Top 35+ JUnit Interview Questions & Answers [ JAVA TRICKS ] |ACTE

Top 35+ JUnit Interview Questions & Answers [ JAVA TRICKS ]

JUnit Interview Questions and Answers

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Damodharan (Junit Project Manager )

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Last updated on 15th Jun 2020| 2464

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JUnit is a widely utilised open-source testing framework designed for Java developers to streamline the creation and execution of unit tests. Using annotations, developers mark methods as test cases, while assertions verify expected outcomes, aiding in the identification of defects and ensuring code reliability. JUnit facilitates automated testing, enabling seamless integration with continuous integration (CI) tools like Jenkins. The framework supports parameterized tests, allowing developers to run the same test with different inputs. JUnit has evolved through various versions, with JUnit 5 introducing new features such as parameterized tests and improved support for lambdas. Its compatibility with Java development tools and build systems makes it an integral part of the software development lifecycle, ensuring the robustness and quality of Java applications.

1. What is JUnit?


JUnit is indispensable open-source unit testing system that uses a Java programming language to work with the Test Driven Improvement (TDD) culture. In TDD, setting up test information is principal significance for testing the specific rationale.

2. Why do you use JUnit? Who uses the JUnit more – Developers or Testers?


JUnit has generally been used by the designers to make unit tests for functionalities they have created. Nonetheless, as of late, analyzers have additionally started to utilize this system to perform a unit testing of utilizations.

3. What are some important annotations provided by JUnit?


JUnit provides essential annotations for test case management, including @Test to designate test methods, @Before and @After for setup and cleanup, and @BeforeClass and @AfterClass for once-per-class setup and cleanup. The @Ignore annotation excludes specific tests. In JUnit 5, @BeforeEach and @AfterEach offer improved alternatives for setup and cleanup compared to their JUnit 4 counterparts. These annotations enhance the structure and execution of unit tests in Java applications.

  • import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
  • import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;
  • class MyTestFixture {
  • @Test
  • void myTest() {
  • assertTrue(true);
  • }
  • }

4. What is the JUnit fixture?


In programming testing, an installation alludes to the foreordained condition of item sets that fills in as benchmark for executing test techniques. This is finished to lay out steady and unsurprising climate in which results of the test techniques can be recreated on the numerous occasions.

5. What are JUnit Assert Methods?


State techniques are utility strategies that are utilized to help declare conditions in the experiments. These techniques are essential for State class in JUnit 4 and the Affirmations class in JUnit 5. It is prescribed to import the strategies statically to the test class to try not to involve a class as a prefix to the strategy.

6. What is the importance of @RunWith annotation in junit?


JUnit tests can be executed the utilizing different JUnit Sprinters, like SpringJUnit4ClassRunner, MockitoJUnitRunner, and so forth, on account of @RunWith explanation. Involving @RunWith in JUnit, can likewise perform a 7.defined testing.(Parameterized.class).

7. How does run JUnit from the command window?


The first step is to set CLASSPATH with the library location. Then use JUnitCore class to start the JUnit runner. Before running a test class through the command line, it needs to be compiled. This can be done using “javac” command.

8. What does @RepeatedTest annotation in JUnit 5?


@RepeatedTest in JUnit 5 repeats the test a specified number of times, useful for testing with the different inputs or ensuring stability. The test method is executed based on value provided, with each iteration being independent and ensuring repeatability.

9. Why does JUnit report only first failure in a single attempt?


JUnit, famous testing structure for Java, reports just main disappointment in a solitary endeavor since it follows standard of” “Flop quick” “. The thought behind this guideline is that it is smarter to the distinguish and report blunders when they happen, as opposed to permitting a test to keep pursuing the disappointment has been recognized.

10. What are the differences between JUnit and TestNG?


  Feature JUnit TestNG

Primary annotations include @Test, @Before, @After, @BeforeClass, and @AfterClass.

Provides annotations like @Test, @BeforeMethod, @AfterMethod, @BeforeClass, and @AfterClass.
Parameterization Limited support for parameterized tests in JUnit 4; improved in JUnit 5. Native support for parameterized tests, allowing data-driven testing.
Reporting Basic reporting capabilities. Comprehensive HTML and XML reporting, with better customization options.

