Tableau API Tutorial | Get Started with Tools, REST Basics | Updated 2025

Tableau API Tutorial | Get Started with Tools, REST Basics

Tableau API Tutorial ACTE

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Samual Agastin (Tableau Sr Developer Engineer )

Samual Agustin is a Tableau Senior Developer Engineer. In his role, he can read API products and apps and edit API proxies, shared flows, and KVMs. He has 5+ years of experience in SQL Server Data, MuleSoft, ESB, IBM API, AWS API RESTful, and Apache Kafka.

Last updated on 20th Jan 2022| 2323

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    • Introduction to Tableau
    • Joining with different Business Systems
    • Mechanizing and Simplifying Tableau Deployment
    • Tableau Rest API
    • The REST API Requirements
    • Tableau JavaScript API
    • Information representation
    • Tableau File Extensions
    • Characterize LOD Expression
    • Types in Tableau
    • Reality and aspects of the table
    • Association types in Tableau
    • Data Modeling
    • Benefits in Tableau
    • Distributed information source
    • Tableau Reader
    • Hierarchy in Tableau
    • Tableau Public
    • Items presented by Tableau
    • Channels in Tableau
    • Conclusion

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      Introduction to Tableau :-

      Tableau Technology for the most part conveys the API’s for the necessary designers in the production of new encounters. It additionally assists with expanding the potential outcomes of Tableau for the engineers to share, support and participate in a successful way.

      Tableau is happy to convey the extraordinary Step to give a lot of decisions and adaptability to individuals too. It is totally about empowering the designers to assemble an exceptional stylish encounters for the clients easily and comprehend the necessary information.Everything revolves around empowering the robotization and improvement to send Tableau.

      Unquestionably, it is with releasing open doors for the engineers to incorporate inserted investigation into each side of the business to help incomes.Tableau Software has appeared which assists individuals with seeing and comprehend the necessary information. Tableau for the most part helps for anybody to investigate, picture and sharing of data which is done in a fast way.

      The vast majority of the Organizations are putting resources into this Tableau innovation to procure quick outcomes with Tableau and lift incomes to bring it into next cutting edge level.

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      Joining with different Business Systems :-

    • Tableau API predominantly furnish the designers with the adaptability to interface with any necessary information source and the joining of Tableau in any of the application for handily installed investigation.

    • This Tableau people group has utilized the given API’s to work to new Web Data Connectors, scratch information and formation of Tableau removes, install of Tableau perception into sites, developing of following device to follow different communications with high representations.

    • There are sure altered mix with Tableau that generally assists the business with utilizing the information and high communication for the representatives and certain networks. Tableau’s Web Data connector makes it simple to incorporate connectors that tap into the universe of information on the web and help the Tableau clients for finding new experiences and settle on fast choices.

    • It generally empowers different interchanges alongside sharing of information driven experiences in a powerful and simple manner to arrive at market interest.

      Mechanizing and Simplifying Tableau Deployment :-

      Tableau’s new APIs can without much of a stretch assistance with smooth out organizations and can undoubtedly robotize the business processes.

    • Automative managerial assignments with the REST-Api’s: This Tableau REST API has been generally extended with the necessary metadata data choices where client can without much of a stretch assume imperative part in separating process and the admittance to get back with Tableau Server Version
    • Utilizing of Data Integration and Data Prep Processes: With the assistance of Web Data Connector, there will be a revive of outside information prep work structure the Tableau to have an extraordinary progression of investigation.
    • Making of Template exercise manual in the Tableau innovation and effectively sending of across various waiters and data sets
    • Stretching out of center Tableau abilities with esteem added third part arrangements. The Developer Resources of Tableau Technology
    • JavaScript API: It is for incorporating Tableau sees into various web applications
    • Rest API: It essentially helps in dealing with the consents and other distributing on the Tableau Server or, more than likely Tableau Online through different HTPPS. The REST API will give admittance to the usefulness behind different information sources and site clients.
    • Tableau SDK: Usage of C, C++, Java or probably Python to separate this present reality information in a productive way
    • Web Data Connector: Creation of Tableau association with Javascript to access effortlessly over HTTP. It most likely incorporates JSON Data, Internal web administrations, XML information, REST API’s and different assets.
    • ODBC connector: To make an association utilizing Open Database Connectivity where the information access convention ought to be worked out with wide scope of information sources.

