Understanding Structures in C# | Learn in 1 Day FREE Tutorial

Understanding Structures in C# | Learn in 1 Day FREE Tutorial

Structures in C Tutorial ACTE

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Jagan Mohan (Senior C# Developer )

Jagan Mohan is a Senior Senior C# Developer and has extensive knowledge in the following areas: WPF, XML, REST, Agile, V Model, C#, SQL Server, Web API, ASP, and.NET.

Last updated on 02nd Feb 2022| 2082

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    • Introduction Structures in C#
    • What are structures in C#?
    • Does C# have structs?
    • Would we be able to make the occasion of struct in C#?
    • What are structures utilized for in C#?
    • Understanding Structures in C#
    • Struct and Methods
    • Structs and Constructors
    • Structs and Properties in C#
    • Structs and Indexers
    • Structs and Inheritance
    • Characterize a construction if
    • Features of C# Structures
    • Instantiation of a construction type
    • C# Structure Characteristics
    • Purpose for Struct in C#
    • Limitation
    • Advantages
    • DisAdvantages
    • Conclusion

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      Introduction Structures in C#:

      In C#, the struct is the worth sort information type that addresses information structures. It can contain a defined constructor, static constructor, constants, fields, strategies, properties, indexers, administrators, occasions, and settled sorts. a struct can be utilized to hold little information esteems that don’t need legacy, for example, coordinate focuses, key-esteem sets, and complex information structure.

      Structure Declaration:

      A construction is proclaimed utilizing struct catchphrase. The default modifier is inward for the struct and its individuals. The accompanying model proclaims a construction Coordinate for the chart.

        • Model:
        • struct Coordinate
        • {
        • public int x;
        • public int y;
        • }

      Defining Structure:

      To characterize a construction, you should utilize the struct explanation. The struct articulation characterizes another information type, with more than one part for your program.

      For instance, here is how you can pronounce the Book structure −

      • Model:
      • struct Books {
      • public string title;
      • public string creator;
      • public string subject;
      • public int book_id;
      • };

      What are structures in C#?

      A construction in C# is a composite information type comprising of several components of different sorts. … The design in C# can contain fields, techniques, constants, constructors, properties, indexers, administrators, and surprisingly other construction types.

        Does C# have structs?

        In C#, the struct is the worth sort information type that addresses information structures. It can contain a defined constructor, static constructor, constants, fields, techniques, properties, indexers, administrators, occasions, and settled sorts.

        Would we be able to make the occasion of struct in C#?

        From struct (C# Reference) on MSDN: When you make a struct object utilizing the new administrator, it gets made and the proper constructor is called. In contrast to classes, structs can be started up without utilizing the new administrator.

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        What are structures utilized for in C#?

        Structures are reasonable for putting away basic, low worth articles that will quite often be controlled regularly, for example, int or bools.

      • That is a direct result of how they oversee memory. Structs are esteem types though classes are reference types. Classes are allotted separate memory on the oversaw store while structs involve the assessment stack.
      • Sit back and relax on the off chance that that didn’t seem OK! What it implies in functional terms is that you don’t make another occurrence of struct utilizing the new watchword. It is utilized like a worth kind, for example, int.
      • This saves time while recovering/adjusting your factors, as they are gotten to straightforwardly without expecting to bring using a reference.
      • This has a few ramifications as we’ll see later.
      • This time improvement isn’t going to significantly impact large numbers of your standard application use cases. Yet, can demonstrate urgent for programs where speed is basic, for example, in computer games.

        Understanding Structures in C#:

        A design in C# is just a composite information type comprising several components of different kinds. A C# structure is a worth sort and the occasions or objects of construction are made in a stack. The design in C# can contain fields, techniques, constants, constructors, properties, indexers, administrators, and surprisingly other construction types.

        Structure Declaration and Object Creation:

        The catchphrase struct can be utilized to announce a construction. The overall type of a construction statement in C# is as per the following.

        1. struct

        2. {//Structure individuals }

        Where the modifier can be private, public, interior, or public. The struct is the necessary catchphrase.