11. If JUnit method’s return type is ‘string’, what does happen?


JUnit technique’s return type is a String, it won’t influence the way of behaving of JUnit system. JUnit just thinks about comments (@Test, @Before, @After, and so on) and the tossed exemptions during test technique execution, and it doesn’t rely upon return kind of the strategy.In a JUnit test strategy, the return esteem is by and large not significant, as test technique is ordinarily used to confirm way of behaving of the code being tried by stating that a particular circumstances are valid.

12. What are JUnit classes? List some of them?


JUnit offers the assortment of classes that empower creation and execution of tests. JUnit provides the classes like State, TestCase, TestSuite, TestRunner, and TestResult for creating and executing tests. It also offers the annotations like Before, After, BeforeClass, AfterClass, and Custom Rules for a configuring test behavior.

13. Explain @Test annotation in JUnit?


In JUnit, @Test annotation is used to designate the method as test method. This annotation indicates JUnit should execute this method during test run. JUnit uses the reflection to search for methods annotated with @Test and runs them.

14. What is @Before annotation in JUnit?


In JUnit, @Before annotation serves the purpose of designating the method that must be executed before every test method. This method is responsible for preparing test environment and carrying out any essential initialization before an actual test code is run.

Junit Before annotation

15. What does @After annotation in JUnit?


The purpose of @After annotation in JUnit is to mark method that should be executed after each test method. It is used to perform the cleanup or reset tasks after execution of each test method.

16. Explain execution procedure of JUnit test API methods?


The method annotated with the @BeforeClass is executed only once before any tests are run. The method annotated with the @AfterClass is executed only once after all tests are run. The method annotated with @Before is executed before each test case is run.

17. What is the org.junit.JUnitCore class?


The org.junit.JUnitCore class has been designed with objective of offering the command line interface for executing JUnit tests. It comprises the multiple static methods that allow for programmatic execution of JUnit tests, encompassing capability of running an individual test, a group of tests, or all tests within a package.

18. How does simulate timeout situation in JUnit?


In JUnit, can simulate a timeout situation by using @Test annotation with the timeout parameter. This parameter specifies a maximum time in milliseconds that a test method is allowed to run before it is considered to have timed out. If test method takes longer than a specified timeout, JUnit will mark it as failed with the java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException.

19. What are Parameterized tests in Junit?


The latest addition to JUnit 4 is “Parameterized tests” feature, which empowers the developers to execute a test repeatedly with the different values. With this feature, instead of creating the multiple methods for each value, developers can reuse single test method, leading to more efficient and succinct testing.

20. How does one compile a JUnit Test Class?


To compile a JUnit test class, use the Java compiler like javac or an IDE. Specify a classpath with the JUnit JAR file and the other dependencies. Example: javac -cp junit.jar Then run JUnit tests using a testing framework or command line.

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    21. What happens if JUnit Test Method is Declared as “private”?


    If a JUnit test method is a declared as private, the JUnit framework will not be able to run test method. JUnit requires test methods be declared as a public in order to run them. If test method is declared as private, it will not be recognized as test method by JUnit and will not be executed.

    22. What happens if JUnit test method is declared to return “String”?


    In JUnit, test methods are not expected to return the value. They are typically defined as a void methods, meaning that they do not return any value. If a JUnit test method is declared to return String, it will not cause any errors or exceptions.

    23. How does JUnit achieve isolation of tests?


    JUnit achieves the isolation of tests by creating the new instance of the test class for each test method that is executed. This means that each test method is run in the clean environment, without any side effects from the other tests.In JUnit, each test method is executed in its own instance of a test class.

    24. How do you test protected Java methods using JUnit?


    In JUnit, can test protected Java methods by creating the subclass of the class being tested and then calling protected method from within a subclass. can use JUnit’s @Test annotation to mark test methods within subclass to test the protected method.

    25. Does test a private method using JUnit?


    In JUnit, can test a private Java methods using reflection. Reflection allows to access the private method from within the test method, allowing to test its behavior. However, it’s important to note that testing a private methods may not be necessary in all the cases and should be done judiciously.

    26. Does JUnit support parameterized tests?


    JUnit does support the parameterized tests which allow to execute the same test method multiple times with the different sets of parameters. This is particularly useful when testing methods or functionality that take a different input values.

