What Is Scrum XP? : Step-By-Step Process with REAL-TIME Examples

What Is Scrum XP? : Step-By-Step Process with REAL-TIME Examples

Last updated on 17th Dec 2021, Blog, General

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Sangeetha Ramu (Agile Scrum Master )

Sangeetha Ramu has over four years of experience as a project estimator. She provides extensive expertise in story splitting, estimation, velocity, retrospection, other Scrum techniques, Web apps developer, scrum master, Agile, waterfall, Azure, and AWS.

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    ScrumXP is a lightweight process to deliver value for cross-functional, self-organized teams within SAFe.?

    • Introduction to ScrumXP
    • Scrum
    • Sprint Ceremonies /Events
    • Scrum Roles
    • Scrum Values
    • Extreme Programming (XP)
    • XP Values
    • Scrum and XP – What is common and different
    • ScrumXP- Using the best of Scrum and XP Practices
    • How Does It Work in Xp?
    • How Does Scrum Work?
    • Conclusion

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      Introduction to ScrumXP


      Scrum and excessive programming (XP) are each Agile methodologies. We’ve heard controversy concerning the cost of every, with human beings acquainted with every tending to disparage the other. Yet we discovered those methodologies to be complementary in a current challenge at a big power corporation wherein we were given to put in force them jointly.


    • Scrum is the main Agile framework practiced withinside the enterprise today. It follows an iterative method wherein improvement cycles are 2 /3/four weeks long. At the stop of each new release an incremental model of the product/answer is prepared to be shipped.
    • Scrum prescribes events / ceremonies and unique roles in the group so as to obtain alignment and agility.

      Sprint Ceremonies /Events

      1. Sprint Planning on the begin of the Sprint.

      2. Daily Stand-up throughout the Sprint.

      3. Sprint Demo and Review to exhibit the incremental running software program evolved withinside the iteration.

      4. Sprint Retrospective on the stop of the Sprint.

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      Scrum Roles

    • Product Owner – Responsible for the product this is being developed. Is the consultant of the Customer and Business.
    • Scrum Master – Facilitates and orchestrates the diverse Scrum events, publications the crew to align with Scrum values and principles.
    • Team Member – Focusses on attaining Sprint goals, constantly strives to improve.
    Scrum Roles
    Scrum Roles

      Scrum Values

      1.Courage – Every group member feels secure to fail and learn, to are seeking for help, to say ‘no’ and query some thing this is going wrong.

      2.Commitment – Commits to Sprint dreams as a group. Does now no longer overcommit.

      3.Focus – Aims to finish what’s began out and steer farfar from distractions and unprioritized/ “shoulder tap” paintings. Limits Work in Progress.

      4.Openness – Seeks and values comments and possibilities to learn. Makes impediments, screw ups and learnings visible.

      5.Respect – Team collaborates and recognizes the paintings and achievements of each member. Builds trust.

      Extreme Programming (XP)

      XP is one of the earliest ,maximum a success and confirmed Agile Methodologies. It may be very precise concerning the practices to be followed. XP is suggested for use while the Customer is completely dedicated to deep involvement with the improvement team. XP groups unexpectedly produce software program in short(more often than not one week) iterations taking instant comments from the Customer.

      XP Values

    • Communication – Communication inside the group is as essential as communique with the Customer.
    • Simplicity – Building a gadget that is straightforward to revise and maintain. Trying now no longer to engineer too many and an excessive amount of and most effective do what’s required at that time.
    • Feedback – Continuously striving to reap comments and appearing at the comments from Customer, Team and the Product.
    • Courage – Courage to persevere and do the proper thing.
    • Respect – Respect for fellow group participants and all stakeholders.
    XP Values

      Scrum and XP – What is common and different

      Scrum and XP are famous Agile Methodologies having the identical large intention of turning in to the consumer incrementally and iteratively. Both the methodologies lay wonderful significance to consumer centricity, comments mechanisms, non-stop development and constructing sustainable empowered groups.There are few variations withinside the imposing mechanisms of those methodologies:-

    • Iteration Duration: Scrum Iterations remaining for 2 /3/ four weeks. XP iterations are commonly very short – one week lengthy or on the maximum 2 weeks.
    • Role of the Customer:But in contrast to Scrum, in XP the Customer drives the making plans and schedules the Release.
    • The Customer constantly interacts at once with the Teams in XP, even as in Scrum the Product Owner represents the Customer and Business.
    • The XP groups make sure to supply a operating worm unfastened gadget on the stop of each iteration. Customer chooses to assess and offer comments or Release to the stop users. Scrum groups supply operating software program on the stop of each iteration. The Product Owner with the enter from groups makes a decision at the proper time for General Availability (GA) Release relying at the Market Readiness, Customer enter etc.
    • Practices: XP takes it to some other stage with the aid of using mandating those Engineering Practices.
    • Scrum recommends that objects deliberate inside a Sprint are unchanged till the stop, however in XP, groups accommodate a surprising alternate of precedence even for the duration of the iteration, with the aid of using swapping objects if paintings has now no longer commenced on it.
    • Roles: Scrum has devoted Scrum Ceremonies while XP does now no longer prescribe it in step with se. Scrum has a devoted Scrum Master who allows those events, however XP does now no longer have a Scrum Master. XP groups get steering from Agile Coaches.