      Tableau Rest API :-

      1. With the assistance of Tableau Server REST API, hopefuls can without much of a stretch oversee and show the extraordinary change the given Tableau Server assets in the automatically way utilizing HTTP. REST API has come up to give the admittance to different functionalities leaving behind the information sources, exercise manuals, projects and the locales on the Tableau Server.

      2. It is likewise utilized in the production of own custom applications or to prearrange high associations with Tableau Server Resources.

      3. The Tableau Server REST API is totally founded on the specific standards of REST convention for the customer waiter correspondences.

      4. Here the customer server correspondences is principally happened utilizing standard web demands.

      5. Here every one of the assets are recognized in the most predictable manner utilizing Uniform Resource Identifier. The vast majority of the activities are been communicated with guidelines action words like GET and POSTS.

      6. For every single activity, the customer passes the important required data happens over the HTTP and utilizing other standard web demands.

      7. Separating process alongside the arranging is finished effortlessly by following every one of the extra information models

      • Inquiry Groups
      • Inquiry Projects

      The REST API Requirements :-

      Tableau Server Version: To have the programming with REST API, there ought to be the most recent adaptation of Tableau 8.2 in light of the fact that a portion of the strategies were included the later forms of the Tableau Server.

      The specific documentation for the singular API techniques are shown with the most recent forms of utilizing strategies. Programming interface Enabled: Tableau Server is likely introduced with the REST API empowering naturally. You can just capable or, more than likely incapacitate the REST API by utilizing the orders of the tabadmin set.

      Tableau REST API :-

    • REST API Versions
    • Consents
    • Marking In and Out
    • Utilizing HTTPS(SSL and TLS)
    • Separating and Sorting
    • XML Schema
    • Paginating Results
    • Distributing Resources
    • Dealing with Errors
    • Testing and Troubleshooting
    • With the assistance of Tableau Server REST API, one can undoubtedly oversee and do the necessary changes with Tableau Server assets in an automatic manner.

      Tableau JavaScript API :-

      This Tableau JavaScript API is mostly utilized for the combination of Tableau perception into different web applications too.

    • Fundamentally, trading of representations to a picture or, in all likelihood the PDF
    • Show of representations from Tableau Server, Tableau Public, Tableau Online in pages
    • Progressively burden and resize of perceptions
    • Sifting of Data showed in the perceptions with HTML controls in the page
    • Choosing of imprints with perceptions
    • Extraordinary Response to specific occasions in perceptions

    Tableau JavaScript API
    Tableau JavaScript API

      Information representation :-

      Information perception implies the graphical portrayal of information or data. We can utilize visual items like diagrams, graphs, bars, and significantly more.

      Information representation apparatuses give an open method for seeing and comprehend the information without any problem.

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      Tableau File Extensions. :-

      The under ones are not many expansions in Tableau:

    • Tableau Workbook (.twb)
    • Tableau Data separate (.tde)
    • Tableau Datasource (.tds)
    • Tableau Packaged Datasource (.tdsx)
    • Tableau Bookmark (.tbm)
    • Tableau Map Source (.tms)
    • Tableau Packaged Workbook (.twbx) – compress document containing .twb and outer records.
    • Tableau Preferences (.tps)

      Characterize LOD Expression :-

      LOD Expression represents Level of Detail Expression, and it is utilized to run complex questions including many aspects at the information obtaining level.

      Characterize Heat Map: A hotness map is a graphical portrayal of information that utilizes the shading coding procedure to address various upsides of information. As the imprints heat up because of their higher worth, dim tones will be displayed on the guide.

      Characterize TreeMap: TreeMap is a perception that sorts out information progressively and shows them as a bunch of settled square shapes. The size and shades of square shapes are separate to the upsides of the information focuses they project. Parent square shapes will be tiled with their kid components.

      Heat guide and Treemap:TreeMap Heat MapIt addresses the information progressively and shows them as a bunch of settled square shapes.It addresses the information graphically which utilizes various shadings to address various qualities. It is utilized for contrasting the classes and shadings, size, and it can likewise be utilized for outlining the various leveled information and part to entire connections.

      Types in Tableau :-

      Tableau upholds beneath information types.Data TypeMeaningExamplesStringCharacter Sequence. Encased in ”.Tableau’, ‘World’Number (Whole)Integers9Number (decimal)Floating values.123.45BooleanThey are sensible values.TRUE, FALSEDateDate”02/01/2015″Date and TimeDate and Time01 January 2019 05:55:00 PMGeographic ValuesGeographical ValuesIndia, Italy, Canada

      Tableau dashboard :Tableau dashboard is a gathering of different perspectives which permits you to look at changed sorts of information all the while. Datasheets and dashboards are associated assuming any adjustment happens to the information that straightforwardly reflects in dashboards. It is the most productive way to deal with picture the information and dissect it.

