Top 25+ Data Structure Interview Questions [ ANSWERED ] in 2020
Data Structure Interview Questions and Answers

Top 25+ Data Structure Interview Questions [ ANSWERED ]

Last updated on 04th Jul 2020, Blog, Interview Questions

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A data structure is a fundamental concept in computer science, defining the organization and storage of data to facilitate efficient operations. It establishes a relationship between the elements and the permissible operations on those elements. The selection of an appropriate data structure is crucial for optimizing algorithmic performance. Arrays provide indexed access, linked lists offer dynamic element linking, stacks and queues follow specific order principles, trees organize data hierarchically, and graphs represent complex relationships. Hash tables enable efficient data retrieval through hash functions.

1. What is a hash table, and how does it resolve collisions in data storage?


A hash table is a data structure that maps keys to values using a hash function. To handle collisions, various methods exist, such as chaining and open addressing. Chaining involves storing a linked list of collided elements in the same hash bucket, while open addressing probes for the next available slot. Resolving collisions ensures efficient retrieval of data in constant time.

2. Define the concept of graph traversal.


Graph traversal involves systematically visiting each vertex and edge in a graph. Breadth-first traversal explores all neighbors of a node before moving to the next level, making it suitable for finding the shortest path. Depth-first traversal, on the other hand, explores as far as possible along each branch before backtracking, useful for topological sorting or maze solving.

3. How do binary search trees maintain their structure during insertion?


Binary search trees organize data in a hierarchical structure, ensuring that left children are smaller, and right children are larger. Insertions maintain this order by traversing the tree to find the appropriate position, while deletions rearrange nodes to preserve the binary search tree properties.

4. Elaborate on the principles of Dijkstra’s algorithm for shortest path in a weighted graph.


Dijkstra’s algorithm efficiently finds the shortest path from a source node to all other nodes in a weighted graph. By maintaining a priority queue and continually selecting the vertex with the smallest tentative distance, it iteratively explores the graph, updating distances as needed. This greedy approach guarantees the shortest path is found, making it a fundamental algorithm in network routing.

5. Compare breadth-first traversal with depth-first traversal.


Breadth-first traversal systematically explores a graph by visiting all nodes at the current depth level before moving on to the next level. It employs a queue to maintain order and is ideal for finding the shortest path in unweighted graphs.

In contrast, Depth-first traversal explores as deeply as possible along one branch before backtracking. It uses a stack and is more memory-efficient, making it suitable for sparse graphs.

6. Describe the concept of a trie and its applications in storing and retrieving data.


A trie is a tree-like data structure where each node represents a character in a sequence. Commonly used for storing dictionaries or autocomplete suggestions, tries excel in dynamic sets and provide fast searches. Their structure allows for efficient prefix searches, making them valuable in scenarios where rapid pattern matching or predictive text is crucial.

7. What is the purpose of a priority queue, and how does it differ from a regular queue?


A priority queue organizes elements based on their priorities, ensuring the highest priority elements are served before lower-priority ones. Unlike a regular queue, which follows the first-in-first-out principle, a priority queue’s dequeue operation considers the element’s priority. This data structure finds applications in various scenarios, such as task scheduling, where tasks with higher priority must be executed first.

8. What are self-balancing binary search trees?


  • Self-balancing trees adjust structure during insertions and deletions.
  • Balance ensures logarithmic height, preserving efficient operations.
  • Examples include AVL trees and Red-Black trees.
  • Unbalanced trees lead to performance degradation.

9. How do dynamic arrays differ from static arrays?


Dynamic arrays, unlike static arrays, can resize during runtime, accommodating a variable number of elements. They allocate memory dynamically, allowing efficient space utilization.

While static arrays have fixed sizes, dynamic arrays, like Python lists, dynamically adjust, providing flexibility without the need for constant manual resizing.

10. Explain the purpose of a priority queue and how it differs from a regular queue.


  • Priority queue organizes elements based on priorities.
  • Ensures highest priority elements are served first.
  • Unlike regular queue, dequeue considers element priority.
  • Valuable in task scheduling and applications requiring prioritized processing.