        • Model:
        • For instance
        • 1. struct MyStruct {
        • 2. public int x;
        • 3. public int y;
        • 4. }

      The objects of a struct can be made by involving the new administrator as follows.

      MyStruct ms = new MyStruct();

      The singular individuals from a struct can be gotten to by utilizing the spot (.) administrator as appearing beneath.

    • Recall that not at all like classes, the struct item can likewise be made without utilizing the new administrator. MyStruct ms.
    • Yet, for this situation, all fields of the struct will stay unassigned and the item can’t be utilized until every one of the fields is instated.
        • ms.x = 10;
        • ms.y = 20;

      Structs and Fields:

      A struct in C# can contain fields. These fields can be proclaimed as a private, public, interior. Recollect that inside a struct, we can pronounce a field. We can’t introduce a field inside a struct. Anyway, we can utilize the constructor to instate the design fields.

      Struct and Methods:

      A C# struct can likewise contain strategies. The strategies can be either static or non-static. Be that as it may, static techniques can get to just other static individuals and they can’t conjure by utilizing an object of the construction. They can summon exclusively by utilizing the struct name.

      Structs and Constructors:

      A C# struct can pronounce constructor, however, they should accept boundaries. A default (constructor with next to no boundaries) are given all of the time to introduce the struct fields to their default esteems. The defined constructors inside a struct can likewise be over-burden.

      Structs and Properties in C#:

      The properties can be proclaimed inside a struct as displayed underneath.

        • 1. //C#: Property
        • 2. //Author: rajeshvs@msn.com
        • 3. using System;
        • 4. class MyStruct
        • 5. private int x;
        • 6. public int X {
        • 7. get {
        • 8. bring x back;
        • 9. }
        • 10. set {
        • 11. x = esteem;
        • 12. }
        • 13. }
        • 14. }
        • 15. class MyClient
        • 16. public static void Main() {
        • 17. MyStruct ms = new MyStruct();
        • 18. ms.X = 10;
        • 19. int xVal = ms.X;
        • 20. Console.WriteLine(xVal);//Displays 10
        • 21. }
        • 22. }

        Structs and Indexers:

        The indexers can likewise be utilized with a C# struct. A model is displayed beneath.

          • 1. //Author: rajeshvs@msn.com
          • 2. using System;
          • 3. using System.Collections;
          • 4. struct MyStruct {
          • 5. public string[] information;
          • 6. public string this[int index] {
          • 7. get {
          • 8. return data[index];
          • 9. }
          • 10. set {
          • 11. data[index] = esteem;
          • 12. }
          • 13. }
          • 14. }
          • 15. class MyClient {
          • 16. public static void Main() {
          • 17. MyStruct ms = new MyStruct();
          • 18. ms.data = new string[5];
          • 19. ms[0] = “Rajesh”;
          • 20. ms[1] = “A3-126”;
          • 21. ms[2] = “Snehadara”;
          • 22. ms[3] = “Irla”;
          • 23. ms[4] = “Mumbai”;
          • 24. Console.WriteLine(“{0},{1},{2},{3},{4}”, ms[0], ms[1], ms[2], ms[3], ms[4]);
          • 25. }
          • 26. }

      Structs and Inheritance:

      There is no legacy for structs as there is for classes. A struct can’t acquire from another struct or class and it can’t be the base class for a class. In any case, recall that in C# numerous types are straightforwardly or by implication acquired from the very base class object and thus the construction too. Since structs don’t uphold legacy, we can’t utilize the watchwords virtual, abrogate, new, unique, and so on with a struct strategy. C# struct types are rarely unique and are certainly fixed 100% of the time. The theoretical or fixed modifiers are not allowed in a struct presentation.

      Since legacy isn’t upheld for structs, the proclaimed availability of a struct part can’t be safeguarded or safeguarded inner. Since all struct types are certainly acquired from object class, it is feasible to abrogate the techniques for the item class inside a struct by utilizing the watchword supersede. Recollect that this is an exceptional case in C# structs.