    27. How to write JUnit test for testing concurrency and thread safety?


    • Create the instance of class that needs to be tested for a thread safety.
    • Create Callable or Runnable object that will execute a test code in a separate thread.
    • Create a Future object to represent a result of the test code.
    • Submit the Callable or Runnable object to ExecutorService and get the Future object that represents a result of the test.
    • Use the Future object to retrieve result of the test code once it has completed executing.
    • Use the assertions to verify the expected behavior of the test code.

    28. How do you test protected Java methods using JUnit?


    In JUnit, testing protected methods using the reflection is possible, and the steps have listed are correct. However, it is generally not recommended to test protected methods, as they are intended for use by the subclasses and may be subject to change or removal in the future releases.

    29. When are unit tests pertaining to JUnit written in the Developmental Cycle?


    Unit tests using the JUnit are written during the development phase to verify functionality of individual units of code, such as methods or classes, in isolation from the rest of application. They are an essential component of the comprehensive testing strategy and help catch bugs early in development process, reducing the risk of introducing a new bugs.

    30. What is the latest version of JUnit?


    JUnit 5 is the most recent version of JUnit testing framework, designed to support a Java 8 and above and offer the range of testing options for the developers using the JVM. Its the latest release as of February 2021 is JUnit 5.7.1.

    31. What is the JUnit test lifecycle?


    The JUnit test lifecycl includes the test setup, execution, and teardown phases. @BeforeAll and @BeforeEach are used for a test setup, while @AfterEach and @AfterAll are used for a teardown. JUnit offers annotations and interfaces like @Disabled, @Timeout, TestExecutionListener, and TestWatcher to control and customize a test execution flow.

    32. What is the test suite in JUnit?


    In JUnit, a test suite is the collection of test cases or test classes that are grouped together and run together as single unit. Test suites can be used to organize and run related test cases or test classes, and to provide a way to run the multiple tests with a single command.

    33. What does @Rule annotation in JUnit?


    The @Rule annotation in JUnit allows to declare instances of classes that implement the TestRule interface. TestRule defines the single method, apply(), which takes a Statement and Description as parameters.

    34. What does @ClassRule annotation in JUnit?


    The @ClassRule annotation in JUnit is used to annotate the field that refers to a TestRule or a subclass of TestRule, which can be used to define a class-level rules. These rules are applied once for an entire test class, rather than for every individual test method.

    35. How do you run JUnit tests in Eclipse?


    Open a Java project in Eclipse. Open the Java file containing JUnit test that want to run. Right-click on Java file and select “Run As” from the context menu. Select “JUnit Test” from a sub-menu. Eclipse will automatically run JUnit test and display the results in a JUnit tab.

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    36. Explain the use Hamcrest matchers in JUnit assertions?


    Hamcrest is the Java framework that provides the set of matchers to write more expressive and readable assertions in JUnit tests. Using the Hamcrest matchers in JUnit assertions involves importing necessary matchers in the test class and then writing an assertion using the matcher syntax.

    37. How do you write tests for asynchronous code using JUnit?


    To write an effective tests for asynchronous code in JUnit, mark a test method as asynchronous using the @Test annotation. Then, use CompletableFuture class to represent the result of asynchronous operation and complete it when operation finishes. Use the assertTimeout method to prevent test from hanging indefinitely and retrieve the result using get method of the future object to perform an assertions on it using any of the JUnit assertion methods.

    38. Explain JUnit categories for test filtering?


    JUnit categories are the way to group tests together based on specific characteristic or trait, and then run subsets of tests based on those categories. This is useful when want to run a specific set of tests, such as subset that focuses on performance, or a subset that tests specific functionality. To use the JUnit categories, first define a category by creating the marker interface that serves as label for a test.

    39. How does integrate JUnit with Maven or Gradle builds?


    Integrating JUnit with the Maven or Gradle build is the simple process. Both build systems offer the built-in support for JUnit, allowing for easy addition to the project’s build process. To integrate JUnit with Maven, add JUnit dependency to the project’s pom.xml file.

    40. Explain use of TestNG as an alternative to JUnit?


    TestNG serves as an alternative to JUnit, offering several features that enhance test configuration, parallel execution, and reporting. Unlike JUnit, TestNG provides built-in support for parameterized tests, allowing easy data-driven testing. It offers more flexible configuration options through XML or annotations, making it versatile for different testing scenarios. TestNG is particularly good at parallel test execution, sharing test methods among threads or even different machines, and improving throughput in extensive test suites.

