SAP Tutorial - Free Guide Tutorial & REAL-TIME Examples
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SAP Tutorial – Free Guide Tutorial & REAL-TIME Examples

Last updated on 21st Jan 2022, Blog, Tutorials

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Som Nath (SAP Technical Consultant )

Som Nath is an industry expert and subject specialist who has experience with SAP S4 Hana. He is a certified professional with 6+ years of experience in their respective domains.

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    • Introduction to SAP
    • Why SAP is required?
    • SAP Architecture
    • SAP business suite
    • Complete list of SAP Modules
    • Various SAP Certifications
    • SAP NetWeaver
    • SAP project life cycle
    • Conclusion

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      Introduction to SAP:-

      SAP stand framework, System and Products in information handling, it is an ERP programming. SAP programming furnishes continuous mix with inside frameworks and outside frameworks, so the executed data can be shared across the association. SAP R/3 framework isolates the SAP modules into useful modules and specialized modules. The significant useful modules of SAP are FICO, MM, SD, HR, CRM, PP, PS, Payroll, and so forth and the significant specialized modules are HANA, Security, Basis, ABAP, BI/BW, and so on Through this SAP instructional exercises you can realize this SAP modulesfrom nuts and bolts to cutting edge ideas.

      Why SAP is required?

      Coming up next are the significant reasons that will clarify why we really want SAP ERP:

    • ERP SAP upholds the business mix process inside any association.
    • SAP additionally works on monetary or capital preparation. And furthermore assists with executing the authoritative systems and arranging.
    • Assists an association with accelerating their dynamic cycle over the information examination rehearses.
    • SAP ERP application assists with stretching out the business organization to more extensive their areas, item developments, and arrive at their administrations to clients, accomplices, and providers.
    • Helps in the distinguishing proof of functional dangers to further develop administration.
    • SAP ERP offers insurance against big business information breaks and security to data spillage.
    • Makes any venture versatile to any quick changes in the business application process as indicated by the necessities.
    • Helps in getting the drawn out benefit that further develops the client base.

    • SAP Architecture :-

      Presentation server:

    • Presentation server assists with making the framework proficient graphical point of interaction.
    • Presentation layer is additionally called a Client layer and this layer goes about as client communications.
    • In SAP – ERP likewise upholds client cooperation purposes with the assistance of a Graphical UI.
    • Model for this sort of server is Desktop, Laptops, and Mobile gadgets.

    • Application server:

    • The application server contains specific framework gadgets like various CPUs and assortments of RAMs.
    • Application layer otherwise called the Basic layer or Kernel layer.
    • Practically all the SAP application programs are executed at the application layer level.
    • Application layer additionally assists with setting up the correspondence between the Presentation and data set layer.
    • In the application layer, where the responsibility is circulated to the different work processes.

    • Data set servers:

    • This data set server contains particular framework applications with quick and bigger hard-drives.
    • Information base server assists with putting away the information.
    • Datastore can be of various sorts of information, they are business information, SAP tables, SAP projects, and SAP framework information.
    • Models for information base servers are Oracle, PeopleSoft, Microsoft SQL, IBM DB/2, Sybase, and Siebel.

    • SAP business suite:

      SAP business suite is only an assortment of all completely incorporated business applications to be specific SAP CRM (client relationship the board), SAP ERP (Enterprise asset arranging), SAP PLM (item lifecycle the executives), SAP SRM (provider relationship the board), and SAP SCM (production network the board).

      SAP Business Suite applications:

      a.SAP HANA:

      SAP HANA is a superior presentation business suite that upholds scientific machines by utilizing in-memory registering, and this is one of the advancement advances. The fundamental proverb of utilizing this business suite application is to empower business examination for an enormous scope, non-total of information accessible at an exceptional speed just for neighborhood memory empowers the client to deal with complex investigations, plans, and reenactments utilizing ongoing information, this business suite likewise gives multi-model information handling and empowers you to give advance level information examination.

      b. SAP Convergent Charging:

      SAP united charging offers a rating and charging business answer for high-volume information handling in help based ventures. The fundamental adage of utilizing this SAP united business suite is to convey value plan capacities, superior execution business evaluations, and equilibrium the board.

      c. Client relationship the board (CRM):

      In contrast to other Customer relationship the board, the SAP’s Customer relationship the executives (CRM) a piece of the SAP business suite. The principle proverb of this business suite application is to lessen the application cost, expands the dynamic capacities, address the momentary business administrations with compelling results, and accomplish separated abilities over the drawn out administrations.