11. Describe disjoint-set data structure role in handling connected components in a graph.


A disjoint-set data structure, commonly implemented using union-find operations, tracks a partition of a set into disjoint subsets. This structure is pivotal in graph algorithms like Kruskal’s Minimum Spanning Tree algorithm, where it efficiently determines whether adding an edge would create a cycle. By merging sets and detecting cycles, disjoint-set structures contribute to optimizing algorithms for connected component analysis.

12. Distinguish between the data structures of queue and stack.


  Feature Queue Stack

Follows First In, First Out (FIFO)

Follows Last In, First Out (LIFO)
Insertion Operation Enqueue (add to rear) Push (add to top)
Deletion Operation Dequeue (remove from front) Pop (remove from top)
Access Location

Front and Rear


13. Discuss the role of a Bloom filter in probabilistic data structures.


A Bloom filter is a space-efficient probabilistic data structure designed for quick set membership tests. By using multiple hash functions to map elements into a fixed-size array, a Bloom filter can efficiently determine if an element is possibly in a set. While false positives are possible due to collisions, the compact size and constant-time complexity make Bloom filters valuable in scenarios like spell checkers or web caching.

14. What is the concept of a skip list, and it’s advantages?


  • Skip list is a data structure combining linked list simplicity with tree efficiency.
  • Maintains multiple layers of linked lists with varying skip lengths.
  • Provides logarithmic time complexity for search, insert, and delete operations.
  • Suitable for in-memory data structures and databases.

15. Explain the principles of the Floyd-Warshall algorithm for all-pairs shortest path computation.


The Floyd-Warshall algorithm efficiently computes the shortest paths between all pairs of vertices in a weighted graph. Utilizing a dynamic programming approach, it iteratively considers each vertex as a potential intermediate point, updating the shortest paths. While not as efficient as Dijkstra’s algorithm for sparse graphs, Floyd-Warshall’s simplicity and ability to handle negative weights make it suitable for various graph scenarios.

16. Discuss the principles of the Prim’s algorithm.


  • Prim’s algorithm constructs a Minimum Spanning Tree.
  • Greedily selects edges with the smallest weights.
  • Starts from an arbitrary vertex, connecting vertices gradually.
  • Continues until all vertices are included.
  • Valuable in network design and circuit optimization.

17. Discuss the purpose of a trie in implementing a radix tree.


A radix tree, implemented using a trie structure, organizes keys by associating characters with tree nodes. Tries support fast insertion, deletion, and lookup of keys, making them useful in scenarios where strings or sequences need efficient storage and retrieval. Radix trees, particularly Patricia tries, optimize space by compressing common prefixes, enhancing their suitability for applications like IP routing tables or spell checkers.

18. What is the role of the LRU cache in optimizing data access?


  • LRU cache maintains a limited set of items, evicting the least recently used.
  • Optimizes for temporal locality, improving efficiency of frequently used data.
  • Applications in web caching and database management.
  • Prioritizes recently accessed items for quick retrieval.

19. Explain the concept of a B-tree and its advantages in optimizing disk-based storage systems.


A B-tree is a balanced tree data structure designed for efficient search, insertion, and deletion operations in disk-based storage systems. By maintaining a balance between depth and fan-out, B-trees minimize the number of disk accesses required for operations, enhancing performance. Their self-balancing nature and ability to store large amounts of data in a hierarchical manner make B-trees suitable for applications like file systems and database indexing, where disk I/O efficiency is crucial.

20. Discuss the role of a trie in compressed form (Compressed Trie).


  • Compressed Trie is a variation optimizing storage by compressing common prefixes.
  • Reduces memory requirements for large dictionaries or datasets.
  • Maintains fast search, insertion, and deletion operations.
  • Suitable for spell checkers, databases, and routing tables.
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21. Elucidate suffix array role in string manipulation and pattern matching algorithms.


