging and Chrome Developer Tools for inspecting JavaScript code.

    Reactotron and Flipper: Consider tools like Reactotron and Flipper for additional debugging features.

    Remote Debugging: Enable remote debugging to inspect code using Chrome Developer Tools while running the app on a physical device.

    Redux DevTools and Expo Developer Tools: Integrate Redux DevTools for state management debugging and use Expo Developer Tools if using Expo.

    36. What is the purpose of higher-order components in React Native?


    Higher-order components are functions that wrap other components to add additional functionality or reuse code.

    37. How do you handle state in React Native?


    You can handle state using the useState hook, class component state, or a state management library like Redux.

    38. What is the purpose of the shouldComponentUpdate method in React Native?


    The shouldComponentUpdate method is used to optimize rendering performance by checking if a component should re-render when its state or props change.

    39. What is the use of keys in React Native?


    In order to maximize rendering performance and allow for effective updates, keys are utilized to uniquely identify elements in a list.

    40. What is the purpose of the component lifecycle method componentDidMount?


    The partThe component has mounted and is now ready for interaction; further operations are carried out using the DidMount method.

    41. How do you implement server-side rendering in React Native?


    For server-side rendering in React Native:

    Code Sharing:

    Organize code for sharing logic between React Native and web components.

    Next.js for Web:

    Use Next.js for web development to leverage its built-in server-side rendering capabilities.

    Conditional Rendering:

    Conditionally render components based on the platform using the Platform module in React Native.

    Data Fetching:

    Handle data fetching using suitable methods for each environment (e.g., Fetch API for React Native, getServerSideProps for Next.js).

    42. What is the purpose of Redux Thunk middleware in React Native?


    Redux Thunk middleware enables developers to dispatch asynchronous actions in Redux, allowing for more complex state management operations.

    43. How do you handle user authentication in React Native?


    You can handle user authentication by implementing services like Firebase or custom authentication logic using third-party libraries.

    44. What is the purpose of the useMemo hook in React Native?


    The useMemo hook is used to memoize expensive computations, improving rendering performance by reducing unnecessary re-computations.

    45. What distinguishes React Native’s shallow and deep rendering modes?


    Feature Shallow Rendering Deep Rendering
    Rendering Depth Renders only the current component. Renders the current component and its children recursively.
    Child Components Children are not rendered or invoked. Children are fully rendered and their lifecycle methods are invoked.
    Testing Scope Useful for isolated unit testing of a component. Suitable for testing component integration and interactions with child components.
    Performance Impact Generally faster, as it avoids rendering child components. May have a higher performance overhead due to rendering child components.
    Use Cases Ideal for testing individual component logic. Suitable for testing the complete rendering and behavior of a component tree.
    Dependencies Awareness May not be aware of side effects caused by child components. Fully aware of side effects and interactions caused by child components.

    46. What is the use of PropTypes.shape in React Native?


    PropTypes.shape is used to define the shape of an object prop’s keys and their respective expected data types.

    47. How can you handle events like button clicks in React Native?


    You can handle events by using onPress event handlers, which fire when a user presses a specific element like a button.

    48. Benefits of using React Navigation in a React Native application?


    • React Navigation provides a flexible and customizable navigation solution for React Native applications.
    • It offers a wide range of navigational patterns such as tab-based, stack-based, and drawer navigation.
    • React Navigation simplifies the process of handling navigation state, allowing developers to focus more on building functionalities.
    • It supports deep linking, enabling seamless integration with external links and URLs.
    • The library is actively maintained and has a vibrant community, ensuring regular updates and support.

    49. What is the purpose of Expo in React Native?


    Expo is an open-source platform that offers a range of resources, including as building tools and device features, for creating and implementing React Native applications.

    50. What is the use of React Native Navigation?


    React Native Navigation is a library used for handling navigation between screens in a React Native application, offering several navigation options and customization.

    51. What is the role of the useEffect hook and when to use it?


    • The useEffect hook in React allows developers to perform side effects in functional components.
    • Side effects can include fetching data, subscribing to events, or manipulating the DOM.
    • The useEffect hook ensures that these side effects are executed after the component renders.
    • It also handles scenarios where side effects need to occur only when certain dependencies change.
    • useEffect is commonly used for API calls, managing subscriptions, or performing cleanup actions when a component unmounts.

