Indexers in C# | A Complete Programming Guide

Indexers in C# Tutorial | A Complete Programming Guide

Indexers in C Tutorial ACTE

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Madhuri (C# Automation Tester )

Madhuri is a C# Automation Tester and she has tons of experience in the areas of HTTP, SOAP/REST, VisualStudio, TFS, etc., CI/CD, functional, regression, and.NET technology stack. She spends most of her time researching technology and startups.

Last updated on 28th Jan 2022| 2609

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    • Introduction to Indexers in C#
    • What is C#?
    • What are the sorts of classes in C#?
    • What are the sorts of classes in C#?
    • Classes And Objects In C#
    • What is an indexer in C# and how would you make one?
    • What are the indexers in C#?
    • Indexers Overview
    • Properties of Indexers in C#
    • Step by step instructions to work with indexers in C#
    • Difference between Indexers and Properties
    • Data Types in Indexers
    • Features
    • Significant Points About Indexers
    • Pre-Requisites
    • Conclusion

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      Introduction to Indexers in C#:

    • The indexers allude to the place of a component in the particular design. The indexers are performed utilizing the [ ] administrator. The component position is characterized in the rakish sections. The circling structure is utilized for getting to the components of a cluster.

    • Here and there, the client needs to over-burden the [ ] administrator for a class that client has made. The administrator technique isn’t utilized for over-burdening the [ ] administrator. The indexers are utilized for over-burdening the [ ] administrator. An indexer permits an item to be recorded like an exhibit. The indexers are helpful to help the production of particular exhibits separate from at least one requirement.

    • What is C#?

      C# is an item situated, in the current programming language that was made by Microsoft. It runs on the .NET Framework. C# is extremely near C/C++ and Java programming dialects. The language is proposed to be a basic, current, broadly useful, object-situated programming language. The language is utilized for making programming parts.

      What are the sorts of classes in C#?

    • Conceptual class
    • Halfway class
    • Fixed class
    • Static class

    • Indexers permit cases of a class or struct to be ordered very much like clusters. The filed worth can be set or recovered without unequivocally determining a sort or example part. Indexers take after properties aside from that their accessors take boundaries.

      What is an indexer in C# and how would you make one?

      An indexer permits an item to be filed like a cluster. Whenever you characterize an indexer for a class, this class acts as a virtual exhibit. You can then access the case of this class utilizing the cluster access administrator ([ ]).

      What are the indexers in C#?

      An indexer is an exceptional kind of property that permits a class or construction to be gotten to like an exhibit for its inner assortment. C# permits us to characterize custom indexers, conventional indexers, and over-burden indexers. An indexer can be characterized the same way as property with this catchphrase and square sections [].

      How might indexers with different boundaries be utilized?

      To over-burden an indexer, announce it with numerous boundaries and every boundary ought to have an alternate information type. Indexers are over-burden bypassing 2 unique kinds of boundaries. It is very like technique over-burdening. Model 1: In the beneath program int and float types are utilized to over-burden the indexer

      Utilization of Indexers:

      The presentation of conduct of an indexer is somewhat like a property. like the properties, you use to get and set accessors for characterizing an indexer. In any case, properties return or set a particular information part, though indexers return or set a specific worth from the item case. All in all, it breaks the example information into more modest parts and files each part, gets or sets each part.

      Over-burden Indexers:

      Indexers can be over-burden. Indexers can likewise be pronounced with numerous boundaries and every boundary might be an alternate kind. It isn’t required that the files must be whole numbers

      Indexers (C# Programming Guide):

      Indexers permit cases of a class or struct to be listed very much like exhibits. The recorded worth can be set or recovered without expressly determining a sort or occasion part. Indexers take after properties aside from that their accessors take boundaries.

      The accompanying model characterizes a conventional class with basic get and sets accessor strategies to appoint and recover values. The Program class makes a case of this class for putting away strings.

      Execution of Multi-Parameter Indexers:

      The indexers in C# can take more than one boundary. The client can make an indexer property having more than one aspect. The indexer mark is indicated by the number and sort of boundaries in the rundown. An indexer with numerous boundaries would carry out as displayed underneath:

      • “public item this [ int param1, … , int param ]
      • {
      • get
      • {
      • //cycles and returns the information
      • }
      • set
      • {
      • //processes and allots the worth
      • }
      • }”

      The means for making the multi parameter file are as referenced underneath:

    • 1) Declare an exhibit in an application
    • 2) In the body of the code, add the get and set accessor
    • 3) After the property is made, every component of the cluster by adding the square sections to a case of the class. The code test for multi boundaries indexers in C# is as displayed underneath:

    • In the above code, a cluster ‘a’ of type twofold is made in an application. The accessors are included in the code. The qualities for the exhibit are included the constructor of the class. The qualities are extricated in the Main() strategy for an application.