      ScrumXP- Using the best of Scrum and XP Practices

    • When there are fantastic practices, there’s continually a bent to mix each and get the excellent of each the worlds. “Lean-Agile”, “Scrumban”, “ScrumXP” are a few examples of hybrid phrases which have emerge as growing famous through combining philosophies (e.g Lean and Agile ) or methodologies (e.g Scrum and Kanban / Scrum and XP).
    • ScrumXP is a hybrid exercise making the maximum of each Scrum and XP. XP has laid out a few very powerful Engineering practices that groups training Scrum can significantly advantage from.
    • Many groups exercise Scrum as their technique framework and encompass the very powerful and green center Engineering XP Practices of their manner of working. This offers upward push to the noticeably efficient ScrumXP hybrid version of working. Mostly the ScrumXP groups hold the Scrum Master and Product Owner roles inside their groups to attend to the specified orchestration and facilitation.

      How Does It Work in Xp?

      In an XP undertaking, paintings takes place in brief iterations that could remaining from one to 3 weeks. Before every iteration, a assembly takes place in which developers, managers, and the client determine how tons paintings may be achieved throughout that iteration. The client prioritizes the paintings that desires to be achieved, and the group participants decide to the quantity of labor they estimate they could supply throughout the iteration.Development starts, and the engineers begin to enforcing the undertaking’s functions withinside the shape of person stories. During development, engineers have to comply with the XP engineering practices:-

    • The use of pair-programming whilst writing manufacturing code.
    • Writing unit assessments earlier than the manufacturing code (this is to say, the use of TDD).
    • The pairs have to combine their code frequently (i.e., do non-stop integration) refactoring the code as frequently as possible.
    • Adopting collective possession of code XP has numerous values that manual development:
    • Communication. Constant and obvious conversation is crucial for the fulfillment of a undertaking.
    • Simplicity. Teams must put in force precisely what became asked—and not anything greater—striving for a easy layout and smooth code.
    • Feedback. Early and common comments is crucial, and it is able to take many forms: comments from the automatic unit assessments, comments from group participants, comments from the consumer itself.
    • Respect. Every member of the XP group merits respect, as does the consumer.
    • Courage. Developers must supply sincere estimates, now no longer create excuses for failures, and consider their coworkers to assist the undertaking succeed.
    • There’s tons greater to it than that, though. XP additionally has different critical additives which includes principles—supposed to bridge the distance among the high-degree values and the concrete practices and roles—which dictates the obligations of every member of the group.

      How Does Scrum Work?

      The paintings in scrum happens in events:-

    • The Sprint: the quick cycle wherein each paintings happens. This can absorb to a month, with choice given to the shortest length.
    • Sprint Planning: the occasion that begins offevolved the Sprint. This includes a assembly in which the group makes a decision a way to upload fee to the customers, the quantity of labor that may be done, and the way it’ll be done.
    • Daily Scrum: a fifteen-minute assembly on the begin of every day wherein the builders speak approximately development towards the aim of the sprint, making changes as necessary.
    • Sprint Review: a assembly that happens on the stop of every Sprint wherein the group gives to stakeholders the consequences done at some stage in the Sprint.
    • Sprint Retrospective: represents the stop of the Sprint. It’s an possibility for the group to mirror upon the Sprint and the way properly it went and determine which adjustments may be made to enhance the group’s paintings.
    • There is plenty greater to it than that, of course, with an entire word list of scrum terms. However, the gist of it’s far the quote above. You may suppose it truly is very much like the workflow of XP, and you would be excused for doing so. Later, we will deal with the similarities—and differences—among the two.
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      Scrum is a framework for product development, that is a box in which you could upload different practices. XP is one of these practices that you could do inside Scrum framework. There aren’t anyt any motives why a group ought to pick among Scrum and XP. XP regulations and practices aren’t smooth and the bulk of XP regulations are non-negotiable. Adding XP into Scrum will be a herbal course for groups beginning out with Scrum and striving to be a expert Scrum Team.

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