It facilitates rapid pattern matching and string manipulation by enabling efficient substring searches, comparisons, and sorting. Suffix arrays find applications in bioinformatics, text compression, and data retrieval, where their compact representation of suffixes enhances the performance of algorithms like Burrows-Wheeler Transform and Longest Common Prefix computation.

22. Discuss the principles of the A algorithm and its applications.


The A* algorithm combines the advantages of Dijkstra’s algorithm and greedy search by incorporating a heuristic to guide the search. Using a cost function that combines the actual cost and an estimated future cost, A* intelligently explores paths likely to lead to the goal. This heuristic-driven approach significantly improves efficiency in pathfinding applications, such as route planning in maps or robotic navigation, where an informed search is crucial for optimal results.

23. How does suffix tree enhance efficiency in substring matching?


Suffix trees find applications in bioinformatics, where they efficiently solve problems like finding repeated DNA sequences or identifying common substrings across multiple strings.

Their compact representation and ability to capture inherent relationships in a string make suffix trees invaluable in various string manipulation and pattern matching algorithms.

24. Discuss the principles of the K-D tree and its applications.


  • K-D tree organizes points in multidimensional space using a space-partitioning approach.
  • Recursively divides space along alternating dimensions.
  • Efficient support for spatial search operations and nearest neighbor queries.
  • Applications in computational geometry, image processing, and machine learning.
  • Valuable for fast retrieval of nearest neighbors or efficient range searches.
K-D Tree

25. How does A* algorithm differ from traditional search algorithms?


  • A* algorithm combines Dijkstra’s and greedy search with a heuristic.
  • Uses a cost function considering actual and estimated future costs.
  • Intelligently explores paths likely to lead to the goal.
  • Particularly efficient in pathfinding applications like route planning.

26. Discuss skip list advantages in balancing simplicity and efficiency in search operations.


By maintaining multiple layers of linked lists with varying skip lengths, a skip list provides logarithmic time complexity for search, insert, and delete operations. Skip lists find applications in scenarios where simplicity and efficiency are both priorities, such as in-memory data structures or databases, offering an appealing alternative to more complex structures like balanced trees.

27. What are the advantages of Trie-based Radix Sort in sorting variable-length strings?


Trie-based Radix Sort leverages the trie data structure to efficiently sort variable-length strings by considering characters from the least significant to the most significant.

This approach is particularly advantageous when dealing with strings of varying lengths, providing a stable and linear-time sorting algorithm with reduced memory overhead compared to traditional sorting methods.

28. Discuss the role of the K-D tree in multidimensional space partitioning.


A K-D tree (k-dimensional tree) is a space-partitioning data structure that organizes points in multidimensional space. By recursively dividing space along alternating dimensions, K-D trees efficiently support spatial search operations and nearest neighbor queries. This makes them valuable in applications such as computational geometry, image processing, and machine learning.

29. Explain the principles of the Bellman-Ford algorithm.


  • Bellman-Ford algorithm computes shortest paths from a single source to all vertices.
  • Iteratively relaxes edges, dynamically updating distance estimates until convergence.
  • Efficiently handles negative weight edges, versatile in various graph scenarios.

30. Mention a radix tree applications in string storage and retrieval.


Tries support fast insertion, deletion, and lookup of keys, making them useful in scenarios where strings or sequences need efficient storage and retrieval. Radix trees, particularly Patricia tries, optimize space by compressing common prefixes, enhancing their suitability for applications like IP routing tables or spell checkers. The tree’s ability to efficiently represent and manage variable-length keys makes it a valuable choice in situations where memory optimization and fast string manipulation are priorities.

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31. How does the Bellman-Ford algorithm efficiently compute single-source shortest paths?


The Bellman-Ford algorithm efficiently computes the shortest paths from a single source to all other vertices in a graph, even when negative weight edges are present. Through iterative relaxation of edges, the algorithm dynamically updates distance estimates until convergence.

32. Why maintaining balance is crucial for self-balancing binary search trees performance?


Self-balancing binary search trees, such as AVL trees or Red-Black trees, automatically adjust their structure during insertions and deletions to maintain balance. Balance is critical because it ensures a logarithmic height, preserving efficient search, insertion, and deletion operations.