    41. How do you write tests for RESTful APIs using JUnit?


    • Set up the test environment
    • Write test methods
    • Use the JUnit Assertion methods
    • Use JUnit annotations

    42. How to perform integration testing using JUnit?


    • Identify components to be tested
    • Mock objects
    • Configure the test environment
    • Run the tests

    43. In JUnit, what’s the difference between assertEquals() and assertSame() methods?


    In JUnit, assertEquals() is used to verify if two objects are equal in terms of their values, relying on the .equals() method for comparison. On the other hand, assertSame() checks whether two object references point to the exact same object instance in memory, emphasizing identity rather than content. While assertEquals() is concerned with the equality of object values, assertSame() ensures the identity of the objects being compared by checking if they share the same memory address. The appropriate method to use depends on the specific testing requirements, whether it is validating object equality or confirming object identity.

    44. How do you write tests for multi-threaded applications using JUnit?


    When testing multi-threaded applications with JUnit, use @Test(timeout) for timeouts, synchronize threads with CountDownLatch or CyclicBarrier, manage resources with @Before and @After, and explore concurrency testing utilities. Ensure proper synchronization and exception handling for reliable tests.

    45. Explain JUnit assumptions?


    JUnit assumptions provide the way to skip test cases when certain conditions are not met. They allow to specify preconditions that must be met for test case to run. If the precondition is not met, test case is skipped and reported as such, but not counted as a failure. This is different from the assertions, which will cause the test case to fail if condition is not met.

    46. What are JUnit assumptions methods?


    • AssumeTrue(boolean condition)
    • AssumeFalse(boolean condition)
    • AssumeNotNull(Object… objects)
    • AssumeThat(T actual, Matcher T matcher)

    47. How do you write tests for database operations using JUnit?


    For JUnit tests on database operations, use a separate test database or an in-memory database. Annotate test methods with @Transactional for automatic rollback. Explore tools like DbUnit for advanced database testing features. Consider mocking or stubbing for isolated unit tests. Implement setup and cleanup methods (@Before and @After) for maintaining test data consistency.

    48. What are JUnit listeners?


    JUnit listeners provide the way to extend the functionality of JUnit and add a custom behaviors based on the events that occur during test execution. They allow to receive notifications during the execution of JUnit test cases and perform an actions before, during, and after execution of tests.

    49. How do you write tests for GUI applications using JUnit?


    When testing GUI applications with JUnit, leverage GUI testing frameworks like JUnit Swing or FEST Swing for programmatic interaction with components. Employ mocking frameworks such as Mockito and consider running tests in headless mode to simulate interactions without launching the actual GUI. Apply the Page Object pattern for maintainability, focus on critical components, and consider integration testing for end-to-end validation.

    50. Explain the use of JUnit test templates?


    JUnit is the widely used testing framework for the Java applications, providing developers with the range of tools for writing and executing automated tests. One of the key features of the JUnit is its ability to provide developers with the pre-built code structures known as test templates, which can help to streamline the process of writing tests.

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    51. How do you write tests for a microservices using JUnit?


    For microservices testing with JUnit, implement unit tests to verify individual microservice components in isolation, utilizing mocking for external dependencies. Conduct integration tests to ensure proper collaboration between microservices, employing tools like Spring Cloud Contract for contract testing.

    52. Explain the use of JUnit test runners?


    JUnit test runners play a vital role in the testing process by orchestrating the execution of test cases. They facilitate the discovery of test methods through annotations such as @Test, enabling the creation of a test suite. During execution, these runners manage the lifecycle of tests, including setup (@Before), actual testing, and cleanup (@After). Specialized runners, like Parameterized, allow tests to be run with various parameter sets. Custom runners can be developed to extend or modify default behavior.

    53. Explain ignore test in JUnit?


    When code is not ready, and it would fail if executed then can use @Ignore annotation.

    • It will not execute test method annotated with the @Ignore
    • It will not execute any test methods of test class if it is annotated with the @Ignore

    54. List some useful JUnit extensions and explain their purpose.


    JUnit extensions like @ExtendWith enable customising test behaviour, integrating with frameworks like Spring (SpringExtension). Parameterized supports data-driven testing. TestWatcher allows custom actions before and after test methods. Conditional execution is achieved through @EnabledIf and @DisabledIf. The @Timeout extension sets the maximum test execution time.