    52. How can you create reusable components in React Native?


    You can create reusable components by factoring out functionality into separate components, using higher-order components, implementing render props, or using React Native’s component composition concepts.

    53. How do you handle memory management in React Native?


    You can handle memory management by avoiding circular references, detaching event listeners and subscriptions when unmounting components, and using the react-native-cleanup library for automatic memory cleanup.

    54. Explain the purpose of the useState hook in React Native?


    The useState hook in React Native is used to introduce state into functional components. It allows developers to declare state variables and update them, triggering re-renders of the component. It simplifies state management in functional components, making them more expressive and concise.

    55. Differentiate between let, const, and var in JavaScript?


    let, const, and var are all used to declare variables in JavaScript. The key differences are in their scoping and mutability:

    • var has function-level scope and can be redeclared and reassigned.
    • let has block-level scope, allowing reassignment but not redeclaration.
    • const also has block-level scope but is used for constants, meaning its value cannot be reassigned after declaration.

    56. What is the significance of the key prop in React Native?


    The key prop in React Native is used to provide a unique identifier for each component in a list. It helps React efficiently update and re-render the list by identifying which items have changed, been added, or been removed. Keys should be unique among siblings, aiding in proper component reconciliation.

    57. How do you handle state management in large React Native applications?


    For state management in large React Native applications, various solutions can be employed:

    Redux: A predictable state container that centralizes application state.

    Context API: Provides a way to share state between components without the need for prop drilling.

    MobX: A reactive state management library that allows for simple and scalable state management.

    Component Composition: Breaking down the UI into smaller, manageable components that have their state and responsibilities.

    58. What are Higher-Order Components (HOCs), and how are they used in React Native?


    Functions that take a component and return an improved version of it are known as Higher-Order Components, or HOCs. They are used in React Native to:

    Reusability: Extract common logic and functionality to be shared across multiple components.

    Abstraction: Encapsulate complex logic or behavior into a single higher-order component.

    Composition: Build component hierarchies by composing higher-order components with different functionalities.

    59. What is the Purpose of the FlatList component in React Native?


    • The FlatList component in React Native simplifies the rendering of lists of data.
    • It efficiently displays large lists by rendering only the currently visible items, improving performance.
    • The FlatList component automatically re-renders only the items that have changed, resulting in optimized rendering.
    • It provides various options for customizing the list layout, including horizontal scrolling, column layout, and item separators.
    • FlatList also supports on-demand loading of more items when the user reaches the end of the list, known as infinite scrolling.

    60. Explain the purpose of the fetch API in React Native for making network requests.


    The fetch API in React Native is used for making network requests and handling asynchronous data fetching. It simplifies interaction with REST APIs, supports various HTTP methods, and offers better performance compared to older networking libraries.

    61. How do you optimize performance in a React Native application?


    Performance optimization in a React Native application involves techniques such as using PureComponent or memoized functional components, employing specialized rendering components like FlatList, lazy loading components and images, and utilizing native modules and components when necessary.

    62. How React Native handles platform-specific code?


    • React Native allows developers to write platform-specific code using extensions like `.ios.js` and `.android.js`.
    • Platform-specific code can be utilized to access specific native APIs, UI components, or implement platform-specific behaviors.
    • React Native’s build process automatically selects the appropriate platform-specific code when building the project for a particular platform.
    • This ensures that the correct native code is used depending on whether the app is running on iOS or Android.

    63. Discuss the significance of the StyleSheet API in React Native.


    The StyleSheet API in React Native provides a platform-agnostic way to define and manage styles. It optimizes and compiles styles efficiently, resulting in improved performance and consistent styling across devices.

    64. Differentiate between stateful and stateless components in React Native.


    Stateful components, or class components, manage their own internal state using the this.state object and have lifecycle methods, while stateless components, or functional components, don’t manage state and are primarily used for presentational purposes.

    65. What is Redux and its integration with React Native?


    • React Native and other JavaScript applications use the well-liked state management framework Redux.
    • Enabling smooth data transfer amongst components, it offers a dependable and centralized method of managing program state.
    • Redux integrates seamlessly with React Native by making use of the `react-redux` package.
    • Components can subscribe to specific elements of the Redux store, which will update automatically when the state changes.
    • Actions dispatched by components update the global store, and reducers handle state updates in a predictable manner.
    • React Native apps can leverage the Redux DevTools extension for debugging and inspecting the Redux store state.