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      d. Undertaking asset arranging:

      ERP business suite is an establishment to contend and win in the business worldwide commercial center. The SAP ERP business application upholds the fundamental functionalities of business cycles and tasks. This is the particular requirement for some business application modules, for example, SAP ERP monetary administration, SAP undertaking asset arranging (ERP), SAP ERP HCM (Human capital administration, SAP endeavor asset arranging (ERP) activities, and SAP ERP corporate assistance the executives.

      e. SAP Environment, security, and wellbeing the executives:

      SAP business suites support different conditions, business word related, and security connected with item benefits, administrative compliances, and obligation. This business suite application is cultivated by a few corporate arrangements, business compliances, and natural arrangement, wellbeing and security estimations with the worldwide business process for HR, business planned operations, usefulness, and money the executives.

      f. SAP worldwide recognizability:

      The SAP business suite permits you to follow objects like a bunch which is carried out across both SAP and Non-SAP frameworks. When in case of review or withdrawal process, SAP worldwide bunch discernibility guarantees convenient consistence with lawful timetables. This SAP GBT assists you with limiting the asset cost and lessens the danger openness. With the assistance of SAP GBT, you can likewise examine numerous business objects, for instance, clumps, in a solitary run.

      g. SAP item life cycle the board:

      This business suite is material to those whose assistance needs to get by in the consistently changing tech climate. With the assistance of items, life cycle the executives empowers you to make and convey imaginative items or administrations. The SAP Product life cycle the executives (SAP PLM) offers 360-degree business support for all the item or administration related interaction (this might incorporate prerequisites to item fabricating process).

      h. SAP provider life cycle the board:

      SAP provider life cycle the board viewed as one of the all encompassing ways to deal with oversee provider connections. This business suite likewise assists with building up the connection between the providers, clients, and association.

      I. Store network the board:

      While working with any undertaking, you might confront a ton of strain to diminish upkeep costs, increment item development, and give powerful client administrations. SAP inventory network the executives (SAP SCM) offers joint efforts, arranging, examination, execution, and coordination of the whole stockpile the board organization, and furthermore enables the inventory network cycle to always changing business conditions.

      j. Provider relationship the board:

      With the assistance of SAP, provider relationship the board empowers you to look at the conjecture buy conduct, lessen the hour of obtainment cycles, and furthermore assists you with working with constant accomplices. This business suite assists with growing long haul business associations with every one of the providers and furthermore offers better correspondence with solid accomplices.

      Complete list of SAP Modules :-

      Finance and Controlling (FICO)

      SAP FICO is a blend of two ERP modules, i.e., Finance Accounting (FI) and Controlling (CO). Under Finance in SAP and at a venture level, the accompanying modules partake :

      FI − Finance

      CO − Controlling

      IM − Investment Management

      TR − Treasury

      EC − Enterprise Controlling

      SAP FI (Financial Accounting) is responsible for following the progression of monetary information across the association in a controlled way and coordinating all the data for compelling key direction.

      Exercises Involved in SAP FI :

    • Production of Organizational Structure (Defining Company, Company Codes, business Areas, Functional Areas, Credit Control, Assignment of Company Codes to Credit Controls)
    • Monetary Accounting Global Settings (Maintenance of Fiscal Year, Posting Periods, characterizing Document types, posting keys, Number reaches for reports)
    • General Ledger Accounting (Creation of Chart of Accounts, Account gatherings, characterizing information move rules, formation of General Ledger Account)
    • Charge Configuration and Creation and Maintenance of House of Banks
    • Account Payables (Creation of Vendor Master information and seller related money ascribes like record gatherings and installment terms)
    • Account Receivables (Creation of Customer Master information and client related money ascribes like record gatherings and installment terms
    • Resource Accounting
    • Combination with SD and MM

    • SAP CO (Controlling) module works with planning, checking, and improving every one of the cycles in an association. It controls the business stream in an association. This module helps in dissecting the real figures with the arranged information and in arranging business systems.

      Two sorts of components are overseen in CO :

    • Cost components
    • Income components
    • These components are put away in the FI module.

      Exercises Involved in SAP CO:

    • Cost Element Accounting (Overview of the expenses and incomes that happen in an association)
    • Cost Center Accounting
    • Action Based-Accounting (Analyzes cross-departmental business processes)
    • Inner Orders
    • Item Cost Controlling (Calculates the costs that happen during the assembling of an item or arrangement of an assistance)
    • Productivity Analysis (Analyzes the benefit or loss of an association by individual market sections)
    • Benefit Center Accounting (Evaluates the benefit or loss of individual, autonomous regions inside an association)

    • Deals and Distribution Management (SD) :

    • SAP SD is one of the main modules in SAP. It has a significant degree of mix intricacy. SAP SD is utilized by associations to help deals and conveyance exercises of items and administrations, beginning from enquiry to request and afterward finishing with conveyance.
    • SAP SD can screen a plenty of exercises that happen in an association like items enquiries, citation (pre-deals exercises), putting request, evaluating, booking conveyances (deals movement), picking, pressing, merchandise issue, shipment of items to clients, conveyance of items and billings.
    • In this large number of cycles, different modules are involved like FI (Finance Accounting), CO (Controlling), MM (Material Management), PP (Production Planning), LE (Logistics Execution), and so on, which Presentations the intricacy of the combination in question.