33. What is the purpose of dynamic programming?


Dynamic programming is a technique that involves breaking down a complex problem into smaller overlapping subproblems and solving each subproblem only once, storing the solutions for reuse. This approach optimizes time complexity and is often employed in optimization problems.

34. What is the role of a heap in the context of priority queues?


  • A heap is a specialized tree-based data structure that satisfies the heap property, ensuring that the value of each node is less than or equal to its children.
  • Heaps are commonly used to implement priority queues, providing efficient extraction of the highest (or lowest) priority element.

35. What are the advantages of binary search tree in search operations?


Binary search trees organize data in a hierarchical structure where each node has a left child with smaller values and a right child with larger values. This structure facilitates efficient search operations, with a time complexity of O(log n) on average.

36. What is the significance of Big-O notation in the context of algorithms?


  • Provides a measure of algorithmic efficiency.
  • Describes the upper bound on an algorithm’s time complexity.
  • Represents the worst-case scenario for algorithm performance.
  • Enables comparison of algorithmic efficiency irrespective of hardware.

37. What is meant by Splay Tree?


A Splay Tree is a self-adjusting binary search tree where frequently accessed elements are moved closer to the root during operations. This adaptation is based on the principle of locality, as frequently accessed elements are likely to be accessed again in the near future.

38. Explain the Prim’s algorithm for constructing a Minimum Spanning Tree in a weighted.


  • Prim’s algorithm efficiently constructs a Minimum Spanning Tree by greedily selecting edges with the smallest weights, gradually connecting vertices.
  • Starting from an arbitrary vertex, the algorithm iteratively adds the minimum-weight edge that connects a vertex in the tree to one outside it.

39. What is the role of the LRU (Least Recently Used) cache?


The LRU cache optimizes memory usage by retaining recently accessed data and discarding the least recently used. It enhances data retrieval efficiency, especially in systems like databases, web servers, and file systems, where recently accessed data is likely to be accessed again soon.

40. Discuss the principles of the Two-Phase Locking Protocol in DMS.


  • Enforces consistency and isolation in database transactions.
  • Divided into two phases: Growing Phase and Shrinking Phase.
  • During the Growing Phase, transactions acquire locks but do not release them.
  • The Shrinking Phase follows, where transactions release acquired locks.

41. Explain the concept of memoization & application in optimizing recursive algorithms.


Memoization optimizes recursive algorithms by caching and reusing previously computed results. It mitigates redundant computations in dynamic programming and recursive algorithms, improving efficiency. Commonly using hash tables or arrays, memoization reduces time complexity and enhances the practicality of solving complex problems.

42. Define the principles of the Boyer-Moore string search algorithm.


  • Efficient algorithm for finding occurrences of a pattern in a text.
  • Utilizes a backward scanning approach, starting from the end of the pattern.
  • Employs two heuristics, the bad character rule and the good suffix rule.
  • Significantly reduces the number of character comparisons.
  • Valuable in scenarios where pattern matching efficiency is crucial.

43. How does a radix tree optimize storage for large dictionaries or datasets?


A radix tree, also known as a trie, optimizes storage for large dictionaries or datasets by efficiently organizing and representing words or keys in a hierarchical structure. Unlike traditional data structures, radix trees share common prefixes among keys, resulting in a compact representation. This allows for effective compression of redundant information and significantly reduces storage requirements.

44. Explain the concept of amortized analysis and its application.


  • Focuses on average performance over a sequence of operations.
  • Provides a more accurate analysis than worst-case scenarios.
  • Commonly applied to dynamic array resizing or hash table resizing.
  • Helps in understanding the overall efficiency of algorithms.

45. What are a few uses for data structures?


Data structures play pivotal roles across various computing applications. In databases, they facilitate efficient data retrieval through indexing mechanisms. Algorithms leverage data structures for effective problem-solving strategies, and system resource management relies on them for optimal storage. Arrays ensure indexed access, linked lists enable dynamic organization, and trees represent hierarchical relationships.