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      Indexers Overview:

    • Indexers empower objects to be listed likewise to exhibits.
    • A get accessor returns a worth. A set accessor allocates a worth.
    • This catchphrase is utilized to characterize the indexer.
    • The worth catchphrase is utilized to characterize the worth being allocated by the set accessor.
    • Indexers don’t need to be filed by a number worth; it is dependent upon you how to characterize the particular look-into instrument.
    • Indexers can be over-burden.
    • Indexers can have more than one conventional boundary, for instance, while getting to a two-layered exhibit.

    • Indexer and Inheritance:

      Very much like other class individuals the indexers additionally can be acquired.

    • “utilizing System;
    • utilizing System.Collections.Generic;
    • utilizing System.Linq;
    • utilizing System.Text;
    • namespace IndexerDemo

    • Properties of Indexers in C#:

    • 1. Properties are otherwise called the brilliant fields in C#
    • 2. They are the expansions of the C# information fields
    • 3. In a class we proclaim the data fields as private and will give the public SET/GET strategies to get to the information fields
    • 4. The access modifier can be private, public, secured, or interior
    • 5. The return type can be any legitimate C# information type

    • Sentence structure of Properties:

      • “<'acces_modifier> <'return_type> <'property_name>
      • {
      • get
      • {
      • }
      • set
      • {
      • }
      • }”

      Conceptual Properties:

      Property inside a class can be pronounced as theoretical by utilizing the catchphrase conceptual. Recall that a theoretical property in a class conveys no code by any means. The get/set accessors are essentially addressed with a semicolon. In the inferred class we should carry out both sets and get assessors.


      • using System;
      • namespace Indexers
      • {
      • class Program
      • {
      • static void Main (string [] args)
      • {
      • Indexer indexer=new Indexer ();
      • indexer[“name”]=20;
      • Console. WriteLine(indexer[“name”]);
      • Console.ReadKey();
      • }
      • }
      • }


      The “this” property, as such indexers, have a bring esteem back. In our model, the return esteem was a number. The square sections alongside “this” can likewise hold different information types and not just a number. In the previous model, I attempted to clarify this utilizing a string boundary type for “this”: public int this [string index Value].

      The string boundary “index value” has a worth “name”, like a weed in the Main strategy for Program. cs. So one can have more than one indexer in a class concluding what should be the information sort of the boundary worth of an exhibit. An indexer, similar to properties, keep similar guidelines of legacy and polymorphism.

      Step by step instructions to work with indexers in C#:

    • The C# programming language incorporates support for indexers – – a component that empowers you to utilize an item similarly as an exhibit. Indexers are otherwise called savvy exhibits and can be characterized like how property is characterized. The MSDN states: “Indexers permit examples of a class or struct to be listed very much like clusters. Indexers take after properties except that their accessors take boundaries.”

    • Even though indexers and properties have likenesses in a greater number of ways than one, there are inconspicuous contrasts between them. Not at all like properties, you can get to an indexer utilizing records. Recollect that you want to get to a property by utilizing its name. Additionally, indexers are occasion individuals from a class and henceforth they can’t be static. You can have both static and non-static properties.

    • Utilizing indexers (C# Programming Guide):

      Indexers are a syntactic accommodation that empowers you to take a class, struct, or interface that client applications can access as a cluster. The compiler will produce an Item property (or a then again named property assuming Indexer Name Attribute is available), and the suitable accessor techniques. Indexers are most often executed in types whose basic role is to embody an interior assortment or exhibit. For instance, assume you have a class Temp Record that addresses the temperature in Fahrenheit as recorded at 10 unique times during a 24-hour duration. The class contains a temps exhibit of type float [] to store the temperature esteems. By carrying out an indexer in this class, clients can get to the temperatures in a Temp Record occasion as float temp = temp Record [4] rather than as float temp = temp record. temps [4]. The indexer documentation does not just work on the grammar for client applications; it additionally makes the class, and its motivation more instinctive for different designers to comprehend.

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      Advanced Using Indexers in C#:

      Indexers are components in a C# program that permit a Class to act as an Array. You would have the option to involve the whole class as a cluster. In this cluster, you can store any kind of factor. The factors are put away at a different area yet tended to by the class name itself. Making indexers for Integers, Strings, Boolean, and so on would be a practical thought. These indexers would follow up on objects of the class.