    66. What is the significance of the TouchableHighlight component in React Native?


    The TouchableHighlight component in React Native adds touch-related behavior to wrapped components and provides visual feedback when a user interacts with it, making it useful for creating interactive elements like buttons or links.

    67. Describe the Virtual DOM and its role in React Native?


    In React Native, this concept is adapted for mobile applications. When state or props change in a component, React Native creates a virtual representation of the UI changes in memory. It then efficiently computes the difference (diffing) between the current virtual DOM and the previous one. This difference is used to update the actual native UI, resulting in efficient and optimized rendering.

    68. What are the differences between controlled and uncontrolled components?


    Controlled Components:

    • Managed by React and store their state in the component’s state.
    • Changes in the component are controlled through state, making them predictable and synchronized.
    • Typically use controlled components when handling form inputs and user interactions.

    Uncontrolled Components:

    • Their state is not managed by React but instead is stored in the DOM.
    • Accessing and updating values is done directly through the DOM using refs.
    • Useful when integrating with non-React code or for performance optimization in certain scenarios.

    69. Explain the concept of “props drilling” in React Native?


    “Props drilling” occurs when props are passed through multiple layers of components, even when some intermediate components do not need those props. It can result in more difficult-to-maintain code and may have an impact on performance. To address this, solutions include using React context or component composition to avoid passing unnecessary props through intermediate components.

    70. How does React Native support accessibility in mobile applications?


    React Native provides robust accessibility features for building inclusive mobile applications:

    AccessibilityProps: Components have built-in props such as accessible, accessibilityLabel, and accessibilityRole to enhance accessibility.

    TalkBack and VoiceOver Support: React Native applications work seamlessly with screen readers like TalkBack (Android) and VoiceOver (iOS).

    AccessibilityInfo API: Offers methods to query accessibility information dynamically.

    Accessible Components: Many standard components, such as Touchable components, automatically support accessibility.

    Custom Accessibility Actions: Developers can define custom accessibility actions for components.

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    71. What is the purpose of the async/await syntax in JavaScript, and how is it used?


    Async/await is a syntactic sugar for working with asynchronous code in JavaScript, primarily with Promises. It simplifies the handling of asynchronous operations and makes asynchronous code appear more like synchronous code.


    • Improves readability and maintainability of asynchronous code.
    • Avoids callback hell and makes error handling more straightforward.
    • Simplifies the syntax for working with Promises.


    • Mark a function as async to enable the use of await within that function.
    • await is used to wait for a Promise to resolve, and it returns the resolved value.
    • Allows writing asynchronous code in a more sequential and synchronous-looking manner.

    72. Explain the concept of “context” in React Native.


    Context in React Native is a feature that enables the sharing of data between components without the need for prop drilling. It provides a way to pass values down the component tree without explicitly passing props at each level.

    73. How can you optimize images for better performance in a React Native app?

    To optimize images in React Native, consider:

    • Using the appropriate image format (JPEG for photographs, PNG for transparency).
    • Resizing images to match display dimensions.
    • Using tools like Image Resizer or FastImage to enhance loading and caching.

    74. Discuss the role of the useReducer hook in state management.


    useReducer is a React hook used for complex state logic in React Native. It dispatches actions to a reducer function, updating the state based on the action type. It is particularly useful when managing state transitions in a more centralized and predictable manner.

    75. What is the React Native Bridge and how does it facilitate JavaScript-native code communication?


    The React Native Bridge is a mechanism that enables communication between JavaScript code and native modules in React Native. It allows JavaScript code to invoke native module methods and vice versa. This bridge facilitates seamless integration of platform-specific functionalities into React Native applications.

    76. How does React Native handle gestures and touch events?


    React Native utilizes the Gesture Responder System to handle gestures and touch events. Components like TouchableHighlight and TouchableOpacity provide touch event handling. Gesture Responder methods such as onStartShouldSetResponder and onResponderMove are used to respond to user interactions, enabling the creation of interactive and responsive UIs.

    77. Explain the purpose of the Linking module in React Native.


    The Linking module in React Native provides a way to interact with and handle deep links and URLs. It allows apps to open other apps or respond to external URLs, enhancing the integration of React Native applications with the device’s operating system.