      Structs and Interfaces:

      Very much like classes, a C# struct can likewise execute from a point of interaction. For instance

        • 1. //Author:rajeshvs@msn.com
        • 2. using System;
        • 3. interface IInterface {
        • 4. void Method();
        • 5. }
        • 6. struct Complex: IInterface {
        • 7. public void Method() {
        • 8. Console.WriteLine(“Struct Method”);
        • 9. }
        • 10. }
        • 11. class MyClient {
        • 12. public static void Main() {
        • 13. Complex c1 = new Complex();
        • 14. c1.Method();
        • 15. }
        • 16. }//This is only an example script. Glue your genuine code (javascript or HTML) here.
        • 17. if (‘this_is’ ==/an_example/) {
        • 18. of_beautifier();
        • 19. } else {
        • 20. var a = b ? (c % d) : e[f];
        • 21. }

      Characterize a construction if:

    • 1. The cases of the sort are little, like crude sorts (whole number, twofold, bool).
    • 2. You need esteem semantics instead of reference semantics.
    • 3. It is changeless.
    • 4. It has an occasion size more modest than 16 bytes.
    • 5. Doesn’t should be boxed now and again.
    • 6. No requirement for polymorphism.
    • 7. Want to keep away from load allotment and the connected trash assortment upward.
    • Remember, that with regards to execution, classes could in any case wind up quicker by and by. as passing structs as contentions are more costly than classes.

      Features of C# Structures:

      You have effectively utilized a basic construction named Books. Structures in C# are very not the same as that in conventional C or C++. The C# structures have the accompanying elements:

    • Designs can have strategies, fields, indexers, properties, administrator techniques, and occasions.
    • Designs can have characterized constructors, however not destructors. Nonetheless, you can’t characterize a default constructor for a design. The default constructor is consequently characterized and can’t be changed.
    • Not at all like classes, structures can’t acquire different designs or classes.
    • Structures can’t be utilized as a base for different designs or classes.
    • A design can carry out at least one point of interaction.
    • Structure individuals can’t be determined as dynamic, virtual, or secured.
    • At the point when you make a struct object utilizing the New administrator, it gets made and the fitting constructor is called. In contrast to classes, structs can be started up without utilizing the New administrator.
    • If the New administrator isn’t utilized, the fields stay unassigned and the article can’t be utilized until every one of the fields is instated.
    • Class versus Structure:

      Classes and Structures have the accompanying fundamental contrasts:

    • classes are reference types and structs are esteem types.
    • structures don’t uphold the legacy.
    • structures can’t have a default constructor.

      Instantiation of a construction type:

      In C#, you should instate an announced variable before it tends to be utilized. Since a construction type variable can’t be invalid (except if it’s a variable of a nullable worth sort), you should start up a case of the comparing type. There are multiple ways of doing that. Ordinarily, you launch a design type by calling a proper constructor with the new administrator. Each design type has no less than one constructor. That is an implied parameterless constructor, which creates the default worth of the kind. You can likewise utilize a default esteem articulation to create the default worth of a sort.

      Assuming that all example fields of a construction type are available, you can likewise startup it without the new administrator. All things considered, you should instate all example fields before the principal utilization of the occasion. The accompanying model tells the best way to do that:

        • Model:
        • C#Copy
        • public static class StructWithoutNew
        • {
        • public struct Coords
        • {
        • public twofold x;
        • public twofold y;
        • }
        • public static void Main()
        • {
        • Coords p;
        • p.x = 3;
        • p.y = 4;
        • Console.WriteLine($”({p.x}, {p.y})”);//yield: (3, 4)
        • }
        • }

        C# Structure Characteristics:

        Coming up next are the significant attributes of constructions in the c# programming language.

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      • In c#, structures are esteem types, and those are characterized by utilizing struct watchword.
      • During the construction announcement, the fields can’t be instated except if characterized as const or static.
      • Structures in c# can incorporate fields, properties, part works, administrators, constructors, occasions, indexers, constants, and surprisingly other design types.
      • Structures can exclude the default (constructor without boundaries) or destructor, however, it will permit us to announce constructors with boundaries.
      • A construction can’t acquire from another design or class.
      • In c#, the construction can carry out interfaces.
      • A construction can be launched with or without utilizing another watchword.
      • C# Difference among Structure and Class:

        Coming up next are the contrast among designs and classes in the c# programming language.