      Let’s guess you have made a class indexer that stores the roll number of an understudy in a class. Further, let’s guess that you have made an object of this class named obj1. At the point when you say obj1[0], you are alluding to the principal understudy on the roll. In like manner obj1[1] alludes to the second understudy on the roll.

      • obj1.RollNumberVariable[0]
      • obj1.RollNumberVariable[1].

      In this way, the item takes listed qualities to allude to the Integer variable that is secretly or freely put away in the class. Assume you didn’t have this office then you would presumably allude thusly:

    • where Roll Number Variable would be the Integer variable. Since you have figured out how to list your class and figured out how to skip utilizing variable names over and over, you can skirt the variable name Roll Number Variable by indexers something very similar.

    • Indexers are made by announcing their entrance specifier and WITHOUT a bring type back. The sort of factor that is put away in the Indexer is indicated in the boundary type following the name of the Indexer. The following is the program that tells the best way to pronounce and involve Indexers in a C# Console climate:

    • Difference between Indexers and Properties:

      Data Types in Indexers:


      • using System;
      • using System.Collections.Generic;
      • using System.Linq;
      • using System.Text;
      • namespace Indexers
      • {
      • public class Indexer
      • {
      • public int Index;
      • public int this[string indexValue]
      • {
      • set
      • {
      • Console.WriteLine(“I am in set : Value is ” + esteem + ” and indexValue is ” + indexValue);
      • Index = esteem;
      • }
      • get
      • {
      • Console. WriteLine(“I am in get and index Value is ” + index Value);
      • bring Index back;
      • }
      • }
      • }
      • }


    • The new idea in C# is an item that goes about as a cluster
    • It is an item that will be listed as an exhibit
    • Indexer modifier can be private, safeguarded, public or interior
    • The return type can be any substantial C# information types
    • Indexers in C# should have at least one boundary
    • Indexers are otherwise called shrewd exhibits
    • Ref and Out boundaries should not be indicated
    • C# can over-burden very much like part works
    • Indexer can’t be static

    • Structure:

    • The “this” watchword is utilized for the production of indexers.
    • The get and set accessors are utilized to execute indexers.
    • The indexers can be over-burden.
    • The indexers can’t be static as they are an example part yet the properties can be static.
    • The ref and out boundary modifiers are not allowed in the indexer.
    • There ought to be no less than one boundary in files in any case a mistake happens.

    • Advantages:

    • They are utilized for over-burdening a [ ] administrator
    • The grammar is straightforward a simple to the client
    • It upholds over-burdening for any client characterizes exhibited in C#
    • The entrance specifiers just the code intricacy

    • Disadvantages:

      Extra Disk Space: Clustered Index doesn’t require any extra stockpiling. Each Non-Clustered list requires extra space as it is put away independently from the table. The measure of room required will rely upon the size of the table, and the number and sorts of sections utilized in the record.

      Embed Update and Delete proclamations can turn out to be slow: When DML (Data Manipulation Language) articulations (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) alter information in a table, the information in every one of the records additionally should be refreshed. Files can help, to look and find the columns, that we need to erase, however, an excessive number of records to refresh can hurt the exhibition of information alterations.

      Significant Points About Indexers:

    • There are two kinds of Indexers for example One Dimensional Indexer and Multi-Dimensional Indexer. The above examined is a One-Dimensional Indexer.
    • Indexers can be over-burden.
    • These are not quite the same as Properties.
    • This empowers the item to be ordered along these lines to exhibits.
    • A set accessor will continuously allot the worthwhile the get accessor will return the worth.
    • “this” catchphrase is constantly used to proclaim an indexer.
    • To characterize the worth being doled out by the set indexer, the ” esteem” watchword is utilized.
    • Indexers are otherwise called the Smart Arrays or Parameterized Property in C#.
    • Indexer can’t be a static part as it is a case individual from the class.

    • Pre-Requisites:

      Like capacities, Indexers can likewise be over-burden. In C#, we can have various indexers in a solitary class. To over-burden an indexer, proclaim it with various boundaries and every boundary ought to have an alternate information type. Indexers are over-burden bypassing 2 distinct kinds of boundaries. It is very like technique over-burdening.

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      With this article, we finished practically every one of the situations connected with an indexer. We did many involved labs to explain our ideas. I trust my per users presently know inside and out with regards to these essential ideas and will always remember them. These may likewise help you in breaking C# interviews.

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