46. Could you clarify the distinction between storage and file structures?


Storage structures refer to the organization of data in memory, optimizing access and retrieval. File structures, on the other hand, deal with the arrangement of data on external storage devices, such as disks, for efficient storage and retrieval.

47. Describe the steps involved in putting a variable into memory.


The process of allocating a variable in memory involves several nuanced steps. Firstly, the variable must be declared, specifying its type and characteristics. Subsequently, the size of the variable is determined, informing the system of the necessary memory allocation. The system then allocates a contiguous block of memory, and the variable’s value is assigned to this specific memory location, enabling subsequent access and manipulation during program execution.

48. What kind of data structure is a stack? What uses does stack have?


A stack is a Last In, First Out (LIFO) data structure where elements are added and removed from the same end, known as the top. It finds applications in managing function calls, storing temporary data during algorithm execution, and undo mechanisms in applications. Its simplicity and efficiency make it a fundamental tool in various programming contexts, aiding in structured data management and manipulation.

49. What kinds of operations are possible with a stack data structure?


  • The stack, characterized by its LIFO nature, supports a repertoire of operations that define its functionality.
  • The push operation involves adding an element to the top of the stack, signifying the most recent addition.
  • Conversely, the pop operation removes the top element, reflecting the Last In, First Out principle.
  • Additionally, the peek operation allows for the examination of the top element without altering the stack’s structure.

50. How may a stack be used to implement a queue?


Reciprocally, stacks can be implemented using queues, showcasing the interchangeability and adaptability of data structures. Push operations are simulated using enqueue, where elements are added to the rear of the queue. For pop operations, elements are dequeued until reaching the last one, which is then dequeued to emulate the pop operation of a stack.

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51. Define the concept of a suffix array and its role in string algorithms.


  • Suffix array is an ordered array of string suffixes.
  • Facilitates rapid substring searches, comparisons, and sorting.
  • Applications in bioinformatics and text compression.
  • Compact representation enhances algorithmic efficiency.

52. What are Array data structures?


Array data structures are collections of elements stored in contiguous memory locations, each identified by an index or a key. They provide efficient random access to elements using indexing. Arrays have a fixed size determined at the time of declaration, and their simplicity makes them suitable for a variety of applications, such as storing lists of items, representing matrices, and facilitating quick data retrieval.

53. What is a data structure called a linked list?


  • A linked list is a data structure where elements, known as nodes, are connected through pointers.
  • Unlike arrays, linked lists allow dynamic insertion and deletion of elements, but accessing elements involves traversing the list sequentially.

54. In what way does the priority queue apply to applications?


Priority queues are used in applications where elements have associated priorities, and the element with the highest priority is served before others. Common applications include task scheduling, Huffman coding, and Dijkstra’s algorithm.

55. What does it mean to analyze an algorithm asymptotically?


  • Analyzing an algorithm asymptotically involves evaluating its performance as the input size approaches infinity.
  • Big O notation is commonly used to express the upper bound of an algorithm’s time or space complexity.

56. In data structures, what does a hashmap mean?


A hashmap is a data structure that implements an associative array abstract data type. It uses a hash function to map keys to values, allowing for efficient retrieval. Hashmaps are widely used for quick data lookup.

57. Which Java collisions are handled by HashMap?


  • In Java’s HashMap, collisions are handled by using a linked list or a red-black tree for each bucket.
  • When multiple keys hash to the same bucket, they form a linked list or a balanced tree for efficient retrieval.

58. Describe the types of deque data structures.


Deques (double-ended queues) come in two main types: input-restricted and output-restricted. In an input-restricted deque, insertions are allowed at both ends, but deletions are only allowed at one end. Conversely, an output-restricted deque allows deletions at both ends but restricts insertions to one end.

59. What are Priority queues?


Priority queues are abstract data types where elements have assigned priorities. The element with the highest priority is served first. Priority queues are often implemented using heaps and are useful in various applications, including scheduling and graph algorithms.

