Signs of Career Stagnation & Tips to Overcome Downturn [Job & Future]
Signs Your Career May Be Stagnation and Tips to Overcome Downturn

Signs of Career Stagnation & Tips to Overcome Downturn [Job & Future]

Last updated on 15th Jul 2020, Blog, General

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Bharath (Sr Business Analyst )

He is Highly Experienced in Respective Technical Domain with 6+ Years, Also He is a Respective Technical Trainer for Past 5 Years & Share's This Important Articles For us.

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1. Boredom at work – Simply passing the days ticking off tasks isn’t keeping your mind active and your skills fresh. The right role won’t be exciting all the time but should keep you engaged. Could your role offer you this or is it time to look elsewhere?

2. No scope for learning – If you are not gaining new skills and developing then how is your career progressing? Speak with your manager about the opportunities for courses or training, they may not realise it’s something you are interested in which is why they haven’t mentioned it!

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    3. No rise in salary – While a pay rise isn’t the only way your contribution to the business is recognised, your pay affects you on a daily basis. If you’re not happy in your job and the pay doesn’t support your lifestyle then perhaps it’s time to move on.

    4. No scope for skills implementation – Does your role restrict you? Are you not able to use your skills and interests? This is a sure fire way to become frustrated and disengaged with your job. Now is the time to ask if there is a new project you could be part of that allows you to show off your skills.

    5. Overloaded with work – Assuming time management isn’t an issue here, being overloaded and having your excessive workload ignored is a clear sign that this isn’t the company for you. Either they don’t understand what you do or they don’t care. Evaluate which one is true. If they simply don’t care, is that really a company you want to be part of?

    6. Bad relationship with your boss – While you won’t necessarily find your new best friend in your boss, a productive working relationship should be professional and mutually respectful. If it isn’t, take some time to think how you can change this. If you can’t, do you really want to be dealing with that day after day? Another company could be the best move.

    7. Organisation going downhill – It can be easy to get caught up in the day to day of your role but it’s important to keep an eye on the big picture. If your company is on a continual downhill slide, is it realistic that they offer you great career development in the future?

    8. No great opportunities for growth – This is a big one and the reason I have moved on from opportunities before. When those itchy feet kick in, weight is what you are getting from your current role enough to satisfy you long term. If you are driven and looking to grow and develop but your company can’t or won’t offer you this, then another company will.

    9. Lacking skills – Take a long hard look at yourself and your skills, are they really up to scratch against others in your position? If not, it’s easy to pick up a short course or attend a seminar and give your skills the boost they need.

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    Rather than regret at a later stage in your career, when it will be nigh on impossible to change gears and shift career paths, continuous monitoring and skill-development would be the wiser choice to make. ‘Staying current’ and ‘staying ahead’ are then the mantras to remember in order to get what you want in a fast-pacing job market that places a huge value on skill-sets.

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