    • Exercises Involved in SAP SD :

    • Setting up Organization Structure (production of new organization, organization codes, deals association, dissemination channels, divisions, business region, plants, deals region, keeping up with deals workplaces, stockpiling area)
    • Doling out Organizational Units (Assignment of individual parts made in the above exercises with one another as per configuration like organization code to organization, deals association to organization code, appropriation channel to deals association, and so forth)
    • Characterizing Pricing Components (Defining condition tables, condition types, condition arrangements)
    • Setting up deals report types, charging types, and assessment related parts
    • Setting up Customer ace information records and setup

    • Material Management (MM) :

      Material Management manages development of materials by means of different modules like operations, inventory network the executives, deals and conveyance, distribution center administration, creation and arranging.

      Calculated Execution (LE) :

      Calculated Execution can be partitioned into two sub-modules, i.e., shipment of merchandise (buy to acquisition cycle) and stockroom the executives (stockpiling of products). These two modules are coordinated with deal and circulation, material administration, and creation and arranging.

      Provider Relationship Management (SRM) :

      As the name SRM recommends, this module manages the successful and effective progress of items and administrations between an association and its providers. The principle cycle canvassed in this segment is obtainment of items like direct materials, backhanded materials, and administrations. This module can successfully coordinate with arranging, bookkeeping, and stock frameworks.

      The SAP Examination And Certification :-

    • SAP confirmation test is directed by SAP AG, an ERP merchant.
    • It has turned into a command for SAP applicants to take this test for optimizing an effective profession in the SAP scene. Nonetheless, SAP affirmation is very costly when contrasted with other innovation based confirmation
    • On occasion, bosses deal with SAP accreditation expenses to a,/ssist applicants with clearing the confirmation assessment.
    • On the off chance that students try to become SAP experts, it is obligatory for them to hold applicable SAP testaments.
    • Today, associations anticipate that representatives should be SAP ensured.
    • SAP has been continually expanding its item contributions, for example, new e-business applications, store network the executives instruments, web interfaces, client relationship the board, and so forth Consequently, an accreditation certainly places competitors where their need is at the top.
    • SAP certificate incorporates two distinct kinds of preparing modules called practical modules and specialized modules. These modules talk about the utilitarian and specialized parts of organizations, separately.

    • Various SAP Certifications :-

      SAP CRM Tutorial

      SAP CRM instructional exercise is broadly arranged by industry specialists to help students in the start of their SAP professions. Here, students will be acquainted with the basics of SAP CRM, SAP CRM classifications, SAP CRM work process, engineering, colleagues, promoting plan, and the production of SAP CRM colleague.

      SAP S/4HANA Logistics Tutorial

      SAP S/4HANA Logistics instructional exercise empowers students to investigate SAP Simple Logistics and its rudiments exhaustively. Competitors can realize about SAP parts, relocating to SAP, various methods of movement, SAP Fiori, sending SAP S/4HANA, overseeing creation arranging, store network, and stock administration as a component of this certificate preparing. Likewise, they will be presented to ongoing undertakings and tasks.

      SAP S/4HANA Finance Tutorial

      SAP S/4HANA Finance confirmation course involves a few monetary arranging angles including accounts the board and endeavor hazard the executives. Students will actually want to see how to chip away at ongoing examination, reenactment, and expectation for all monetary and functional information.

      SAP HANA Certification Training

      SAP HANA accreditation instructional class permits students to acquire significant mastery in SAP HANA space. Students will be acclimated with HANA Studio, in-memory information base, demonstrating, and constant examination as a feature of this preparing program. They will likewise chip away at genuine activities for an improved comprehension of the subject.

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      SAP BI/BW Training

      SAP BI/BW instructional class covers the center parts of SAP Business Intelligence and Business Warehousing areas. Students will accumulate inside and out information on SAP BW demonstrating, SAP engineering, SAP application, information extraction from SAP BW, and SAP BW information pattern.

      SAP BW/4HANA Certification Training Course

      SAP BW/4HANA certificate online course is made by industry specialists which will empower students to dominate the center ideas of Data Warehousing in BW/4HANA, SAP HANA, and in blended situations. Intellipaat offers the best web based preparation to ensure that all students learn SAP HANA displaying, constant investigation, and SAP engineering (LSA++).