60. Which major procedures are carried out on the Deque data structure?


  • Major operations on a deque include insertion and deletion at both ends.
  • These operations provide flexibility in managing elements, making deques suitable for scenarios requiring efficient insertion & deletion at both ends.

61. Which fields are AVL trees used in?


AVL trees, a type of self-balancing binary search tree, find applications in scenarios requiring efficient search, insertion, and deletion operations with balanced height. Common fields include databases, file systems, and compilers, where maintaining a balanced tree is crucial for performance.

62. Which data structures are employed in the LRU cache implementation?


The implementation of an LRU (Least Recently Used) cache often involves using a combination of data structures, with a doubly linked list to manage the order of usage and a hashmap for quick access to cache elements.

The linked list helps maintain the order of recently accessed elements, and the hashmap provides constant-time access to check and update the cache.

63. Describe the uses of the Segment Tree data structure.


The Segment Tree is a versatile data structure primarily used for handling range queries and updates efficiently. It finds applications in scenarios where there is a need to query and modify specific ranges within an array, such as in interval-based problems, statistical calculations, and indexing structures for large datasets.

64. What makes PUSH and POP different from one another?


In the context of stack operations, PUSH involves adding an element to the top of the stack, increasing its size, while POP involves removing the top element, reducing the stack’s size. PUSH and POP are fundamental operations that maintain the Last In, First Out (LIFO) structure of a stack.

65. Which operations may be carried out on a stack?


Various operations can be performed on a stack, including PUSH (adding an element to the top), POP (removing the top element), PEEK (viewing the top element without removal), and checking if the stack is empty. These operations collectively enable the stack to manage data in a Last In, First Out (LIFO) manner.

66. What is an expression with a postfix?


  • An expression in postfix notation, also known as Reverse Polish Notation (RPN), represents mathematical expressions with operators placed after their operands.
  • For example, the infix expression “3 + 4 * 5” would be written in postfix as “3 4 5 * +”. Postfix notation eliminates the need for parentheses and is often used in stack-based algorithms for evaluating expressions.

67. What are a few uses for the tree-data structure?


Tree data structures find applications in various scenarios, including hierarchical data representation (like file systems), organizing hierarchical relationships (like organizational charts), implementing search algorithms (like binary search trees), and facilitating efficient data retrieval and storage in databases.

68. How are the components of a two-dimensional array kept in memory?


  • In memory, the components of a two-dimensional array are stored sequentially, with elements arranged row-wise or column-wise.
  • The computer interprets the two indices (row and column) to access specific elements.
  • For row-major order, rows are stored consecutively, and for column-major order, columns are stored sequentially.

69. In what data structures do the BFS and DFS algorithms employ them?


Breadth-First Search (BFS) and Depth-First Search (DFS) algorithms are commonly employed on graphs. Both algorithms use data structures to keep track of visited nodes. BFS often utilizes a queue, exploring neighboring nodes before deeper levels, while DFS utilizes a stack (or recursion), delving as deeply as possible before backtracking.

70. What are the uses of the Graph data structure?


Social Networks: Individual relationships are represented.

Routing Algorithms: Mapping connections between routers or nodes.

Recommendation Systems: Analyzing connections for personalized suggestions.

Dependency Resolution: Modeling dependencies between tasks or components.

Network Analysis: Studying interconnected systems and patterns.

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71. What is the process of binary search?


Binary search is a search algorithm for finding a target value within a sorted array. It starts with the entire array and repeatedly narrows down the search space by comparing the target with the middle element. If the target is smaller, the search continues in the left half; if larger, in the right half. This process repeats until the target is found or the search space is empty, indicating the absence of the target.

72. What are some of the applications of multilinked structures?


  • File Systems
  • Symbol Tables
  • Database Indexing
  • Organization Charts
  • Sparse Matrix Representation

73. What does the ragged array mean?


A ragged array is an array in which the rows have varying lengths. It contrasts with a regular (rectangular) array, where all rows have the same number of elements. Ragged arrays are useful for representing irregular data structures, such as tables with varying row sizes.