      Page Shelf in Tableau:Page rack breaks the perspectives into a progression of pages. It shows a substitute view on each page. Because of this element, you can investigate the impact of each field on the other information in the view.

      Story in Tableau:The story can be characterized as a sheet which is an assortment of series of worksheets and dashboards used to pass on the bits of knowledge of information.A story can be utilized to show the association among realities and results that impacts the dynamic interaction. A story can be distributed on the web or can be introduced to the crowd.

      Reality and aspects of the table :

      Realities are numeric proportions of information. They are put away indeed tables. Truth tables store that kind of information that will be examined by aspect tables. Truth tables have unfamiliar keys partner with aspect tables. Aspects are engaging properties of information. Those will be put away in the aspects table. For instance, client’s data like name, number, and email will be put away in the aspect table.

      Presentation of Tableau :

    • Utilize an Extract to make exercise manuals run quicker
    • Lessen the extent of information to diminish the volume of information
    • Diminish the quantity of imprints on the view to keep away from data over-burden
    • Attempt to involve numbers or Booleans in estimations as they are a lot quicker than strings
    • Conceal unused fields
    • Use Context channels
    • Decrease channel use and utilize some elective method for accomplishing a similar outcome
    • Use ordering in tables and utilize similar fields for sifting
    • Eliminate superfluous estimations and sheets

      Association types in Tableau :-

      There are 2 association types accessible in Tableau.

        1.Separate: Extract is a depiction of information that will be extricated from the information source and put into the Tableau vault. This depiction can be invigorated intermittently completely or gradually. This can be planned for Tableau Server.

        2.Live: It makes an immediate association with the information source and information will be brought straightforwardly from tables. Along these lines, information will be state-of-the-art and steady. In any case, this likewise influences access speed.

      Data Modeling :-

      Information displaying is the examination of information protests that are utilized in a business or other setting and furthermore utilized as distinguishing proof of the connections among these information objects. It is the initial step of doing protest situated programming.

      Dual-pivot :

      Double pivot is utilized to show 2 measures in a solitary diagram. It permits you to analyze 2 measures on the double. Numerous sites like without a doubt utilize this Dual-hub to show the examinations and development rate.Mixed hubVarious measures can partake in a solitary pivot with the goal that every one of the imprints will be displayed in a solitary sheet. We can mix measures by hauling the first measure on one pivot and the second on the current hub.

      Retires and sets :

      Racks: Every worksheet in Tableau will have retires like sections, columns, marks, channels, pages, from there, the sky is the limit. By putting channels on racks we can construct our own perception structure. We can handle the imprints by including or barring information.

      Sets: The sets are utilized to register a condition on which the dataset will be ready. Information will be assembled in light of a condition. Fields which is answerable for gathering are known resources. For instance – understudies having grades of over 70% .

      Benefits in Tableau :-

    • At whatever point we set a setting channel, Tableau produces a temp table that requirements to invigorate every single time, at whatever point the view is set off.
    • In this way, assuming the setting channel is changed in the information base, it needs to recompute the temp table, so the exhibition will be diminished.
    • Mark Card in TableauThere is a card to one side of the view where we can drag fields and control mark properties like tone, size, type, shape, detail, name, and tooltip.

      Distributed information source :

      At the point when you are prepared to make an information source accessible to other Tableau work area clients. You can distribute it to the Tableau server or on the web. Or probably you can make it accessible by saving a similar like inserted dominate or message record.

      1. Double pivot :Double pivot is utilized to show 2 measures in a solitary diagram. It permits you to analyze 2 measures immediately. Numerous sites like for sure utilize this double pivot to show the correlations and development rate.

      2. Bullet chart:A slug diagram is a variation of Bar chart. It is answerable for contrasting the exhibition of one measure and different measures.

      3. Gantt diagram:Gantt Chart shows the advancement of significant worth over the period. It comprises of bars alongside the time pivot. It is a venture the board instrument. Here, each bar is a proportion of an assignment in the undertaking system.

      4. Histogram outline:A histogram outline shows the circulation of nonstop data throughout a specific timeframe. This diagram assists us with tracking down outrageous focuses, holes, surprising qualities, and more thought qualities.

