- Introduction to HTML Tag
- Set of navigation links
- Navigation section element
- Copy to clipboard
- HTML Tag
- Syntax
- How to create a navigation bar in HTML
- Conclusion
Introduction to HTML Tag :-
The tag defines a set of navigation links. Note that not all links in a document need to be inside a element. . Element is intended only for larger blocks of navigation links. Browsers, etc. B. Screen readers for users with disabilities can use this element to determine whether to skip the initial rendering of this content.
- JavaScript
- Python
- HTML DOM Reference: Nav Object
- CSS Default
- Most browsers display elements with the following default values:
- nav {
- display: block;
- }
Set of navigation links:
Browser support :
The numbers in the table indicate the first browser version that fully supports the item. elements – 5.0 9.0 4.0 5.0 11.1
Global attributes :
The tag also supports HTML global attributes.
Event attributes :
The tag also supports HTML event attributes
Related page :
- Bike
- Jumping Bike 3000
- Jumping Bike 3000
- Home
- Approx.
- Contacts
Navigation section element :-
The HTML element represents a section of the page intended to provide navigation links within the current document or to other documents. Typical examples of navigation sections are menus, tables of contents, and indexes.
This BMX bike is a solid step into the professional world. It looks as real as it drives and is designed to hone your skills. Not all links need to be included in the element.
The is only intended for larger blocks of navigation links. In general, the element often contains a list of links that the element does not need to include.
A document can contain multiple elements. For example, one for site navigation and one for in-page navigation. In such cases, you can use arialabelledby to promote accessibility. See example. User agents such as B. Screen readers targeting users with disabilities can use this element to decide whether to skip the initial rendering of navigation-only content.
This example uses a block to include an unordered list () of links. With the appropriate CSS, you can render this as a sidebar, navigation bar, or dropdown menu.
Copy to clipboard :-
The semantics of the nav element is to provide a link. However, the navigation element does not have to contain a list and can contain other types of content. In this navigation block, the links are shown in prose.
Navigation :-
You are on my homepage. To the north is my blog, from which you can hear the sounds of battle. To the east of, you can see a large mountain with many school documents scattered around. At, far above this mountain, you can find a small person that I can see. I am desperately writing a dissertation.
There are several exits to the west. The weird looking exit is labeled “Game”. Another boring exit is marked ISP ™. To the south of is the dark and damp contact side. At some point you can see the mice running from the side immediately, covering the entrance where the spider web is no longer in use.
- The tag is one of the HTML5 elements. It is used to specify a block of navigation links, either within the current document or to other documents. Examples of navigation blocks are tables of contents, menus, and indexes.
- One HTML document may contain several tags, for example, one for site navigation and one for intrapage navigation.
- The Note that not all links in the HTML document are placed inside the element, it includes major navigation blocks.
- tag can be placed for defining links in the footer of the website, but the tag is usually used in such cases.
- The tag cannot be nested in the element.
HTML Tag :-
Syntax :-
The tag comes in pairs. The content is written between the opening () and closing () tags.
Example of using the HTML tag:

Example of the tag:

Example of the HTML nav tag:

Example of creating a dropdown menu using the HTML tag:

- & lt; Html & gt;
- & lt; Head & gt;
- & lt; Title & gt;
- & lt; / Title & gt;
- & lt; / head & gt;
- & lt; body & gt;
- & lt; / Body & gt;
- & lt; / Html & gt;
- & lt; body & gt;
- & lt; / Body & gt;
- & lt; / Html & gt;
- & lt; body & gt;
- & lt; / Body & gt;
- & lt; / Html & gt;
- & gt ;. shield.
- & lt; Head & gt;
- & lt; Title & gt; Create a navigation bar
- & lt; / Title & gt;
How to create a navigation bar in HTML :-
If you want to create a navigation bar in HTML, you need to follow the steps below. These steps make it easy to create a navigation bar.
Step 1: First, you need to enter the html code in any text editor or open an existing html file in a text editor that creates a navigation bar.
Create Navigation Bar
Step 2: Next, we need to add a tag to & lt; body & gt ;. Mark where you want to create the bar.
Step 3: Then you need to define the tag used to display the unordered list. Next, you need to define the list item with the tag. You need to define the items to display in the navigation bar.
Step 4: Then move the cursor & lt; head & gt Must be placed in ;. Immediately after closing the title tag. Then you need to use & lt; style
Conclusion :-
In this article, we conclude that the navigation bar in CSS is used for navigating from one link to another either within the documents or outside the documents. This navigation bar takes HTML as its base tags to create lists, indexes, etc. The navigation bar is nothing but lists the display of any items.