74. How does LIFO operate?


  • LIFO (Last In, First Out) is a principle where the last element added is the first one to be removed.
  • It operates like a stack, with elements pushed onto the top and popped off from the same end.

75. Describe dynamic memory management.


Dynamic memory management involves allocating and deallocating memory at runtime. Languages like C and C++ use functions like malloc, free, new, and delete to manage memory dynamically, allowing for more flexible memory usage.

76. What is meant by merge sort?


  • Merge sort is a divide-and-conquer sorting algorithm.
  • It divides the array into two halves, recursively sorts each half, and then merges them in a sorted manner.
  • It ensures a stable sort and has a time complexity of O(n log n).

77. How does the term “data abstraction” signify something?


Data abstraction is a concept where the essential features of a complex system are captured while hiding unnecessary details. It involves creating abstract data types that encapsulate data and the operations that can be performed on it, enhancing modularity and code organization.

78. What do Data Structures’ signed numbers mean?


  • In data structures, signed numbers are integers that can be positive or negative.
  • They are represented using a sign bit, and their interpretation depends on the chosen data type (e.g., int, long).

79. When are pointers used in data structures?


Pointers in data structures are used to store memory addresses. They facilitate dynamic memory allocation, linking structures, and creating dynamic data structures like linked lists, trees, and graphs.

80. Which sorting algorithm has the quickest speed to date?


  • The fastest sorting algorithm depends on the specific context and constraints. Different algorithms excel in various scenarios.
  • For general-purpose sorting, algorithms like QuickSort and MergeSort are often preferred for their efficiency.

81. What are recursive algorithms?


Recursive algorithms are defined by solving a problem by breaking it down into smaller instances of the same problem. These algorithms call themselves with reduced input until reaching a base case. Examples include recursive factorial and binary search.

82. What is meant by Circular Linked List?


  • A circular linked list is a linked list where the last node points back to the first node, forming a loop.
  • It’s useful for applications requiring continuous cycling through elements.

83. Define Fibonacci Heap.


A Fibonacci Heap is a specialized tree data structure used in priority queues. It offers amortized constant-time operations, making it efficient for specific algorithms like Dijkstra’s.

84. What do you know about Red-Black Tree?


A Red-Black Tree is a type of self-balancing binary search tree. It ensures balanced height, providing efficient search, insertion, and deletion operations. It’s commonly used in various applications, including the implementation of associative containers.

85. What is Doubly Ended Priority Queue?


  • A Doubly Ended Priority Queue is a hybrid data structure that combines the characteristics of a priority queue and a deque (double-ended queue).
  • It supports insertion and deletion at both ends while maintaining priority order.

86. Explain about Van Emde Boas Tree.


A Van Emde Boas Tree is a tree data structure that efficiently supports searching, insertion, deletion, and finding minimum and maximum elements in a universe of keys. It’s particularly suitable for scenarios with a limited range of key values.

87. How does an XOR Linked List achieve memory efficiency?


An XOR Linked List is a memory-efficient linked list that stores the XOR combination of addresses of the previous and next nodes instead of explicit pointers. It allows for forward and backward traversal with constant space overhead.

88. Explain the Burrows-Wheeler Transform and its role in data compression.


The Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT) is a reversible data transformation technique that rearranges characters in a string to improve compressibility. The primary idea is to group similar characters together, increasing the likelihood of consecutive runs of identical characters.

89. What do you about Bipartite Graph?


A Bipartite Graph is a graph whose vertices can be divided into two disjoint sets, and all edges connect vertices from different sets. This structure is highly useful in modeling relationships between entities from two distinct groups, where there are no internal connections within each group.

90. What is meant by Locality-Sensitive Hashing (LSH)?


Locality-Sensitive Hashing (LSH) is a technique used for approximate nearest neighbor search in high-dimensional spaces. It functions by hashing input data in a way that similar items map to the same “buckets” with high probability. LSH is commonly applied in recommendation systems, image and audio similarity searches, and clustering.

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