    55. What are the disadvantages of manual testing.?


    • The testing is less reliable
    • The testing cannot be programmed.
    • The testing is more time consuming and is very tiring.

    56. What are the advantages of automated testing.


    • It is very fast.
    • Investment is more less.
    • Testing is reliable.
    • The testing can be programmed

    57. What does XMLUnit? What does use of supporting classes in XMLUnit?


    XMLUnit is a Java library designed for comparing and asserting the equality of XML documents in testing scenarios. The library includes supporting classes like Diff and DetailedDiff for detailed comparison and identification of differences between XML documents. Additionally, interfaces like NodeMatcher, NodeTest, and Validator provide customization options for matching nodes, testing individual nodes, and applying custom validation rules during XML document comparisons. XMLUnit streamlines XML testing by offering a flexible and comprehensive set of tools.

    58. What are the features of JUnit?


    • JUnit is open-source framework.
    • Supports an automated testing of test suites.
    • Provides annotations for identifying a test methods.

    59.What does JUnit fixture?


    Fixture represents the fixed state of object sets used as a baseline for a running test methods. This is to ensure there is fixed and well-known environment where the results of test methods are repeatable when run multiple times.

    60. What is the test suite?


    A test suite is the bundle of multiple unit test cases which can be run together. The following can represents how to test suite looks like: Can use @RunWith and @Suite annotations over test class for running the test suite.

    61. What does mocking and stubbing?


    Mocking is the phenomenon where an object mimics a real object. Whereas, stubbing are codes responsible for taking place of the another component. Mockito, EasyMock are some of mocking frameworks in Java.

    62. What are JUnit Assert Methods?


    Assert methods are the utility methods that support the assert conditions in test cases. They belong to the Assert class in JUnit 4 and the Assertions class in the JUnit 5. It is recommended to import assert methods statically to test class for avoiding using class as a prefix to method.

    63. What is the importance of @RunWith annotation?


    @RunWith annotation lets us run JUnit tests with other custom JUnit Runners like a SpringJUnit4ClassRunner, MockitoJUnitRunner etc. And can also do parameterized testing in JUnit by making the use of @RunWith (Parameterized.class).

    64. How does JUnit help in achieving tests isolation?


    For calling the test methods, JUnit creates the separate individual instances of the test class. For example, if test class contains 10 tests, then JUnit creates 10 instances of class to execute the test methods. In this way, every test is isolated from other.

    65. What is the keyboard shortcut for running Junit test cases in eclipse IDE?


    Can press Alt+Shift+X for running a test. And can also right-click on the project, select Run As and then select JUnit Test. If test method needs to be rerun, then and can press Ctrl+F11.

    66. Define code coverage. What does different types of code coverages?


    The extent to which source code is unit tested is called coverage. There are the three types of coverage techniques, they are:

    • Statement coverage
    • Decision coverage
    • Path coverage

    67. What are some best practices to be followed while writing code for making it more testable?


    • Make use of interfaces as wrapper to the implementation classes.
    • Use the dependency injection wherever needed instead of creating. new objects.
    • Avoid using static methods as that makes it complexto test because they cannot be called polymorphically.

    68. How do you test a generics class?


    Generics allows the creating classes, interfaces or methods that operate with the different data types at a time. In order to test a Generic entities, can test it for one or two datatypes for logic since the datatype allocation are evaluated at a compilation time for type-correctness.

    69. What is the difference between JUnit 3.X and JUnit 4.x?


    The main difference between the JUnit 3 and JUnit 4 is annotation. Earlier need to start the method name as testXXX() but from JUnit 4.0 onwards can use @Test annotation, which removes this dependency to start Junit test methods as a test.

    70. What happens when JUnit test method throws an exception?


    When a JUnit method throws the uncaught exception, which is also not declared as a expected using the @Test(expected) parameter then JUnit test will fail, but if it’s declared and expected then JUnit test will pass. If the method under test throws exception that is caught by inside the JUnit test method then nothing will happen and test will be passed.

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    71. When do unit tests pertaining to JUnit written in Developmental Cycle?


    The unit tests are the written before the development of the application. It is so because writing a check before coding, assists the coders to write error-free codes which further boosts viability of the form.