      SAP S4HANA Production Planning And Manufacturing

      SAP PP and MM accreditation instructional class is extraordinarily planned considering the serious market prerequisites for creation arranging and assembling. As a feature of this preparation, students gain center information which is needed for becoming SAP S/4HANA Manufacturing Consultants. They additionally learn S/4HANA basics, arranging and creation techniques, SAP ERP creation orders, lean assembling and interaction orders, and expert information.

      SAP S4HANA Sales Upskilling

      SAP S/4HANA Sales Upskilling confirmation instructional class is intended to give center information in SAP S/4HANA basics and deals upskilling areas. Students can find out with regards to deals, cross-practical redoing, savvy business procedures, charging cycles, valuing, and condition method. As a component of this web-based course, students will get to deal with continuous tasks and bit by bit tasks, which thus will assist them with bringing working openness in the corporate world.

      SAP NetWeaver :-

    • SAP NetWeaver is a mix of SAP piece (This part is otherwise called SAP working framework fundamentally of type web Application framework) and SAP programming instrument for business conditions.

    • This SAP NetWeaver determines all the product types and administrations utilized for business process enablement. As I said before, SAP business suites like ECC and SRM comprise of programming parts.

    • SAP NetWeaver Components:

      Coming up next are the significant parts of SAP NetWeaver:

      1. SAP NetWeaver application server:

      This SAP NetWeaver application server offers stage autonomous web application administrations, business applications, and standard turns of events, and furthermore empowers you to use previously existing innovations for different electronic help arranged arrangements.

      2. SAP NetWeaver business distribution center:

      This part empowers you to coordinate business information across the associations and venture into reasonable business data. And furthermore give a compelling dynamic office.

      3. SAP NetWeaver Gateway:

      This SAP NetWeaver part empowers engineers to make the business application that connects the business client to the SAP programming climate.

      4. SAP NetWeaver Master Data the board:

      This part upholds cross-framework information consistency and coordinates the business interaction advancement across the drawn out esteem chain the executives.

      5. SAP NetWeaver process arrangement:

      This kind of SAP NetWeaver part works on the interaction, basic work process techniques to coordinate a business cycle that offers the range applications and put together the limits. The capacities included are business process the executives, business rules the board, and interaction incorporation.

      6. SAP NetWeaver Portal:

      This brings together the basic data and business applications to give clients’ job based view that assists you with understanding the undertaking lie cycle and furthermore directs you to exploit assets.

      7. SAP Auto-ID framework:

      This NetWeaver part gives every one of the abilities to auto coordinate gadgets in particular RFID perusers, Bluetooth gadgets, Printers, implanted frameworks, and USB gadgets.

      8. SAP NetWeaver Identity the executives:

      This part tends to the gadget access and assists you with tackling the issues which are confronting common undertaking related issues. NetWeaver personality the executives likewise empowers you to set out another freedom to coordinate business processes and incorporate gadgets in any heterogeneous IT climate.

      9. SAP NetWeaver Information lifecycle the board:

      This NetWeaver part permits designers to perform information chronicling and carry out administrative maintenance rules in the climate.

      SAP project life cycle :-

      This SAP project life cycle will clarify the workplace and tells which exchange code, this project life cycle contains different stages and ensuing.

      Stages of SAP project life cycle:

      Assessment: this stage might be a choice that must be picked either various sellers or different item areas.

      Project readiness: this stage clarifies the SAP execution and association process subtleties. The task arrangement stage additionally gives total information on the business interaction.

      Business Blueprint: A business plan determines the SAP item modules and planning of the current business process. A

      cknowledgment: here the real work of customization starts and furthermore assists with adjusting the SAP programming with various associations. In this stage, the business interaction should likewise be possible.

      Testing: The progressions made in the acknowledgment stage should be tried for compelling outcomes. Testing should be possible by SAP analyzers, and there are various kinds of testing accessible.

      Last planning: here the creation framework will be ready based on changes produced using the acknowledgment and testing stage. Certain framework exercises likewise happen in this stage.

      GO – live: whenever you are finished with the end result, presently it’s an ideal opportunity to deliver this item to the end-clients. This sort of go-live might be done in a stage by-stage way.

      Maintain or uphold: The now the item will move to the “maintain or uphold stage.” Here you can find whether or not the end-clients are content with the end result in the event that they are not then you need to cross-really take a look at the eventual outcome and do every required advance.

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      Conclusion :-

      In this SAP instructional exercise blog, I have clarified SAP’s definition, history, benefits, and what makes it so famous ERP framework. Realizing this blog will assist you with acquiring hypothetical information however to get a few involved encounter; you should take any internet based course. In the present business market SAP ERP module has been ruling other programming applications. Because of this reason practically all the fortune 500 organizations are approaching to enroll SAP experts with great bundles.

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