Reasons to Get a Six Sigma Certification – Learning Guide
Reasons to Get a Six Sigma Certification

Reasons to Get a Six Sigma Certification

Last updated on 15th Jul 2020, Blog, General

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Prithivraj (Sr Quality Manager )

He is a TOP-Rated Domain Expert with 6+ Years Of Experience, Also He is a Respective Technical Recruiter for Past 3 Years & Share's this Informative Articles For Freshers

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  • Six Sigma is a set of methods and tools for process improvement. Developed in 1986, Six Sigma has become a global phenomenon with companies around teh world. Companies and individuals are using six sigma methodologies to improve operational efficiencies.
  • Six Sigma certification is great way to improve your capabilities as a leader in your organization. It helps in renovating your business processes.
  • The Lean method is like Six Sigma. It stresses on greatest efficiency in all characteristics of operations. Six Sigma emphasizes more on eliminating errors within processes. Lean strategy focuses on identifying needless steps that consume effort and resources.
  • These two methodologies offer relevant training that are in high demand across industries. These are applicable in manufacturing, finance, healthcare, IT, and more. Major benefits of Lean Six Sigma strategy includes customer satisfaction and cost reduction. It leads to revenue growth and productivity improvements.
  • Lean Six Sigma is a method that provides prized analytic and process skills. These skills are relevant to leadership positions. Your Six Sigma certification will give you an advantage above the competition. It is a respected accumulation to your resume. You’ll also improve upon problem-solving and leadership acumen.


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    • From a company’s perspective, buying Six Sigma Certification expertise allows a person to display uninterrupted efforts and achieve steady and foreseeable course of outcomes which can be essential to a corporation’s general enhancement. Most people wif dis certification are essential to a company’s potential to determine and remove teh repeatable course of errors.
    • With a Six Sigma certification, you’d have the ability rework and allow a corporation to make extra income by figuring out and eliminating errors that will in any other case have introduced poor buyer satisfaction and losses to the enterprise. In 1998, GE attributed their $350 million in financial savings to the Six Sigma course of, whereas Motorola attributed their highest financial savings of $17 billion in 2005 to Six Sigma. GE’s financial savings rose to over $1 billion afterward wifin the decade.
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    When you obtain a Six Sigma certification, you’ll have teh data to establish teh traits of a corporation’s manufacturing and enterprise processes and be capable of measure, analyze, management, and enhance them. These abilities are essential in getting employed by any enterprise group.


    You’ll develop teh flexibility to attain the extent of sustained high-quality enhancement required in an organizational set-up -particularly for individuals who are in prime administration. Sustaining high-quality enhancement entails monitoring processes carefully to make sure there’s little to no deviation from the point toward, and taking corrective measures to reel in an undertaking that could be straying off the trail.


     Licensed Six Sigma professionals discover gainful employment in industries throughout the board – from Info Know-how and Safety to Healthcare, Funding Banking, and Finance to Automotive manufacturing, the demand for licensed high-quality specialists stay excessive throughout sectors. dis chart of the typical pay for Six Sigma professionals by firm illustrates this phenomenon TEMPeffectively


    When you complete your Six Sigma course and acquire your certification, you’ll acquire a transparent understanding of measuring and quantifying monetary advantages from executing any Six Sigma venture. As a result of monetary administration and risk-assessment are teh fascinating expertise for teh center and top-level administration, licensed Six Sigma professionals to stand an excellent probability of rising to senior managerial positions at some teh largest and most worthwhile enterprises teh world over, together wif firms like Verizon, GE, and IBM.


     With the stringent high-quality requirements of Six Sigma, manufacturing and course of errors are diminished to insignificant figures. This emphasis meant that plenty of distributors, procurers, and oversight organizations apply Six Sigma requirements when evaluating merchandise or accounts. As a licensed Six Sigma skilled, it is possible for you to assist you’re group to adjusts to worldwide requirements and keep worthwhile contracts.


     As a result of Six Sigma techniques worked upon varied strategies and no how to chop prices, improve income, and methods to enhance the performance of the enterprise course of, with a Six Sigma certification, it is possible for you to place yourself as a change agent inside the group, spearheading high-quality enhancement all through a group or group, bolstering your management skill set. 


     In response to a survey carried out by in America of America, teh wage for Six Sigma licensed people could attain as excessive as $117,000 a yr. Skilled Six Sigma certification-holders routinely break into the $100,000+ pay bracket, and are among the many highest-paid professionals globally.