      Tableau Reader :-

      Tableau Reader is a free work area application, where you can peruse and connect with the Tableau bundled exercise manuals. It can open the records yet can’t make new associations with the exercise manual.

      Distributed information and installed information sources:The distributed information source contains association data that is free of exercise manuals and can be utilized by various exercise manuals. The implanted information source contains association data yet it is related with the exercise manuals.

      Hierarchy in Tableau :-

      At the point when we are working with enormous volumes of information, unbelievably information might be wrecked. With Tableau, you can without much of a stretch make orders to keep your information perfect. Regardless of whether you really want it, it is incorporated into your information, which you can undoubtedly oversee or put together the information and you can follow the information without any problem.

    • Column graph :A section visit envisions the information as a bunch of square shape segments, as their lengths are relative to values when they address the information. The flat hub shows the class to which they have a place, and the upward hub shows the qualities.
    • Bar Chart in Tableau :The bar outline envisions the information as a bunch of square shape bars, as their qualities are relative to lengths when they address the information. The upward pivot shows the classification to which they have a place with and the level hub shows the qualities. In this way, the bar diagram is an upward form of the Column graph.
    • Line Chart:The line outline is a well known kind of diagrammatic way for picturing the information, it interfaces the singular information focuses to see the information. We can undoubtedly picture the series of qualities, we can see patterns after some time or foresee future qualities. The flat hub holds the class to which it has a place and the upward pivot holds the qualities.
    • Stacked Bar outline:Stacked Bar Chart, made out of numerous bars stacked on a level plane, one underneath the other. The length of the bar relies upon the worth in the relevant item. A stacked bar graph makes the work simpler, they will assist us with knowing the progressions in all factors introduced, next to each other. We can watch the progressions in their aggregate and figure future qualities.
    • Stacked Column Chart :Stacked Column Chart, made out of numerous bars stacked upward, one on another. The length of the bar relies upon the worth in the element. A stacked section diagram is the best one to know the progressions in all factors. This kind of diagram should be checked when the quantity of series is higher than two.
    • Area Chart:A region graph is only line talk, the region between the x-pivot and lines will be shading or examples. These diagrams are regularly used to address amassed sums over the long haul and are the ordinary method for showing stacked lines

      Tableau Public :-

      Step 1: Go to and enter your email address and snap ” Download the App “.

      Step 2: After downloading the document, run the record and follow the prompts to introduce the Tableau.

      Step 3: Now, you can see the Tableau alternate route on your work area.

      Step 4: Double snap on the symbol, to stack Tableau public. Presently you consider the screen to be beneath.

      Items presented by Tableau :-

      Tableau Prep: Tableau Prep is answerable for getting ready information for investigation. This apparatus gives 3 composed perspectives which furnish us with a total image of information.

      Tableau Desktop: Tableau Desktop is where the investigation occurs. It has strong drag and drops examination which is exceptionally simple to utilize. Through the work area, you get your information experiences rapidly.

      Tableau Online: Tableau Online is a protected and adaptable self-administration examination cloud instrument. You can utilize it anyplace, whenever and it has killed its intricacies.

      Tableau Server: From little to huge undertakings, Tableau waiter is utilized for satisfying their BI necessities. This is an on-premise arrangement. This device can take information from anyplace and shared it across the association through the work area or versatile programs.

      Channels in Tableau :-

      Channels are utilized to give the right data to watchers subsequent to eliminating superfluous information. There are different kinds of channels accessible in Tableau.

    • Remove Filters – Extract channels are utilized to apply channels on extricated information from the information source. For this channel, information is removed from the information source and put into the Tableau information storehouse.
    • Datasource Filters – Datasource channels are equivalent to separate channels. They likewise work on the extricated dataset. Yet, the main contrast is it works with both live and concentrate associations.
    • Setting Filters – Context Filters are applied on the information lines before some other channels. They are restricted to sees, yet they can be applied on chosen sheets.
    • Aspect Filters – Dimension channels are utilized to apply channels on aspects in worksheets. Aspect channels are applied through the top or base conditions, equation, and special case match.
    • Measure Filters – Measure channels are applied to the qualities present in the actions.

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      Conclusion :-

      Tableau is a very effective tool for graphical representation, and it has more than 24 different graphical views to display data. Though the dataset is complex or the dataset is very big, in tableau, we can create dashboards very easily and within less time.

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