    78. What is the significance of the shouldComponentUpdate lifecycle method?


    shouldComponentUpdate is a lifecycle method in React Native that determines whether a component should re-render after changes in props or state. It provides optimization by allowing developers to prevent unnecessary renders, improving performance and avoiding rendering cycles.

    79. Discuss the role of the ImageBackground component in React Native.


    The ImageBackground component in React Native allows developers to display an image as a background for other components. It is particularly useful for creating visually appealing UIs by combining images with other UI elements, providing a background to enhance the overall design.

    80. How does the Flexbox layout system work in React Native?


    The Flexbox layout system in React Native is a one-dimensional layout model for designing user interfaces. It allows components to be aligned and justified within a container along a single axis (either horizontally or vertically). Flex properties like flexDirection, justifyContent, and alignItems control the layout, offering a flexible and responsive design approach.

    81. Explain the purpose of the AsyncStorage module in React Native.


    AsyncStorage in React Native is a simple, persistent, and asynchronous key-value storage system. It allows developers to store data locally on the device, such as user preferences or cached data. AsyncStorage is often used for tasks like persisting user authentication tokens or storing app settings across app sessions.

    82. What is the significance of the StatusBar component in React Native?


    The StatusBar component in React Native allows developers to control the status bar’s appearance and behavior in the app. It provides options to set the background color, control visibility, and configure style, ensuring a cohesive visual experience across different platforms.

    83. How can you handle navigation in a React Native app without using React Navigation?


    Navigation in React Native can be managed without using React Navigation by leveraging the react-native-navigation library or directly using platform-specific navigation solutions like StackNavigator for iOS and DrawerNavigator for Android. However, React Navigation is a widely adopted and comprehensive navigation solution.

    84. Discuss the importance of error boundaries in React Native applications.


    Error boundaries in React Native help prevent unhandled errors from crashing the entire application. They allow developers to gracefully catch and handle errors at the component level, display user-friendly error messages, and log information for debugging, ensuring a smoother user experience.

    85. What are hooks, and how do they differ from class-based components?


    Hooks in React Native are functions that enable functional components to have state and lifecycle features, which were previously exclusive to class components. Unlike class-based components, hooks allow for better code organization, reusability, and the ability to use state and lifecycle features in functional components.

    86. Explain the purpose of the ActivityIndicator component in React Native.


    The ActivityIndicator component in React Native is a visual indicator used to signal that an operation is in progress. It is commonly employed to inform users about loading activities, such as fetching data or processing tasks, providing visual feedback during asynchronous operations.

    87. How can you handle deep linking in a React Native application?


    Deep linking in React Native involves using the Linking module to handle navigation to specific screens or content within the app from external URLs or other apps. Developers can utilize Linking methods like getInitialURL and handle events to manage deep links effectively.

    88. What is the significance of the SafeAreaView component in React Native?


    The React Native SafeAreaView component ensures that content is presented within the device’s safe area, preventing overlap with notches, status bars, or other system-provided areas. It helps create a visually consistent layout across different devices and screen sizes.

    89. Discuss the differences between the componentWillUnmount and useEffect cleanup functions.


    componentWillUnmount is a lifecycle method in class components, and it is invoked before a component is unmounted. In contrast, the useEffect cleanup function is used in functional components and is executed before the component is re-rendered or unmounted. Both are used for cleanup tasks like unsubscribing from subscriptions or clearing intervals.

    90. How can you use Redux middleware to handle asynchronous actions?


    Redux middleware, such as Redux Thunk or Redux Saga, allows handling asynchronous actions in Redux. Thunks or Sagas intercept actions, perform asynchronous operations (like API calls), and dispatch new actions once the operations are complete. This enables managing complex asynchronous logic in a Redux store.

    91. Explain the concept of “higher-order functions” in JavaScript and how they are used in React Native.


    Higher-order functions in JavaScript are functions that either take one or more functions as arguments or return a new function. In React Native, higher-order functions are often used for:

    Abstraction: Encapsulating common logic in reusable functions.

    Composition: Combining multiple functions to create more complex behavior.

    Functional Programming: Leveraging functions as first-class citizens to enhance code readability and maintainability.

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