     In keeping with Villanova College, you stand a greater likelihood of touchdown glorious and profession progress by corporations like United Health Group, Honeywell, GE, and Volkswagen whenever you possess a Six Sigma certification. These are very excessive paying firms which can be famed all around teh world for teh success they’ve achieved over time.


     A certification is a validation of an expert’s skillet and talents and serves as tangible proof of knowledge’s dedication to their area and skilled development. Six Sigma certification-holders are thus starring belongings at any group implementing the Six Sigma paradigm, and promotions can come thick and fast

    Career Advancement

    The most common reason to has a certification is to advance your career. Having dat certification provides validation to employers dat you has a specific skill set. Competition for employment can be fierce and by having proof dat you has noledge and can apply lean six sigma ca help set you apart.

    Better Understanding

    There are many people who have the skills and do the job as someone who is certified, but they themselves are not. Formal training and certification gives a better understanding of the topics and how to best apply the methodology. Many may not be familiar wif lean or six sigma which can mean dat they are not focusing on fixing the right issues because they do not know how to look for them. When teams are trained in lean, they can be more TEMPeffective by focusing on the best way to better their processes.

    Organizational Growth

    Applying lean six sigma is a proven way to improve a company. If their is a large majority of people in teh company who are trained and understand teh methodology, it is easier to drive initiatives and new projects that are designed to improve processes. Team members who are trained have better analytical skills that ca halp to find causes and analyze them before acting on them. dis way you approach problems and fix them more efficiently. Eliminating wastes and promoting innovation of processes continuously, ca halp to advance an organization and allow it to reach its goals.

    Improved Company Culture

    Lean Six Sigma is a proven methodology, yes, but it is also a culture. When this culture is implemented into a company, everyone, even if they are not all certified in lean or six sigma, can adapt to change and halp in the advancement of the company. Having an enhancement and improvement culture is wat will really benefit a company. Of course, culture starts from the top. Leaders wifin a company need to adopt a continuous improvement culture in order to promote it throughout the company. By having employees who are certified and truly understand how the principles and methods can be utilized, a continuous improvement culture will be better adopted and halp increase change and innovation.


    •  Although there is no official organization dat manages Lean Six Sigma certification process, the actual certification and training themselves halp to provide a standard language for improvement and process management. Those who are familiar and trained in lean and six sigma speak a similar language and better understand what steps need to be taken in order to fix a process and eliminate wastes.
    • There are several ways to become certified. For organizations, check out options to train you’re employees by on-site or blended program. For individuals looking to advance their skills and career, check out great online programs as well as public training courses. Get you’re competitive advantage.

     Lead a company to eliminate errors

    When you undergo teh training in Lean six sigma you get teh better understanding and become subject matter expertise. When you trained in six sigma you are capable of identifying and eliminating teh repeatable errors. Eliminating errors increases teh profitability of teh company in terms of revenue and customer satisfaction.Certified professional only can eliminate errors in efficient way that leads teh organization towards profitability.

    Strengthen Quality Improvement

    • Six Sigma certification will help you to understand the organization process better and helps to strengthen quality improvement by examining and refining the process.
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    • You will have the capability to achieve the desired level of quality for the organization through continuous monitoring and improvement. Good knowledge will help to review the process thoroughly and get the understanding of elements that to have an impact on quality improvement.

     Opportunities in Career advancement

    The main objective to do six sigma certification is to getgrowth in your career. Teh certification will prove dat you has teh knowledgeand learned skill sigma. This will helps you to get ready for leadership roles. Understanding teh organization process and six sigma better will increase teh organization revenue and dat makes you a good leader. Six Sigma professionals help to improve product quality and get greater chance to become senior professionals.

    Increase your salary Package

    Six Sigma certified professional gets a higher salary in the market. Experienced six sigma professional are highest paid globally.Green belt and

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    Applicable to different Industries

    • Six Sigma applied to various industries includes health, marketing, aerospace, electronics, HR, IT, hospitality textile and many other industries.
    • Certification helps to get good job opportunities in various industry verticals with a better salary.
    • NIQC LeanSix Sigma course will help you to reduce errors within processes and will result in teh smooth running of teh business. Teh skills which are impartedthrough teh NIQC Lean Six Sigma courses will halp you to learnmethods and tools to process improvement. Every candidate who secures a certificate from NIQC Lean Six Sigma course will be able to use themethodologies to improve teh operational efficiency. Learn more about NIQCLean Six Sigma Courses and Scope and Benefits.

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