    72. What does tools help of which JUnit can be easily integrated?


    There are mainly three types of the tools that play a pivotal role in integration of JUnit. And can use either of them to facilitate process. They are as follows: Maven, Eclipse, Ant

    73. Define installation with respect to JUnit?


    A fixture is also known as the constant state of a collection of objects that can be used for execution of tests. The main aim of using the test fixture lies in the fact that there should be familiar and fixed environment.

    74. What does JUnit expected exception test?


    Expected exception test is used for methods which can throw an exception. And have to specify expected exception in @Test(expected = expectedException.class) action. If expected exception or any of its subclass exception is thrown by a method then JUnit will pass this unit test.

    75. What does JUnit time test?


    The time test is used to check that if test case is completed within specified time or not. JUnit terminate and mark it failed automatically if it takes more time than specified milliseconds. And have to specify time in the milliseconds in @Test(timeout = timeInMilliSeconds) action

    76. How do I test things that must be run in J2EE container?


    Refactoring J2EE components to delegate functionality to the other objects that don’t have to be run in the J2EE container will improve design and testability of the software. Cactus is open source JUnit extension that can be used for a unit testing server-side java code.

    77. What is JWebUnit?


    WebUnit is the Java-based testing framework for a web applications. It wraps an existing testing frameworks such as HtmlUnit and Selenium with unified, simple testing interface to allow to quickly test the correctness of web applications.

    78. What are the advantages of using JWebUnit?


    JWebUnit provides the high-level Java API for navigating web application combined with a set of assertions to verify application’s correctness. This includes navigation by links, form entry and submission, validation of a table contents, and other typical business web application features.

    79. Is it possible to pass command-line arguments to test execution?


    Yes, It’s possible to pass the command line arguments to the test execution. Can should use this command:

    -D JVM command-line options.

    80. Does change return type of JUnit test method from void to some other type?


    No. All the JUnit test methods should have the void return type. If change the return type then test method would not be considered as the test method and would be ignored during execution of the tests.

    81. Does methods Get() and Set() should be tested for which conditions?


    Unit tests performed on a java code should be designed to target areas that might break. Since set() and get() methods on a simple data types are unlikely to break, there is no need to test them explicitly. On other hand, set() and get() methods on complex data types are more vulnerable to break. So should be tested.

    82. Differentiate between manual and automated testing.


    Manual testing is executed without a test scripts and requires dedicated human effort for various steps involved. On other hand, automated testing can be done without human assistance using the technology tools and software programs. Test automating is more cheaper and less time-consuming than a manual testing.

    83. Does have to write a test case for every logic?


    A test case is a code that is written to establish logic of program. In JUnit, it is unnecessary to write test case for an every logic but only for those that can be reasonably broken.

    84. How do you test the ‘protected’ and ‘private’ methods?


    In protected method, test class and target class are the declared in same package. However, in private method, there is no direct way of testing. Either have to change the method to ‘protected’ or do testing manually.

    85. Why should refrain from using System.out.printIn() for debugging?


    If use System.out.printIn() to debug a code, it would benefit in a long run. Every time program is run, it would result in the manual scanning of the entire output to ensure that code is operating correctly. So, it would require more relatively less time to code JUnit methods and perform a testing on class files.

    86. Where does test garbage in JUnit go?


    The test runner holds references for duration of the test. In the case of an extended test having more test instances, the garbage may not be collected until the end of the test run. And can use the tearDown() to collect garbage before the test run completes. In this method, explicitly set an object to null.

    87. What is Mockito In JUnit?


    Mockito is the mocking framework that allows to create and configure mock objects. It’s often used to test code in the isolation.

    88. Define measurement with respect to JUnit?


    Testing is also known as process of assessing the functionality of particular Java-based application. The experiment is usually done to examine whether or not the form is working as per set standards.

    89. Define JUnit in today’s context of evolving technologies?


    JUnit is also known as waning testing framework. JUnit is an extensively used by the developers to carry out unit testing in Java. Moreover, it is also being used to speed up application based on Java. It is important to note that by taking into the account the source code, the application can efficiently be sped up.

    90. What are the disadvantages of manual testing?


    The JUnit classes are the essential classes that are usually utilized in testing and writing JUnits. Here is the list of critical JUnit test classes.

    • Test Suite
    • Assert
    • Test Result
    • Test Case
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