      • In c#, classes are the reference types, and designs are the worth kinds.
      • Classes can contain default constructors or destructors, yet designs will contain just constructors that have boundaries.
      • We can execute legacy utilizing Classes, yet structures won’t uphold the legacy.
      • In contrast to classes, structs can be launched with or without utilizing another administrator.

        Purpose for Struct in C#:

        Struct is an exemplified element. It is a worth information type. Every one of the individuals from struct must be started. It is a straightforward client characterized information type that can be utilized as a choice to class. The struct watchword is utilized for making a construction.

        Structures have practices and properties. They can straightforwardly contain the upsides of the article or example from the stack. They support access modifiers, constructors, indexers, techniques, administrators, fields, and properties.

        Implement the Struct in C#:

        The struct can be characterized by utilizing the struct proclamation. They add at least one individual utilized in the program. The overall construction for characterizing a struct is as displayed beneath:

        The understudy structure contains three individuals as student id, name and course.

      • if you’re coming from an alternate programming language, it’s not difficult to sink into an example of utilizing classes all through your application.
      • In any case, structs in Swift are profoundly huge – they have been given enormous significance all through the Swift Standard Library itself. You as well should remember them for your applications. The accompanying arrangement of advantages and disadvantages should assist you with settling on a choice in such a manner.


        You can’t proclaim a parameterless constructor. Each design type as of now gives an implied parameterless constructor that creates the default worth of the sort.

      • A constructor of a design type should instate all occurrence fields of the kind.
      • A design type can’t acquire from other classes or construction types and it can’t be the foundation of a class. Be that as it may, a design type can execute interfaces.
      • You can’t pronounce a finalizer inside a construction type.
      • You can’t introduce an example field or property at its revelation. Notwithstanding, you can instate a static or const field or a static property at its affirmation.


      • 1. Structs are imperceptibly quicker at runtime than classes, because of advancements done by the compiler.
      • 2. You can authorize full unchanging nature. Assuming you announce a struct occasion as let, you can not change its properties. Though, with classes, unchanging nature is just concerning the reference held by the steady – you’ll in any case have the option to change its properties.
      • 3. Since structs are esteem types, each case is a special duplicate of information. Along these lines, while utilizing structs in a multi-string climate, each string could have its duplicate of the information, and odds are low of one string changing information out under you in an alternate string. If your case of the struct is changeable, or then again assuming that you blend reference types in you struct (see beneath), the possibilities of this incident are higher – however assuming that you’re utilizing a class, even the little security you’d get is lost.


        1. Structs don’t uphold the legacy. Contingent upon your perspective, this may not be something awful, however, this is unquestionably something to remember while planning your models.

        2. They can’t adjust to a class convention (duh), like NSObjectProtocol. This appears to be an undeniable comment, yet you may never know when you want to begin agreeing to a convention – and a ton of Foundation conventions (for instance) have been characterized as class conventions.

        3. You lose character (===) examination. Character examination is valuable in cases like occasion taking care of when you need to check which article radiated the occasion. With classes, you can do, for instance, if (source === occasion).

        4. Are cool when utilized as unadulterated worth sorts, i.e. a solitary struct comprised of other worth sorts – structs or Enums. Yet, while you bring reference semantics into the situation, things can get untidy. The thing is, while a struct is replicated by esteem on task, any property that is a reference type is duplicated by – you got it – reference. Regardless of whether it is set apart as let, if the reference type is changed somewhere else, the struct is additionally impacted.


        For learning design of C# for amateurs, it is expected to have fundamental PC information, essential information on Object-Oriented programming approach, and fundamental information on C programming language ideas to comprehend C# rudiments without any problem.

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        These upgrades to the Structures in C# language are intended for the execution of basic calculations where limiting memory portions is a central point in accomplishing the essential exhibition. You might see that you don’t frequently involve these elements in the code you compose. Notwithstanding, these improvements have been taken on all through. NET. As more APIs utilize these highlights, you’ll see the exhibition of your applications move along.

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